
Added in 7.0.0

class AndroidPluginVersion : Comparable

Represents a version of the Android Gradle Plugin

Designed for plugin authors to compare the currently running plugin version, so implements comparable.

For example AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0) refers to Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.0, and AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0, 1) refers to Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.1.

The internal representation is normalized, so that AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0) equals AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0, 0)

Also supports preview versions through methods alpha, beta and rc that return the more specific version. For example AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0).alpha(5) refers to Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.0-alpha05. This is for use when developing using incubating APIs that have changed between preview releases of the Android Gradle Plugin. Once those APIs are stable in a stable version of Android Gradle Plugin, it's recommended to drop support for the preview versions. For example, if a new API was introduced in 7.0.0-alpha05, you can test for that using

``if (androidComponents.pluginVersion >= AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0).alpha(5)) { ... }``

If that API is marked as stable in 7.0.0, drop support for the preview versions before it by updating your condition to:

``if (androidComponents.pluginVersion >= AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0)) { ... }``

Take care with maximum version checks to avoid excluding point releases. For example, if a behavior is only applicable for AGP 8.7 series, and you have a different code path for the following version, don't check for 8.7.0 as the maximum, as your plugin will break on point releases of 8.7.0, instead compare with an exclusive bound with the first alpha of the subsequent major-minor version. (This applies even if the alpha is never released as it turned out to be a major version)

``if (androidComponents.pluginVersion < AndroidPluginVersion(8, 8).alpha(1)) { ... }``


Public companion functions


Returns the current version of the Android Gradle Plugin.

Public constructors

AndroidPluginVersion(major: Int, minor: Int)

Create an AndroidPluginVersion with the given major and minor version.

AndroidPluginVersion(major: Int, minor: Int, micro: Int)

Create an AndroidPluginVersion with the given major, minor and micro version.

Public functions

alpha(alpha: Int)

From a stable AndroidPluginVersion returns an alpha version.

beta(beta: Int)

From a stable AndroidPluginVersion returns a beta version.

open operator Int

From a stable AndroidPluginVersion specify an internal development version.

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)
open Int
rc(rc: Int)

From a stable AndroidPluginVersion returns a release candidate version.

open String

Public properties


The major version.


The micro, or patch version.


The minor version.


The preview version.


The type of preview version.


Returns the string representing this AGP version in maven version form.

Public companion functions


Added in 8.3.1
fun getCurrent(): AndroidPluginVersion

Returns the current version of the Android Gradle Plugin.

Public constructors


Added in 7.0.0
AndroidPluginVersion(major: Int, minor: Int)

Create an AndroidPluginVersion with the given major and minor version.

For example AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0) refers to Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.0.


Added in 7.0.0
AndroidPluginVersion(major: Int, minor: Int, micro: Int)

Create an AndroidPluginVersion with the given major, minor and micro version.

For example AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0, 1) refers to Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.1.

Public functions


Added in 7.0.0
fun alpha(alpha: Int): AndroidPluginVersion

From a stable AndroidPluginVersion returns an alpha version.

For example AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0).alpha(5) refers to Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.0-alpha05.


Added in 7.0.0
fun beta(beta: Int): AndroidPluginVersion

From a stable AndroidPluginVersion returns a beta version.

For example AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0).beta(2) refers to Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.0-beta02.


Added in 7.0.0
open operator fun compareTo(other: AndroidPluginVersion): Int


Added in 7.0.0
fun dev(): AndroidPluginVersion

From a stable AndroidPluginVersion specify an internal development version.

-dev versions are never publicly released, but this can be useful if you are building the Android Gradle Plugin from source.

For example AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0).dev() refers to Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.0-dev.


Added in 8.8.0-alpha06
open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean


Added in 8.8.0-alpha06
open fun hashCode(): Int


Added in 7.0.0
fun rc(rc: Int): AndroidPluginVersion

From a stable AndroidPluginVersion returns a release candidate version.

For example AndroidPluginVersion(7, 0).rc(1) refers to Android Gradle Plugin version 7.0.0-rc01.


Added in 8.8.0-alpha06
open fun toString(): String

Public properties


Added in 7.0.0
val majorInt

The major version.

e.g. 7 for Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.0.1


Added in 7.0.0
val microInt

The micro, or patch version.

e.g. 1 for Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.0.1


Added in 7.0.0
val minorInt

The minor version.

e.g. 0 for Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.0.1


Added in 7.0.0
val previewInt

The preview version.

e.g. 5 for Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.0.0-alpha05


Added in 7.0.0
val previewTypeString?

The type of preview version.

Null in the case of a stable version. One of 'alpha', 'beta', 'rc', 'dev' for preview versions.

e.g. 'alpha' for Android Gradle Plugin Version 7.0.0-alpha05


Added in 8.4.0
val versionString

Returns the string representing this AGP version in maven version form.

This corresponds exactly to the format of the version of the Android Gradle plugin artifacts published in the Google maven repository.