
interface ApplicationPublishing : Publishing<ApplicationSingleVariant>

Maven publishing DSL object for configuring options related to publishing APK and AAB.

This following code example creates a publication for the fullRelease build variant, which publish your app as Android App Bundle.

android {
    // This project has four build variants: fullDebug, fullRelease, demoDebug, demoRelease
    flavorDimensions 'mode'
    productFlavors {
        full {}
        demo {}

    publishing {
        // Publish your app as an AAB

afterEvaluate {
    publishing {
        publications {
            fullRelease(MavenPublication) {
                from components.fullRelease
                // ......

To publish your app as a ZIP file of APKs, simply use the ApplicationSingleVariant.publishApk as shown in the following example.

android {
    publishing {
        // Publish your app as a ZIP file of APKs
        singleVariant("fullRelease") {


Inherited functions

Unit singleVariant(variantName: String)

Publish a variant with single variant publishing mechanism.

Unit singleVariant(variantName: String, action: SingleVariantT.() -> Unit)

Publish a variant with single variant publishing options.