
@Incubating interface ApplicationVariant<PropertiesT : ApplicationVariantProperties> : Variant<PropertiesT>

Application specific variant object that contains properties that will determine the variant's build flow.

For example, an application variant may have minification on or off, or have a different minSdkVersion from the other variants.

All these properties must be resolved during configuration time as org.gradle.api.Task representing the variant build flows must be created.


Public methods

abstract Unit

Specify whether to include SDK dependency information in APKs and Bundles.

Inherited functions

Unit onProperties(action: PropertiesT.() -> Unit)

Runs the Action block on the VariantProperties object once created.


abstract Boolean

abstract DependenciesInfo

Specify whether to include SDK dependency information in APKs and Bundles.

Inherited properties

String? buildType

Build Type name, might be replaced with access to locked DSL object once ready

String flavorName

The multi-flavor name of the variant.

This does not include the build type. If no flavors are present, this is an empty string.

The full name of the variant is queried via getName

List<Pair<String, String>> productFlavors

List of flavor names, might be replaced with access to locked DSL objects once ready

The order is properly sorted based on the associated dimension order

Boolean enabled

Set to True if the variant is active and should be configured, false otherwise.

Public methods


abstract fun dependenciesInfo(action: DependenciesInfo.() -> Unit): Unit

Specify whether to include SDK dependency information in APKs and Bundles.



abstract val debuggable: Boolean


abstract val dependenciesInfo: DependenciesInfo

Specify whether to include SDK dependency information in APKs and Bundles.