
@Incubating interface DynamicFeatureVariantBuilder : VariantBuilder


Inherited properties

String? buildType

Build type name, might be replaced with access to locked DSL object once ready.

String flavorName

The multi-flavor name of the variant.

This does not include the build type. If no flavors are present, this is an empty string.

The full name of the variant is queried via getName.

List<Pair<String, String>> productFlavors

List of flavor names, might be replaced with access to locked DSL objects once ready.

The order is properly sorted based on the associated dimension order.

Boolean enable

Set to true if the variant is active and should be configured, false otherwise.

Boolean enabled

Set to true if the variant is active and should be configured, false otherwise.

Int? maxSdkVersion

Gets the maximum supported SDK Version for this variant.

AndroidVersion minSdkVersion

Gets the minimum supported SDK Version for this variant.

Int renderscriptTargetApi

Specifies the bytecode version to be generated. We recommend you set this value to the lowest API level able to provide all the functionality you are using