interface DynamicFeatureProductFlavor : DynamicFeatureBaseFlavor, ProductFlavor
Encapsulates all product flavors properties for dynamic feature projects.
Dynamic features must have exactly the same product flavors (name and dimensions) as the app that includes them, however settings can be different between the application and the dynamic feature. Properties on dynamic feature product flavors fall in to three categories.
Properties global to the application that affect the build flow, and so must be explicitly set in the dynamic feature. For example, the flavor names and dimensions must match the application that includes this dynamic feature.
Properties global to the application that do not affect the build flow. These are set in the com.android.application
project, and are automatically configured on the dynamic feature, they cannot be set on the dynamic feature. For example, application ID suffix and signing cannot be configured on the dynamic feature and are not present on this interface.
Properties that can vary between the app and the dynamic feature. For example, resValues
can be used independently from the app in a dynamic feature.
See ApplicationProductFlavor
Inherited functions |
From class com.android.build.api.dsl.BaseFlavor
String |
The name of the flavor.
Unit |
Copies all properties from the given flavor.
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by minSdk property
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by minSdkPreview property
Unit |
Specifies a flavor that the plugin should try to use from a given dimension in a dependency.
Unit |
Specifies a sorted list of flavors that the plugin should try to use from a given dimension in a dependency.
Unit |
Specifies a sorted list of flavors that the plugin should try to use from a given dimension in a dependency.
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by resourceConfigurations field
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by resourceConfigurations field
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by resourceConfigurations field
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by minSdk property
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by minSdkPreview property
Any? |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by testFunctionalTest property
Any? |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by testFunctionalTest property
Any? |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by testInstrumentationRunnerArguments property
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by testInstrumentationRunnerArguments property
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced by testInstrumentationRunnerArguments property
Unit |
Configures VectorDrawables .
From class org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware
From class com.android.build.api.dsl.ProductFlavor
Void? |
This function is deprecated. Replaced with the dimension property
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced with property matchingFallbacks
Unit |
This function is deprecated. Replaced with property matchingFallbacks
From class com.android.build.api.dsl.VariantDimension
Unit |
Adds manifest placeholders.
Unit |
Adds a new field to the generated BuildConfig class.
@Incubating Unit |
Encapsulates per-variant CMake and ndk-build configurations for your external native build.
Unit |
Options for configuring Java compilation.
Unit |
Encapsulates per-variant configurations for the NDK, such as ABI filters.
@Incubating Unit |
Any |
Adds a new ProGuard configuration file.
Any |
Adds new ProGuard configuration files.
Unit |
Adds a new generated resource.
Void? |
This function is deprecated. Use manifestPlaceholders property instead
Any |
Replaces the ProGuard configuration files.
Unit |
Configure the shader compiler options.
Any |
Adds a proguard rule file to be used when processing test code.
Any |
Adds proguard rule files to be used when processing test code.
Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java and OpenJDK are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2025-02-10 UTC.
[null,null,["Last updated 2025-02-10 UTC."],[],[]]