added in version 26.1.0
CircularProgressLayout.OnTimerFinishedListener |
Interface to implement for listening to onTimerFinished(CircularProgressLayout) event.
BoxInsetLayout |
BoxInsetLayout is a screen shape-aware ViewGroup that can box its children in the center
square of a round screen by using the boxedEdges attribute.
BoxInsetLayout.LayoutParams | Per-child layout information for layouts that support margins, gravity and boxedEdges. |
CircularProgressLayout |
CircularProgressLayout adds a circular countdown timer behind the view it contains,
typically used to automatically confirm an operation after a short delay has elapsed.
CurvingLayoutCallback |
An implementation of the WearableLinearLayoutManager.LayoutCallback aligning the children
of the associated WearableRecyclerView along a pre-defined vertical curve.
RoundedDrawable | Maintains and draws a drawable inside rounded rectangular bounds. |
SwipeDismissFrameLayout | A layout enabling left-to-right swipe-to-dismiss, intended for use within an activity. |
SwipeDismissFrameLayout.Callback | Implement this callback to act on particular stages of the dismissal. |
WearableLinearLayoutManager |
This wear-specific implementation of LinearLayoutManager provides basic
offsetting logic for updating child layout.
WearableLinearLayoutManager.LayoutCallback | Callback for interacting with layout passes. |
WearableRecyclerView |
Wearable specific implementation of the RecyclerView enabling setCircularScrollingGestureEnabled(boolean) circular scrolling} and semi-circular layouts.