added in version 26.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact


public static class ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder
extends Object


Builder class for ShortcutInfoCompat objects.


Public constructors

ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder(Context context, String id)

Public methods

ShortcutInfoCompat build()

Creates a ShortcutInfoCompat instance.

ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setActivity(ComponentName activity)

Sets the target activity.

ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setAlwaysBadged()

Badges the icon before passing it over to the Launcher.

ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setDisabledMessage(CharSequence disabledMessage)

Sets the message that should be shown when the user attempts to start a shortcut that is disabled.

ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIcon(IconCompat icon)

Sets an icon of a shortcut.

ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIntent(Intent intent)

Sets the intent of a shortcut.

ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIntents(Intent[] intents)

Sets multiple intents instead of a single intent, in order to launch an activity with other activities in back stack.

ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setLongLabel(CharSequence longLabel)

Sets the text of a shortcut.

ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setShortLabel(CharSequence shortLabel)

Sets the short title of a shortcut.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public constructors


added in version 26.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder (Context context, 
                String id)

context Context

id String

Public methods


added in version 26.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat build ()

Creates a ShortcutInfoCompat instance.


added in version 26.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setActivity (ComponentName activity)

Sets the target activity. A shortcut will be shown along with this activity's icon on the launcher.

activity ComponentName


added in version 27.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setAlwaysBadged ()

Badges the icon before passing it over to the Launcher.

Launcher automatically badges ShortcutInfo, so only the legacy shortcut icon, Intent.ShortcutIconResource is badged. This field is ignored when using ShortcutInfo on API 25 and above.

If the shortcut is associated with an activity, the activity icon is used as the badge, otherwise application icon is used.


added in version 26.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setDisabledMessage (CharSequence disabledMessage)

Sets the message that should be shown when the user attempts to start a shortcut that is disabled.

disabledMessage CharSequence


added in version 26.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIcon (IconCompat icon)

Sets an icon of a shortcut.

icon IconCompat


added in version 26.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIntent (Intent intent)

Sets the intent of a shortcut. Alternatively, setIntents(Intent[]) can be used to launch an activity with other activities in the back stack.

This is a mandatory field when publishing a new shortcut.

The given intent can contain extras, but these extras must contain values of primitive types in order for the system to persist these values.

intent Intent


added in version 26.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setIntents (Intent[] intents)

Sets multiple intents instead of a single intent, in order to launch an activity with other activities in back stack. Use TaskStackBuilder to build intents. The last element in the list represents the only intent that doesn't place an activity on the back stack.

intents Intent


added in version 26.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setLongLabel (CharSequence longLabel)

Sets the text of a shortcut.

This field is intended to be more descriptive than the shortcut title. The launcher shows this instead of the short title when it has enough space.

The recommend maximum length is 25 characters.

longLabel CharSequence


added in version 26.1.0
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder setShortLabel (CharSequence shortLabel)

Sets the short title of a shortcut.

This is a mandatory field when publishing a new shortcut.

This field is intended to be a concise description of a shortcut.

The recommended maximum length is 10 characters.

shortLabel CharSequence