added in version 22.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact


public class DetailsSupportFragment
extends BaseSupportFragment


A fragment for creating Leanback details screens.

A DetailsSupportFragment renders the elements of its ObjectAdapter as a set of rows in a vertical list.The Adapter's PresenterSelector must maintain subclasses of RowPresenter.

When FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter is found in adapter, DetailsSupportFragment will setup default behavior of the DetailsOverviewRow:
  • The alignment of FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter is setup in setupDetailsOverviewRowPresenter(FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter).
  • The view status switching of FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter is done in onSetDetailsOverviewRowStatus(FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter, FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder, int, int, int).
  • The recommended activity themes to use with a DetailsSupportFragment are

  • Theme_Leanback_Details with activity shared element transition for FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.
  • Theme_Leanback_Details_NoSharedElementTransition if shared element transition is not needed, for example if first row is not rendered by FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.
  • DetailsSupportFragment can use DetailsSupportFragmentBackgroundController to add a parallax drawable background and embedded video playing fragment.


    Public constructors


    Public methods

    ObjectAdapter getAdapter()

    Returns the list of rows.

    BaseOnItemViewClickedListener getOnItemViewClickedListener()

    Returns the item clicked listener.

    DetailsParallax getParallax()

    Returns the DetailsParallax instance used by DetailsSupportFragmentBackgroundController to configure parallax effect of background and control embedded video playback.

    RowsSupportFragment getRowsSupportFragment()

    Gets embedded RowsSupportFragment showing multiple rows for DetailsSupportFragment.

    void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Called to do initial creation of a fragment.

    View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Called to have the fragment instantiate its user interface view.

    View onInflateTitleView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Called by installTitleView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) to inflate title view.

    void onStart()

    Called when the Fragment is visible to the user.

    void onStop()

    Called when the Fragment is no longer started.

    void setAdapter(ObjectAdapter adapter)

    Sets the list of rows for the fragment.

    void setOnItemViewClickedListener(BaseOnItemViewClickedListener listener)

    Sets an item clicked listener.

    void setOnItemViewSelectedListener(BaseOnItemViewSelectedListener listener)

    Sets an item selection listener.

    void setSelectedPosition(int position)

    Sets the selected row position with smooth animation.

    void setSelectedPosition(int position, boolean smooth)

    Sets the selected row position.

    Protected methods

    Object createEntranceTransition()

    Create entrance transition.

    View inflateTitle(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState)

    This method was deprecated in API level 24.1.0. override onInflateTitleView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) instead.

    void onEntranceTransitionEnd()

    Callback when entrance transition is ended.

    void onEntranceTransitionPrepare()

    Callback when entrance transition is prepared.

    void onEntranceTransitionStart()

    Callback when entrance transition is started.

    void onSetDetailsOverviewRowStatus(FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter presenter, FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder viewHolder, int adapterPosition, int selectedPosition, int selectedSubPosition)

    Called to change DetailsOverviewRow view status when current selected row position or selected sub position changed.

    void onSetRowStatus(RowPresenter presenter, RowPresenter.ViewHolder viewHolder, int adapterPosition, int selectedPosition, int selectedSubPosition)

    Called on every visible row to change view status when current selected row position or selected sub position changed.

    void runEntranceTransition(Object entranceTransition)

    Run entrance transition.

    void setupDetailsOverviewRowPresenter(FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter presenter)

    Called to setup FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.

    void setupPresenter(Presenter rowPresenter)

    Called to setup each Presenter of Adapter passed in setAdapter(ObjectAdapter).Note that setup should only change the Presenter behavior that is meaningful in DetailsSupportFragment.

    Inherited methods

    From class
    From class
    From class
    From class java.lang.Object
    From interface android.content.ComponentCallbacks
    From interface android.view.View.OnCreateContextMenuListener
    From interface android.arch.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner
    From interface android.arch.lifecycle.ViewModelStoreOwner

    Public constructors


    added in version 22.1.0
    DetailsSupportFragment ()

    Public methods


    added in version 22.1.0
    ObjectAdapter getAdapter ()

    Returns the list of rows.



    added in version 22.1.0
    BaseOnItemViewClickedListener getOnItemViewClickedListener ()

    Returns the item clicked listener.


    added in version 25.4.0
    DetailsParallax getParallax ()

    Returns the DetailsParallax instance used by DetailsSupportFragmentBackgroundController to configure parallax effect of background and control embedded video playback. App usually does not use this method directly. App may use this method for other custom parallax tasks.

    DetailsParallax The DetailsParallax instance attached to the DetailsSupportFragment.


    added in version 24.1.0
    RowsSupportFragment getRowsSupportFragment ()

    Gets embedded RowsSupportFragment showing multiple rows for DetailsSupportFragment. If view of DetailsSupportFragment is not created, the method returns null.

    RowsSupportFragment Embedded RowsSupportFragment showing multiple rows for DetailsSupportFragment.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Called to do initial creation of a fragment. This is called after onAttach(Activity) and before onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle).

    Note that this can be called while the fragment's activity is still in the process of being created. As such, you can not rely on things like the activity's content view hierarchy being initialized at this point. If you want to do work once the activity itself is created, see onActivityCreated(Bundle).

    Any restored child fragments will be created before the base Fragment.onCreate method returns.

    savedInstanceState Bundle: If the fragment is being re-created from a previous saved state, this is the state.


    added in version 24.1.0
    View onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, 
                    ViewGroup container, 
                    Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Called to have the fragment instantiate its user interface view. This is optional, and non-graphical fragments can return null (which is the default implementation). This will be called between onCreate(Bundle) and onActivityCreated(Bundle).

    If you return a View from here, you will later be called in onDestroyView() when the view is being released.

    inflater LayoutInflater: The LayoutInflater object that can be used to inflate any views in the fragment,

    container ViewGroup: If non-null, this is the parent view that the fragment's UI should be attached to. The fragment should not add the view itself, but this can be used to generate the LayoutParams of the view.

    savedInstanceState Bundle: If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed from a previous saved state as given here.

    View Return the View for the fragment's UI, or null.


    added in version 24.1.0
    View onInflateTitleView (LayoutInflater inflater, 
                    ViewGroup parent, 
                    Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Called by installTitleView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) to inflate title view. Default implementation uses layout file lb_browse_title. Subclass may override and use its own layout, the layout must have a descendant with id browse_title_group that implements TitleViewAdapter.Provider. Subclass may return null if no title is needed.

    inflater LayoutInflater: The LayoutInflater object that can be used to inflate any views in the fragment,

    parent ViewGroup: Parent of title view.

    savedInstanceState Bundle: If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed from a previous saved state as given here.

    View Title view which must have a descendant with id browse_title_group that implements TitleViewAdapter.Provider, or null for no title view.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onStart ()

    Called when the Fragment is visible to the user. This is generally tied to Activity.onStart of the containing Activity's lifecycle.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onStop ()

    Called when the Fragment is no longer started. This is generally tied to Activity.onStop of the containing Activity's lifecycle.


    added in version 22.1.0
    void setAdapter (ObjectAdapter adapter)

    Sets the list of rows for the fragment.

    adapter ObjectAdapter


    added in version 24.1.0
    void setOnItemViewClickedListener (BaseOnItemViewClickedListener listener)

    Sets an item clicked listener.

    listener BaseOnItemViewClickedListener


    added in version 24.1.0
    void setOnItemViewSelectedListener (BaseOnItemViewSelectedListener listener)

    Sets an item selection listener.

    listener BaseOnItemViewSelectedListener


    added in version 22.1.0
    void setSelectedPosition (int position)

    Sets the selected row position with smooth animation.

    position int


    added in version 22.1.0
    void setSelectedPosition (int position, 
                    boolean smooth)

    Sets the selected row position.

    position int

    smooth boolean

    Protected methods


    added in version 24.1.0
    Object createEntranceTransition ()

    Create entrance transition. Subclass can override to load transition from resource or construct manually. Typically app does not need to override the default transition that browse and details provides.



    added in version 24.1.0
    View inflateTitle (LayoutInflater inflater, 
                    ViewGroup parent, 
                    Bundle savedInstanceState)

    This method was deprecated in API level 24.1.0.
    override onInflateTitleView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) instead.

    inflater LayoutInflater

    parent ViewGroup

    savedInstanceState Bundle



    added in version 24.1.0
    void onEntranceTransitionEnd ()

    Callback when entrance transition is ended.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onEntranceTransitionPrepare ()

    Callback when entrance transition is prepared. This is when fragment should stop user input and animations.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onEntranceTransitionStart ()

    Callback when entrance transition is started. This is when fragment should stop processing layout.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onSetDetailsOverviewRowStatus (FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter presenter, 
                    FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder viewHolder, 
                    int adapterPosition, 
                    int selectedPosition, 
                    int selectedSubPosition)

    Called to change DetailsOverviewRow view status when current selected row position or selected sub position changed. Subclass may override. The default implementation switches between three states based on the positions: STATE_HALF, STATE_FULL and STATE_SMALL.

    presenter FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter: The presenter used to create row ViewHolder.

    viewHolder FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder: The visible (attached) row ViewHolder, note that it may or may not be selected.

    adapterPosition int: The adapter position of viewHolder inside adapter.

    selectedPosition int: The adapter position of currently selected row.

    selectedSubPosition int: The sub position within currently selected row. This is used When a row has multiple alignment positions.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onSetRowStatus (RowPresenter presenter, 
                    RowPresenter.ViewHolder viewHolder, 
                    int adapterPosition, 
                    int selectedPosition, 
                    int selectedSubPosition)

    Called on every visible row to change view status when current selected row position or selected sub position changed. Subclass may override. The default implementation calls onSetDetailsOverviewRowStatus(FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter, FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder, int, int, int) if presenter is instance of FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.

    presenter RowPresenter: The presenter used to create row ViewHolder.

    viewHolder RowPresenter.ViewHolder: The visible (attached) row ViewHolder, note that it may or may not be selected.

    adapterPosition int: The adapter position of viewHolder inside adapter.

    selectedPosition int: The adapter position of currently selected row.

    selectedSubPosition int: The sub position within currently selected row. This is used When a row has multiple alignment positions.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void runEntranceTransition (Object entranceTransition)

    Run entrance transition. Subclass may use TransitionManager to perform go(Scene) or beginDelayedTransition(). App should not override the default implementation of browse and details fragment.

    entranceTransition Object


    added in version 24.1.0
    void setupDetailsOverviewRowPresenter (FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter presenter)

    Called to setup FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter. The default implementation adds two alignment positions(ItemAlignmentFacet) for ViewHolder of FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter to align in fragment.

    presenter FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter


    added in version 24.1.0
    void setupPresenter (Presenter rowPresenter)

    Called to setup each Presenter of Adapter passed in setAdapter(ObjectAdapter).Note that setup should only change the Presenter behavior that is meaningful in DetailsSupportFragment. For example how a row is aligned in details Fragment. The default implementation invokes setupDetailsOverviewRowPresenter(FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter)

    rowPresenter Presenter