added in version 26.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact
Deprecated since version 27.1.0


public class BaseFragment
extends BrandedFragment

Known Direct Subclasses

This class was deprecated in API level 27.1.0.
use BaseSupportFragment

Base class for leanback Fragments. This class is not intended to be subclassed by apps.


Inherited constants

From interface android.content.ComponentCallbacks2

Public methods

final ProgressBarManager getProgressBarManager()

Returns the ProgressBarManager.

void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)
void prepareEntranceTransition()

Enables entrance transition.

void startEntranceTransition()

When fragment finishes loading data, it should call startEntranceTransition() to execute the entrance transition.

Protected methods

Object createEntranceTransition()

Create entrance transition.

void onEntranceTransitionEnd()

Callback when entrance transition is ended.

void onEntranceTransitionPrepare()

Callback when entrance transition is prepared.

void onEntranceTransitionStart()

Callback when entrance transition is started.

void runEntranceTransition(Object entranceTransition)

Run entrance transition.

Inherited methods

From class
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.content.ComponentCallbacks2
From interface android.view.View.OnCreateContextMenuListener
From interface android.content.ComponentCallbacks

Public methods


added in version 26.1.0
ProgressBarManager getProgressBarManager ()

Returns the ProgressBarManager.


void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)

savedInstanceState Bundle


added in version 23.1.1
void onViewCreated (View view, 
                Bundle savedInstanceState)

view View

savedInstanceState Bundle


added in version 26.1.0
void prepareEntranceTransition ()

Enables entrance transition.

Entrance transition is the standard slide-in transition that shows rows of data in browse screen and details screen.

The method is ignored before LOLLIPOP (API21).

This method must be called in or before onCreate(). Typically entrance transition should be enabled when savedInstance is null so that fragment restored from instanceState does not run an extra entrance transition. When the entrance transition is enabled, the fragment will make headers and content hidden initially. When data of rows are ready, app must call startEntranceTransition() to kick off the transition, otherwise the rows will be invisible forever.

It is similar to android:windowsEnterTransition and can be considered a late-executed android:windowsEnterTransition controlled by app. There are two reasons that app needs it:

  • Workaround the problem that activity transition is not available between launcher and app. Browse activity must programmatically start the slide-in transition.
  • Separates DetailsOverviewRow transition from other rows transition. So that the DetailsOverviewRow transition can be executed earlier without waiting for all rows to be loaded.
  • Transition object is returned by createEntranceTransition(). Typically the app does not need override the default transition that browse and details provides.


    added in version 26.1.0
    void startEntranceTransition ()

    When fragment finishes loading data, it should call startEntranceTransition() to execute the entrance transition. startEntranceTransition() will start transition only if both two conditions are satisfied:

  • prepareEntranceTransition() was called.
  • has not executed entrance transition yet.
  • If startEntranceTransition() is called before onViewCreated(), it will be pending and executed when view is created.

    Protected methods


    added in version 26.1.0
    Object createEntranceTransition ()

    Create entrance transition. Subclass can override to load transition from resource or construct manually. Typically app does not need to override the default transition that browse and details provides.



    added in version 26.1.0
    void onEntranceTransitionEnd ()

    Callback when entrance transition is ended.


    added in version 26.1.0
    void onEntranceTransitionPrepare ()

    Callback when entrance transition is prepared. This is when fragment should stop user input and animations.


    added in version 26.1.0
    void onEntranceTransitionStart ()

    Callback when entrance transition is started. This is when fragment should stop processing layout.


    added in version 26.1.0
    void runEntranceTransition (Object entranceTransition)

    Run entrance transition. Subclass may use TransitionManager to perform go(Scene) or beginDelayedTransition(). App should not override the default implementation of browse and details fragment.

    entranceTransition Object