added in version 22.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact


public final class NavUtils
extends Object


NavUtils provides helper functionality for applications implementing recommended Android UI navigation patterns. For information about recommended navigation patterns see Tasks and Back Stack from the developer guide and Navigation from the design guide.




Public methods

static Intent getParentActivityIntent(Context context, ComponentName componentName)

Obtain an Intent that will launch an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivityClass's PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest.

static Intent getParentActivityIntent(Context context, Class<?> sourceActivityClass)

Obtain an Intent that will launch an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivityClass's PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest.

static Intent getParentActivityIntent(Activity sourceActivity)

Obtain an Intent that will launch an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivity's PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest.

static String getParentActivityName(Context context, ComponentName componentName)

Return the fully qualified class name of a source activity's parent activity as specified by a PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element within the activity element in the application's manifest.

static String getParentActivityName(Activity sourceActivity)

Return the fully qualified class name of sourceActivity's parent activity as specified by a PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element within the activity element in the application's manifest.

static void navigateUpFromSameTask(Activity sourceActivity)

Convenience method that is equivalent to calling navigateUpTo(sourceActivity, getParentActivityIntent (sourceActivity)).

static void navigateUpTo(Activity sourceActivity, Intent upIntent)

Navigate from sourceActivity to the activity specified by upIntent, finishing sourceActivity in the process.

static boolean shouldUpRecreateTask(Activity sourceActivity, Intent targetIntent)

Returns true if sourceActivity should recreate the task when navigating 'up' by using targetIntent.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object



added in version 22.1.0

Constant Value: ""

Public methods


added in version 22.1.0
Intent getParentActivityIntent (Context context, 
                ComponentName componentName)

Obtain an Intent that will launch an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivityClass's PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest.

context Context: Context for looking up the activity component for the source activity

componentName ComponentName: ComponentName for the source Activity

Intent a new Intent targeting the defined parent activity of sourceActivity

PackageManager.NameNotFoundException if the ComponentName for sourceActivityClass is invalid


added in version 22.1.0
Intent getParentActivityIntent (Context context, 
                Class<?> sourceActivityClass)

Obtain an Intent that will launch an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivityClass's PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest.

context Context: Context for looking up the activity component for sourceActivityClass

sourceActivityClass Class: Class object for an Activity class

Intent a new Intent targeting the defined parent activity of sourceActivity

PackageManager.NameNotFoundException if the ComponentName for sourceActivityClass is invalid


added in version 22.1.0
Intent getParentActivityIntent (Activity sourceActivity)

Obtain an Intent that will launch an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivity's PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest. If the device is running Jellybean or newer, the android:parentActivityName attribute will be preferred if it is present.

sourceActivity Activity: Activity to fetch a parent intent for

Intent a new Intent targeting the defined parent activity of sourceActivity


added in version 22.1.0
String getParentActivityName (Context context, 
                ComponentName componentName)

Return the fully qualified class name of a source activity's parent activity as specified by a PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element within the activity element in the application's manifest. The source activity is provided by componentName.

context Context: Context for looking up the activity component for the source activity

componentName ComponentName: ComponentName for the source Activity

String The fully qualified class name of sourceActivity's parent activity or null if it was not specified


added in version 22.1.0
String getParentActivityName (Activity sourceActivity)

Return the fully qualified class name of sourceActivity's parent activity as specified by a PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element within the activity element in the application's manifest.

sourceActivity Activity: Activity to fetch a parent class name for

String The fully qualified class name of sourceActivity's parent activity or null if it was not specified

added in version 22.1.0
void navigateUpFromSameTask (Activity sourceActivity)

Convenience method that is equivalent to calling navigateUpTo(sourceActivity, getParentActivityIntent (sourceActivity)). sourceActivity will be finished by this call.

Note: This method should only be used when sourceActivity and the corresponding parent are within the same task. If up navigation should cross tasks in some cases, see shouldUpRecreateTask(Activity, Intent).

sourceActivity Activity: The current activity from which the user is attempting to navigate up

added in version 22.1.0
void navigateUpTo (Activity sourceActivity, 
                Intent upIntent)

Navigate from sourceActivity to the activity specified by upIntent, finishing sourceActivity in the process. upIntent will have the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP set by this method, along with any others required for proper up navigation as outlined in the Android Design Guide.

This method should be used when performing up navigation from within the same task as the destination. If up navigation should cross tasks in some cases, see shouldUpRecreateTask(Activity, Intent).

sourceActivity Activity: The current activity from which the user is attempting to navigate up

upIntent Intent: An intent representing the target destination for up navigation


added in version 22.1.0
boolean shouldUpRecreateTask (Activity sourceActivity, 
                Intent targetIntent)

Returns true if sourceActivity should recreate the task when navigating 'up' by using targetIntent.

If this method returns false the app can trivially call navigateUpTo(Activity, Intent) using the same parameters to correctly perform up navigation. If this method returns true, the app should synthesize a new task stack by using TaskStackBuilder or another similar mechanism to perform up navigation.

sourceActivity Activity: The current activity from which the user is attempting to navigate up

targetIntent Intent: An intent representing the target destination for up navigation

boolean true if navigating up should recreate a new task stack, false if the same task should be used for the destination