added in version 22.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact


public class BrowseSupportFragment
extends BaseSupportFragment


A fragment for creating Leanback browse screens. It is composed of a RowsSupportFragment and a HeadersSupportFragment.

A BrowseSupportFragment renders the elements of its ObjectAdapter as a set of rows in a vertical list. The elements in this adapter must be subclasses of Row.

The HeadersSupportFragment can be set to be either shown or hidden by default, or may be disabled entirely. See setHeadersState(int) for details.

By default the BrowseSupportFragment includes support for returning to the headers when the user presses Back. For Activities that customize onBackPressed(), you must disable this default Back key support by calling setHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled(boolean) with false and use BrowseSupportFragment.BrowseTransitionListener and startHeadersTransition(boolean).

The recommended theme to use with a BrowseSupportFragment is Theme_Leanback_Browse.


Nested classes

class BrowseSupportFragment.BrowseTransitionListener

Listener for transitions between browse headers and rows. 

class BrowseSupportFragment.FragmentFactory<T extends Fragment>

Factory class responsible for creating fragment given the current item. 

interface BrowseSupportFragment.FragmentHost

Possible set of actions that BrowseSupportFragment exposes to clients. 

class BrowseSupportFragment.ListRowFragmentFactory

FragmentFactory implementation for ListRow

class BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentAdapter<T extends Fragment>

Interface that defines the interaction between BrowseSupportFragment and its main content fragment. 

interface BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentAdapterProvider

Interface to be implemented by all fragments for providing an instance of BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentAdapter

class BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentAdapterRegistry

Registry class maintaining the mapping of Row subclasses to BrowseSupportFragment.FragmentFactory

class BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentRowsAdapter<T extends Fragment>

This is used to pass information to RowsSupportFragment or its subclasses. 

interface BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentRowsAdapterProvider

Interface to be implemented by RowsSupportFragment and its subclasses for providing an instance of BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentRowsAdapter



The headers fragment is disabled and will never be shown.


The headers fragment is enabled and shown by default.


The headers fragment is enabled and hidden by default.

Public constructors


Public methods

static Bundle createArgs(Bundle args, String title, int headersState)

Creates arguments for a browse fragment.

void enableMainFragmentScaling(boolean enable)

Enables scaling of main fragment when headers are present.

void enableRowScaling(boolean enable)

This method was deprecated in API level 24.1.0. use enableMainFragmentScaling(boolean) instead.

ObjectAdapter getAdapter()

Returns the adapter containing the rows for the fragment.

int getBrandColor()

Returns the brand color for the browse fragment.

int getHeadersState()

Returns the state of the headers column in the browse fragment.

HeadersSupportFragment getHeadersSupportFragment()

Get currently bound HeadersSupportFragment or null if HeadersSupportFragment has not been created yet.

Fragment getMainFragment()
final BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentAdapterRegistry getMainFragmentRegistry()
OnItemViewClickedListener getOnItemViewClickedListener()

Returns the item Clicked listener.

OnItemViewSelectedListener getOnItemViewSelectedListener()

Returns an item selection listener.

RowsSupportFragment getRowsSupportFragment()

Get RowsSupportFragment if it's bound to BrowseSupportFragment or null if either BrowseSupportFragment has not been created yet or a different fragment is bound to it.

int getSelectedPosition()

Gets position of currently selected row.

RowPresenter.ViewHolder getSelectedRowViewHolder()
final boolean isHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled()

Returns true if headers transition on back key support is enabled.

boolean isInHeadersTransition()

Returns true if the headers transition is currently running.

boolean isShowingHeaders()

Returns true if headers are shown.

void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called to do initial creation of a fragment.

HeadersSupportFragment onCreateHeadersSupportFragment()

Creates a new HeadersSupportFragment instance.

View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called to have the fragment instantiate its user interface view.

void onDestroy()

Called when the fragment is no longer in use.

void onDestroyView()

Called when the view previously created by onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) has been detached from the fragment.

void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)

Called to ask the fragment to save its current dynamic state, so it can later be reconstructed in a new instance of its process is restarted.

void onStart()

Called when the Fragment is visible to the user.

void setAdapter(ObjectAdapter adapter)

Sets the adapter containing the rows for the fragment.

void setBrandColor(int color)

Sets the brand color for the browse fragment.

void setBrowseTransitionListener(BrowseSupportFragment.BrowseTransitionListener listener)

Sets a listener for browse fragment transitions.

void setHeaderPresenterSelector(PresenterSelector headerPresenterSelector)

Sets the PresenterSelector used to render the row headers.

void setHeadersState(int headersState)

Sets the state for the headers column in the browse fragment.

final void setHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled(boolean headersBackStackEnabled)

Enables/disables headers transition on back key support.

void setOnItemViewClickedListener(OnItemViewClickedListener listener)

Sets an item clicked listener on the fragment.

void setOnItemViewSelectedListener(OnItemViewSelectedListener listener)

Sets an item selection listener.

void setSelectedPosition(int position)

Sets the selected row position with smooth animation.

void setSelectedPosition(int rowPosition, boolean smooth, Presenter.ViewHolderTask rowHolderTask)

Selects a Row and perform an optional task on the Row.

void setSelectedPosition(int position, boolean smooth)

Sets the selected row position.

void startHeadersTransition(boolean withHeaders)

Starts a headers transition.

Protected methods

Object createEntranceTransition()

Create entrance transition.

void onEntranceTransitionEnd()

Callback when entrance transition is ended.

void onEntranceTransitionPrepare()

Callback when entrance transition is prepared.

void onEntranceTransitionStart()

Callback when entrance transition is started.

void runEntranceTransition(Object entranceTransition)

Run entrance transition.

Inherited methods

From class
From class
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.content.ComponentCallbacks
From interface android.view.View.OnCreateContextMenuListener
From interface android.arch.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner
From interface android.arch.lifecycle.ViewModelStoreOwner



added in version 22.1.0

The headers fragment is disabled and will never be shown.

Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003)


added in version 22.1.0

The headers fragment is enabled and shown by default.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


added in version 22.1.0

The headers fragment is enabled and hidden by default.

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)

Public constructors


added in version 22.1.0
BrowseSupportFragment ()

Public methods


added in version 22.1.0
Bundle createArgs (Bundle args, 
                String title, 
                int headersState)

Creates arguments for a browse fragment.

args Bundle: The Bundle to place arguments into, or null if the method should return a new Bundle.

title String: The title of the BrowseSupportFragment.

headersState int: The initial state of the headers of the BrowseSupportFragment. Must be one of HEADERS_ENABLED, HEADERS_HIDDEN, or HEADERS_DISABLED.

Bundle A Bundle with the given arguments for creating a BrowseSupportFragment.


added in version 24.1.0
void enableMainFragmentScaling (boolean enable)

Enables scaling of main fragment when headers are present. For the page/row fragment, scaling is enabled only when both this method and isScalingEnabled() are enabled.

enable boolean: true to enable row scaling


added in version 22.1.0
void enableRowScaling (boolean enable)

This method was deprecated in API level 24.1.0.
use enableMainFragmentScaling(boolean) instead.

enable boolean: true to enable row scaling


added in version 22.1.0
ObjectAdapter getAdapter ()

Returns the adapter containing the rows for the fragment.



added in version 22.1.0
int getBrandColor ()

Returns the brand color for the browse fragment. The default is transparent.



added in version 22.1.0
int getHeadersState ()

Returns the state of the headers column in the browse fragment.



added in version 24.1.0
HeadersSupportFragment getHeadersSupportFragment ()

Get currently bound HeadersSupportFragment or null if HeadersSupportFragment has not been created yet.

HeadersSupportFragment Currently bound HeadersSupportFragment or null if HeadersSupportFragment has not been created yet.


added in version 25.1.0
Fragment getMainFragment ()

Fragment Current main fragment or null if not created.


added in version 22.1.0
OnItemViewClickedListener getOnItemViewClickedListener ()

Returns the item Clicked listener.


added in version 22.1.0
OnItemViewSelectedListener getOnItemViewSelectedListener ()

Returns an item selection listener.


added in version 24.1.0
RowsSupportFragment getRowsSupportFragment ()

Get RowsSupportFragment if it's bound to BrowseSupportFragment or null if either BrowseSupportFragment has not been created yet or a different fragment is bound to it.

RowsSupportFragment RowsSupportFragment if it's bound to BrowseSupportFragment or null otherwise.


added in version 24.1.0
int getSelectedPosition ()

Gets position of currently selected row.

int Position of currently selected row.


added in version 25.1.0
RowPresenter.ViewHolder getSelectedRowViewHolder ()

RowPresenter.ViewHolder selected row ViewHolder inside fragment created by BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentRowsAdapter.


added in version 22.1.0
boolean isHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled ()

Returns true if headers transition on back key support is enabled.



added in version 22.1.0
boolean isInHeadersTransition ()

Returns true if the headers transition is currently running.



added in version 22.1.0
boolean isShowingHeaders ()

Returns true if headers are shown.



added in version 24.1.0
void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called to do initial creation of a fragment. This is called after onAttach(Activity) and before onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle).

Note that this can be called while the fragment's activity is still in the process of being created. As such, you can not rely on things like the activity's content view hierarchy being initialized at this point. If you want to do work once the activity itself is created, see onActivityCreated(Bundle).

Any restored child fragments will be created before the base Fragment.onCreate method returns.

savedInstanceState Bundle: If the fragment is being re-created from a previous saved state, this is the state.


added in version 25.4.0
HeadersSupportFragment onCreateHeadersSupportFragment ()

Creates a new HeadersSupportFragment instance. Subclass of BrowseSupportFragment may override and return an instance of subclass of HeadersSupportFragment, e.g. when app wants to replace presenter to render HeaderItem.

HeadersSupportFragment A new instance of HeadersSupportFragment or its subclass.


added in version 24.1.0
View onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, 
                ViewGroup container, 
                Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called to have the fragment instantiate its user interface view. This is optional, and non-graphical fragments can return null (which is the default implementation). This will be called between onCreate(Bundle) and onActivityCreated(Bundle).

If you return a View from here, you will later be called in onDestroyView() when the view is being released.

inflater LayoutInflater: The LayoutInflater object that can be used to inflate any views in the fragment,

container ViewGroup: If non-null, this is the parent view that the fragment's UI should be attached to. The fragment should not add the view itself, but this can be used to generate the LayoutParams of the view.

savedInstanceState Bundle: If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed from a previous saved state as given here.

View Return the View for the fragment's UI, or null.


added in version 24.1.0
void onDestroy ()

Called when the fragment is no longer in use. This is called after onStop() and before onDetach().


added in version 24.1.0
void onDestroyView ()

Called when the view previously created by onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) has been detached from the fragment. The next time the fragment needs to be displayed, a new view will be created. This is called after onStop() and before onDestroy(). It is called regardless of whether onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) returned a non-null view. Internally it is called after the view's state has been saved but before it has been removed from its parent.


added in version 24.1.0
void onSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState)

Called to ask the fragment to save its current dynamic state, so it can later be reconstructed in a new instance of its process is restarted. If a new instance of the fragment later needs to be created, the data you place in the Bundle here will be available in the Bundle given to onCreate(Bundle), onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle), and onActivityCreated(Bundle).

This corresponds to Activity.onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) and most of the discussion there applies here as well. Note however: this method may be called at any time before onDestroy(). There are many situations where a fragment may be mostly torn down (such as when placed on the back stack with no UI showing), but its state will not be saved until its owning activity actually needs to save its state.

outState Bundle: Bundle in which to place your saved state.


added in version 24.1.0
void onStart ()

Called when the Fragment is visible to the user. This is generally tied to Activity.onStart of the containing Activity's lifecycle.


added in version 22.1.0
void setAdapter (ObjectAdapter adapter)

Sets the adapter containing the rows for the fragment.

The items referenced by the adapter must be be derived from Row. These rows will be used by the rows fragment and the headers fragment (if not disabled) to render the browse rows.

adapter ObjectAdapter: An ObjectAdapter for the browse rows. All items must derive from Row.


added in version 22.1.0
void setBrandColor (int color)

Sets the brand color for the browse fragment. The brand color is used as the primary color for UI elements in the browse fragment. For example, the background color of the headers fragment uses the brand color.

color int: The color to use as the brand color of the fragment.


added in version 22.1.0
void setBrowseTransitionListener (BrowseSupportFragment.BrowseTransitionListener listener)

Sets a listener for browse fragment transitions.

listener BrowseSupportFragment.BrowseTransitionListener: The listener to call when a browse headers transition begins or ends.


added in version 22.1.0
void setHeaderPresenterSelector (PresenterSelector headerPresenterSelector)

Sets the PresenterSelector used to render the row headers.

headerPresenterSelector PresenterSelector: The PresenterSelector that will determine the Presenter for each row header.


added in version 22.1.0
void setHeadersState (int headersState)

Sets the state for the headers column in the browse fragment. Must be one of HEADERS_ENABLED, HEADERS_HIDDEN, or HEADERS_DISABLED.

headersState int: The state of the headers for the browse fragment.


added in version 22.1.0
void setHeadersTransitionOnBackEnabled (boolean headersBackStackEnabled)

Enables/disables headers transition on back key support. This is enabled by default. The BrowseSupportFragment will add a back stack entry when headers are showing. Running a headers transition when the back key is pressed only works when the headers state is HEADERS_ENABLED or HEADERS_HIDDEN.

NOTE: If an Activity has its own onBackPressed() handling, you must disable this feature. You may use startHeadersTransition(boolean) and BrowseSupportFragment.BrowseTransitionListener in your own back stack handling.

headersBackStackEnabled boolean


added in version 22.1.0
void setOnItemViewClickedListener (OnItemViewClickedListener listener)

Sets an item clicked listener on the fragment. OnItemViewClickedListener will override View.OnClickListener that item presenter sets during onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup). So in general, developer should choose one of the listeners but not both.

listener OnItemViewClickedListener


added in version 22.1.0
void setOnItemViewSelectedListener (OnItemViewSelectedListener listener)

Sets an item selection listener.

listener OnItemViewSelectedListener


added in version 22.1.0
void setSelectedPosition (int position)

Sets the selected row position with smooth animation.

position int


added in version 24.1.0
void setSelectedPosition (int rowPosition, 
                boolean smooth, 
                Presenter.ViewHolderTask rowHolderTask)

Selects a Row and perform an optional task on the Row. For example setSelectedPosition(10, true, new ListRowPresenterSelectItemViewHolderTask(5)) scrolls to 11th row and selects 6th item on that row. The method will be ignored if RowsSupportFragment has not been created (i.e. before onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)).

rowPosition int: Which row to select.

smooth boolean: True to scroll to the row, false for no animation.

rowHolderTask Presenter.ViewHolderTask: Optional task to perform on the Row. When the task is not null, headers fragment will be collapsed.


added in version 22.1.0
void setSelectedPosition (int position, 
                boolean smooth)

Sets the selected row position.

position int

smooth boolean


added in version 22.1.0
void startHeadersTransition (boolean withHeaders)

Starts a headers transition.

This method will begin a transition to either show or hide the headers, depending on the value of withHeaders. If headers are disabled for this browse fragment, this method will throw an exception.

withHeaders boolean: True if the headers should transition to being shown, false if the transition should result in headers being hidden.

Protected methods


added in version 24.1.0
Object createEntranceTransition ()

Create entrance transition. Subclass can override to load transition from resource or construct manually. Typically app does not need to override the default transition that browse and details provides.



added in version 24.1.0
void onEntranceTransitionEnd ()

Callback when entrance transition is ended.


added in version 24.1.0
void onEntranceTransitionPrepare ()

Callback when entrance transition is prepared. This is when fragment should stop user input and animations.


added in version 24.1.0
void onEntranceTransitionStart ()

Callback when entrance transition is started. This is when fragment should stop processing layout.


added in version 24.1.0
void runEntranceTransition (Object entranceTransition)

Run entrance transition. Subclass may use TransitionManager to perform go(Scene) or beginDelayedTransition(). App should not override the default implementation of browse and details fragment.

entranceTransition Object