Class Index
These are the API classes. See all API packages.
AbsSavedState |
A Parcelable implementation that should be used by inheritance
hierarchies to ensure the state of all classes along the chain is saved.
AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter |
An abstract Presenter for rendering a detailed description of an
AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter.ViewHolder |
The ViewHolder for the AbstractDetailsDescriptionPresenter .
AbstractMediaItemPresenter |
Abstract Presenter class for rendering media items in a playlist format.
AbstractMediaItemPresenter.ViewHolder |
The ViewHolder for the AbstractMediaItemPresenter .
AbstractMediaListHeaderPresenter | Abstract presenter class for rendering the header for a list of media items in a playlist. |
AbstractMediaListHeaderPresenter.ViewHolder |
The ViewHolder for the AbstractMediaListHeaderPresenter .
AccessibilityDelegateCompat |
Helper for accessing View.AccessibilityDelegate .
AccessibilityEventCompat |
Helper for accessing features in AccessibilityEvent .
AccessibilityManagerCompat |
Helper for accessing features in AccessibilityManager .
AccessibilityManagerCompat.AccessibilityStateChangeListener |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
Use AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener directly
instead of this listener.
AccessibilityManagerCompat.AccessibilityStateChangeListenerCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 25.1.0.
Use AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener directly
instead of this listener.
AccessibilityManagerCompat.TouchExplorationStateChangeListener | Listener for the system touch exploration state. |
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat |
Helper for accessing AccessibilityNodeInfo in a backwards
compatible fashion.
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.AccessibilityActionCompat | |
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionInfoCompat | Class with information if a node is a collection. |
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.CollectionItemInfoCompat | Class with information if a node is a collection item. |
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.RangeInfoCompat | Class with information if a node is a range. |
AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat |
Helper for accessing AccessibilityNodeProvider .
AccessibilityRecordCompat |
Helper for accessing AccessibilityRecord .
AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat |
Helper for accessing features in AccessibilityServiceInfo .
AccessibilityWindowInfoCompat |
Helper for accessing AccessibilityWindowInfo .
Action | An action contains one or two lines of text, an optional image and an optional id. |
ActionBar | A primary toolbar within the activity that may display the activity title, application-level navigation affordances, and other interactive items. |
ActionBar.LayoutParams | Per-child layout information associated with action bar custom views. |
ActionBar.OnMenuVisibilityListener | Listener for receiving events when action bar menus are shown or hidden. |
ActionBar.OnNavigationListener | This interface was deprecated in API level 24.1.0. Action bar navigation modes are deprecated and not supported by inline toolbar action bars. Consider using other common navigation patterns instead. |
ActionBar.Tab | This class was deprecated in API level 24.1.0. Action bar navigation modes are deprecated and not supported by inline toolbar action bars. Consider using other common navigation patterns instead. |
ActionBar.TabListener | This interface was deprecated in API level 24.1.0. Action bar navigation modes are deprecated and not supported by inline toolbar action bars. Consider using other common navigation patterns instead. |
ActionBarDrawerToggle |
This class provides a handy way to tie together the functionality of
DrawerLayout and the framework ActionBar to implement the recommended
design for navigation drawers.
ActionBarDrawerToggle |
This class provides a handy way to tie together the functionality of
DrawerLayout and the framework ActionBar to
implement the recommended design for navigation drawers.
ActionBarDrawerToggle.Delegate | This interface was deprecated in API level 25.4.0. Use ActionBarDrawerToggle.DelegateProvider in support-v7-appcompat. |
ActionBarDrawerToggle.Delegate | |
ActionBarDrawerToggle.DelegateProvider | This interface was deprecated in API level 25.4.0. Use ActionBarDrawerToggle.DelegateProvider in support-v7-appcompat. |
ActionBarDrawerToggle.DelegateProvider |
Allows an implementing Activity to return an ActionBarDrawerToggle.Delegate to use
with ActionBarDrawerToggle.
ActionMenuView | ActionMenuView is a presentation of a series of menu options as a View. |
ActionMenuView.LayoutParams | |
ActionMenuView.OnMenuItemClickListener | Interface responsible for receiving menu item click events if the items themselves do not have individual item click listeners. |
ActionMode | Represents a contextual mode of the user interface. |
ActionMode.Callback | Callback interface for action modes. |
ActionProvider | This class is a mediator for accomplishing a given task, for example sharing a file. |
ActionProvider.VisibilityListener |
Listens to changes in visibility as reported by refreshVisibility() .
ActivityCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use .
ActivityCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Activity .
ActivityCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback | This interface is the contract for receiving the results for permission requests. |
ActivityCompat.PermissionCompatDelegate | Customizable delegate that allows delegating permission compatibility methods to a custom implementation. |
ActivityInfoCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use ActivityInfo directly.
ActivityManagerCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ActivityManager in a backwards compatible
ActivityOptionsCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ActivityOptions in a backwards compatible
AdapterListUpdateCallback | ListUpdateCallback that dispatches update events to the given adapter. |
AlarmManagerCompat |
Compatibility library for AlarmManager with fallbacks for older platforms.
AlertDialog | A subclass of Dialog that can display one, two or three buttons. |
AlertDialog.Builder | |
AmbientMode |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
please use AmbientModeSupport instead.
AmbientMode.AmbientCallback | Callback to receive ambient mode state changes. |
AmbientMode.AmbientCallbackProvider |
Interface for any Activity that wishes to implement Ambient Mode.
AmbientMode.AmbientController | A class for interacting with the ambient mode on a wearable device. |
AmbientModeSupport | Use this as a headless Fragment to add ambient support to an Activity on Wearable devices. |
AmbientModeSupport.AmbientCallback | Callback to receive ambient mode state changes. |
AmbientModeSupport.AmbientCallbackProvider |
Interface for any Activity that wishes to implement Ambient Mode.
AmbientModeSupport.AmbientController | A class for interacting with the ambient mode on a wearable device. |
Animatable2Compat | Interface that drawables supporting animations and callbacks should extend in support lib. |
Animatable2Compat.AnimationCallback | Abstract class for animation callback. |
AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat |
For API 24 and above, this class is delegating to the framework's AnimatedVectorDrawable .
AnimatorRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be an animator resource reference (e.g. |
AnimRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be an anim resource reference (e.g. |
AnyRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a resource reference of any type. |
AnyThread | Denotes that the annotated method can be called from any thread (e.g. |
AppCompatActivity | Base class for activities that use the support library action bar features. |
AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView |
A AutoCompleteTextView which supports compatible features on older versions of the
platform, including:
AppCompatButton |
A Button which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform,
AppCompatCallback | Implemented this in order for AppCompat to be able to callback in certain situations. |
AppCompatCheckBox |
A CheckBox which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform,
AppCompatCheckedTextView |
A CheckedTextView which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform.
AppCompatDelegate |
This class represents a delegate which you can use to extend AppCompat's support to any
Activity .
AppCompatDialog |
Base class for AppCompat themed Dialog s.
AppCompatDialogFragment |
A special version of DialogFragment which uses an AppCompatDialog in place of a
platform-styled dialog.
AppCompatEditText |
A EditText which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform,
AppCompatImageButton |
A ImageButton which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform,
AppCompatImageView |
A ImageView which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform,
AppCompatMultiAutoCompleteTextView |
A MultiAutoCompleteTextView which supports compatible features on older version of the
platform, including:
AppCompatRadioButton |
A RadioButton which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform,
AppCompatRatingBar |
A RatingBar which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform.
AppCompatResources | Class for accessing an application's resources through AppCompat, and thus any backward compatible functionality. |
AppCompatSeekBar |
A SeekBar which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform.
AppCompatSpinner |
A Spinner which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform,
AppCompatTextView |
A TextView which supports compatible features on older versions of the platform,
AppCompatViewInflater | This class is responsible for manually inflating our tinted widgets. |
AppLaunchChecker | This class provides APIs for determining how an app has been launched. |
AppOpsManagerCompat |
Helper for accessing features in AppOpsManager .
ArcMotion | A PathMotion that generates a curved path along an arc on an imaginary circle containing the two points. |
ArrayMap<K, V> |
ArrayMap is a generic key->value mapping data structure that is
designed to be more memory efficient than a traditional HashMap ,
this implementation is a version of the platform's
android.util.ArrayMap that can be used on older versions of the platform.
ArrayObjectAdapter |
An ObjectAdapter implemented with an ArrayList .
ArrayRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be an array resource reference (e.g. |
ArraySet<E> |
ArraySet is a generic set data structure that is designed to be more memory efficient than a
traditional HashSet .
AsyncDifferConfig<T> |
Configuration object for ListAdapter , AsyncListDiffer , and similar
background-thread list diffing adapter logic.
AsyncDifferConfig.Builder<T> |
Builder class for AsyncDifferConfig .
AsyncLayoutInflater |
Helper class for inflating layouts asynchronously. |
AsyncLayoutInflater.OnInflateFinishedListener | |
AsyncListDiffer<T> |
Helper for computing the difference between two lists via DiffUtil on a background
AsyncListUtil<T> | A utility class that supports asynchronous content loading. |
AsyncListUtil.DataCallback<T> |
The callback that provides data access for AsyncListUtil .
AsyncListUtil.ViewCallback |
The callback that links AsyncListUtil with the list view.
AsyncTaskLoader<D> |
Static library support version of the framework's AsyncTaskLoader .
AtomicFile |
Static library support version of the framework's AtomicFile ,
a helper class for performing atomic operations on a file by creating a
backup file until a write has successfully completed.
AttrRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be an attribute reference (e.g. |
AudioAttributesCompat | A class to encapsulate a collection of attributes describing information about an audio stream. |
AudioAttributesCompat.Builder |
Builder class for AudioAttributesCompat objects.
AutoScrollHelper | AutoScrollHelper is a utility class for adding automatic edge-triggered scrolling to Views. |
AutoTransition | Utility class for creating a default transition that automatically fades, moves, and resizes views during a scene change. |
BackgroundManager | Supports background image continuity between multiple Activities. |
BandPredicate | Provides a means of controlling when and where band selection can be initiated. |
BandPredicate.EmptyArea |
A BandPredicate that allows initiation of band selection only in areas of RecyclerView
that map to NO_POSITION .
BandPredicate.NonDraggableArea |
A BandPredicate that allows initiation of band selection in any area that is not
draggable as determined by consulting
inDragRegion(MotionEvent) .
BaseCardView | A card style layout that responds to certain state changes. |
BaseCardView.LayoutParams | Per-child layout information associated with BaseCardView. |
BaseFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BaseSupportFragment
BaseGridView | An abstract base class for vertically and horizontally scrolling lists. |
BaseGridView.OnKeyInterceptListener | Listener for intercepting key dispatch events. |
BaseGridView.OnMotionInterceptListener | Listener for intercepting generic motion dispatch events. |
BaseGridView.OnTouchInterceptListener | Listener for intercepting touch dispatch events. |
BaseGridView.OnUnhandledKeyListener | |
BaseLeanbackPreferenceFragment | This fragment provides a preference fragment with leanback-style behavior, suitable for embedding into broader UI elements. |
BaseOnItemViewClickedListener<T> | Interface for receiving notification when an item view holder is clicked. |
BaseOnItemViewSelectedListener<T> | Interface for receiving notification when a row or item becomes selected. |
BaseSupportFragment | Base class for leanback Fragments. |
BatchingListUpdateCallback |
Wraps a ListUpdateCallback callback and batches operations that can be merged.
BidiFormatter | Utility class for formatting text for display in a potentially opposite-directionality context without garbling. |
BidiFormatter.Builder | A class for building a BidiFormatter with non-default options. |
BinderThread | Denotes that the annotated method should only be called on the binder thread. |
BitmapCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Bitmap .
BoolRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a boolean resource reference. |
BoundsRule |
This class contains the rules for updating the bounds of a
CompositeDrawable.ChildDrawable .
BoundsRule.ValueRule | This class represents individual rules for updating the bounds. |
BoxInsetLayout |
BoxInsetLayout is a screen shape-aware ViewGroup that can box its children in the center
square of a round screen by using the boxedEdges attribute.
BoxInsetLayout.LayoutParams | Per-child layout information for layouts that support margins, gravity and boxedEdges. |
BrandedFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrandedSupportFragment
BrandedSupportFragment |
Fragment class for managing search and branding using a view that implements
TitleViewAdapter.Provider .
BrowseFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFragment.BrowseTransitionListener |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFragment.FragmentFactory<T extends Fragment> |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFragment.FragmentHost |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFragment.ListRowFragmentFactory |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFragment.MainFragmentAdapter<T extends Fragment> |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFragment.MainFragmentAdapterProvider |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFragment.MainFragmentAdapterRegistry |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFragment.MainFragmentRowsAdapter<T extends Fragment> |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFragment.MainFragmentRowsAdapterProvider |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use BrowseSupportFragment
BrowseFrameLayout | A ViewGroup for managing focus behavior between overlapping views. |
BrowseFrameLayout.OnChildFocusListener | Interface for managing child focus in a BrowseFrameLayout. |
BrowseFrameLayout.OnFocusSearchListener | Interface for selecting a focused view in a BrowseFrameLayout when the system focus finder couldn't find a view to focus. |
BrowserActionItem | A wrapper class holding custom item of Browser Actions menu. |
BrowserActionsIntent |
Class holding the Intent and start bundle for a Browser Actions Activity.
BrowserActionsIntent.Builder | Builder class for opening a Browser Actions context menu. |
BrowseSupportFragment | A fragment for creating Leanback browse screens. |
BrowseSupportFragment.BrowseTransitionListener | Listener for transitions between browse headers and rows. |
BrowseSupportFragment.FragmentFactory<T extends Fragment> | Factory class responsible for creating fragment given the current item. |
BrowseSupportFragment.FragmentHost |
Possible set of actions that BrowseSupportFragment exposes to clients.
BrowseSupportFragment.ListRowFragmentFactory |
FragmentFactory implementation for ListRow .
BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentAdapter<T extends Fragment> |
Interface that defines the interaction between BrowseSupportFragment and its main
content fragment.
BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentAdapterProvider |
Interface to be implemented by all fragments for providing an instance of
BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentAdapter .
BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentAdapterRegistry |
Registry class maintaining the mapping of Row subclasses to BrowseSupportFragment.FragmentFactory .
BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentRowsAdapter<T extends Fragment> |
This is used to pass information to RowsSupportFragment or its subclasses.
BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentRowsAdapterProvider |
Interface to be implemented by RowsSupportFragment and its subclasses for providing
an instance of BrowseSupportFragment.MainFragmentRowsAdapter .
BuildCompat | This class contains additional platform version checking methods for targeting pre-release versions of Android. |
BundleCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Bundle .
BundledEmojiCompatConfig |
EmojiCompat.Config implementation that loads the metadata using AssetManager and
bundled resources.
CallSuper | Denotes that any overriding methods should invoke this method as well. |
CancellationSignal |
Static library support version of the framework's CancellationSignal .
CancellationSignal.OnCancelListener | Listens for cancellation. |
CardView | A FrameLayout with a rounded corner background and shadow. |
ChangeBounds | This transition captures the layout bounds of target views before and after the scene change and animates those changes during the transition. |
ChangeClipBounds |
ChangeClipBounds captures the getClipBounds() before and after the
scene change and animates those changes during the transition.
ChangeImageTransform | This Transition captures an ImageView's matrix before and after the scene change and animates it during the transition. |
ChangeScroll | This transition captures the scroll properties of targets before and after the scene change and animates any changes. |
ChangeTransform | This Transition captures scale and rotation for Views before and after the scene change and animates those changes during the transition. |
Channel |
A convenience class to access TvContractCompat.Channels entries in the system content
Channel.Builder |
The builder class that makes it easy to chain setters to create a Channel object.
ChannelLogoUtils | A utility class for conveniently storing and loading channel logos. |
CheckBoxPreference |
A Preference that provides checkbox widget
CheckResult | Denotes that the annotated method returns a result that it typically is an error to ignore. |
CircularArray<E> | CircularArray is a generic circular array data structure that provides O(1) random read, O(1) prepend and O(1) append. |
CircularIntArray | CircularIntArray is a circular integer array data structure that provides O(1) random read, O(1) prepend and O(1) append. |
CircularProgressDrawable | Drawable that renders the animated indeterminate progress indicator in the Material design style without depending on API level 11. |
CircularProgressLayout |
CircularProgressLayout adds a circular countdown timer behind the view it contains,
typically used to automatically confirm an operation after a short delay has elapsed.
CircularProgressLayout.OnTimerFinishedListener |
Interface to implement for listening to onTimerFinished(CircularProgressLayout) event.
CircularPropagation | A propagation that varies with the distance to the epicenter of the Transition or center of the scene if no epicenter exists. |
ClassPresenterSelector |
A ClassPresenterSelector selects a Presenter based on the item's
Java class.
CollapsibleActionView |
When a View implements this interface it will receive callbacks when expanded or
collapsed as an action view alongside the optional, app-specified callbacks to MenuItemCompat.OnActionExpandListener .
ColorFilterCache |
Cache of ColorFilter s for a given color at different alpha levels.
ColorFilterDimmer | Helper class for applying a dim level to a View. |
ColorInt |
Denotes that the annotated element represents a packed color
ColorLong |
Denotes that the annotated element represents a packed color long. |
ColorOverlayDimmer | Helper class for assigning a dim color to Paint. |
ColorRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a color resource reference (e.g. |
ColorUtils |
A set of color-related utility methods, building upon those available in Color .
CompositeDrawable | Generic drawable class that can be composed of multiple children. |
CompositeDrawable.ChildDrawable |
Wrapper class holding a drawable object and BoundsRule to update drawable bounds
when parent bound changes.
CompoundButtonCompat |
Helper for accessing CompoundButton .
ConfigurationCompat |
Helper class which allows access to properties of Configuration in
a backward compatible fashion.
ConfigurationHelper |
Helper class which allows access to properties of Configuration in
a backward compatible fashion.
ConnectivityManagerCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ConnectivityManager .
ContentLoadingProgressBar | ContentLoadingProgressBar implements a ProgressBar that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. |
ContentPager |
ContentPager provides support for loading "paged" data on a background thread
using the ContentResolver framework.
ContentPager.ContentCallback | Callback by which a client receives results of a query. |
ContentPager.CursorDisposition | |
ContentPager.QueryRunner | Implementations of this interface provide the mechanism for execution of queries off the UI thread. |
ContentPager.QueryRunner.Callback | Callback that receives a cursor once a query as been executed on the Runner. |
ContentRecommendation | The ContentRecommendation object encapsulates all application provided data for a single content recommendation item. |
ContentRecommendation.Builder |
Builder class for ContentRecommendation objects.
ContentRecommendation.ContentMaturity | |
ContentRecommendation.ContentPricing | |
ContentRecommendation.ContentStatus | |
ContentRecommendation.ContentType | |
ContentRecommendation.IntentData |
Object used to encapsulate the data to be used to build the PendingIntent object
associated with a given content recommendation, at the time this recommendation gets posted
to the home Screen.
ContentRecommendation.IntentType | |
ContentResolverCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ContentResolver in a backwards
compatible fashion.
ContextCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Context .
ContextThemeWrapper | A context wrapper that allows you to modify or replace the theme of the wrapped context. |
ControlButtonPresenterSelector |
Displays primary and secondary controls for a PlaybackControlsRow .
CoordinatorLayout |
CoordinatorLayout is a super-powered FrameLayout .
CoordinatorLayout.AttachedBehavior |
Defines the default attached CoordinatorLayout.Behavior of a View class
When writing a custom view, implement this interface to return the default behavior
when used as a direct child of an |
CoordinatorLayout.Behavior<V extends View> |
Interaction behavior plugin for child views of CoordinatorLayout .
CoordinatorLayout.DefaultBehavior |
This @interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use CoordinatorLayout.AttachedBehavior instead
CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams |
Parameters describing the desired layout for a child of a CoordinatorLayout .
CoordinatorLayout.SavedState | |
CursorAdapter |
Static library support version of the framework's CursorAdapter .
CursorLoader |
Static library support version of the framework's CursorLoader .
CursorMapper |
Abstract class used to convert the current Cursor row to a single
CursorObjectAdapter |
An ObjectAdapter implemented with a Cursor .
CurvingLayoutCallback |
An implementation of the WearableLinearLayoutManager.LayoutCallback aligning the children
of the associated WearableRecyclerView along a pre-defined vertical curve.
CustomTabsCallback | A callback class for custom tabs client to get messages regarding events in their custom tabs. |
CustomTabsClient |
Class to communicate with a CustomTabsService and create
CustomTabsSession from it.
CustomTabsIntent |
Class holding the Intent and start bundle for a Custom Tabs Activity.
CustomTabsIntent.Builder |
Builder class for CustomTabsIntent objects.
CustomTabsService | Abstract service class for implementing Custom Tabs related functionality. |
CustomTabsService.Relation | |
CustomTabsService.Result | |
CustomTabsServiceConnection |
Abstract ServiceConnection to use while binding to a CustomTabsService .
CustomTabsSession | A class to be used for Custom Tabs related communication. |
CustomTabsSessionToken | Wrapper class that can be used as a unique identifier for a session. |
DatabaseUtilsCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use DatabaseUtils directly.
DefaultItemAnimator |
This implementation of RecyclerView.ItemAnimator provides basic
animations on remove, add, and move events that happen to the items in
a RecyclerView.
DetailsFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use DetailsSupportFragment
DetailsFragmentBackgroundController |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use DetailsSupportFragmentBackgroundController
DetailsOverviewLogoPresenter | Presenter that responsible to create a ImageView and bind to DetailsOverviewRow. |
DetailsOverviewLogoPresenter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder for Logo view of DetailsOverviewRow. |
DetailsOverviewRow |
An overview Row for a details fragment.
DetailsOverviewRow.Listener | Listener for changes of DetailsOverviewRow. |
DetailsOverviewRowPresenter |
This class was deprecated
in API level 24.1.0.
Use FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter
DetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder | A ViewHolder for the DetailsOverviewRow. |
DetailsParallax | Subclass of Parallax object that tracks overview row's top and bottom edge in DetailsFragment or DetailsSupportFragment. |
DetailsSupportFragment | A fragment for creating Leanback details screens. |
DetailsSupportFragmentBackgroundController | Controller for DetailsSupportFragment parallax background and embedded video play. |
DialogFragment |
Static library support version of the framework's DialogFragment .
DialogPreference |
A base class for Preference objects that are
DialogPreference.TargetFragment | |
DiffCallback<Value> |
Callback that informs ArrayObjectAdapter how to compute list updates when using
DiffUtil in setItems(List, DiffCallback) method.
DiffUtil | DiffUtil is a utility class that can calculate the difference between two lists and output a list of update operations that converts the first list into the second one. |
DiffUtil.Callback | A Callback class used by DiffUtil while calculating the diff between two lists. |
DiffUtil.DiffResult |
This class holds the information about the result of a
calculateDiff(Callback, boolean) call.
DiffUtil.ItemCallback<T> | Callback for calculating the diff between two non-null items in a list. |
DimenRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a dimension resource reference (e.g. |
Dimension | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to represent a dimension. |
DisplayManagerCompat |
Helper for accessing features in DisplayManager .
DividerItemDecoration |
DividerItemDecoration is a RecyclerView.ItemDecoration that can be used as a divider
between items of a LinearLayoutManager .
DividerPresenter |
DividerPresenter provides a default presentation for DividerRow in HeadersFragment.
DividerRow | Used to represent divider in HeadersFragment. |
DocumentFile |
Representation of a document backed by either a
DocumentsProvider or a raw file on disk.
DragAndDropPermissionsCompat |
Helper for accessing features in DragAndDropPermissions a backwards
compatible fashion.
DragStartHelper | DragStartHelper is a utility class for implementing drag and drop support. |
DragStartHelper.OnDragStartListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a drag start gesture is detected. |
DrawableCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Drawable .
DrawableRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a drawable resource reference (e.g. |
DrawerArrowDrawable | A drawable that can draw a "Drawer hamburger" menu or an arrow and animate between them. |
DrawerLayout | DrawerLayout acts as a top-level container for window content that allows for interactive "drawer" views to be pulled out from one or both vertical edges of the window. |
DrawerLayout.DrawerListener | Listener for monitoring events about drawers. |
DrawerLayout.LayoutParams | |
DrawerLayout.SavedState | State persisted across instances |
DrawerLayout.SimpleDrawerListener |
Stub/no-op implementations of all methods of DrawerLayout.DrawerListener .
DropDownPreference |
A version of ListPreference that presents the options in a
drop down menu rather than a dialog.
DynamicAnimation<T extends DynamicAnimation<T>> | This class is the base class of physics-based animations. |
DynamicAnimation.OnAnimationEndListener | An animation listener that receives end notifications from an animation. |
DynamicAnimation.OnAnimationUpdateListener |
Implementors of this interface can add themselves as update listeners
to an DynamicAnimation instance to receive callbacks on every animation
frame, after the current frame's values have been calculated for that
DynamicAnimation .
DynamicAnimation.ViewProperty |
ViewProperty holds the access of a property of a View .
EdgeEffectCompat |
Helper for accessing EdgeEffect .
EditorInfoCompat |
Helper for accessing features in EditorInfo in a backwards compatible fashion.
EditTextPreference |
A Preference that allows for string
EditTextPreferenceDialogFragment | |
EditTextPreferenceDialogFragmentCompat | |
EmojiAppCompatButton |
AppCompatButton widget enhanced with emoji capability by using EmojiTextViewHelper .
EmojiAppCompatEditText |
AppCompatEditText widget enhanced with emoji capability by using EmojiEditTextHelper .
EmojiAppCompatTextView |
AppCompatTextView widget enhanced with emoji capability by using EmojiTextViewHelper .
EmojiButton |
Button widget enhanced with emoji capability by using EmojiTextViewHelper .
EmojiCompat |
Main class to keep Android devices up to date with the newest emojis by adding EmojiSpan s
to a given CharSequence .
EmojiCompat.Config | Configuration class for EmojiCompat. |
EmojiCompat.InitCallback | Listener class for the initialization of the EmojiCompat. |
EmojiCompat.MetadataRepoLoader | Interface to load emoji metadata. |
EmojiCompat.MetadataRepoLoaderCallback | Callback to inform EmojiCompat about the state of the metadata load. |
EmojiEditText |
EditText widget enhanced with emoji capability by using EmojiEditTextHelper .
EmojiEditTextHelper |
Utility class to enhance custom EditText widgets with EmojiCompat .
EmojiExtractTextLayout | Layout that contains emoji compatibility enhanced ExtractEditText. |
EmojiSpan | Base span class for the emoji replacement. |
EmojiTextView |
TextView widget enhanced with emoji capability by using EmojiTextViewHelper .
EmojiTextViewHelper |
Utility class to enhance custom TextView widgets with EmojiCompat .
EnvironmentCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Environment .
ErrorFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use ErrorSupportFragment
ErrorSupportFragment | A fragment for displaying an error indication. |
EventInfo |
Represents information associated with a logged event on SliceView .
ExifInterface | This is a class for reading and writing Exif tags in a JPEG file or a RAW image file. |
Explode | This transition tracks changes to the visibility of target views in the start and end scenes and moves views in or out from the edges of the scene. |
ExploreByTouchHelper |
ExploreByTouchHelper is a utility class for implementing accessibility
support in custom View s that represent a collection of View-like
logical items.
FacetProvider | This is the query interface to supply optional features(aka facets) on an object without the need of letting the object to subclass or implement java interfaces. |
FacetProviderAdapter |
Optional interface that implemented by RecyclerView.Adapter to
query FacetProvider for a given type within Adapter.
Fade | This transition tracks changes to the visibility of target views in the start and end scenes and fades views in or out when they become visible or non-visible. |
FastOutLinearInInterpolator |
Interpolator corresponding to fast_out_linear_in .
FastOutSlowInInterpolator |
Interpolator corresponding to fast_out_slow_in .
FileProvider |
FileProvider is a special subclass of ContentProvider that facilitates secure sharing
of files associated with an app by creating a content:// Uri for a file
instead of a file:/// Uri .
FingerprintManagerCompat | A class that coordinates access to the fingerprint hardware. |
FingerprintManagerCompat.AuthenticationCallback |
Callback structure provided to authenticate(CryptoObject, int, CancellationSignal, AuthenticationCallback, Handler) .
FingerprintManagerCompat.AuthenticationResult |
Container for callback data from authenticate(CryptoObject, int, CancellationSignal, AuthenticationCallback, Handler) .
FingerprintManagerCompat.CryptoObject | A wrapper class for the crypto objects supported by FingerprintManager. |
FitWidthBitmapDrawable |
Subclass of Drawable that can be used to draw a bitmap into a region.
FlingAnimation |
Fling animation is an animation that continues an initial momentum (most often from gesture velocity) and gradually slows down. |
FloatPropertyCompat<T> |
FloatPropertyCompat is an abstraction that can be used to represent a mutable float value that is held in a host object. |
FloatRange |
Denotes that the annotated element should be a float or double in the given range
FloatValueHolder |
FloatValueHolder holds a float value. |
FocusDelegate<K> | Override methods in this class to provide application specific behaviors related to focusing item. |
FocusHighlight | Interface for highlighting the item that has focus. |
FocusHighlightHelper | Sets up the highlighting behavior when an item gains focus. |
FontRequest | Information about a font request that may be sent to a Font Provider. |
FontRequestEmojiCompatConfig |
EmojiCompat.Config implementation that asynchronously fetches the required font and the
metadata using a FontRequest .
FontRequestEmojiCompatConfig.ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy | A retry policy implementation that doubles the amount of time in between retries. |
FontRequestEmojiCompatConfig.RetryPolicy | Retry policy used when the font provider is not ready to give the font file. |
FontRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a font resource reference (e.g. |
FontsContractCompat | Utility class to deal with Font ContentProviders. |
FontsContractCompat.Columns | Defines the constants used in a response from a Font Provider. |
FontsContractCompat.FontFamilyResult |
Object returned from fetchFonts(Context, CancellationSignal, FontRequest) .
FontsContractCompat.FontInfo |
Object represent a font entry in the family returned from fetchFonts(Context, CancellationSignal, FontRequest) .
FontsContractCompat.FontRequestCallback | Interface used to receive asynchronously fetched typefaces. |
FractionRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a fraction resource reference. |
Fragment |
Static library support version of the framework's Fragment .
Fragment.InstantiationException |
Thrown by instantiate(Context, String, Bundle) when
there is an instantiation failure.
Fragment.SavedState |
State information that has been retrieved from a fragment instance
through FragmentManager.saveFragmentInstanceState .
FragmentActivity |
Base class for activities that want to use the support-based
Fragment and
Loader APIs.
FragmentAnimationProvider | FragmentAnimationProvider supplies animations for use during a fragment's onCreateAnimator callback. |
FragmentCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use Fragment instead of the framework fragment.
FragmentCompat.OnRequestPermissionsResultCallback |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use Fragment instead of the framework
Fragment .
FragmentCompat.PermissionCompatDelegate |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use Fragment instead of the framework
Fragment .
FragmentContainer |
Callbacks to a Fragment 's container.
FragmentController |
Provides integration points with a FragmentManager for a fragment host.
FragmentHostCallback<E> | Integration points with the Fragment host. |
FragmentManager |
Static library support version of the framework's FragmentManager .
FragmentManager.BackStackEntry |
Representation of an entry on the fragment back stack, as created
with FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack() .
FragmentManager.FragmentLifecycleCallbacks | Callback interface for listening to fragment state changes that happen within a given FragmentManager. |
FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener | Interface to watch for changes to the back stack. |
FragmentManagerNonConfig | FragmentManagerNonConfig stores the retained instance fragments across activity recreation events. |
FragmentPagerAdapter |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use FragmentPagerAdapter instead.
FragmentPagerAdapter |
Implementation of PagerAdapter that
represents each page as a Fragment that is persistently
kept in the fragment manager as long as the user can return to the page.
FragmentStatePagerAdapter |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use FragmentStatePagerAdapter instead.
FragmentStatePagerAdapter |
Implementation of PagerAdapter that
uses a Fragment to manage each page.
FragmentTabHost |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use FragmentTabHost instead.
FragmentTabHost |
Special TabHost that allows the use of Fragment objects for
its tab content.
FragmentTransaction |
Static library support version of the framework's FragmentTransaction .
FrameMetricsAggregator | This class can be used to record and return data about per-frame durations. |
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter |
Renders a DetailsOverviewRow to display an overview of an item.
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.Listener | Listeners for events on ViewHolder. |
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder | A ViewHolder for the DetailsOverviewRow. |
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter.ViewHolder.DetailsOverviewRowListener | |
FullWidthDetailsOverviewSharedElementHelper |
Helper class to assist delayed shared element activity transition for view created by
FullWidthDetailsOverviewRowPresenter .
GestureDetectorCompat |
Detects various gestures and events using the supplied MotionEvent s.
GravityCompat |
Compatibility shim for accessing newer functionality from Gravity .
GridBuilder | Builder to construct a row of slice content in a grid format. |
GridBuilder.CellBuilder | Sub-builder to construct a cell to be displayed in a grid. |
GridLayout | A layout that places its children in a rectangular grid. |
GridLayout.Alignment | Alignments specify where a view should be placed within a cell group and what size it should be. |
GridLayout.LayoutParams | Layout information associated with each of the children of a GridLayout. |
GridLayout.Spec | A Spec defines the horizontal or vertical characteristics of a group of cells. |
GridLayoutManager |
A RecyclerView.LayoutManager implementations that lays out items in a grid.
GridLayoutManager.DefaultSpanSizeLookup |
Default implementation for GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup .
GridLayoutManager.LayoutParams | LayoutParams used by GridLayoutManager. |
GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup | A helper class to provide the number of spans each item occupies. |
GuardedBy | Denotes that the annotated method or field can only be accessed when holding the referenced lock. |
GuidanceStylist |
GuidanceStylist is used within a GuidedStepFragment
to display contextual information for the decision(s) required at that step.
GuidanceStylist.Guidance |
A data class representing contextual information for a GuidedStepFragment .
GuidedAction |
A data class which represents an action within a GuidedStepFragment .
GuidedAction.Builder |
Builds a GuidedAction object.
GuidedAction.BuilderBase<B extends BuilderBase> |
Base builder class to build a GuidedAction object.
GuidedActionDiffCallback |
DiffCallback used for GuidedActions, see setActionsDiffCallback(DiffCallback) .
GuidedActionEditText | A custom EditText that satisfies the IME key monitoring requirements of GuidedStepFragment. |
GuidedActionsStylist |
GuidedActionsStylist is used within a GuidedStepFragment
to supply the right-side panel where users can take actions.
GuidedActionsStylist.ViewHolder | ViewHolder caches information about the action item layouts' subviews. |
GuidedDatePickerAction | Subclass of GuidedAction that can choose a date. |
GuidedDatePickerAction.Builder | Builder class to build a GuidedDatePickerAction. |
GuidedDatePickerAction.BuilderBase<B extends BuilderBase> | Base Builder class to build GuidedDatePickerAction. |
GuidedStepFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use GuidedStepSupportFragment
GuidedStepSupportFragment | A GuidedStepSupportFragment is used to guide the user through a decision or series of decisions. |
HalfFloat |
Denotes that the annotated element represents a half-precision floating point value. |
HeaderItem |
A header item describes the metadata of a Row , such as a category
of media items.
HeadersFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use HeadersSupportFragment
HeadersFragment.OnHeaderClickedListener |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use HeadersSupportFragment
HeadersFragment.OnHeaderViewSelectedListener |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use HeadersSupportFragment
HeadersSupportFragment | An fragment containing a list of row headers. |
HeadersSupportFragment.OnHeaderClickedListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a header item is clicked. |
HeadersSupportFragment.OnHeaderViewSelectedListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a header item is selected. |
HeifWriter | This class writes one or more still images (of the same dimensions) into a heif file. |
HorizontalGridView |
A ViewGroup that shows items in a horizontal scrolling list.
HorizontalHoverCardSwitcher |
A helper class for showing a hover card view below a HorizontalGridView .
IconCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Icon .
ICUCompat | |
IdRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be an id resource reference (e.g. |
ImageCardView |
A subclass of BaseCardView with an ImageView as its main region.
ImageViewCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ImageView .
ImeKeyMonitor | Interface for an EditText subclass that can delegate calls to onKeyPreIme up to a registered listener. |
ImeKeyMonitor.ImeKeyListener | Listener interface for key events intercepted pre-IME by edit text objects. |
InputConnectionCompat |
Helper for accessing features in InputConnection introduced after API level 13 in a
backwards compatible fashion.
InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListener | Listener for commitContent method call, in a backwards compatible fashion. |
InputContentInfoCompat | Helper for accessing features in InputContentInfo introduced after API level 13 in a backwards compatible fashion. |
InputDeviceCompat |
Helper class for accessing values in InputDevice .
IntDef | Denotes that the annotated element of integer type, represents a logical type and that its value should be one of the explicitly named constants. |
IntegerRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be an integer resource reference (e.g. |
IntentCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Intent .
InterpolatorRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be an interpolator resource reference (e.g. |
IntRange |
Denotes that the annotated element should be an int or long in the given range
ItemAlignmentFacet |
Optional facet provided by RecyclerView.Adapter or RecyclerView.ViewHolder for
use in HorizontalGridView and VerticalGridView .
ItemAlignmentFacet.ItemAlignmentDef | Definition of an alignment position under a view. |
ItemBridgeAdapter |
Bridge from Presenter to RecyclerView.Adapter .
ItemBridgeAdapter.AdapterListener | Interface for listening to ViewHolder operations. |
ItemBridgeAdapter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder for the ItemBridgeAdapter. |
ItemBridgeAdapter.Wrapper | Interface for wrapping a view created by a Presenter into another view. |
ItemBridgeAdapterShadowOverlayWrapper |
A wrapper class working with ItemBridgeAdapter to wrap item view in a
ShadowOverlayContainer .
ItemDetailsLookup<K> |
The Selection library calls getItemDetails(MotionEvent) when it needs
access to information about the area and/or ItemDetailsLookup.ItemDetails under a MotionEvent .
ItemDetailsLookup.ItemDetails<K> | An ItemDetails implementation provides the selection library with access to information about a specific RecyclerView item. |
ItemKeyProvider<K> |
Provides selection library access to stable selection keys identifying items
presented by a RecyclerView instance.
ItemKeyProvider.Scope | |
ItemTouchHelper | This is a utility class to add swipe to dismiss and drag & drop support to RecyclerView. |
ItemTouchHelper.Callback | This class is the contract between ItemTouchHelper and your application. |
ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback | A simple wrapper to the default Callback which you can construct with drag and swipe directions and this class will handle the flag callbacks. |
ItemTouchHelper.ViewDropHandler |
An interface which can be implemented by LayoutManager for better integration with
ItemTouchHelper .
ItemTouchUIUtil |
Utility class for ItemTouchHelper which handles item transformations for different
API versions.
JobIntentService | Helper for processing work that has been enqueued for a job/service. |
Keep | Denotes that the annotated element should not be removed when the code is minified at build time. |
LayoutInflaterCompat |
Helper for accessing features in LayoutInflater .
LayoutInflaterFactory |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
Use LayoutInflater.Factory2 directly.
LayoutRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a layout resource reference (e.g. |
LeanbackListPreferenceDialogFragment | |
LeanbackListPreferenceDialogFragment.AdapterMulti | |
LeanbackListPreferenceDialogFragment.AdapterSingle | |
LeanbackListPreferenceDialogFragment.ViewHolder | |
LeanbackListPreferenceDialogFragment.ViewHolder.OnItemClickListener | |
LeanbackPreferenceDialogFragment | |
LeanbackPreferenceFragment | This fragment provides a fully decorated leanback-style preference fragment, including a list background and header. |
LeanbackSettingsFragment |
This fragment provides a container for displaying a LeanbackPreferenceFragment
The following sample code shows a simple leanback preference fragment that is populated from a resource. |
LinearLayoutCompat | A Layout that arranges its children in a single column or a single row. |
LinearLayoutCompat.LayoutParams | Per-child layout information associated with ViewLinearLayout. |
LinearLayoutManager |
A RecyclerView.LayoutManager implementation which provides
similar functionality to ListView .
LinearLayoutManager.LayoutChunkResult | |
LinearOutSlowInInterpolator |
Interpolator corresponding to linear_out_slow_in .
LinearSmoothScroller |
RecyclerView.SmoothScroller implementation which uses a LinearInterpolator until
the target position becomes a child of the RecyclerView and then uses a
DecelerateInterpolator to slowly approach to target position.
LinearSnapHelper |
Implementation of the SnapHelper supporting snapping in either vertical or horizontal
LinkifyCompat |
LinkifyCompat brings in Linkify improvements for URLs and email addresses to older API
ListAdapter<T, VH extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder> |
RecyclerView.Adapter base class for presenting List data in a
RecyclerView , including computing diffs between Lists on a background thread.
ListBuilder | Builder to construct slice content in a list format. |
ListBuilder.HeaderBuilder | Builder to construct a header. |
ListBuilder.InputRangeBuilder | Builder to construct a input range row. |
ListBuilder.RangeBuilder | Builder to construct a range row. |
ListBuilder.RowBuilder | Sub-builder to construct a row of slice content. |
ListFragment |
Static library support version of the framework's ListFragment .
ListPopupWindow |
Static library support version of the framework's ListPopupWindow .
ListPopupWindowCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ListPopupWindow .
ListPreference |
A Preference that displays a list of entries as
a dialog.
ListPreferenceDialogFragment | |
ListPreferenceDialogFragmentCompat | |
ListRow |
A Row composed of a optional HeaderItem , and an ObjectAdapter
describing the items in the list.
ListRowHoverCardView | ListRowHoverCardView contains a title and description. |
ListRowPresenter |
ListRowPresenter renders ListRow using a
HorizontalGridView hosted in a ListRowView .
ListRowPresenter.SelectItemViewHolderTask | A task on the ListRowPresenter.ViewHolder that can select an item by position in the HorizontalGridView and perform an optional item task on it. |
ListRowPresenter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder for the ListRowPresenter. |
ListRowView |
ListRowView is a ViewGroup which always contains a
HorizontalGridView , and may optionally include a hover card.
ListUpdateCallback | An interface that can receive Update operations that are applied to a list. |
ListViewAutoScrollHelper |
An implementation of AutoScrollHelper that knows how to scroll
through a ListView .
ListViewCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ListView
Loader<D> |
Static library support version of the framework's Loader .
Loader.ForceLoadContentObserver | An implementation of a ContentObserver that takes care of connecting it to the Loader to have the loader re-load its data when the observer is told it has changed. |
Loader.OnLoadCanceledListener<D> | Interface that is implemented to discover when a Loader has been canceled before it finished loading its data. |
Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<D> | Interface that is implemented to discover when a Loader has finished loading its data. |
LoaderManager |
Static library support version of the framework's LoaderManager .
LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D> | Callback interface for a client to interact with the manager. |
LoaderQueryRunner |
A ContentPager.QueryRunner that executes queries using a LoaderManager .
LocalBroadcastManager | Helper to register for and send broadcasts of Intents to local objects within your process. |
LocaleListCompat |
Helper for accessing features in LocaleList .
LongDef | Denotes that the annotated long element represents a logical type and that its value should be one of the explicitly named constants. |
LongSparseArray<E> |
SparseArray mapping longs to Objects, a version of the platform's
android.util.LongSparseArray that can be used on older versions of the
LruCache<K, V> |
Static library version of android.util.LruCache .
MainThread | Denotes that the annotated method should only be called on the main thread. |
MarginLayoutParamsCompat |
Helper for accessing API features in
MarginLayoutParams in a backwards compatible
MathUtils | A utility class providing functions useful for common mathematical operations. |
MediaBrowserCompat |
Browses media content offered by a MediaBrowserServiceCompat .
MediaBrowserCompat.ConnectionCallback | Callbacks for connection related events. |
MediaBrowserCompat.CustomActionCallback |
Callback for receiving the result of sendCustomAction(String, Bundle, MediaBrowserCompat.CustomActionCallback) .
MediaBrowserCompat.ItemCallback |
Callback for receiving the result of getItem(String, MediaBrowserCompat.ItemCallback) .
MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem | A class with information on a single media item for use in browsing/searching media. |
MediaBrowserCompat.SearchCallback |
Callback for receiving the result of search(String, Bundle, MediaBrowserCompat.SearchCallback) .
MediaBrowserCompat.SubscriptionCallback | Callbacks for subscription related events. |
MediaBrowserServiceCompat | Base class for media browse services. |
MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRoot | Contains information that the browser service needs to send to the client when first connected. |
MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<T> |
Completion handler for asynchronous callback methods in MediaBrowserServiceCompat .
MediaButtonReceiver | A media button receiver receives and helps translate hardware media playback buttons, such as those found on wired and wireless headsets, into the appropriate callbacks in your app. |
MediaControlIntent | Constants for media control intents. |
MediaControllerAdapter |
A helper class for implementing a adapter layer for MediaControllerCompat .
MediaControllerCompat | Allows an app to interact with an ongoing media session. |
MediaControllerCompat.Callback | Callback for receiving updates on from the session. |
MediaControllerCompat.PlaybackInfo | Holds information about the way volume is handled for this session. |
MediaControllerCompat.TransportControls | Interface for controlling media playback on a session. |
MediaControllerGlue |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use MediaControllerAdapter with PlaybackTransportControlGlue or
PlaybackBannerControlGlue .
MediaDescriptionCompat | A simple set of metadata for a media item suitable for display. |
MediaDescriptionCompat.Builder |
Builder for MediaDescriptionCompat objects.
MediaItemMetadata |
Constants for specifying metadata about a media item as a Bundle .
MediaItemStatus | Describes the playback status of a media item. |
MediaItemStatus.Builder |
Builder for media item status objects .
MediaMetadataCompat | Contains metadata about an item, such as the title, artist, etc. |
MediaMetadataCompat.Builder | Use to build MediaMetadata objects. |
MediaPlayerAdapter |
This implementation extends the PlayerAdapter with a MediaPlayer .
MediaRouteActionProvider |
The media route action provider displays a media route button
in the application's ActionBar to allow the user to select routes and
to control the currently selected route.
MediaRouteButton | The media route button allows the user to select routes and to control the currently selected route. |
MediaRouteChooserDialog |
This class implements the route chooser dialog for MediaRouter .
MediaRouteChooserDialogFragment | Media route chooser dialog fragment. |
MediaRouteControllerDialog |
This class implements the route controller dialog for MediaRouter .
MediaRouteControllerDialogFragment | Media route controller dialog fragment. |
MediaRouteDescriptor | Describes the properties of a route. |
MediaRouteDescriptor.Builder |
Builder for media route descriptors .
MediaRouteDialogFactory | The media route dialog factory is responsible for creating the media route chooser and controller dialogs as needed. |
MediaRouteDiscoveryFragment | Media route discovery fragment. |
MediaRouteDiscoveryRequest | Describes the kinds of routes that the media router would like to discover and whether to perform active scanning. |
MediaRouteProvider | Media route providers are used to publish additional media routes for use within an application. |
MediaRouteProvider.Callback | Callback which is invoked when route information becomes available or changes. |
MediaRouteProvider.ProviderMetadata | Describes properties of the route provider's implementation. |
MediaRouteProvider.RouteController | Provides control over a particular route. |
MediaRouteProviderDescriptor | Describes the state of a media route provider and the routes that it publishes. |
MediaRouteProviderDescriptor.Builder |
Builder for media route provider descriptors .
MediaRouteProviderService | Base class for media route provider services. |
MediaRouter | MediaRouter allows applications to control the routing of media channels and streams from the current device to external speakers and destination devices. |
MediaRouter.Callback | Interface for receiving events about media routing changes. |
MediaRouter.ControlRequestCallback | Callback which is invoked with the result of a media control request. |
MediaRouter.ProviderInfo | Provides information about a media route provider. |
MediaRouter.RouteInfo | Provides information about a media route. |
MediaRouteSelector | Describes the capabilities of routes that applications would like to discover and use. |
MediaRouteSelector.Builder |
Builder for media route selectors .
MediaSessionCompat | Allows interaction with media controllers, volume keys, media buttons, and transport controls. |
MediaSessionCompat.Callback | Receives transport controls, media buttons, and commands from controllers and the system. |
MediaSessionCompat.OnActiveChangeListener | |
MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem | A single item that is part of the play queue. |
MediaSessionCompat.Token | Represents an ongoing session. |
MediaSessionStatus | Describes the playback status of a media session. |
MediaSessionStatus.Builder |
Builder for media session status objects .
MenuCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Menu .
MenuItemCompat |
Helper for accessing features in MenuItem .
MenuItemCompat.OnActionExpandListener |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
Use MenuItem.OnActionExpandListener directly.
MenuRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a menu resource reference. |
MetadataConstants | Constants for android wear apps which are related to manifest meta-data. |
MetadataRepo | Class to hold the emoji metadata required to process and draw emojis. |
MimeTypeFilter | Provides utility methods for matching MIME type filters used in ContentProvider. |
MotionEventCompat |
Helper for accessing features in MotionEvent .
MultiActionsProvider |
An interface implemented by the user if they wish to provide actions for a media item row to
be displayed by an AbstractMediaItemPresenter .
MultiActionsProvider.MultiAction | MultiAction represents an action that can have multiple states. |
MultiSelectListPreference |
A Preference that displays a list of entries as
a dialog.
MultiSelectListPreferenceDialogFragment | |
MultiSelectListPreferenceDialogFragmentCompat | |
MutableSelection<K> |
Subclass of Selection exposing public support for mutating the underlying
selection data.
NavigationRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a navigation resource reference (e.g. |
NavUtils | NavUtils provides helper functionality for applications implementing recommended Android UI navigation patterns. |
NestedScrollingChild |
This interface should be implemented by View subclasses that wish
to support dispatching nested scrolling operations to a cooperating parent
ViewGroup .
NestedScrollingChild2 |
This interface should be implemented by View subclasses that wish
to support dispatching nested scrolling operations to a cooperating parent
ViewGroup .
NestedScrollingChildHelper | Helper class for implementing nested scrolling child views compatible with Android platform versions earlier than Android 5.0 Lollipop (API 21). |
NestedScrollingParent |
This interface should be implemented by ViewGroup subclasses
that wish to support scrolling operations delegated by a nested child view.
NestedScrollingParent2 |
This interface should be implemented by ViewGroup subclasses
that wish to support scrolling operations delegated by a nested child view.
NestedScrollingParentHelper | Helper class for implementing nested scrolling parent views compatible with Android platform versions earlier than Android 5.0 Lollipop (API 21). |
NestedScrollView |
NestedScrollView is just like ScrollView , but it supports acting
as both a nested scrolling parent and child on both new and old versions of Android.
NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener | Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the scroll X or Y positions of a view change. |
NonNull | Denotes that a parameter, field or method return value can never be null. |
NotificationCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Notification .
NotificationCompat |
Class containing media specfic styles
that you can use with setStyle(NotificationCompat.Style) .
NotificationCompat.Action | Structure to encapsulate a named action that can be shown as part of this notification. |
NotificationCompat.Action.Builder |
Builder class for NotificationCompat.Action objects.
NotificationCompat.Action.Extender |
Extender interface for use with extend(NotificationCompat.Extender) .
NotificationCompat.Action.SemanticAction |
Provides meaning to an NotificationCompat.Action that hints at what the associated
PendingIntent will do.
NotificationCompat.Action.WearableExtender | Wearable extender for notification actions. |
NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle | Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a large image attachment. |
NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle | Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a lot of text. |
NotificationCompat.Builder |
Builder class for NotificationCompat objects.
NotificationCompat.CarExtender |
Helper class to add Android Auto extensions to notifications. |
NotificationCompat.CarExtender.UnreadConversation | A class which holds the unread messages from a conversation. |
NotificationCompat.CarExtender.UnreadConversation.Builder |
Builder class for NotificationCompat.CarExtender.UnreadConversation objects.
NotificationCompat.DecoratedCustomViewStyle | Notification style for custom views that are decorated by the system. |
NotificationCompat.DecoratedMediaCustomViewStyle | Notification style for media custom views that are decorated by the system. |
NotificationCompat.Extender |
Extender interface for use with extend(NotificationCompat.Extender) .
NotificationCompat.InboxStyle | Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a list of (up to 5) strings. |
NotificationCompat.MediaStyle | Notification style for media playback notifications. |
NotificationCompat.MessagingStyle | Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include multiple back-and-forth messages of varying types between any number of people. |
NotificationCompat.MessagingStyle.Message | |
NotificationCompat.Style |
An object that can apply a rich notification style to a Notification.CarExtender.Builder
NotificationCompat.WearableExtender | Helper class to add wearable extensions to notifications. |
NotificationCompatExtras |
Well-known extras used by NotificationCompat for backwards compatibility.
NotificationCompatSideChannelService |
Abstract service to receive side channel notifications sent from
NotificationManagerCompat .
NotificationManagerCompat | Compatibility library for NotificationManager with fallbacks for older platforms. |
Nullable | Denotes that a parameter, field or method return value can be null. |
ObjectAdapter | Base class adapter to be used in leanback activities. |
ObjectAdapter.DataObserver | A DataObserver can be notified when an ObjectAdapter's underlying data changes. |
ObjectsCompat | This class consists of static utility methods for operating on objects. |
OnActionClickedListener |
Interface for receiving notification when an Action is clicked.
OnApplyWindowInsetsListener | Listener for applying window insets on a view in a custom way. |
OnboardingFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use OnboardingSupportFragment
OnboardingSupportFragment | An OnboardingSupportFragment provides a common and simple way to build onboarding screen for applications. |
OnChildLaidOutListener | Interface for receiving notification when a child of this ViewGroup has been laid out. |
OnChildSelectedListener |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 24.1.0.
Use OnChildViewHolderSelectedListener
OnChildViewHolderSelectedListener | Interface for receiving notification when a child of this ViewGroup has been selected. |
OnContextClickListener | Register an OnContextClickListener to be notified when a context click occurs. |
OnDragInitiatedListener | Register an OnDragInitiatedListener to be notified of potential drag operations, and to handle them. |
OnItemActivatedListener<K> | Register an OnItemActivatedListener to be notified when an item is activated (tapped or double clicked). |
OnItemViewClickedListener | Interface for receiving notification when a item view holder is clicked. |
OnItemViewSelectedListener | Interface for receiving notification when a row or item becomes selected. |
OperationCanceledException | An exception type that is thrown when an operation in progress is canceled. |
OperationMonitor | OperationMonitor provides a mechanism to coordinate application logic with ongoing user selection activities (such as active band selection and active gesture selection). |
OperationMonitor.OnChangeListener | Listen to changes in operation status. |
OrientationHelper | Helper class for LayoutManagers to abstract measurements depending on the View's orientation. |
PagerAdapter |
Base class providing the adapter to populate pages inside of
a ViewPager .
PageRow | Used to represent content spanning full page. |
PagerSnapHelper |
Implementation of the SnapHelper supporting pager style snapping in either vertical or
horizontal orientation.
PagerTabStrip |
PagerTabStrip is an interactive indicator of the current, next,
and previous pages of a ViewPager .
PagerTitleStrip |
PagerTitleStrip is a non-interactive indicator of the current, next,
and previous pages of a ViewPager .
PaintCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Paint .
Pair<F, S> | Container to ease passing around a tuple of two objects. |
Palette | A helper class to extract prominent colors from an image. |
Palette.Builder |
Builder class for generating Palette instances.
Palette.Filter |
A Filter provides a mechanism for exercising fine-grained control over which colors
are valid within a resulting Palette .
Palette.PaletteAsyncListener |
Listener to be used with generateAsync(Bitmap, PaletteAsyncListener) or
generateAsync(Bitmap, int, PaletteAsyncListener)
Palette.Swatch | Represents a color swatch generated from an image's palette. |
Parallax<PropertyT extends Property> |
Parallax tracks a list of dynamic Property s typically representing foreground UI
element positions on screen.
Parallax.FloatProperty |
FloatProperty provide access to an index based integer type property inside
Parallax .
Parallax.IntProperty |
IntProperty provide access to an index based integer type property inside
Parallax .
Parallax.PropertyMarkerValue<PropertyT> |
Class holding a fixed value for a Property in Parallax .
ParallaxEffect |
ParallaxEffect class drives changes in ParallaxTarget in response to changes in
variables defined in Parallax .
ParallaxTarget |
ParallaxTarget is responsible for updating the target through the update(float) method
or the directUpdate(Number) method when isDirectMapping() is true.
ParallaxTarget.DirectPropertyTarget<T, V extends Number> | DirectPropertyTarget is to support direct mapping into either Integer Property or Float Property. |
ParallaxTarget.PropertyValuesHolderTarget |
PropertyValuesHolderTarget is an implementation of ParallaxTarget that uses
PropertyValuesHolder to update the target object.
ParcelableCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
Use Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator directly.
ParcelableCompatCreatorCallbacks<T> |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
Use Parcelable.ClassLoaderCreator directly.
ParcelableVolumeInfo |
Convenience class for passing information about the audio configuration of a
MediaSessionCompat .
PathInterpolatorCompat |
Helper for creating path-based Interpolator instances.
PathMotion | This base class can be extended to provide motion along a Path to Transitions. |
PatternPathMotion | A PathMotion that takes a Path pattern and applies it to the separation between two points. |
PatternsCompat | Commonly used regular expression patterns. |
PercentFrameLayout |
This class was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
consider using ConstraintLayout and associated layouts instead. The following shows
how to replicate the functionality of percentage layouts with a ConstraintLayout. The Guidelines
are used to define each percentage break point, and then a Button view is stretched to fill
the gap:
< |
PercentFrameLayout.LayoutParams | This class was deprecated in API level 26.1.0. this class is deprecated along with its parent class. |
PercentLayoutHelper |
This class was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
consider using ConstraintLayout and associated layouts instead. The following shows
how to replicate the functionality of percentage layouts with a ConstraintLayout. The Guidelines
are used to define each percentage break point, and then a Button view is stretched to fill
the gap:
< |
PercentLayoutHelper.PercentLayoutInfo | This class was deprecated in API level 26.1.0. use ConstraintLayout and Guidelines for layout support. |
PercentLayoutHelper.PercentLayoutParams | This interface was deprecated in API level 26.1.0. this class is deprecated along with its parent class. |
PercentRelativeLayout |
This class was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
consider using ConstraintLayout and associated layouts instead. The following shows
how to replicate the functionality of percentage layouts with a ConstraintLayout. The Guidelines
are used to define each percentage break point, and then a Button view is stretched to fill
the gap:
< |
PercentRelativeLayout.LayoutParams | This class was deprecated in API level 26.1.0. this class is deprecated along with its parent class. |
PermissionChecker | This class provides permission check APIs that verify both the permission and the associated app op for this permission if such is defined. |
Picker |
Picker is a widget showing multiple customized PickerColumn s.
Picker.PickerValueListener | |
PickerColumn |
Picker column class used by Picker , defines a contiguous value ranges and associated
PlaybackBannerControlGlue<T extends PlayerAdapter> |
A helper class for managing a PlaybackControlsRow being displayed in
PlaybackGlueHost .
PlaybackBaseControlGlue<T extends PlayerAdapter> |
A base abstract class for managing a PlaybackControlsRow being displayed in
PlaybackGlueHost .
PlaybackControlGlue |
A helper class for managing a PlaybackControlsRow
and PlaybackGlueHost that implements a
recommended approach to handling standard playback control actions such as play/pause,
fast forward/rewind at progressive speed levels, and skip to next/previous.
PlaybackControlsRow |
A Row of playback controls to be displayed by a PlaybackControlsRowPresenter .
PlaybackControlsRow.ClosedCaptioningAction | An action for displaying a CC (Closed Captioning) icon. |
PlaybackControlsRow.FastForwardAction | An action displaying an icon for fast forward. |
PlaybackControlsRow.HighQualityAction | An action for displaying a HQ (High Quality) icon. |
PlaybackControlsRow.MoreActions | An action displaying an icon for "more actions". |
PlaybackControlsRow.MultiAction | Base class for an action comprised of a series of icons. |
PlaybackControlsRow.OnPlaybackProgressCallback | Listener for progress or duration change. |
PlaybackControlsRow.PictureInPictureAction | An action displaying an icon for picture-in-picture. |
PlaybackControlsRow.PlayPauseAction | An action displaying icons for play and pause. |
PlaybackControlsRow.RepeatAction | An action for displaying three repeat states: none, one, or all. |
PlaybackControlsRow.RewindAction | An action displaying an icon for rewind. |
PlaybackControlsRow.ShuffleAction | An action for displaying a shuffle icon. |
PlaybackControlsRow.SkipNextAction | An action displaying an icon for skip next. |
PlaybackControlsRow.SkipPreviousAction | An action displaying an icon for skip previous. |
PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsAction | A base class for displaying a thumbs action. |
PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsDownAction | An action displaying an icon for thumbs down. |
PlaybackControlsRow.ThumbsUpAction | An action displaying an icon for thumbs up. |
PlaybackControlsRowPresenter |
A PlaybackControlsRowPresenter renders a PlaybackControlsRow to display a
series of playback control buttons.
PlaybackControlsRowPresenter.ViewHolder | A ViewHolder for the PlaybackControlsRow. |
PlaybackFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use PlaybackSupportFragment
PlaybackFragmentGlueHost |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use PlaybackSupportFragmentGlueHost
PlaybackGlue | Base class for abstraction of media play/pause feature. |
PlaybackGlue.PlayerCallback | Interface to allow clients to take action once the video is ready to play and start stop. |
PlaybackGlueHost | This class represents the UI (e.g. |
PlaybackGlueHost.HostCallback | Callbacks triggered by the host(e.g. |
PlaybackGlueHost.PlayerCallback | Optional Client that implemented by PlaybackGlueHost to respond to player event. |
PlaybackRowPresenter |
Subclass of RowPresenter that can define the desired behavior when the view
PlaybackRowPresenter.ViewHolder | This container is used for trapping click events and passing them to the playback controls. |
PlaybackSeekDataProvider | Class to be implemented by app to provide seeking data and thumbnails to UI. |
PlaybackSeekDataProvider.ResultCallback |
Client to receive result for getThumbnail(int, ResultCallback) .
PlaybackSeekUi | Interface to be implemented by UI component to support seeking. |
PlaybackSeekUi.Client | Client (e.g. |
PlaybackStateCompat |
Playback state for a MediaSessionCompat .
PlaybackStateCompat.Builder |
Builder for PlaybackStateCompat objects.
PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction |
CustomActions can be used to
extend the capabilities of the standard transport controls by exposing
app specific actions to Controllers .
PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction.Builder |
Builder for PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction objects.
PlaybackSupportFragment | A fragment for displaying playback controls and related content. |
PlaybackSupportFragmentGlueHost |
PlaybackGlueHost implementation
the interaction between this class and PlaybackSupportFragment .
PlaybackTransportControlGlue<T extends PlayerAdapter> |
A helper class for managing a PlaybackControlsRow being displayed in
PlaybackGlueHost , it supports standard playback control actions play/pause, and
skip next/previous.
PlaybackTransportRowPresenter |
A PlaybackTransportRowPresenter renders a PlaybackControlsRow to display a
series of playback control buttons.
PlaybackTransportRowPresenter.ViewHolder | A ViewHolder for the PlaybackControlsRow supporting seek UI. |
PlayerAdapter | Base class that wraps underlying media player. |
PlayerAdapter.Callback | Client for client of PlayerAdapter. |
PluralsRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a plurals resource reference. |
PointerIconCompat |
Helper for accessing features in PointerIcon in a backwards compatible
Pools | Helper class for creating pools of objects. |
Pools.Pool<T> | Interface for managing a pool of objects. |
Pools.SimplePool<T> | Simple (non-synchronized) pool of objects. |
Pools.SynchronizedPool<T> | Synchronized) pool of objects. |
PopupMenu |
Static library support version of the framework's PopupMenu .
PopupMenu.OnDismissListener | Callback interface used to notify the application that the menu has closed. |
PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener | Interface responsible for receiving menu item click events if the items themselves do not have individual item click listeners. |
PopupMenuCompat |
Helper for accessing features in PopupMenu .
PopupWindowCompat |
Helper for accessing features in PopupWindow .
PostMessageService | A service to receive postMessage related communication from a Custom Tabs provider. |
PostMessageServiceConnection |
A ServiceConnection for Custom Tabs providers to use while connecting to a
PostMessageService on the client side.
Preference |
Represents the basic Preference UI building
block displayed by a PreferenceFragmentCompat in the form of a
RecyclerView .
Preference.BaseSavedState |
A base class for managing the instance state of a Preference .
Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the value of this
Preference has been changed by the user and is
about to be set and/or persisted.
Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a Preference is
PreferenceCategory |
Used to group Preference objects and provide a disabled title above
the group.
PreferenceDataStore | A data store interface to be implemented and provided to the Preferences framework. |
PreferenceDialogFragment |
Abstract base class which presents a dialog associated with a
DialogPreference .
PreferenceDialogFragmentCompat |
Abstract base class which presents a dialog associated with a
DialogPreference .
PreferenceFragment |
Shows a hierarchy of Preference objects as
PreferenceFragment.OnPreferenceDisplayDialogCallback | |
PreferenceFragment.OnPreferenceStartFragmentCallback | Interface that PreferenceFragment's containing activity should implement to be able to process preference items that wish to switch to a specified fragment. |
PreferenceFragment.OnPreferenceStartScreenCallback | Interface that PreferenceFragment's containing activity should implement to be able to process preference items that wish to switch to a new screen of preferences. |
PreferenceFragmentCompat |
Shows a hierarchy of Preference objects as
PreferenceFragmentCompat.OnPreferenceDisplayDialogCallback | |
PreferenceFragmentCompat.OnPreferenceStartFragmentCallback | Interface that PreferenceFragment's containing activity should implement to be able to process preference items that wish to switch to a specified fragment. |
PreferenceFragmentCompat.OnPreferenceStartScreenCallback | Interface that PreferenceFragment's containing activity should implement to be able to process preference items that wish to switch to a new screen of preferences. |
PreferenceGroup |
A container for multiple
Preference objects.
PreferenceGroup.PreferencePositionCallback |
Interface for PreferenceGroup Adapters to implement so that
scrollToPreference(String) and
scrollToPreference(Preference) or
scrollToPreference(String) and
can determine the correct scroll position to request.
PreferenceManager |
Used to help create Preference hierarchies
from activities or XML.
PreferenceManager.OnDisplayPreferenceDialogListener |
Interface definition for a class that will be called when a
Preference requests to display a dialog.
PreferenceManager.OnNavigateToScreenListener |
Interface definition for a class that will be called when a
PreferenceScreen requests navigation.
PreferenceManager.OnPreferenceTreeClickListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a
Preference in the hierarchy rooted at this PreferenceScreen is
PreferenceManager.PreferenceComparisonCallback |
Callback class to be used by the RecyclerView.Adapter
associated with the PreferenceScreen , used to determine when two Preference
objects are semantically and visually the same.
PreferenceManager.SimplePreferenceComparisonCallback |
A basic implementation of PreferenceManager.PreferenceComparisonCallback suitable for use with the
default Preference classes.
PreferenceScreen |
Represents a top-level Preference that
is the root of a Preference hierarchy.
PreferenceViewHolder |
A RecyclerView.ViewHolder class which caches views associated
with the default Preference layouts.
Presenter |
A Presenter is used to generate View s and bind Objects to them on
Presenter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder can be subclassed and used to cache any view accessors needed to improve binding performance (for example, results of findViewById) without needing to subclass a View. |
Presenter.ViewHolderTask | Base class to perform a task on Presenter.ViewHolder. |
PresenterSelector |
A PresenterSelector is used to obtain a Presenter for a given Object.
PresenterSwitcher |
An abstract helper class that switches a view in its parent view using a
PresenterSelector .
PreviewProgram |
A convenience class to access TvContractCompat.PreviewPrograms entries in the system content
PreviewProgram.Builder |
This Builder class simplifies the creation of a PreviewProgram object.
PrintHelper | Helper for printing bitmaps. |
PrintHelper.OnPrintFinishCallback | Callback for observing when a print operation is completed. |
Program |
A convenience class to access TvContractCompat.Programs entries in the system content
Program.Builder |
This Builder class simplifies the creation of a Program object.
ProgressBarManager | Manager for showing/hiding progress bar widget. |
Px | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to represent a pixel dimension. |
Query |
Encapsulates information related to calling query(Uri, String[], Bundle, CancellationSignal) ,
including the logic determining the best query method to call.
ScaleGestureDetectorCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ScaleGestureDetector .
Scene | A scene represents the collection of values that various properties in the View hierarchy will have when the scene is applied. |
ScrollerCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
Use OverScroller directly.
ScrollingView | An interface that can be implemented by Views to provide scroll related APIs. |
SearchBar | A search widget containing a search orb and a text entry view. |
SearchBar.SearchBarListener | Interface for receiving notification of search query changes. |
SearchBar.SearchBarPermissionListener | Interface that handles runtime permissions requests. |
SearchEditText | EditText widget that monitors keyboard changes. |
SearchEditText.OnKeyboardDismissListener | Interface for receiving notification when the keyboard is dismissed. |
SearchFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use SearchSupportFragment
SearchFragment.SearchResultProvider | Search API to be provided by the application. |
SearchOrbView |
A widget that draws a search affordance, represented by a round background and an icon. |
SearchOrbView.Colors | A set of colors used to display the search orb. |
SearchSupportFragment | A fragment to handle searches. |
SearchSupportFragment.SearchResultProvider | Search API to be provided by the application. |
SearchView | A widget that provides a user interface for the user to enter a search query and submit a request to a search provider. |
SearchView.OnCloseListener | |
SearchView.OnQueryTextListener | Callbacks for changes to the query text. |
SearchView.OnSuggestionListener | Callback interface for selection events on suggestions. |
SectionRow | Used to represent section item in HeadersFragment. |
SeekBarPreference | Preference based on android.preference.SeekBarPreference but uses support v7 preference as base. |
Selection<K> | Object representing a "primary" selection and a "provisional" selection. |
SelectionPredicates | Utility class for creating SelectionPredicate instances. |
SelectionTracker<K> | SelectionTracker provides support for managing a selection of items in a RecyclerView instance. |
SelectionTracker.Builder<K> |
Builder is the primary mechanism for create a SelectionTracker that
can be used with your RecyclerView.
SelectionTracker.SelectionObserver<K> | Observer class providing access to information about Selection state changes. |
SelectionTracker.SelectionPredicate<K> | Implement SelectionPredicate to control when items can be selected or unselected. |
ServiceCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Service .
Settings | Provides various preferences affecting Leanback runtime behavior. |
ShadowOverlayContainer | Provides an SDK version-independent wrapper to support shadows, color overlays, and rounded corners. |
ShadowOverlayHelper | ShadowOverlayHelper is a helper class for shadow, overlay color and rounded corner. |
ShadowOverlayHelper.Builder | Builder for creating ShadowOverlayHelper. |
ShadowOverlayHelper.Options | Option values for ShadowOverlayContainer. |
ShareActionProvider | Provides a share action, which is suitable for an activity's app bar. |
ShareActionProvider.OnShareTargetSelectedListener | Listener for the event of selecting a share target. |
ShareCompat | Extra helper functionality for sharing data between activities. |
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder |
IntentBuilder is a helper for constructing ACTION_SEND and
ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE sharing intents and starting activities
to share content.
ShareCompat.IntentReader | IntentReader is a helper for reading the data contained within a sharing (ACTION_SEND) Intent. |
SharedElementCallback |
Listener provided in
setEnterSharedElementCallback(SharedElementCallback) and
to monitor the Activity transitions.
SharedElementCallback.OnSharedElementsReadyListener |
Listener to be called after onSharedElementsArrived(List, List, OnSharedElementsReadyListener)
when the shared elements are ready to be hidden in the source Activity and shown in the
destination Activity.
SharedPreferencesCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
This compatibility class is no longer required. Use SharedPreferences
SharedPreferencesCompat.EditorCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
This compatibility class is no longer required. Use
SharedPreferences.Editor directly.
ShortcutInfoCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ShortcutInfo .
ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder |
Builder class for ShortcutInfoCompat objects.
ShortcutManagerCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ShortcutManager .
SidePropagation |
A TransitionPropagation that propagates based on the distance to the side
and, orthogonally, the distance to epicenter.
SimpleArrayMap<K, V> |
Base implementation of ArrayMap that doesn't include any standard Java
container API interoperability.
SimpleCursorAdapter |
Static library support version of the framework's SimpleCursorAdapter .
SimpleCursorAdapter.CursorToStringConverter | This class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorAdapter to define how the Cursor should be converted to a String. |
SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder | This class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorAdapter to bind values fom the Cursor to views. |
SimpleItemAnimator | A wrapper class for ItemAnimator that records View bounds and decides whether it should run move, change, add or remove animations. |
SinglePresenterSelector |
A PresenterSelector that always returns the same Presenter .
Size | Denotes that the annotated element should have a given size or length. |
Slice | A slice is a piece of app content and actions that can be surfaced outside of the app. |
SliceAction | Class representing an action, supports tappable icons, custom toggle icons, and default toggles. |
SliceConvert |
Convert between Slice and Slice
SliceItem |
A SliceItem is a single unit in the tree structure of a Slice .
SliceLiveData | Class with factory methods for creating LiveData that observes slices. |
SliceManager |
Class to handle interactions with Slice s.
SliceManager.SliceCallback |
Class that listens to changes in Slice s.
SliceProvider | A SliceProvider allows an app to provide content to be displayed in system spaces. |
SliceUtils | Utilities for dealing with slices. |
SliceUtils.SerializeOptions | Holds options for how to handle SliceItems that cannot be serialized. |
SliceView |
A view for displaying a Slice which is a piece of app content and actions.
SliceView.OnSliceActionListener | Implement this interface to be notified of interactions with the slice displayed in this view. |
Slide | This transition tracks changes to the visibility of target views in the start and end scenes and moves views in or out from one of the edges of the scene. |
SlidingPaneLayout | SlidingPaneLayout provides a horizontal, multi-pane layout for use at the top level of a UI. |
SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams | |
SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener | Listener for monitoring events about sliding panes. |
SlidingPaneLayout.SimplePanelSlideListener |
No-op stubs for SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener .
SnapHelper |
Class intended to support snapping for a RecyclerView .
SortedList<T> |
A Sorted list implementation that can keep items in order and also notify for changes in the
such that it can be bound to a RecyclerView.Adapter .
SortedList.BatchedCallback<T2> | A callback implementation that can batch notify events dispatched by the SortedList. |
SortedList.Callback<T2> |
The class that controls the behavior of the SortedList .
SortedListAdapterCallback<T2> |
A SortedList.Callback implementation that can bind a SortedList to a
RecyclerView.Adapter .
Space |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Use framework Space class instead.
SparseArrayCompat<E> | SparseArrays map integers to Objects. |
SparseArrayObjectAdapter |
An ObjectAdapter implemented with a SparseArray .
SpeechOrbView |
A subclass of SearchOrbView that visualizes the state of an ongoing speech recognition.
SpeechRecognitionCallback |
This interface was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
Launching voice recognition activity is no longer supported. App should declare
android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO in AndroidManifest file. See details in
SearchSupportFragment .
SpringAnimation |
SpringAnimation is an animation that is driven by a SpringForce .
SpringForce | Spring Force defines the characteristics of the spring being used in the animation. |
StableIdKeyProvider |
An ItemKeyProvider that provides stable ids by way of cached
RecyclerView.Adapter stable ids.
StaggeredGridLayoutManager | A LayoutManager that lays out children in a staggered grid formation. |
StaggeredGridLayoutManager.LayoutParams | LayoutParams used by StaggeredGridLayoutManager. |
StorageStrategy<K> | Strategy for storing keys in saved state. |
StringDef | Denotes that the annotated String element, represents a logical type and that its value should be one of the explicitly named constants. |
StringRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a String resource reference (e.g. |
StyleableRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a styleable resource reference (e.g. |
StyleRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a style resource reference (e.g. |
SurfaceHolderGlueHost |
Optional interface to be implemented by any subclass of PlaybackGlueHost that contains
a SurfaceView .
SwipeDismissFrameLayout | A layout enabling left-to-right swipe-to-dismiss, intended for use within an activity. |
SwipeDismissFrameLayout.Callback | Implement this callback to act on particular stages of the dismissal. |
SwipeRefreshLayout | The SwipeRefreshLayout should be used whenever the user can refresh the contents of a view via a vertical swipe gesture. |
SwipeRefreshLayout.OnChildScrollUpCallback |
Classes that wish to override canChildScrollUp() method
behavior should implement this interface.
SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener | Classes that wish to be notified when the swipe gesture correctly triggers a refresh should implement this interface. |
SwitchCompat | SwitchCompat is a version of the Switch widget which on devices back to API v7. |
SwitchPreference |
A Preference that provides a two-state toggleable option.
SwitchPreferenceCompat |
A Preference that provides a two-state toggleable option.
Target |
A class which allows custom selection of colors in a Palette 's generation.
Target.Builder |
Builder class for generating custom Target instances.
TaskStackBuilder | Utility class for constructing synthetic back stacks for cross-task navigation on Android 3.0 and newer. |
TaskStackBuilder.SupportParentable | |
TemplateSliceBuilder | Base class of builders of various template types. |
TextClassification | Information for generating a widget to handle classified text. |
TextClassification.Builder |
Builder for building TextClassification objects.
TextClassification.Options | Optional input parameters for generating TextClassification. |
TextClassifier | Interface for providing text classification related features. |
TextDirectionHeuristicCompat | Interface for objects that use a heuristic for guessing at the paragraph direction by examining text. |
TextDirectionHeuristicsCompat | Some objects that implement TextDirectionHeuristic. |
TextLinks | A collection of links, representing subsequences of text and the entity types (phone number, address, url, etc) they may be. |
TextLinks.Builder | A builder to construct a TextLinks instance. |
TextLinks.Options | Optional input parameters for generating TextLinks. |
TextLinks.TextLink | A link, identifying a substring of text and possible entity types for it. |
TextLinks.TextLinkSpan | A ClickableSpan for a TextLink. |
TextSelection | Information about where text selection should be. |
TextSelection.Builder |
Builder used to build TextSelection objects.
TextSelection.Options | Optional input parameters for generating TextSelection. |
TextUtilsCompat |
Backwards compatible version of TextUtils .
TextViewCompat |
Helper for accessing features in TextView .
ThemedSpinnerAdapter | An extension of SpinnerAdapter that is capable of inflating drop-down views against a different theme than normal views. |
ThemedSpinnerAdapter.Helper |
A helper class which allows easy integration of ThemedSpinnerAdapter into existing
SpinnerAdapter s in a backwards compatible way.
TimePicker |
TimePicker is a direct subclass of Picker .
TintableBackgroundView |
Interface which allows a View to receive background tinting calls from
ViewCompat when running on API v20 devices or lower.
TintableCompoundButton |
Interface which allows a CompoundButton to receive tinting
calls from CompoundButtonCompat when running on API v20 devices or lower.
TitleHelper |
Helper for managing TitleView , including
transitions and focus movement.
TitleView | Title view for a leanback fragment. |
TitleViewAdapter |
This class allows a customized widget class to implement TitleViewAdapter.Provider
and expose TitleViewAdapter methods to containing fragment (e.g.
TitleViewAdapter.Provider |
Interface to be implemented by a customized widget class to implement
TitleViewAdapter .
Toolbar | A standard toolbar for use within application content. |
Toolbar.LayoutParams | Layout information for child views of Toolbars. |
Toolbar.OnMenuItemClickListener | Interface responsible for receiving menu item click events if the items themselves do not have individual item click listeners. |
Toolbar.SavedState | |
TooltipCompat |
Helper class used to emulate the behavior of setTooltipText(CharSequence) prior
to API level 26.
TraceCompat | Writes trace events to the system trace buffer. |
TrafficStatsCompat |
Helper for accessing features in TrafficStats .
Transition | A Transition holds information about animations that will be run on its targets during a scene change. |
Transition.EpicenterCallback | Class to get the epicenter of Transition. |
Transition.TransitionListener | A transition listener receives notifications from a transition. |
TransitionInflater | This class inflates scenes and transitions from resource files. |
TransitionListenerAdapter |
This adapter class provides empty implementations of the methods from Transition.TransitionListener .
TransitionManager |
This class manages the set of transitions that fire when there is a
change of Scene .
TransitionPropagation |
Extend TransitionPropagation to customize start delays for Animators created
in createAnimator(ViewGroup, TransitionValues, TransitionValues) .
TransitionRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be a transition resource reference. |
TransitionSet | A TransitionSet is a parent of child transitions (including other TransitionSets). |
TransitionValues | Data structure which holds cached values for the transition. |
TrustedWebUtils | Class for utilities and convenience calls for opening a qualifying web page as a Trusted Web Activity. |
TvContractCompat | The contract between the TV provider and applications. |
TvContractCompat.BaseTvColumns | Common base for the tables of TV channels/programs. |
TvContractCompat.Channels | Column definitions for the TV channels table. |
TvContractCompat.Channels.Logo | A sub-directory of a single TV channel that represents its primary logo. |
TvContractCompat.PreviewPrograms | Column definitions for the preview TV programs table. |
TvContractCompat.Programs | Column definitions for the TV programs table. |
TvContractCompat.Programs.Genres | Canonical genres for TV programs. |
TvContractCompat.RecordedPrograms | Column definitions for the recorded TV programs table. |
TvContractCompat.WatchNextPrograms | Column definitions for the "watch next" TV programs table. |
TwoStatePreference | Common base class for preferences that have two selectable states, persist a boolean value in SharedPreferences, and may have dependent preferences that are enabled/disabled based on the current state. |
UiThread | Denotes that the annotated method or constructor should only be called on the UI thread. |
UserManagerCompat |
Helper for accessing features in UserManager in a backwards compatible
VectorDrawableCompat |
For API 24 and above, this class is delegating to the framework's VectorDrawable .
VelocityTrackerCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
Use VelocityTracker directly.
VerticalGridFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use VerticalGridSupportFragment
VerticalGridPresenter |
A presenter that renders objects in a VerticalGridView .
VerticalGridPresenter.ViewHolder | ViewHolder for the VerticalGridPresenter. |
VerticalGridSupportFragment | A fragment for creating leanback vertical grids. |
VerticalGridView |
A ViewGroup that shows items in a vertically scrolling list.
VideoFragment |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use VideoSupportFragment
VideoFragmentGlueHost |
This class was deprecated
in API level 27.1.0.
use VideoSupportFragmentGlueHost
VideoSupportFragment |
Subclass of PlaybackSupportFragment that is responsible for providing a SurfaceView
and rendering video.
VideoSupportFragmentGlueHost |
PlaybackGlueHost implementation
the interaction between PlaybackGlue and VideoSupportFragment .
ViewCompat |
This class was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
Use ViewCompat instead.
ViewCompat |
Helper for accessing features in View .
ViewConfigurationCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ViewConfiguration .
ViewDragHelper | ViewDragHelper is a utility class for writing custom ViewGroups. |
ViewDragHelper.Callback | A Callback is used as a communication channel with the ViewDragHelper back to the parent view using it. |
ViewGroupCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ViewGroup .
ViewHolderTask | Interface for schedule task on a ViewHolder. |
ViewPager | Layout manager that allows the user to flip left and right through pages of data. |
ViewPager.DecorView | Annotation which allows marking of views to be decoration views when added to a view pager. |
ViewPager.LayoutParams | Layout parameters that should be supplied for views added to a ViewPager. |
ViewPager.OnAdapterChangeListener | Callback interface for responding to adapter changes. |
ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener | Callback interface for responding to changing state of the selected page. |
ViewPager.PageTransformer | A PageTransformer is invoked whenever a visible/attached page is scrolled. |
ViewPager.SavedState | This is the persistent state that is saved by ViewPager. |
ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener |
Simple implementation of the ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener interface with stub
implementations of each method.
ViewParentCompat |
Helper for accessing features in ViewParent .
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat | |
ViewPropertyAnimatorListener |
An animation listener receives notifications from an animation. |
ViewPropertyAnimatorListenerAdapter |
This adapter class provides empty implementations of the methods from
ViewPropertyAnimatorListener .
ViewPropertyAnimatorUpdateListener |
Implementors of this interface can add themselves as update listeners
to an ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat instance to receive callbacks on every animation
frame, after the current frame's values have been calculated for that
ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat .
Visibility | This transition tracks changes to the visibility of target views in the start and end scenes. |
VisibilityPropagation |
Base class for TransitionPropagation s that care about
View Visibility and the center position of the View.
VisibleForTesting | Denotes that the class, method or field has its visibility relaxed, so that it is more widely visible than otherwise necessary to make code testable. |
VolumeProviderCompat | Handles requests to adjust or set the volume on a session. |
VolumeProviderCompat.Callback | Listens for changes to the volume. |
WakefulBroadcastReceiver |
This class was deprecated
in API level 26.1.0.
As of Android O , background check
restrictions make this class no longer generally useful. (It is generally not safe to
start a service from the receipt of a broadcast, because you don't have any guarantees
that your app is in the foreground at this point and thus allowed to do so.) Instead,
developers should use to schedule a job, and this
does not require that the app hold a wake lock while doing so (the system will take
care of holding a wake lock for the job).
WatchNextProgram |
A convenience class to access TvContractCompat.WatchNextPrograms entries in the system content
WatchNextProgram.Builder |
This Builder class simplifies the creation of a WatchNextProgram object.
WearableActionDrawerView | Ease of use class for creating a Wearable action drawer. |
WearableDrawerController |
Provides the ability to manipulate a WearableDrawerView's position
within a WearableDrawerLayout .
WearableDrawerLayout | Top-level container that allows interactive drawers to be pulled from the top and bottom edge of the window. |
WearableDrawerLayout.DrawerStateCallback | Listener for monitoring events about drawers. |
WearableDrawerView |
View that contains drawer content and a peeking view for use with WearableDrawerLayout .
WearableLinearLayoutManager |
This wear-specific implementation of LinearLayoutManager provides basic
offsetting logic for updating child layout.
WearableLinearLayoutManager.LayoutCallback | Callback for interacting with layout passes. |
WearableNavigationDrawerView | Ease of use class for creating a Wearable navigation drawer. |
WearableNavigationDrawerView.OnItemSelectedListener | Listener which is notified when the user selects an item. |
WearableNavigationDrawerView.WearableNavigationDrawerAdapter | Adapter for specifying the contents of WearableNavigationDrawer. |
WearableRecyclerView |
Wearable specific implementation of the RecyclerView enabling setCircularScrollingGestureEnabled(boolean) circular scrolling} and semi-circular layouts.
WindowCompat |
Helper for accessing features in Window .
WindowInsetsCompat | Describes a set of insets for window content. |
WorkerThread | Denotes that the annotated method should only be called on a worker thread. |
XmlRes | Denotes that an integer parameter, field or method return value is expected to be an XML resource reference. |