added in version 22.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact
Deprecated since version 27.1.0


public class GuidedStepFragment
extends Fragment


This class was deprecated in API level 27.1.0.
use GuidedStepSupportFragment

A GuidedStepFragment is used to guide the user through a decision or series of decisions. It is composed of a guidance view on the left and a view on the right containing a list of possible actions.

Basic Usage

Clients of GuidedStepFragment must create a custom subclass to attach to their Activities. This custom subclass provides the information necessary to construct the user interface and respond to user actions. At a minimum, subclasses should override:

Clients use following helper functions to add GuidedStepFragment to Activity or FragmentManager:

Theming and Stylists

GuidedStepFragment delegates its visual styling to classes called stylists. The GuidanceStylist is responsible for the left guidance view, while the GuidedActionsStylist is responsible for the right actions view. The stylists use theme attributes to derive values associated with the presentation, such as colors, animations, etc. Most simple visual aspects of GuidanceStylist and GuidedActionsStylist can be customized via theming; see their documentation for more information.

GuidedStepFragments must have access to an appropriate theme in order for the stylists to function properly. Specifically, the fragment must receive Theme_Leanback_GuidedStep, or a theme whose parent is is set to that theme. Themes can be provided in one of three ways:

  • The simplest way is to set the theme for the host Activity to the GuidedStep theme or a theme that derives from it.
  • If the Activity already has a theme and setting its parent theme is inconvenient, the existing Activity theme can have an entry added for the attribute LeanbackGuidedStepTheme_guidedStepTheme. If present, this theme will be used by GuidedStepFragment as an overlay to the Activity's theme.
  • Finally, custom subclasses of GuidedStepFragment may provide a theme through the onProvideTheme() method. This can be useful if a subclass is used across multiple Activities.

If the theme is provided in multiple ways, the onProvideTheme override has priority, followed by the Activity's theme. (Themes whose parent theme is already set to the guided step theme do not need to set the guidedStepTheme attribute; if set, it will be ignored.)

If themes do not provide enough customizability, the stylists themselves may be subclassed and provided to the GuidedStepFragment through the onCreateGuidanceStylist() and onCreateActionsStylist() methods. The stylists have simple hooks so that subclasses may override layout files; subclasses may also have more complex logic to determine styling.

Guided sequences

GuidedStepFragments can be grouped together to provide a guided sequence. GuidedStepFragments grouped as a sequence use custom animations provided by GuidanceStylist and GuidedActionsStylist (or subclasses) during transitions between steps. Clients should use add(FragmentManager, GuidedStepFragment) to place subsequent GuidedFragments onto the fragment stack so that custom animations are properly configured. (Custom animations are triggered automatically when the fragment stack is subsequently popped by any normal mechanism.)

Note: Currently GuidedStepFragments grouped in this way must all be defined programmatically, rather than in XML. This restriction may be removed in the future.




Fragment argument name for UI style.


One possible value of argument EXTRA_UI_STYLE.


This constant was deprecated in API level 24.1.0. Same value as UI_STYLE_REPLACE.


Default value for argument EXTRA_UI_STYLE.


This is the case that we use GuidedStepFragment to replace another existing GuidedStepFragment when moving forward to next step.

Inherited constants

From interface android.content.ComponentCallbacks2

Public constructors


Public methods

static int add(FragmentManager fragmentManager, GuidedStepFragment fragment, int id)

Adds the specified GuidedStepFragment to the fragment stack, replacing any existing GuidedStepFragments in the stack, and configuring the fragment-to-fragment custom transitions.

static int add(FragmentManager fragmentManager, GuidedStepFragment fragment)

Adds the specified GuidedStepFragment to the fragment stack, replacing any existing GuidedStepFragments in the stack, and configuring the fragment-to-fragment custom transitions.

static int addAsRoot(Activity activity, GuidedStepFragment fragment, int id)

Adds the specified GuidedStepFragment as content of Activity; no backstack entry is added so the activity will be dismissed when BACK key is pressed.

void collapseAction(boolean withTransition)

Collapse action which either has a sub actions list or action with hasEditableActivatorView() is true.

void collapseSubActions()

Collapse sub actions list.

void expandAction(GuidedAction action, boolean withTransition)

Expand a given action with sub actions list or hasEditableActivatorView() is true.

void expandSubActions(GuidedAction action)

Expand a given action's sub actions list.

GuidedAction findActionById(long id)

Find GuidedAction by Id.

int findActionPositionById(long id)

Find GuidedAction position in array by Id.

GuidedAction findButtonActionById(long id)

Find button GuidedAction by Id.

int findButtonActionPositionById(long id)

Find button GuidedAction position in array by Id.

void finishGuidedStepFragments()

Convenient method to close GuidedStepFragments on top of other content or finish Activity if GuidedStepFragments were started in a separate activity.

View getActionItemView(int position)

Returns the view corresponding to the action at the indicated position in the list of actions for this fragment.

List<GuidedAction> getActions()

Returns the list of GuidedActions that the user may take in this fragment.

View getButtonActionItemView(int position)

Returns the view corresponding to the button action at the indicated position in the list of actions for this fragment.

List<GuidedAction> getButtonActions()

Returns the list of button GuidedActions that the user may take in this fragment.

static GuidedStepFragment getCurrentGuidedStepFragment(FragmentManager fm)

Returns the current GuidedStepFragment on the fragment transaction stack.

GuidanceStylist getGuidanceStylist()

Returns the GuidanceStylist that displays guidance information for the user.

GuidedActionsStylist getGuidedActionsStylist()

Returns the GuidedActionsStylist that displays the actions the user may take.

GuidedActionsStylist getGuidedButtonActionsStylist()

Returns the GuidedActionsStylist that displays the button actions the user may take.

int getSelectedActionPosition()

Returns the position if the currently selected GuidedAction.

int getSelectedButtonActionPosition()

Returns the position if the currently selected button GuidedAction.

int getUiStyle()

Read UI style from fragment arguments.

boolean isExpanded()
boolean isFocusOutEndAllowed()

Returns true if allows focus out of end edge of GuidedStepFragment, false otherwise.

boolean isFocusOutStartAllowed()

Returns true if allows focus out of start edge of GuidedStepFragment, false otherwise.

boolean isSubActionsExpanded()
void notifyActionChanged(int position)

Notify an action has changed and update its UI.

void notifyButtonActionChanged(int position)

Notify an button action has changed and update its UI.

void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

void onCreateActions(List<GuidedAction> actions, Bundle savedInstanceState)

Fills out the set of actions available to the user.

GuidedActionsStylist onCreateActionsStylist()

Creates the presenter used to style the guided actions panel.

View onCreateBackgroundView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

Called by onCreateView to inflate background view.

void onCreateButtonActions(List<GuidedAction> actions, Bundle savedInstanceState)

Fills out the set of actions shown at right available to the user.

GuidedActionsStylist onCreateButtonActionsStylist()

Creates the presenter used to style a sided actions panel for button only.

GuidanceStylist.Guidance onCreateGuidance(Bundle savedInstanceState)

Returns the information required to provide guidance to the user.

GuidanceStylist onCreateGuidanceStylist()

Creates the presenter used to style the guidance panel.

View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)

void onDestroyView()

void onGuidedActionClicked(GuidedAction action)

Callback invoked when an action is taken by the user.

void onGuidedActionEditCanceled(GuidedAction action)

Callback invoked when an action has been canceled editing, for example when user closes IME window by BACK key.

void onGuidedActionEdited(GuidedAction action)

This method was deprecated in API level 24.1.0. Override onGuidedActionEditedAndProceed(GuidedAction) and/or onGuidedActionEditCanceled(GuidedAction).

long onGuidedActionEditedAndProceed(GuidedAction action)

Callback invoked when an action has been edited, for example when user clicks confirm button in IME window.

void onGuidedActionFocused(GuidedAction action)

Callback invoked when an action is focused (made to be the current selection) by the user.

int onProvideTheme()

Returns the theme used for styling the fragment.

void onResume()
void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)

boolean onSubGuidedActionClicked(GuidedAction action)

Callback invoked when an action in sub actions is taken by the user.

void openInEditMode(GuidedAction action)

Opens the provided action in edit mode and raises ime.

void popBackStackToGuidedStepFragment(Class guidedStepFragmentClass, int flags)

Convenient method to pop to fragment with Given class.

void setActions(List<GuidedAction> actions)

Sets the list of GuidedActions that the user may take in this fragment.

void setActionsDiffCallback(DiffCallback<GuidedAction> diffCallback)

Sets the RecyclerView DiffCallback used when setActions(List) is called.

void setButtonActions(List<GuidedAction> actions)

Sets the list of button GuidedActions that the user may take in this fragment.

void setSelectedActionPosition(int position)

Scrolls the action list to the position indicated, selecting that action's view.

void setSelectedButtonActionPosition(int position)

Scrolls the action list to the position indicated, selecting that button action's view.

void setUiStyle(int style)

Set UI style to fragment arguments.

Protected methods

void onAddSharedElementTransition(FragmentTransaction ft, GuidedStepFragment disappearing)

Called when this fragment is added to FragmentTransaction with UI_STYLE_REPLACE (aka when the GuidedStepFragment replacing an existing GuidedStepFragment).

void onProvideFragmentTransitions()

Called by Constructor to provide fragment transitions.

Inherited methods

From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface android.content.ComponentCallbacks2
From interface android.view.View.OnCreateContextMenuListener
From interface android.content.ComponentCallbacks

XML attributes










added in version 24.1.0

Fragment argument name for UI style. The argument value is persisted in fragment state and used to select fragment transition. The value is initially UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE and might be changed in one of the three helper functions:

Argument value can be either:

Constant Value: "uiStyle"


added in version 24.1.0

One possible value of argument EXTRA_UI_STYLE. This is the case that we show first GuidedStepFragment in a separate activity. The default behavior of this style:

  • Enter transition is assigned null (will rely on activity transition), exit transition is same as UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE. Note: Changing exit transition by UI style is not working because fragment transition asks for exit transition before UI style is restored in Fragment.onCreate().

Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002)


added in version 24.1.0

This constant was deprecated in API level 24.1.0.
Same value as UI_STYLE_REPLACE.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)


added in version 24.1.0

Default value for argument EXTRA_UI_STYLE. The default value is assigned in GuidedStepFragment constructor. This is the case that we show GuidedStepFragment on top of other content. The default behavior of this style:

  • Enter transition slides in from two sides, exit transition slide out to START(left). Background will be faded in. Note: Changing exit transition by UI style is not working because fragment transition asks for exit transition before UI style is restored in Fragment .onCreate().
When popping multiple GuidedStepFragment, finishGuidedStepFragments() also changes the top GuidedStepFragment to UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE in order to run the return transition (reverse of enter transition) of UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE.

Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001)


added in version 24.1.0

This is the case that we use GuidedStepFragment to replace another existing GuidedStepFragment when moving forward to next step. Default behavior of this style is:

  • Enter transition slides in from END(right), exit transition same as UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE.

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

Public constructors


added in version 22.1.0
GuidedStepFragment ()

Public methods


added in version 24.1.0
int add (FragmentManager fragmentManager, 
                GuidedStepFragment fragment, 
                int id)

Adds the specified GuidedStepFragment to the fragment stack, replacing any existing GuidedStepFragments in the stack, and configuring the fragment-to-fragment custom transitions. A backstack entry is added, so the fragment will be dismissed when BACK key is pressed.

  • If current fragment on stack is GuidedStepFragment: assign UI_STYLE_REPLACE and onAddSharedElementTransition(FragmentTransaction, GuidedStepFragment) will be called to perform shared element transition between GuidedStepFragments.
  • If current fragment on stack is not GuidedStepFragment: assign UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE

    Note: currently fragments added using this method must be created programmatically rather than via XML.

    fragmentManager FragmentManager: The FragmentManager to be used in the transaction.

    fragment GuidedStepFragment: The GuidedStepFragment to be inserted into the fragment stack.

    id int: The id of container to add GuidedStepFragment, can be

    int The ID returned by the call FragmentTransaction.commit.

  • add

    added in version 22.1.0
    int add (FragmentManager fragmentManager, 
                    GuidedStepFragment fragment)

    Adds the specified GuidedStepFragment to the fragment stack, replacing any existing GuidedStepFragments in the stack, and configuring the fragment-to-fragment custom transitions. A backstack entry is added, so the fragment will be dismissed when BACK key is pressed.

  • If current fragment on stack is GuidedStepFragment: assign UI_STYLE_REPLACE
  • If current fragment on stack is not GuidedStepFragment: assign UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE

    Note: currently fragments added using this method must be created programmatically rather than via XML.

    fragmentManager FragmentManager: The FragmentManager to be used in the transaction.

    fragment GuidedStepFragment: The GuidedStepFragment to be inserted into the fragment stack.

    int The ID returned by the call FragmentTransaction.commit.

  • addAsRoot

    added in version 24.1.0
    int addAsRoot (Activity activity, 
                    GuidedStepFragment fragment, 
                    int id)

    Adds the specified GuidedStepFragment as content of Activity; no backstack entry is added so the activity will be dismissed when BACK key is pressed. The method is typically called in Activity.onCreate() when savedInstanceState is null. When savedInstanceState is not null, the Activity is being restored, do not call addAsRoot() to duplicate the Fragment restored by FragmentManager. UI_STYLE_ACTIVITY_ROOT is assigned. Note: currently fragments added using this method must be created programmatically rather than via XML.

    activity Activity: The Activity to be used to insert GuidedstepFragment.

    fragment GuidedStepFragment: The GuidedStepFragment to be inserted into the fragment stack.

    id int: The id of container to add GuidedStepFragment, can be

    int The ID returned by the call FragmentTransaction.commit, or -1 there is already GuidedStepFragment.


    added in version 25.1.0
    void collapseAction (boolean withTransition)

    Collapse action which either has a sub actions list or action with hasEditableActivatorView() is true.

    withTransition boolean: True to run transition animation, false otherwise.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void collapseSubActions ()

    Collapse sub actions list.

    See also:


    added in version 25.1.0
    void expandAction (GuidedAction action, 
                    boolean withTransition)

    Expand a given action with sub actions list or hasEditableActivatorView() is true. The method must be called after onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) creates fragment view.

    action GuidedAction: GuidedAction to expand.

    withTransition boolean: True to run transition animation, false otherwise.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void expandSubActions (GuidedAction action)

    Expand a given action's sub actions list.

    action GuidedAction: GuidedAction to expand.


    added in version 24.1.0
    GuidedAction findActionById (long id)

    Find GuidedAction by Id.

    id long: Id of the action to search.

    GuidedAction GuidedAction object or null if not found.


    added in version 24.1.0
    int findActionPositionById (long id)

    Find GuidedAction position in array by Id.

    id long: Id of the action to search.

    int position of GuidedAction object in array or -1 if not found.


    added in version 24.1.0
    GuidedAction findButtonActionById (long id)

    Find button GuidedAction by Id.

    id long: Id of the button action to search.

    GuidedAction GuidedAction object or null if not found.


    added in version 24.1.0
    int findButtonActionPositionById (long id)

    Find button GuidedAction position in array by Id.

    id long: Id of the button action to search.

    int position of GuidedAction object in array or -1 if not found.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void finishGuidedStepFragments ()

    Convenient method to close GuidedStepFragments on top of other content or finish Activity if GuidedStepFragments were started in a separate activity. Pops all stack entries including UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE; if UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE is not found, finish the activity. Note that this method must be paired with add(FragmentManager, GuidedStepFragment, int) which sets up the stack entry name for finding which fragment we need to pop back to.


    added in version 22.1.0
    View getActionItemView (int position)

    Returns the view corresponding to the action at the indicated position in the list of actions for this fragment.

    position int: The integer position of the action of interest.

    View The View corresponding to the action at the indicated position, or null if that action is not currently onscreen.


    added in version 22.1.0
    List<GuidedAction> getActions ()

    Returns the list of GuidedActions that the user may take in this fragment.

    List<GuidedAction> The list of GuidedActions for this fragment.


    added in version 24.1.0
    View getButtonActionItemView (int position)

    Returns the view corresponding to the button action at the indicated position in the list of actions for this fragment.

    position int: The integer position of the button action of interest.

    View The View corresponding to the button action at the indicated position, or null if that action is not currently onscreen.


    added in version 24.1.0
    List<GuidedAction> getButtonActions ()

    Returns the list of button GuidedActions that the user may take in this fragment.

    List<GuidedAction> The list of button GuidedActions for this fragment.


    added in version 22.1.0
    GuidedStepFragment getCurrentGuidedStepFragment (FragmentManager fm)

    Returns the current GuidedStepFragment on the fragment transaction stack.

    fm FragmentManager

    GuidedStepFragment The current GuidedStepFragment, if any, on the fragment transaction stack.


    added in version 22.1.0
    GuidanceStylist getGuidanceStylist ()

    Returns the GuidanceStylist that displays guidance information for the user.

    GuidanceStylist The GuidanceStylist for this fragment.


    added in version 22.1.0
    GuidedActionsStylist getGuidedActionsStylist ()

    Returns the GuidedActionsStylist that displays the actions the user may take.

    GuidedActionsStylist The GuidedActionsStylist for this fragment.


    added in version 24.1.0
    GuidedActionsStylist getGuidedButtonActionsStylist ()

    Returns the GuidedActionsStylist that displays the button actions the user may take.

    GuidedActionsStylist The GuidedActionsStylist for this fragment.


    added in version 22.1.0
    int getSelectedActionPosition ()

    Returns the position if the currently selected GuidedAction.

    int position The integer position of the currently selected action.


    added in version 24.1.0
    int getSelectedButtonActionPosition ()

    Returns the position if the currently selected button GuidedAction.

    int position The integer position of the currently selected button action.


    added in version 24.1.0
    int getUiStyle ()

    Read UI style from fragment arguments. Default value is UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE when fragment is first initialized. UI style is used to choose different fragment transition animations and determine if this is the first GuidedStepFragment on backstack.


    added in version 25.1.0
    boolean isExpanded ()

    boolean True if is current expanded including subactions list or action with hasEditableActivatorView() is true.


    added in version 24.1.0
    boolean isFocusOutEndAllowed ()

    Returns true if allows focus out of end edge of GuidedStepFragment, false otherwise. Default value is false, the reason is to disable FocusFinder to find focusable views beneath content of GuidedStepFragment. Subclass may override.

    boolean True if allows focus out of end edge of GuidedStepFragment.


    added in version 24.1.0
    boolean isFocusOutStartAllowed ()

    Returns true if allows focus out of start edge of GuidedStepFragment, false otherwise. Default value is false, the reason is to disable FocusFinder to find focusable views beneath content of GuidedStepFragment. Subclass may override.

    boolean True if allows focus out of start edge of GuidedStepFragment.


    added in version 24.1.0
    boolean isSubActionsExpanded ()

    boolean True if the sub actions list is expanded, false otherwise.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void notifyActionChanged (int position)

    Notify an action has changed and update its UI.

    position int: Position of the GuidedAction in array.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void notifyButtonActionChanged (int position)

    Notify an button action has changed and update its UI.

    position int: Position of the button GuidedAction in array.


    void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)

    savedInstanceState Bundle


    added in version 22.1.0
    void onCreateActions (List<GuidedAction> actions, 
                    Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Fills out the set of actions available to the user. This hook is called during onCreate(Bundle). The default leaves the list of actions empty; subclasses should override.

    actions List: A non-null, empty list ready to be populated.

    savedInstanceState Bundle: The saved instance state from onCreate.


    added in version 22.1.0
    GuidedActionsStylist onCreateActionsStylist ()

    Creates the presenter used to style the guided actions panel. The default implementation returns a basic GuidedActionsStylist.

    GuidedActionsStylist The GuidedActionsStylist used in this fragment.


    added in version 24.1.0
    View onCreateBackgroundView (LayoutInflater inflater, 
                    ViewGroup container, 
                    Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Called by onCreateView to inflate background view. Default implementation loads view from lb_guidedstep_background which holds a reference to guidedStepBackground.

    inflater LayoutInflater: LayoutInflater to load background view.

    container ViewGroup: Parent view of background view.

    View Created background view or null if no background.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onCreateButtonActions (List<GuidedAction> actions, 
                    Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Fills out the set of actions shown at right available to the user. This hook is called during onCreate(Bundle). The default leaves the list of actions empty; subclasses may override.

    actions List: A non-null, empty list ready to be populated.

    savedInstanceState Bundle: The saved instance state from onCreate.


    added in version 24.1.0
    GuidedActionsStylist onCreateButtonActionsStylist ()

    Creates the presenter used to style a sided actions panel for button only. The default implementation returns a basic GuidedActionsStylist.

    GuidedActionsStylist The GuidedActionsStylist used in this fragment.


    added in version 22.1.0
    GuidanceStylist.Guidance onCreateGuidance (Bundle savedInstanceState)

    Returns the information required to provide guidance to the user. This hook is called during onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle). May be overridden to return a custom subclass of GuidanceStylist.Guidance for use in a subclass of GuidanceStylist. The default returns a Guidance object with empty fields; subclasses should override.

    savedInstanceState Bundle: The saved instance state from onCreateView.

    GuidanceStylist.Guidance The Guidance object representing the information used to guide the user.


    added in version 22.1.0
    GuidanceStylist onCreateGuidanceStylist ()

    Creates the presenter used to style the guidance panel. The default implementation returns a basic GuidanceStylist.

    GuidanceStylist The GuidanceStylist used in this fragment.


    View onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, 
                    ViewGroup container, 
                    Bundle savedInstanceState)

    inflater LayoutInflater

    container ViewGroup

    savedInstanceState Bundle



    void onDestroyView ()


    added in version 22.1.0
    void onGuidedActionClicked (GuidedAction action)

    Callback invoked when an action is taken by the user. Subclasses should override in order to act on the user's decisions.

    action GuidedAction: The chosen action.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onGuidedActionEditCanceled (GuidedAction action)

    Callback invoked when an action has been canceled editing, for example when user closes IME window by BACK key. Default implementation calls deprecated method onGuidedActionEdited(GuidedAction).

    action GuidedAction: The action which has been canceled editing.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onGuidedActionEdited (GuidedAction action)

    This method was deprecated in API level 24.1.0.
    Override onGuidedActionEditedAndProceed(GuidedAction) and/or onGuidedActionEditCanceled(GuidedAction).

    Callback invoked when an action's title or description has been edited, this happens either when user clicks confirm button in IME or user closes IME window by BACK key.

    action GuidedAction


    added in version 24.1.0
    long onGuidedActionEditedAndProceed (GuidedAction action)

    Callback invoked when an action has been edited, for example when user clicks confirm button in IME window. Default implementation calls deprecated method onGuidedActionEdited(GuidedAction) and returns ACTION_ID_NEXT.

    action GuidedAction: The action that has been edited.

    long ID of the action will be focused or ACTION_ID_NEXT, ACTION_ID_CURRENT.


    added in version 22.1.0
    void onGuidedActionFocused (GuidedAction action)

    Callback invoked when an action is focused (made to be the current selection) by the user.

    action GuidedAction


    added in version 22.1.0
    int onProvideTheme ()

    Returns the theme used for styling the fragment. The default returns -1, indicating that the host Activity's theme should be used.

    int The theme resource ID of the theme to use in this fragment, or -1 to use the host Activity's theme.


    void onResume ()


    void onSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState)

    outState Bundle


    added in version 24.1.0
    boolean onSubGuidedActionClicked (GuidedAction action)

    Callback invoked when an action in sub actions is taken by the user. Subclasses should override in order to act on the user's decisions. Default return value is true to close the sub actions list.

    action GuidedAction: The chosen action.

    boolean true to collapse the sub actions list, false to keep it expanded.


    added in version 26.1.0
    void openInEditMode (GuidedAction action)

    Opens the provided action in edit mode and raises ime. This can be used to programmatically skip the extra click required to go into edit mode. This method can be invoked in onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle).

    action GuidedAction


    added in version 24.1.0
    void popBackStackToGuidedStepFragment (Class guidedStepFragmentClass, 
                    int flags)

    Convenient method to pop to fragment with Given class.

    guidedStepFragmentClass Class: Name of the Class of GuidedStepFragment to pop to.

    flags int: Either 0 or POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE.


    added in version 22.1.0
    void setActions (List<GuidedAction> actions)

    Sets the list of GuidedActions that the user may take in this fragment. Uses DiffCallback set by setActionsDiffCallback(DiffCallback).

    actions List: The list of GuidedActions for this fragment.


    added in version 27.1.0
    void setActionsDiffCallback (DiffCallback<GuidedAction> diffCallback)

    Sets the RecyclerView DiffCallback used when setActions(List) is called. By default GuidedStepFragment uses GuidedActionDiffCallback. Sets it to null if app wants to refresh the whole list.

    diffCallback DiffCallback: DiffCallback used in setActions(List).


    added in version 24.1.0
    void setButtonActions (List<GuidedAction> actions)

    Sets the list of button GuidedActions that the user may take in this fragment.

    actions List: The list of button GuidedActions for this fragment.


    added in version 22.1.0
    void setSelectedActionPosition (int position)

    Scrolls the action list to the position indicated, selecting that action's view.

    position int: The integer position of the action of interest.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void setSelectedButtonActionPosition (int position)

    Scrolls the action list to the position indicated, selecting that button action's view.

    position int: The integer position of the button action of interest.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void setUiStyle (int style)

    Set UI style to fragment arguments. Default value is UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE when fragment is first initialized. UI style is used to choose different fragment transition animations and determine if this is the first GuidedStepFragment on backstack. In most cases app does not directly call this method, app calls helper function add(FragmentManager, GuidedStepFragment, int). However if the app creates Fragment transaction and controls backstack by itself, it would need call setUiStyle() to select the fragment transition to use.

    Protected methods


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onAddSharedElementTransition (FragmentTransaction ft, 
                    GuidedStepFragment disappearing)

    Called when this fragment is added to FragmentTransaction with UI_STYLE_REPLACE (aka when the GuidedStepFragment replacing an existing GuidedStepFragment). Default implementation establishes connections between action background views to morph action background bounds change from disappearing GuidedStepFragment into this GuidedStepFragment. The default implementation heavily relies on GuidedActionsStylist's layout, app may override this method when modifying the default layout of GuidedActionsStylist.

    ft FragmentTransaction: The FragmentTransaction to add shared element.

    disappearing GuidedStepFragment: The disappearing fragment.


    added in version 24.1.0
    void onProvideFragmentTransitions ()

    Called by Constructor to provide fragment transitions. The default implementation assigns transitions based on getUiStyle():

    • UI_STYLE_REPLACE Slide from/to end(right) for enter transition, slide from/to start(left) for exit transition, shared element enter transition is set to ChangeBounds.
    • UI_STYLE_ENTRANCE Enter transition is set to slide from both sides, exit transition is same as UI_STYLE_REPLACE, no shared element enter transition.
    • UI_STYLE_ACTIVITY_ROOT Enter transition is set to null and app should rely on activity transition, exit transition is same as UI_STYLE_REPLACE, no shared element enter transition.

    The default implementation heavily relies on GuidedActionsStylist and GuidanceStylist layout, app may override this method when modifying the default layout of GuidedActionsStylist or GuidanceStylist.

    TIP: because the fragment view is removed during fragment transition, in general app cannot use two Visibility transition together. Workaround is to create your own Visibility transition that controls multiple animators (e.g. slide and fade animation in one Transition class).