AaptOptions |
This interface is deprecated. Renamed to AndroidResources |
AarMetadata |
DSL object for configuring metadata that is embedded in the AAR. |
AbiSplit |
DSL object for configuring per-abi splits options. |
AdbOptions |
This interface is deprecated. Renamed to Installation |
AgpTestSuite |
A test suite that runs with the Android Gradle Plugin. |
AiPackExtension |
Extension properties for the Asset Pack plugin that are specific to AI packs. |
AndroidResources |
DSL object for configuring Android resource options. |
AndroidSourceDirectorySet |
An AndroidSourceDirectorySet represents a set of directory inputs for an Android project. |
AndroidSourceFile |
An AndroidSourceFile represents a single file input for an Android project. |
AndroidSourceSet |
An AndroidSourceSet represents a logical group of Java, aidl and RenderScript sources as well as Android and non-Android (Java-style) resources. |
AndroidTest |
DSL object on library build type for configurations of the android test component. |
AnnotationProcessorOptions |
Options for configuring Java annotation processor. |
ApkExtension |
Common extension properties for the Android Gradle Plugin Application and Dynamic Feature plugins. |
ApkSigningConfig |
DSL object to configure signing configs. |
ApplicationAndroidResources |
DSL object for configuring Android resource options for Application plugins. |
ApplicationBaseFlavor |
Shared properties between |
ApplicationBuildFeatures |
A list of build features that can be disabled or enabled in an Android Application project. |
ApplicationBuildType |
Build types define certain properties that Gradle uses when building and packaging your app, and are typically configured for different stages of your development lifecycle. |
ApplicationDefaultConfig |
Specifies defaults for properties that the Android application plugin applies to all build variants. |
ApplicationExtension |
Extension for the Android Gradle Plugin Application plugin. |
ApplicationInstallation |
ApplicationProductFlavor |
Encapsulates all product flavors properties for application projects. |
ApplicationPublishing |
Maven publishing DSL object for configuring options related to publishing APK and AAB. |
ApplicationSingleVariant |
Single variant publishing options for application projects. |
ApplicationVariantDimension |
Shared properties between DSL objects that contribute to an application variant. |
AssetPackBundleExtension |
AssetPackExtension |
Extension properties for the Asset Pack plugin. |
BaseFlavor |
Shared properties between DSL objects |
BaselineProfile |
DSL object in |
BuildFeatures |
A list of build features that can be disabled or enabled in an Android project. |
BuildType |
Build types define certain properties that Gradle uses when building and packaging your app, and are typically configured for different stages of your development lifecycle. |
Bundle |
DSL object for configuring the Android Application Bundle |
BundleAbi |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle ABI options |
BundleAiModelVersion |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle AI model version targeting |
BundleCodeTransparency |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle Code Transparency options |
BundleCountrySet |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle Country Set options |
BundleDensity |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle Density options |
BundleDeviceGroup |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle Device Group options |
BundleDeviceTier |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle Device Tier options |
BundleLanguage |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle Language options |
BundleStoreArchive |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle Store Archive options |
BundleTexture |
DSL object for configuring the App Bundle Texture options |
Cmake |
DSL object for per-module CMake configurations, such as the path to your |
CmakeFlags |
DSL object for per-variant CMake options, such as CMake arguments and compiler flags. |
CommonExtension |
Common extension properties for the Android Application. |
CompileOptions |
Java compilation options. |
ComposeOptions |
Optional settings for the Compose feature. |
ConfigurableFiles |
A container for a collection of files that has the capability to add a single existing file or a group of existing files to the collection |
ConsumerKeepRules |
DataBinding |
DSL object for configuring databinding options. |
DefaultConfig |
Specifies defaults for variant properties that the Android plugin applies to all build variants. |
DensitySplit |
This interface is deprecated. Density-based apk split feature is deprecated and will be removed in AGP 10.0.Use Android App Bundle ( generate optimized APKs. |
DependenciesInfo |
DSL object to specify whether to include SDK dependency information in APKs and Bundles. |
DependencyVariantSelection |
Specifies options for doing variant selection for external Android dependencies based on build types and product flavours |
Device |
Top-level interface for all devices to run applications by tasks in the Android Gradle Plugin. |
DeviceGroup |
A group of devices to be run with tests using the Unified Test Platform. |
DexPackaging |
Packaging options for Dex (Android Dalvik Executable) files in the Android DSL |
DynamicDelivery |
DSL object to configure dynamic delivery of an asset pack. |
DynamicFeatureAndroidResources |
DSL object for configuring Android resource options for Dynamic Feature plugins. |
DynamicFeatureBaseFlavor |
Shared properties between DSL objects |
DynamicFeatureBuildFeatures |
A list of build features that can be disabled or enabled in an Android Dynamic Feature project. |
DynamicFeatureBuildType |
Build types define certain properties that Gradle uses when building and packaging your app, and are typically configured for different stages of your development lifecycle. |
DynamicFeatureDefaultConfig |
Specifies defaults for properties that the Android dynamic-feature plugin applies to all build variants. |
DynamicFeatureExtension |
Extension for the Android Dynamic Feature Gradle Plugin. |
DynamicFeatureInstallation |
DSL object for configuring installation options for Dynamic Feature plugins. |
DynamicFeatureProductFlavor |
Encapsulates all product flavors properties for dynamic feature projects. |
DynamicFeatureVariantDimension |
Shared properties between DSL objects that contribute to an dynamic feature variant. |
EmulatorControl |
Options for configuring Android Emulator Access |
EmulatorSnapshots |
Options for configuring Android Test Retention. |
Execution |
ExecutionProfile |
ExternalNativeBuild |
DSL object to configure external native builds using CMake or ndk-build |
ExternalNativeBuildFlags |
DSL object for per-variant CMake and ndk-build configurations, such as toolchain arguments and compiler flags. |
FailureRetention |
This interface is deprecated. Renamed to EmulatorSnapshots |
HasConfigurableValue |
HasInitWith |
For build types and product flavors, they can be initialized from the current state of another. |
Installation |
Local installation options for the adb tool. |
JUnitEngineSpec |
Spec for running a JUnit engine against a test suite. |
JacocoOptions |
This interface is deprecated. Renamed to TestCoverage |
JavaCompileOptions |
DSL object for javaCompileOptions. |
JniLibsPackaging |
Packaging options for native library (.so) files in the Android DSL |
KeepRules |
DSL object for external library dependencies keep rules configurations. |
KmpOptimization |
DSL object for configurations aimed for optimizing build process(e.g. speed, correctness) |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidCompilation |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidCompilationBuilder |
Options to build a |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidDeviceTest |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidDeviceTestCompilation |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidHostTest |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidHostTestCompilation |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidLibraryExtension |
Extension properties for Kotlin multiplatform Android libraries. |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidLibraryTarget |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidTarget |
This interface is deprecated. Use KotlinMultiplatformAndroidLibraryTarget. |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidTestOnDeviceCompilation |
This interface is deprecated. Use KotlinMultiplatformAndroidDeviceTestCompilation. |
KotlinMultiplatformAndroidTestOnJvmCompilation |
This interface is deprecated. Use KotlinMultiplatformAndroidHostTestCompilation. |
LibraryAndroidResources |
DSL object for configuring Android resource options for Library plugins. |
LibraryBaseFlavor |
Shared properties between |
LibraryBuildFeatures |
A list of build features that can be disabled or enabled in an Android Library project. |
LibraryBuildType |
Build types define certain properties that Gradle uses when building and packaging your library, and are typically configured for different stages of your development lifecycle. |
LibraryDefaultConfig |
Specifies defaults for properties that the Android library plugin applies to all build variants. |
LibraryExtension |
Extension for the Android Library Gradle Plugin. |
LibraryInstallation |
DSL object for configuring installation options for Library plugins. |
LibraryKeepRules |
LibraryProductFlavor |
Encapsulates all product flavors properties for library projects. |
LibraryPublishing |
Maven publishing DSL object for configuring options related to publishing AAR. |
LibrarySingleVariant |
Single variant publishing options for library projects. |
LibraryVariantDimension |
Shared properties between DSL objects that contribute to a library variant. |
Lint |
DSL object for configuring lint options. |
LintOptions |
This interface is deprecated. Renamed to Lint |
ManagedDevices |
Options for Managed Devices |
ManagedVirtualDevice |
Device type for emulators to be managed by the Android Gradle Plugin. |
ModelDependency |
DSL object to configure a model dependency for an AI pack. |
MultiDexConfig |
MultipleVariants |
Multi variant publishing options. |
Ndk |
DSL object for per-variant NDK settings, such as the ABI filter. |
NdkBuild |
DSL object for per-module ndk-build configurations, such as the path to your |
NdkBuildFlags |
DSL object for per-variant ndk-build options, such as ndk-build arguments and compiler flags. |
Optimization |
DSL object for configurations aimed for optimizing build process(e.g. speed, correctness). |
Packaging |
Packaging option entry point for the Android DSL. |
PostProcessing |
DSL object for configuring postProcessing: removing dead code, obfuscating etc. |
Prefab |
Options for including Prefab packages in AARs. |
PrivacySandbox |
Privacy Sandbox library consumption options |
PrivacySandboxKeepRules |
PrivacySandboxSdkBundle |
PrivacySandboxSdkExtension |
PrivacySandboxSdkOptimization |
DSL object for configurations aimed for optimizing build process(e.g. speed, correctness) |
ProductFlavor |
Encapsulates all product flavors properties for this project. |
Publishing |
Maven publishing DSL object for configuring options related to publishing Android variants to a Maven repository. |
PublishingOptions |
Maven publishing options shared by |
ResourcesPackaging |
Packaging options for java resource files in the Android DSL |
SdkComponents |
SettingsExtension |
Interface used for the |
Shaders |
Options for configuring scoped shader options. |
SigningConfig |
DSL object for configuring options related to signing for APKs and bundles. |
SingleVariant |
Single variant publishing options. |
Split |
Base data representing how an APK should be split for a given dimension (density, abi). |
Splits |
Options to configure Multiple APKs. |
TestAndroidResources |
DSL object for configuring Android resource options for Test plugins. |
TestBaseFlavor |
Shared properties between |
TestBuildFeatures |
A list of build features that can be disabled or enabled in an Android Test project. |
TestBuildType |
Build types define certain properties that Gradle uses when building and packaging your library, and are typically configured for different stages of your development lifecycle. |
TestCoverage |
Settings related to the gathering of code-coverage data from tests |
TestDefaultConfig |
Specifies defaults for properties that the Android test plugin applies to all build variants. |
TestExtension |
Extension for the Android Test Gradle Plugin. |
TestFixtures |
DSL object for configuring test fixtures. |
TestInstallation |
DSL object for configuring installation options for Test plugins. |
TestOptions |
Options for running tests. |
TestProductFlavor |
Encapsulates all product flavors properties for test projects. |
TestVariantDimension |
Shared properties between DSL objects that contribute to a separate-test-project variant. |
TestedExtension |
Common extension properties for the Android Application. |
ToolOptions |
UnitTestOptions |
Options for controlling unit tests execution. |
VariantDimension |
Shared properties between DSL objects that contribute to a variant. |
VcsInfo |
DSL object for configuring Version Control information |
VectorDrawables |
DSL object used to configure |
ViewBinding |
DSL object for configuring viewbinding options. |
AgpTestSuiteInputParameters |
List of possible input parameters a Junit engine can consume to run successfully. |
DefaultInputsForAgpTestSuites |
List of default properties that can be used to initialize the AgpTestSuite.testEngineInputs for a particular test suite. |
ManagedVirtualDevice.PageAlignment |
Defines possible system image selection strategies based on the requested Page Alignment |
Extension functions summary
Extension functions
fun <Error class: unknown class>.androidLibrary(action: KotlinMultiplatformAndroidLibraryTarget.() -> Unit): Unit