added in version 24.1.0


Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the value of this Preference has been changed by the user and is about to be set and/or persisted. 
Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a Preference is clicked. 
PreferenceFragmentCompat.OnPreferenceStartFragmentCallback Interface that PreferenceFragment's containing activity should implement to be able to process preference items that wish to switch to a specified fragment. 
PreferenceFragmentCompat.OnPreferenceStartScreenCallback Interface that PreferenceFragment's containing activity should implement to be able to process preference items that wish to switch to a new screen of preferences. 
PreferenceGroup.PreferencePositionCallback Interface for PreferenceGroup Adapters to implement so that scrollToPreference(String) and scrollToPreference(Preference) or scrollToPreference(String) and scrollToPreference(Preference) can determine the correct scroll position to request. 
PreferenceManager.OnDisplayPreferenceDialogListener Interface definition for a class that will be called when a Preference requests to display a dialog. 
PreferenceManager.OnNavigateToScreenListener Interface definition for a class that will be called when a PreferenceScreen requests navigation. 
PreferenceManager.OnPreferenceTreeClickListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a Preference in the hierarchy rooted at this PreferenceScreen is clicked. 


CheckBoxPreference A Preference that provides checkbox widget functionality. 
DialogPreference A base class for Preference objects that are dialog-based. 
DropDownPreference A version of ListPreference that presents the options in a drop down menu rather than a dialog. 
EditTextPreference A Preference that allows for string input. 
ListPreference A Preference that displays a list of entries as a dialog. 
Preference Represents the basic Preference UI building block displayed by a PreferenceFragmentCompat in the form of a RecyclerView
Preference.BaseSavedState A base class for managing the instance state of a Preference
PreferenceCategory Used to group Preference objects and provide a disabled title above the group. 
PreferenceDataStore A data store interface to be implemented and provided to the Preferences framework. 
PreferenceDialogFragmentCompat Abstract base class which presents a dialog associated with a DialogPreference
PreferenceFragmentCompat Shows a hierarchy of Preference objects as lists. 
PreferenceGroup A container for multiple Preference objects. 
PreferenceManager Used to help create Preference hierarchies from activities or XML. 
PreferenceManager.PreferenceComparisonCallback Callback class to be used by the RecyclerView.Adapter associated with the PreferenceScreen, used to determine when two Preference objects are semantically and visually the same. 
PreferenceManager.SimplePreferenceComparisonCallback A basic implementation of PreferenceManager.PreferenceComparisonCallback suitable for use with the default Preference classes. 
PreferenceScreen Represents a top-level Preference that is the root of a Preference hierarchy. 
PreferenceViewHolder A RecyclerView.ViewHolder class which caches views associated with the default Preference layouts. 
SeekBarPreference Preference based on android.preference.SeekBarPreference but uses support v7 preference as base. 
SwitchPreferenceCompat A Preference that provides a two-state toggleable option. 
TwoStatePreference Common base class for preferences that have two selectable states, persist a boolean value in SharedPreferences, and may have dependent preferences that are enabled/disabled based on the current state.