Android Developers Develop API reference On this pageSummaryInherited functionsInherited properties UnitTest interface UnitTest : UnitTest Properties for the unit test variant of a module. Summary Inherited functions From class Unit setAsmFramesComputationMode(mode: FramesComputationMode) This function is deprecated. Will be removed in v9.0, use the instrumentation block. Unit <ParamT : InstrumentationParameters> transformClassesWith( classVisitorFactoryImplClass: Class<AsmClassVisitorFactory<ParamT>>, scope: InstrumentationScope, instrumentationParamsConfig: (ParamT) -> Unit) This function is deprecated. Will be removed in v9.0, use the instrumentation block. Inherited properties From class Configuration annotationProcessorConfiguration Access to the variant's annotation processor Configuration; for example, the debugAnnotationProcessor Configuration for the debug variant. Artifacts artifacts Access to the variant's buildable artifacts for build customization. FileCollection compileClasspath Access to the variant's compile classpath. Configuration compileConfiguration Access to the variant's compile Configuration; for example, the debugCompileClasspath Configuration for the debug variant. Instrumentation instrumentation Access to the variant's instrumentation options. JavaCompilation javaCompilation Access to the variant's java compilation options. Provider<String> namespace The namespace of the generated R and BuildConfig classes. Configuration runtimeConfiguration Access to the variant's runtime Configuration; for example, the debugRuntimeClasspath Configuration for the debug variant. Sources sources Access to variant's source files. From class String? buildType Build type name, might be replaced with access to locked DSL object once ready. String? flavorName The multi-flavor name of the variant. String name Component's name. List<Pair<String, String>> productFlavors List of flavor names, might be replaced with access to locked DSL objects once ready. From class MapProperty<String, String> manifestPlaceholders MapProperty of the test component's manifest placeholders.