belongs to Maven artifact
extends SnapHelper
java.lang.Object | |||
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Implementation of the SnapHelper
supporting snapping in either vertical or horizontal
The implementation will snap the center of the target child view to the center of
the attached RecyclerView
. If you intend to change this behavior then override
calculateDistanceToFinalSnap(RecyclerView.LayoutManager, View)
Public constructors | |
Public methods | |
calculateDistanceToFinalSnap(RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager, View targetView)
Override this method to snap to a particular point within the target view or the container view on any axis. |
findSnapView(RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager)
Override this method to provide a particular target view for snapping. |
findTargetSnapPosition(RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager, int velocityX, int velocityY)
Override to provide a particular adapter target position for snapping. |
Inherited methods | |
| |
| |
Public constructors
Public methods
int[] calculateDistanceToFinalSnap (RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager, View targetView)
Override this method to snap to a particular point within the target view or the container view on any axis.
This method is called when the SnapHelper
has intercepted a fling and it needs
to know the exact distance required to scroll by in order to snap to the target view.
Parameters | |
layoutManager |
RecyclerView.LayoutManager : the RecyclerView.LayoutManager associated with the attached
RecyclerView |
targetView |
View : the target view that is chosen as the view to snap |
Returns | |
int[] |
the output coordinates the put the result into. out[0] is the distance on horizontal axis and out[1] is the distance on vertical axis. |
View findSnapView (RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager)
Override this method to provide a particular target view for snapping.
This method is called when the SnapHelper
is ready to start snapping and requires
a target view to snap to. It will be explicitly called when the scroll state becomes idle
after a scroll. It will also be called when the SnapHelper
is preparing to snap
after a fling and requires a reference view from the current set of child views.
If this method returns null
, SnapHelper will not snap to any view.
Parameters | |
layoutManager |
RecyclerView.LayoutManager : the RecyclerView.LayoutManager associated with the attached
RecyclerView |
Returns | |
View |
the target view to which to snap on fling or end of scroll |
int findTargetSnapPosition (RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager, int velocityX, int velocityY)
Override to provide a particular adapter target position for snapping.
Parameters | |
layoutManager |
RecyclerView.LayoutManager : the RecyclerView.LayoutManager associated with the attached
RecyclerView |
velocityX |
int : fling velocity on the horizontal axis |
velocityY |
int : fling velocity on the vertical axis |
Returns | |
int |
the target adapter position to you want to snap or NO_POSITION
if no snapping should happen
- ActionMenuView.OnMenuItemClickListener
- PopupMenu.OnDismissListener
- PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener
- RecyclerView.ChildDrawingOrderCallback
- RecyclerView.ItemAnimator.ItemAnimatorFinishedListener
- RecyclerView.LayoutManager.LayoutPrefetchRegistry
- RecyclerView.OnChildAttachStateChangeListener
- RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener
- RecyclerView.RecyclerListener
- RecyclerView.SmoothScroller.ScrollVectorProvider
- SearchView.OnCloseListener
- SearchView.OnQueryTextListener
- SearchView.OnSuggestionListener
- ShareActionProvider.OnShareTargetSelectedListener
- ThemedSpinnerAdapter
- Toolbar.OnMenuItemClickListener
- ActionMenuView
- ActionMenuView.LayoutParams
- AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView
- AppCompatButton
- AppCompatCheckBox
- AppCompatCheckedTextView
- AppCompatEditText
- AppCompatImageButton
- AppCompatImageView
- AppCompatMultiAutoCompleteTextView
- AppCompatRadioButton
- AppCompatRatingBar
- AppCompatSeekBar
- AppCompatSpinner
- AppCompatTextView
- CardView
- DefaultItemAnimator
- DividerItemDecoration
- GridLayout
- GridLayout.Alignment
- GridLayout.LayoutParams
- GridLayout.Spec
- GridLayoutManager
- GridLayoutManager.DefaultSpanSizeLookup
- GridLayoutManager.LayoutParams
- GridLayoutManager.SpanSizeLookup
- LinearLayoutCompat
- LinearLayoutCompat.LayoutParams
- LinearLayoutManager
- LinearLayoutManager.LayoutChunkResult
- LinearSmoothScroller
- LinearSnapHelper
- ListPopupWindow
- OrientationHelper
- PagerSnapHelper
- PopupMenu
- RecyclerView
- RecyclerView.Adapter
- RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver
- RecyclerView.EdgeEffectFactory
- RecyclerView.ItemAnimator
- RecyclerView.ItemAnimator.ItemHolderInfo
- RecyclerView.ItemDecoration
- RecyclerView.LayoutManager
- RecyclerView.LayoutManager.Properties
- RecyclerView.LayoutParams
- RecyclerView.OnFlingListener
- RecyclerView.OnScrollListener
- RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool
- RecyclerView.Recycler
- RecyclerView.SimpleOnItemTouchListener
- RecyclerView.SmoothScroller
- RecyclerView.SmoothScroller.Action
- RecyclerView.State
- RecyclerView.ViewCacheExtension
- RecyclerView.ViewHolder
- RecyclerViewAccessibilityDelegate
- RecyclerViewAccessibilityDelegate.ItemDelegate
- SearchView
- ShareActionProvider
- SimpleItemAnimator
- SnapHelper
- StaggeredGridLayoutManager
- StaggeredGridLayoutManager.LayoutParams
- SwitchCompat
- ThemedSpinnerAdapter.Helper
- Toolbar
- Toolbar.LayoutParams
- Toolbar.SavedState
- TooltipCompat