
Added in 7.0.0

class DslExtension

Third party DSL extension configuration.

When a third party plugins needs to extend the Android Gradle Plugin DSL, it needs to indicate the location of these extension elements.

Currently, we support extending :

  • [com.android.build.api.dsl.DefaultConfig]
  • [com.android.build.api.dsl.BuildType]
  • [com.android.build.api.dsl.ProductFlavor]

A plugin can choose to extend one or more of these elements by calling the appropriate methods on the Builder like Builder.extendBuildTypeWith to extend com.android.build.api.dsl.BuildType.

Because the number of instances of each extension point is determined during evaluation phase, Gradle will be creating those instances on demand. See full documentation at : https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/custom_plugins.html#sec:getting_input_from_the_build


Nested types

Creates a Builder to instance to create a DslExtension containing all desired extension points to the Android Gradle Plugin DSL.

Public properties


Added in 7.0.0
val buildTypeExtensionTypeClass<Any>?


Added in 7.0.0
val dslNameString


Added in 7.0.0
val productFlavorExtensionTypeClass<Any>?


Added in 7.0.0
val projectExtensionTypeClass<Any>?