
interface LibraryPublishing : Publishing

Maven publishing DSL object for configuring options related to publishing AAR.

To publish just one variant, use singleVariant. The following sets up publishing of only the fullRelease variant of an android library.

android {
// This project has four build variants: fullDebug, fullRelease, demoDebug, demoRelease
flavorDimensions 'mode'
productFlavors {
full {}
demo {}

publishing {
// Publishes "fullRelease" build variant with "fullRelease" component created by
// Android Gradle plugin

afterEvaluate {
publishing {
publications {
fullRelease(MavenPublication) {
from components.fullRelease
// ......

To publish multiple variants, use multipleVariants. The following sets up publishing of both fullDebug and fullRelease variants of an android library.

android {
publishing {
// Published fullDebug and fullRelease build variants with "full" component created by
// Android Gradle Plugin. The buildType attribute is added to published build variants.
// As only a single flavor from "mode" dimension is included, no flavor attribute is
// included.
multipleVariants("full") {
includeBuildTypeValues("debug", "release")
includeFlavorDimensionAndValues("mode", "full")

afterEvaluate {
publishing {
publications {
full(MavenPublication) {
from components.full
// ......

To publish all the build variants, you can use MultipleVariants.allVariants as a shortcut instead of filtering variants with MultipleVariants.includeBuildTypeValues and MultipleVariants.includeFlavorDimensionAndValues.

android {
publishing {
// Publishes all build variants with "default" component
multipleVariants {

afterEvaluate {
publishing {
publications {
allVariants(MavenPublication) {
from components.default
// ......

This following code example shows how to create two publications one for demoRelease build variant, one for fullDebug & fullRelease build variants.

android {
publishing {
// Publish "demoRelease" build variant with "demoRelease" component

// Publish "fullDebug" and "fullRelease" build variants with "full" component
multipleVariants("full") {
includeBuildTypeValues("debug", "release")
includeFlavorDimensionAndValues("mode", "full")

afterEvaluate {
publishing {
publications {
// Creates two publications with different artifactIds
full(MavenPublication) {
from components.full
groupId = 'com.example.MyLibrary'
artifactId = 'final-full'
version = '1.0'
demoRelease(MavenPublication) {
from components.demoRelease
groupId = 'com.example.MyLibrary'
artifactId = 'final-demo'
version = '1.0'

The testFixtures component is published by default with its main variant. To disable publishing the testFixtures component, see the following example.

afterEvaluate {
// Disable publishing test fixtures of release variant
configurations.releaseTestFixturesVariantReleaseApiPublication) { skip() }
configurations.releaseTestFixturesVariantReleaseRuntimePublication) { skip() }


Public functions

    componentName: String?,
    action: (@ExtensionFunctionType MultipleVariants.() -> Unit)?

Publish multiple variants to a component.


Publish multiple variants to the default component.

Inherited functions

From class Publishing
singleVariant(variantName: String?)

Publish a variant with single variant publishing mechanism.

    variantName: String?,
    action: (@ExtensionFunctionType LibrarySingleVariant.() -> Unit)?

Publish a variant with single variant publishing options.

Public functions


fun multipleVariants(
    componentName: String?,
    action: (@ExtensionFunctionType MultipleVariants.() -> Unit)?
): Unit

Publish multiple variants to a component.


fun multipleVariants(action: (@ExtensionFunctionType MultipleVariants.() -> Unit)?): Unit

Publish multiple variants to the default component.