public final class Session

The Session provides the primary interface to SceneCore functionality for the application. Each spatialized Activity must create and hold an instance of Session.

Once created, the application can use the Session interfaces to create spatialized entities, such as Widget panels and geometric models, set the background environment, and anchor content to the real world.


Public constructors

    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter platformAdapter,
    @NonNull SpatialEnvironment spatialEnvironment

Public methods

static final @NonNull Session
create(@NonNull Activity activity, JxrPlatformAdapter platformAdapter)

Creates a session and pairs it with an Activity and its lifecycle.

final @NonNull Activity
final @NonNull ActivitySpace

The ActivitySpace is a special entity that represents the space in which the application is launched.

final @NonNull Entity
final @NonNull PanelEntity

A spatialized PanelEntity associated with the "main window" for the Activity.

final @NonNull PerceptionSpace

The PerceptionSpace represents the origin of the space in which the ARCore for XR API provides tracking info.

final @NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter
final @NonNull SpatialEnvironment
final @NonNull SpatialUser

The SpatialUser contains information about the user.

Extension functions

final void

Adds the given Consumer as a listener to be invoked when this Session's current SpatialCapabilities change.

final void

Adds the given Consumer as a listener to be invoked when this Session's current SpatialCapabilities change.

final @NonNull List<@NonNull T>
<T extends Entity> SessionExt.getEntitiesOfType(
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Class<@NonNull T> type

Returns all Entitys of the given type or its subtypes.

final @NonNull SpatialCapabilities

Returns the current SpatialCapabilities of the Session.

final void

Releases the given Consumer from receiving updates when the Session's SpatialCapabilities change.

final @NonNull Bundle
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Bundle bundle

Sets the full space mode flag to the given android.os.Bundle.

final @NonNull Bundle

Sets the inherit full space mode environvment flag to the given android.os.Bundle.

final void
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Activity activity,
    float preferredRatio

Sets a preferred main panel aspect ratio for home space mode.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public Session(
    @NonNull Activity activity,
    @NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter platformAdapter,
    @NonNull SpatialEnvironment spatialEnvironment

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public static final @NonNull Session create(@NonNull Activity activity, JxrPlatformAdapter platformAdapter)

Creates a session and pairs it with an Activity and its lifecycle. If a session is already paired with an Activity, return that Session instead of creating a new one.

For our Alpha release, we just directly instantiate the Android XR PlatformAdapter.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public final @NonNull Activity getActivity()


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public final @NonNull ActivitySpace getActivitySpace()

The ActivitySpace is a special entity that represents the space in which the application is launched. It is the default parent of all entities in the scene.

The ActivitySpace is created automatically when the Session is created.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public final @NonNull Entity getActivitySpaceRoot()


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public final @NonNull PanelEntity getMainPanelEntity()

A spatialized PanelEntity associated with the "main window" for the Activity. When in HomeSpace mode, this is the application's "main window".

If called multiple times, this will return the same PanelEntity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public final @NonNull PerceptionSpace getPerceptionSpace()

The PerceptionSpace represents the origin of the space in which the ARCore for XR API provides tracking info. The transformations provided by the PerceptionSpace are only valid for the call frame, as the transformation can be changed by the system at any time.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public final @NonNull JxrPlatformAdapter getPlatformAdapter()


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public final @NonNull SpatialEnvironment getSpatialEnvironment()


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
public final @NonNull SpatialUser getSpatialUser()

The SpatialUser contains information about the user.

Extension functions


public final void SessionExt.addSpatialCapabilitiesChangedListener(
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Consumer<@NonNull SpatialCapabilities> listener

Adds the given Consumer as a listener to be invoked when this Session's current SpatialCapabilities change. Consumer#accept(SpatialCapabilities) will be invoked on the main thread.


public final void SessionExt.addSpatialCapabilitiesChangedListener(
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Executor callbackExecutor,
    @NonNull Consumer<@NonNull SpatialCapabilities> listener

Adds the given Consumer as a listener to be invoked when this Session's current SpatialCapabilities change. Consumer#accept(SpatialCapabilities) will be invoked on the given callbackExecutor, or the main thread if the callbackExecutor is null (default).


public final @NonNull List<@NonNull T> <T extends Entity> SessionExt.getEntitiesOfType(
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Class<@NonNull T> type

Returns all Entitys of the given type or its subtypes.

@NonNull Class<@NonNull T> type

the type of Entity to return.

@NonNull List<@NonNull T>

a list of all Entitys of the given type.


public final @NonNull SpatialCapabilities SessionExt.getSpatialCapabilities(@NonNull Session receiver)

Returns the current SpatialCapabilities of the Session. The set of capabilities can change within a session. The returned object will not update if the capabilities change; this method should be called again to get the latest set of capabilities.


public final void SessionExt.removeSpatialCapabilitiesChangedListener(
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Consumer<@NonNull SpatialCapabilities> listener

Releases the given Consumer from receiving updates when the Session's SpatialCapabilities change.


public final @NonNull Bundle SessionExt.setFullSpaceMode(
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Bundle bundle

Sets the full space mode flag to the given android.os.Bundle.

The android.os.Bundle then could be used to launch an with requesting to enter full space mode through If there's a bundle used for customizing how the should be started by or, it's suggested to use the bundle to call this method.

The flag will be ignored when no android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK is set in the bundle, or it is not started from a focused Activity context.

This flag is also ignored when the android.window.PROPERTY_XR_ACTIVITY_START_MODE property is set to a value other than XR_ACTIVITY_START_MODE_UNDEFINED in the AndroidManifest.xml file for the activity being launched.

@NonNull Bundle bundle

the input bundle to set with the full space mode flag.

@NonNull Bundle

the input bundle with the full space mode flag set.


public final @NonNull Bundle SessionExt.setFullSpaceModeWithEnvironmentInherited(
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Bundle bundle

Sets the inherit full space mode environvment flag to the given android.os.Bundle.

The android.os.Bundle then could be used to launch an with requesting to enter full space mode while inherit the existing environment through If there's a bundle used for customizing how the should be started by or, it's suggested to use the bundle to call this method.

When launched, the activity will be in full space mode and also inherits the environment from the launching activity. If the inherited environment needs to be animated, the launching activity has to continue updating the environment even after the activity is put into the stopped state.

The flag will be ignored when no android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK is set in the intent, or it is not started from a focused Activity context.

The flag will also be ignored when there is no environment to inherit or the activity has its own environment set already.

This flag is ignored too when the android.window.PROPERTY_XR_ACTIVITY_START_MODE property is set to a value other than XR_ACTIVITY_START_MODE_UNDEFINED in the AndroidManifest.xml file for the activity being launched.

For security reasons, Z testing for the new activity is disabled, and the activity is always drawn on top of the inherited environment. Because Z testing is disabled, the activity should not spatialize itself.

@NonNull Bundle bundle

the input bundle to set with the inherit full space mode environment flag.

@NonNull Bundle

the input bundle with the inherit full space mode flag set.


public final void SessionExt.setPreferredAspectRatio(
    @NonNull Session receiver,
    @NonNull Activity activity,
    float preferredRatio

Sets a preferred main panel aspect ratio for home space mode.

The ratio is only applied to the activity. If the activity launches another activity in the same task, the ratio is not applied to the new activity. Also, while the activity is in full space mode, the preference is temporarily removed.

If the activity's current aspect ratio differs from the preferredRatio, the panel is automatically resized. This resizing preserves the panel's area. To avoid runtime resizing, consider specifying the desired aspect ratio in your AndroidManifest.xml. This ensures your activity launches with the preferred aspect ratio from the start.

@NonNull Activity activity

the activity to set the preference.

float preferredRatio

the aspect ratio determined by taking the panel's width over its height. A value <= 0.0f means there are no preferences.