public abstract class DataType<T extends Object, D extends DataPoint<@NonNull T>>


DataType that represents aggregated data.


DataType that represents a granular, non-aggregated point in time.

A data type is a representation of health data managed by Health Services.

A DataType specifies the type of the values inside of a DataPoint. Health Services defines data types for instantaneous observations (Samples / SampleDataPoint, e.g. heart rate) and data types for a change between readings (Intervals / IntervalDataPoint, e.g. distance).

Health services also allows specifying aggregated versions of many data types, which will allow the developer to get e.g. a running total of intervals (CumulativeDataPoint) or statistics like min/max/average on samples (StatisticalDataPoint).

Note: the data type defines only the representation and format of the data, and not how it's being collected, the sensor being used, or the parameters of the collection. As an example, DISTANCE may come from GPS location if available, or steps if not available.


Nested types

public final class DataType.TimeType

Whether the DataType corresponds to a measurement spanning an interval, or a sample at a single point in time.

Public fields

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Absolute elevation at a specific point in time expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Statistical information about the absolute elevation over the course of the active exercise expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The total time the Exercise was ExerciseState.ACTIVE in seconds.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Number of calories burned (including basal rate and activity) since the last update.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

The total number of calories over a day (including both BMR and active calories), where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Total number of calories burned (including basal rate and activity) since the start of the current active exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Distance traveled over declining ground between each reading expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

The total distance traveled over declining ground between each reading since the start of the active exercise expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The amount of time the user spent traveling over declining ground since the last update, expressed in seconds.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Total duration the user spent traveling over declining ground since the start of the active exercise, expressed in seconds.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

A distance delta between each reading expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

The total distance over a day, where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Total distance since the start of the active exercise expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

A measure of the gain in elevation since the last update expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

The total gain in elevation over a day expressed in meters in double format, where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

A measure of the total gain in elevation since the start of an active exercise expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

A measure of the loss in elevation since the last update expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

A measure of the total loss in elevation since the start of an active exercise expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

The distance traveled over flat since the last update expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

The total distance traveled over flat ground since the start of the active exercise expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The amount of time the user spent traveling over flat ground since the last update, expressed in seconds.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The total duration the user spent traveling over flat ground since the start of the active exercise, expressed in seconds.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Number of floors climbed since the last update.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

The total number floors climbed over a day, where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Total number of floors climbed since the start of the active exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The number of golf shots taken since the last update, where a golf shot consists of swinging the club and hitting the ball.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The total number of golf shots taken since the start of the current active exercise, where a golf shot consists swinging the club and hitting the ball.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The amount of time during a single step that the runner's foot was in contact with the ground in milliseconds in long format.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Statistics on the amount of time during a single step that the runner's foot was in contact with the ground in milliseconds in long format.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Current heart rate, in beats per minute.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Statistics on heart rate since the start of the current exercise, expressed in beats per minute.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

The distance traveled over inclining ground since the last update expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

The total distance traveled over inclining since the start of the active exercise expressed in meters.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The amount of time the user spent traveling over inclining ground since the last update, expressed in seconds.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Total amount of time the user spent traveling over inclining ground since the start of the active exercise, expressed in seconds.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull LocationData, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull LocationData>>

Latitude, longitude and optionally, altitude and bearing at a specific point in time.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Pace at a specific point in time.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Statistics on pace since the start of the current exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The number of repetitions of an exercise performed since the last update.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The number of repetitions of an exercise performed since the start of the current active exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The number of seconds the user has been resting during an exercise since the last update.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The total number of seconds the user has been resting during the active exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Number of steps taken while running since the last update.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Number of steps taken while running since the start of the current active exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Speed at a specific point in time, expressed as meters/second.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Statistics on speed since the start of the active exercise, expressed in meters/second.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Number of steps taken since the last update.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

The total step count over a day, where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Step rate in steps/minute at a given point in time.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Statistics on step rate in steps/minute since the beginning of the current active exercise.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Total steps taken since the start of the active exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Distance covered by a single step in meters in double format.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Statistics on distance covered by a single step in meters in double format.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Count of swimming laps since the last update.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Count of swimming laps since the start of the current active exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Number of swimming strokes taken since the last update.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Total number of swimming strokes taken since the start of the current active exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Distance the center of mass moves up-and-down with each step in centimeters in double format.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Statistic on distance the center of mass moves up-and-down with each step in centimeters in double format.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Vertical oscillation / stride length.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Statistics on vertical oscillation / stride length.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured at a specific point in time.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>>

Statistics on maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured since the start of an exercise.

static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Number of steps taken while walking since the last update.

static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>>

Total number of steps taken while walking since the start of the current active exercise.

Public constructors

<T extends Object, D extends DataPoint<@NonNull T>> DataType(
    @NonNull String name,
    @NonNull DataType.TimeType timeType,
    @NonNull Class<@NonNull T> valueClass,
    boolean isAggregate

Public methods

equals(Object other)
final @NonNull String

Returns the name of this DataType, e.g. "Steps".

final @NonNull Class<@NonNull T>

Returns the underlying Class of this DataType.

@NonNull String

Public fields


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> ABSOLUTE_ELEVATION

Absolute elevation at a specific point in time expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> ABSOLUTE_ELEVATION_STATS

Statistical information about the absolute elevation over the course of the active exercise expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> ACTIVE_EXERCISE_DURATION_TOTAL

The total time the Exercise was ExerciseState.ACTIVE in seconds.

Note: this DataType is only intended to be used in conjunction with exercise goals. DataPoints will not be delivered for this DataType. If you want to query the active duration, you should use ExerciseUpdate.activeDuration which is available in every ExerciseUpdate.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> CALORIES

Number of calories burned (including basal rate and activity) since the last update.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> CALORIES_DAILY

The total number of calories over a day (including both BMR and active calories), where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time. Each DataPoint of this type will cover the interval from the start of day to now. In the event of time-zone shifts, the interval might be greater than 24hrs.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> CALORIES_TOTAL

Total number of calories burned (including basal rate and activity) since the start of the current active exercise.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> DECLINE_DISTANCE

Distance traveled over declining ground between each reading expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> DECLINE_DISTANCE_TOTAL

The total distance traveled over declining ground between each reading since the start of the active exercise expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> DECLINE_DURATION

The amount of time the user spent traveling over declining ground since the last update, expressed in seconds.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> DECLINE_DURATION_TOTAL

Total duration the user spent traveling over declining ground since the start of the active exercise, expressed in seconds.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> DISTANCE

A distance delta between each reading expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> DISTANCE_DAILY

The total distance over a day, where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time. Each DataPoint of this type will cover the interval from the start of day to now. In the event of time-zone shifts, the interval may be greater than 24hrs.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> DISTANCE_TOTAL

Total distance since the start of the active exercise expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> ELEVATION_GAIN

A measure of the gain in elevation since the last update expressed in meters. Elevation losses are not counted in this metric (so it will only be positive or 0).


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> ELEVATION_GAIN_DAILY

The total gain in elevation over a day expressed in meters in double format, where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time. Elevation losses are not counted in this metric (so it will only be positive or 0). Each DataPoint of this type will cover the interval from the start of day to now. In the event of time-zone shifts, the interval might be greater than 24hrs.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> ELEVATION_GAIN_TOTAL

A measure of the total gain in elevation since the start of an active exercise expressed in meters. Elevation losses are not counted in this metric (so it will only be positive or 0).


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> ELEVATION_LOSS

A measure of the loss in elevation since the last update expressed in meters. Elevation gains are not counted in this metric (so it will only be positive or 0).


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> ELEVATION_LOSS_TOTAL

A measure of the total loss in elevation since the start of an active exercise expressed in meters. Elevation gains are not counted in this metric (so it will only be positive or 0).


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> FLAT_GROUND_DISTANCE

The distance traveled over flat since the last update expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> FLAT_GROUND_DISTANCE_TOTAL

The total distance traveled over flat ground since the start of the active exercise expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> FLAT_GROUND_DURATION

The amount of time the user spent traveling over flat ground since the last update, expressed in seconds.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> FLAT_GROUND_DURATION_TOTAL

The total duration the user spent traveling over flat ground since the start of the active exercise, expressed in seconds.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> FLOORS

Number of floors climbed since the last update. Note that partial floors are supported, so this is represented as a Double.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> FLOORS_DAILY

The total number floors climbed over a day, where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time. Each DataPoint of this type will cover the interval from the start of day to now. In the event of time-zone shifts, the interval may be greater than 24hrs.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> FLOORS_TOTAL

Total number of floors climbed since the start of the active exercise. Note that partial floors are supported, so this is represented as a Double.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> GOLF_SHOT_COUNT

The number of golf shots taken since the last update, where a golf shot consists of swinging the club and hitting the ball.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> GOLF_SHOT_COUNT_TOTAL

The total number of golf shots taken since the start of the current active exercise, where a golf shot consists swinging the club and hitting the ball.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> GROUND_CONTACT_TIME

The amount of time during a single step that the runner's foot was in contact with the ground in milliseconds in long format.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> GROUND_CONTACT_TIME_STATS

Statistics on the amount of time during a single step that the runner's foot was in contact with the ground in milliseconds in long format.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> HEART_RATE_BPM

Current heart rate, in beats per minute.

Accuracy for a DataPoint of type DataType.HEART_RATE_BPM is represented by HeartRateAccuracy.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> HEART_RATE_BPM_STATS

Statistics on heart rate since the start of the current exercise, expressed in beats per minute.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> INCLINE_DISTANCE

The distance traveled over inclining ground since the last update expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> INCLINE_DISTANCE_TOTAL

The total distance traveled over inclining since the start of the active exercise expressed in meters.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> INCLINE_DURATION

The amount of time the user spent traveling over inclining ground since the last update, expressed in seconds.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> INCLINE_DURATION_TOTAL

Total amount of time the user spent traveling over inclining ground since the start of the active exercise, expressed in seconds.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull LocationData, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull LocationData>> LOCATION

Latitude, longitude and optionally, altitude and bearing at a specific point in time.

Accuracy for a DataPoint of type LOCATION is represented by LocationAccuracy.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> PACE

Pace at a specific point in time. Will be 0 if the user stops moving, otherwise the value will be in milliseconds/kilometer.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> PACE_STATS

Statistics on pace since the start of the current exercise. A value of 0 indicates the user stopped moving, otherwise the value will be in milliseconds/kilometer.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> REP_COUNT

The number of repetitions of an exercise performed since the last update.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> REP_COUNT_TOTAL

The number of repetitions of an exercise performed since the start of the current active exercise.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> RESTING_EXERCISE_DURATION

The number of seconds the user has been resting during an exercise since the last update.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> RESTING_EXERCISE_DURATION_TOTAL

The total number of seconds the user has been resting during the active exercise.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> RUNNING_STEPS

Number of steps taken while running since the last update.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> RUNNING_STEPS_TOTAL

Number of steps taken while running since the start of the current active exercise.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> SPEED

Speed at a specific point in time, expressed as meters/second.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> SPEED_STATS

Statistics on speed since the start of the active exercise, expressed in meters/second.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> STEPS

Number of steps taken since the last update.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> STEPS_DAILY

The total step count over a day, where the previous day ends and a new day begins at 12:00 AM local time. Each DataPoint of this type will cover the interval from the start of day to now. In the event of time-zone shifts, the interval may be greater than 24hrs.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> STEPS_PER_MINUTE

Step rate in steps/minute at a given point in time.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> STEPS_PER_MINUTE_STATS

Statistics on step rate in steps/minute since the beginning of the current active exercise.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> STEPS_TOTAL

Total steps taken since the start of the active exercise.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> STRIDE_LENGTH

Distance covered by a single step in meters in double format.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> STRIDE_LENGTH_STATS

Statistics on distance covered by a single step in meters in double format.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> SWIMMING_LAP_COUNT

Count of swimming laps since the last update.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> SWIMMING_LAP_COUNT_TOTAL

Count of swimming laps since the start of the current active exercise.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> SWIMMING_STROKES

Number of swimming strokes taken since the last update.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> SWIMMING_STROKES_TOTAL

Total number of swimming strokes taken since the start of the current active exercise.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> VERTICAL_OSCILLATION

Distance the center of mass moves up-and-down with each step in centimeters in double format.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> VERTICAL_OSCILLATION_STATS

Statistic on distance the center of mass moves up-and-down with each step in centimeters in double format.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> VERTICAL_RATIO

Vertical oscillation / stride length.

For example, a vertical oscillation of 5.0cm and stride length .8m (80 cm) would have a vertical ratio of 0.625.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> VERTICAL_RATIO_STATS

Statistics on vertical oscillation / stride length.

For example, a vertical oscillation of 5.0cm and stride length .8m (80 cm) would have a vertical ratio of 0.625.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull SampleDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> VO2_MAX

Maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured at a specific point in time. Valid range 0f - 100f.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Double, @NonNull StatisticalDataPoint<@NonNull Double>> VO2_MAX_STATS

Statistics on maximum rate of oxygen consumption measured since the start of an exercise. Valid range 0f - 100f.


public static final @NonNull DeltaDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull IntervalDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> WALKING_STEPS

Number of steps taken while walking since the last update.


public static final @NonNull AggregateDataType<@NonNull Long, @NonNull CumulativeDataPoint<@NonNull Long>> WALKING_STEPS_TOTAL

Total number of steps taken while walking since the start of the current active exercise.

Public constructors


public <T extends Object, D extends DataPoint<@NonNull T>> DataType(
    @NonNull String name,
    @NonNull DataType.TimeType timeType,
    @NonNull Class<@NonNull T> valueClass,
    boolean isAggregate

Public methods


public boolean equals(Object other)


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull String getName()

Returns the name of this DataType, e.g. "Steps".


Added in 1.0.0
public final @NonNull Class<@NonNull T> getValueClass()

Returns the underlying Class of this DataType.


public int hashCode()


public @NonNull String toString()