public interface TrackOutput


A TrackOutput that consumes and discards all reported samples.


This class is deprecated.

Use DiscardingTrackOutput instead.


A fake TrackOutput.


An overridable TrackOutput implementation forwarding all methods to another track output.


Handles emsg messages for a specific track for the player.


A queue of media samples.

Receives track level data extracted by an Extractor.


Nested types

public final class TrackOutput.CryptoData

Holds data required to decrypt a sample.

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = TYPE_USE)
@IntDef(value = )
public annotation TrackOutput.SampleDataPart

Defines the part of the sample data to which a call to sampleData corresponds.


default static final int

Sample encryption data.

default static final int

Main media sample data.

default static final int

Sample supplemental data.

Public methods

default void
durationUs(long durationUs)

Called to set the duration of the track in microseconds.

abstract void
format(Format format)

Called when the Format of the track has been extracted from the stream.

default void
sampleData(ParsableByteArray data, int length)

Equivalent to sampleData sampleData(data, length, SAMPLE_DATA_PART_MAIN)}.

abstract void
    ParsableByteArray data,
    int length,
    @TrackOutput.SampleDataPart int sampleDataPart

Called to write sample data to the output.

default int
sampleData(DataReader input, int length, boolean allowEndOfInput)

Equivalent to sampleData(input, length, allowEndOfInput, SAMPLE_DATA_PART_MAIN).

abstract int
    DataReader input,
    int length,
    boolean allowEndOfInput,
    @TrackOutput.SampleDataPart int sampleDataPart

Called to write sample data to the output.

abstract void
    long timeUs,
    @C.BufferFlags int flags,
    int size,
    int offset,
    @Nullable TrackOutput.CryptoData cryptoData

Called when metadata associated with a sample has been extracted from the stream.



default static final int SAMPLE_DATA_PART_ENCRYPTION = 1

Sample encryption data.

The format for encryption information is:

  • (1 byte) encryption_signal_byte: Most significant bit signals whether the encryption data contains subsample encryption data. The remaining bits contain initialization_vector_size.
  • (initialization_vector_size bytes) Initialization vector.
  • If subsample encryption data is present, as per encryption_signal_byte, the encryption data also contains:
    • (2 bytes) subsample_encryption_data_length.
    • (subsample_encryption_data_length * 6 bytes) Subsample encryption data (repeated subsample_encryption_data_length times:
      • (2 bytes) Size of a clear section in sample.
      • (4 bytes) Size of an encryption section in sample.


default static final int SAMPLE_DATA_PART_MAIN = 0

Main media sample data.


default static final int SAMPLE_DATA_PART_SUPPLEMENTAL = 2

Sample supplemental data.

If a sample contains supplemental data, the format of the entire sample data will be:

  • If the sample has the BUFFER_FLAG_ENCRYPTED flag set, all encryption information.
  • (4 bytes) sample_data_size: The size of the actual sample data, not including supplemental data or encryption information.
  • (sample_data_size bytes): The media sample data.
  • (remaining bytes) The supplemental data.

Public methods


default void durationUs(long durationUs)

Called to set the duration of the track in microseconds.

long durationUs

The duration of the track in microseconds.


abstract void format(Format format)

Called when the Format of the track has been extracted from the stream.

Format format

The extracted Format.


default void sampleData(ParsableByteArray data, int length)

Equivalent to sampleData sampleData(data, length, SAMPLE_DATA_PART_MAIN)}.


abstract void sampleData(
    ParsableByteArray data,
    int length,
    @TrackOutput.SampleDataPart int sampleDataPart

Called to write sample data to the output.

ParsableByteArray data

A ParsableByteArray from which to read the sample data.

int length

The number of bytes to read, starting from data.getPosition().

@TrackOutput.SampleDataPart int sampleDataPart

The part of the sample data to which this call corresponds.


default int sampleData(DataReader input, int length, boolean allowEndOfInput)

Equivalent to sampleData(input, length, allowEndOfInput, SAMPLE_DATA_PART_MAIN).


abstract int sampleData(
    DataReader input,
    int length,
    boolean allowEndOfInput,
    @TrackOutput.SampleDataPart int sampleDataPart

Called to write sample data to the output.

DataReader input

A DataReader from which to read the sample data.

int length

The maximum length to read from the input.

boolean allowEndOfInput

True if encountering the end of the input having read no data is allowed, and should result in RESULT_END_OF_INPUT being returned. False if it should be considered an error, causing an EOFException to be thrown.

@TrackOutput.SampleDataPart int sampleDataPart

The part of the sample data to which this call corresponds.


The number of bytes appended.


If an error occurred reading from the input.


abstract void sampleMetadata(
    long timeUs,
    @C.BufferFlags int flags,
    int size,
    int offset,
    @Nullable TrackOutput.CryptoData cryptoData

Called when metadata associated with a sample has been extracted from the stream.

The corresponding sample data will have already been passed to the output via calls to sampleData or sampleData.

long timeUs

The media timestamp associated with the sample, in microseconds.

@C.BufferFlags int flags

Flags associated with the sample. See C.BUFFER_FLAG_*.

int size

The size of the sample data, in bytes.

int offset

The number of bytes that have been passed to sampleData or sampleData since the last byte belonging to the sample whose metadata is being passed.

@Nullable TrackOutput.CryptoData cryptoData

The encryption data required to decrypt the sample. May be null.