ExperimentalBenchmarkConfigApi |
Annotates declarations that are considered experimental within the Benchmark API, and are likely to change before becoming stable. |
ExperimentalBenchmarkStateApi |
Annotation indicating experimental API primarily intended to allow microbenchmarks independent of the BenchmarkRule JUnit4 API. |
ExperimentalBlackHoleApi |
Annotation indicating experimental API for preventing dead code removal from compile-time optimization passes, such as R8. |
BenchmarkState |
Control object for microbenchmarking in Java. |
ExperimentalConfig |
MetricCapture |
Microbenchmark metric. |
MicrobenchmarkConfig |
Experimental config object for microbenchmarks for defining custom metrics, tracing behavior, and profiling, which overrides options set in instrumentation arguments. |
ProfilerConfig |
Profiler configuration object. |
ProfilerConfig.MethodTracing |
ProfilerConfig.StackSampling |
StartupInsightsConfig |
Configuration for startup insights. |
TimeCapture |
Time metric, which reports time in nanos, based on the time passed to |
BlackHole |
Function calls which can be used to prevent optimization of results. |