
public interface BandwidthMeter.EventListener


Interface for data collectors that forward analytics events to AnalyticsListeners.


Data collector that forwards analytics events to AnalyticsListeners.

A listener of BandwidthMeter events.


Nested types

Event dispatcher which allows listener registration.

Public methods

abstract void
    int elapsedMs,
    long bytesTransferred,
    long bitrateEstimate

Called periodically to indicate that bytes have been transferred or the estimated bitrate has changed.

Public methods


abstract void onBandwidthSample(
    int elapsedMs,
    long bytesTransferred,
    long bitrateEstimate

Called periodically to indicate that bytes have been transferred or the estimated bitrate has changed.

Note: The estimated bitrate is typically derived from more information than just bytesTransferred and elapsedMs.

int elapsedMs

The time taken to transfer bytesTransferred, in milliseconds. This is at most the elapsed time since the last callback, but may be less if there were periods during which data was not being transferred.

long bytesTransferred

The number of bytes transferred since the last callback.

long bitrateEstimate

The estimated bitrate in bits/sec.