public class DynamicTypeEvaluator

Evaluates protolayout dynamic types.

Given a dynamic ProtoLayout data source, this builds up a sequence of DynamicDataNode instances, which can source the required data, and transform it into its final form.

Data source can include animations which will then emit value transitions.

In order to evaluate dynamic types, the caller needs to create a , bind it using bind method and then call startEvaluation on the resulted BoundDynamicType to start evaluation. Starting evaluation can be done for batches of dynamic types.

It's the callers responsibility to destroy those dynamic types after use, with close.


Nested types

public final class DynamicTypeEvaluator.Config

Configuration for creating DynamicTypeEvaluator.

Builds a DynamicTypeEvaluator.Config.

Exception thrown when the binding of a DynamicTypeBindingRequest fails.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
public DynamicTypeEvaluator(@NonNull DynamicTypeEvaluator.Config config)

Constructs a DynamicTypeEvaluator.

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull BoundDynamicType bind(@NonNull DynamicTypeBindingRequest request)

Binds a DynamicTypeBindingRequest.

Evaluation of this request will start when startEvaluation is called on the returned object.