
@RequiresFeature(enforcement = "androidx.appsearch.app.Features#isFeatureSupported", name = Features.JOIN_SPEC_AND_QUALIFIED_ID)
@Document(name = "builtin:DismissAction")
public class DismissAction extends TakenAction

DismissAction is a built-in AppSearch document type that contains different metrics. Clients can report the user's dismiss actions on a androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult document.

  • Dismiss action means the user showed uninterest and took actions on the result document, such as hitting the X button to dismiss the item from the result list.
  • It is possible that the user hovered, clicked and opened the result document first, then dismissed it (or other actions expressing uninterest) after viewing it. In this case, androidx.appsearch.usagereporting.ImpressionAction, androidx.appsearch.usagereporting.ClickAction, DismissAction occurred at the same time, but it is recommended that only a single DismissAction should be reported for this result document in order to report a negative signal to AppSearch for future ranking demotion.

In order to use this document type, the client must explicitly set this schema type via addDocumentClasses.

Dismiss actions can be used as signals to demote ranking via androidx.appsearch.app.JoinSpec API in future search requests.

Since DismissAction is an AppSearch document, the client can handle deletion via removeAsync or document time-to-live (TTL). The default TTL is 60 days.


Nested types

Builder for DismissAction.

Public methods

@Nullable String

Returns the user-entered search input (without any operators or rewriting) that yielded the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult which impressed the user.

@Nullable String

Returns the qualified id of the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult document that impressed the user.


Returns the global rank of the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult document.


Returns the rank of the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult document among the user-defined block.

Inherited methods


Returns the timestamp when the user took the action, in milliseconds since Unix epoch.


Returns the time-to-live (TTL) of the TakenAction document as a duration in milliseconds.

@NonNull String

Returns the unique identifier of the TakenAction.

@NonNull String

Returns the namespace of the TakenAction.

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
public @Nullable String getQuery()

Returns the user-entered search input (without any operators or rewriting) that yielded the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult which impressed the user.


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
public @Nullable String getReferencedQualifiedId()

Returns the qualified id of the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult document that impressed the user.

A qualified id is a string generated by package, database, namespace, and document id. See createQualifiedId for more details.


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
public int getResultRankGlobal()

Returns the global rank of the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult document.

Global rank reflects the order of androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult documents returned by AppSearch.

For example, AppSearch returns 2 pages with 10 androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult documents for each page. Then the global ranks of them will be 1 to 10 for the first page, and 11 to 20 for the second page.

If unset, then the global rank of the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult document will be set to -1 to mark invalid.


Added in 1.1.0-beta01
public int getResultRankInBlock()

Returns the rank of the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult document among the user-defined block.

The client can define its own custom definition for block, e.g. corpus name, group, etc.

For example, a client defines the block as corpus, and AppSearch returns 5 documents with corpus = ["corpus1", "corpus1", "corpus2", "corpus3", "corpus2"]. Then the block ranks of them = [1, 2, 1, 1, 2].

If the client is not presenting the results in multiple blocks, they should set this value to match getResultRankGlobal.

If unset, then the block rank of the androidx.appsearch.app.SearchResult document will be set to -1 to mark invalid.