
public class MediaCodecAudioRenderer extends MediaCodecRenderer implements MediaClock

Decodes and renders audio using MediaCodec and an AudioSink.

This renderer accepts the following messages sent via createMessage on the playback thread:


Public constructors

    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector
    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener
    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioSink audioSink
    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    boolean enableDecoderFallback,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioSink audioSink
    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioCapabilities audioCapabilities,
    AudioProcessor[] audioProcessors

This method is deprecated.

Use a constructor without AudioCapabilities.

    Context context,
    MediaCodecAdapter.Factory codecAdapterFactory,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    boolean enableDecoderFallback,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioSink audioSink

Creates a new instance.

    Context context,
    MediaCodecAdapter.Factory codecAdapterFactory,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    boolean enableDecoderFallback,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioSink audioSink,
    @Nullable LoudnessCodecController loudnessCodecController

Creates a new instance.

Public methods

@Nullable MediaClock

If the renderer advances its own playback position then this method returns a corresponding MediaClock.


Returns the name of this renderer, for logging and debugging purposes.


Returns the active playback parameters.


Returns the current media position in microseconds.

    @Renderer.MessageType int messageType,
    @Nullable Object message

Handles a message delivered to the target.


Returns whether there is a skipped silence since the last call to this method.


Whether the renderer is ready for the ExoPlayer instance to transition to STATE_ENDED.


Whether the renderer is able to immediately render media from the current position.


Attempts to set the playback parameters.

Protected methods

    MediaCodecInfo codecInfo,
    Format oldFormat,
    Format newFormat

Evaluates whether the existing MediaCodec can be kept for a new Format, and if it can whether it requires reconfiguration.

    MediaCodecInfo codecInfo,
    Format format,
    Format[] streamFormats

Returns a maximum input size suitable for configuring a codec for format in a way that will allow possible adaptation to other compatible formats in streamFormats.

    float targetPlaybackSpeed,
    Format format,
    Format[] streamFormats

Returns the KEY_OPERATING_RATE value for a given playback speed, current Format and set of possible stream formats.

    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    Format format,
    boolean requiresSecureDecoder

Returns a list of decoders that can decode media in the specified format, in priority order.

    long positionUs,
    long elapsedRealtimeUs,
    boolean isOnBufferAvailableListenerRegistered

Returns minimum time playback must advance in order for the render call to make progress.

    MediaCodecInfo codecInfo,
    Format format,
    @Nullable MediaCrypto crypto,
    float codecOperatingRate

Returns the MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration that will be used to create and configure a MediaCodec to decode the given Format for a playback.

    Format format,
    String codecMimeType,
    int codecMaxInputSize,
    float codecOperatingRate

Returns the framework MediaFormat that can be used to configure a MediaCodec for decoding the given Format for playback.


Handles supplemental data associated with an input buffer.

onCodecError(Exception codecError)

Called when a codec error has occurred.

    String name,
    MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration configuration,
    long initializedTimestampMs,
    long initializationDurationMs

Called when a MediaCodec has been created and configured.


Called when a MediaCodec has been released.


Called when the renderer is disabled.

onEnabled(boolean joining, boolean mayRenderStartOfStream)

Called when the renderer is enabled.

@Nullable DecoderReuseEvaluation

Called when a new Format is read from the upstream MediaPeriod.


Called when one of the output formats changes.

onOutputStreamOffsetUsChanged(long outputStreamOffsetUs)

Called after the output stream offset changes.


See onPositionDiscontinuity.

onPositionReset(long positionUs, boolean joining)

Called when the position is reset.


Called after the last output buffer before a stream change has been processed.


Called when the renderer is released.


Called when the renderer is reset.


Called when the renderer is started.


Called when the renderer is stopped.

    long positionUs,
    long elapsedRealtimeUs,
    @Nullable MediaCodecAdapter codec,
    @Nullable ByteBuffer buffer,
    int bufferIndex,
    int bufferFlags,
    int sampleCount,
    long bufferPresentationTimeUs,
    boolean isDecodeOnlyBuffer,
    boolean isLastBuffer,
    Format format

Processes an output media buffer.


Incrementally renders any remaining output.


Returns whether buffers in the input format can be processed without a codec.


Returns the Capabilities for the given Format.

Inherited Constants

static final float

Indicates no codec operating rate should be set.

static final long

Default minimum duration that the playback clock must advance before render can make progress.

static final int

Applications or extensions may define custom MSG_* constants that can be passed to renderers.

static final int

A type of a message that can be passed to an audio renderer via createMessage.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to audio and video renderers via createMessage.

static final int

A type of a message that can be passed to an audio renderer via createMessage.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to a camera motion renderer via createMessage.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to a video renderer via createMessage.

static final int

The type of message that can be passed to an image renderer to set a desired image output.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to audio renderers via createMessage.

static final int

The type of message that can be passed to a renderer to set its priority.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to a MediaCodec-based video renderer via createMessage.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to an audio renderer via createMessage.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to a video renderer.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to a video renderer via createMessage.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to a video renderer via createMessage.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to a video renderer to set the desired output resolution.

static final int

A type of a message that can be passed to an audio renderer via createMessage.

static final int

The type of a message that can be passed to a Renderer via createMessage, to inform the renderer that it can schedule waking up another component.

static final int

The type of message that can be passed to a renderer to direct it to transfer relevant resources to another renderer.

static final int

The renderer is disabled.

static final int

The renderer is enabled but not started.

static final int

The renderer is started.

static final int

The Renderer can adapt between formats, but may suffer a brief discontinuity (~50-100ms) when adaptation occurs.

static final int

The Renderer does not support adaptation between formats.

static final int

The Renderer can seamlessly adapt between formats.

static final int

A mask to apply to Capabilities to obtain the AdaptiveSupport only.

static final int

The renderer supports audio offload and gapless transitions with this format.

static final int

Audio offload is not supported with this format.

static final int

The renderer supports audio offload and speed changes with this format.

static final int

The renderer supports audio offload with this format.

static final int

A mask to apply to Capabilities to obtain AudioOffloadSupport only.

static final int

The format exceeds the primary decoder's capabilities but is supported by fallback decoder

static final int

The format's MIME type is unsupported and the renderer may use a decoder for a fallback MIME type.

static final int

A mask to apply to Capabilities to obtain DecoderSupport only.

static final int

The renderer is able to use the primary decoder for the format's MIME type.

static final int

A mask to apply to Capabilities to obtain the C.FormatSupport only.

static final int

The renderer is not able to use hardware acceleration.

static final int

The renderer is able to use hardware acceleration.

static final int

A mask to apply to Capabilities to obtain HardwareAccelerationSupport only.

static final int

The Renderer does not support tunneled output.

static final int

The Renderer supports tunneled output.

static final int

A mask to apply to Capabilities to obtain TunnelingSupport only.

Inherited methods

final void

Clears the Listener.

final ExoPlaybackException
    Throwable cause,
    @Nullable Format format,
    @PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode

Creates an ExoPlaybackException of type TYPE_RENDERER for this renderer.

final ExoPlaybackException
    Throwable cause,
    @Nullable Format format,
    boolean isRecoverable,
    @PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode

Creates an ExoPlaybackException of type TYPE_RENDERER for this renderer.

final void

Disable the renderer, transitioning it to the STATE_DISABLED state.

final void
    RendererConfiguration configuration,
    Format[] formats,
    SampleStream stream,
    long positionUs,
    boolean joining,
    boolean mayRenderStartOfStream,
    long startPositionUs,
    long offsetUs,
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Enables the renderer to consume from the specified SampleStream.

final RendererCapabilities

Returns the capabilities of the renderer.

final Clock

Returns the Clock.

final RendererConfiguration

Returns the configuration set when the renderer was most recently enabled.

final FormatHolder

Returns a clear FormatHolder.

final int

Returns the index of the renderer within the player.

final long

Returns the position passed to the most recent call to enable or resetPosition.

final PlayerId

Returns the PlayerId of the player using this renderer.

final long

Returns the renderer time up to which the renderer has read samples, in microseconds, or TIME_END_OF_SOURCE if the renderer has read the current SampleStream to the end.

final int

Returns the current state of the renderer.

final @Nullable SampleStream

Returns the SampleStream being consumed, or null if the renderer is disabled.

final Format[]

Returns the formats of the currently enabled stream.

final long

Returns the offset added to timestamps of buffers read from the SampleStream.

final Timeline

Returns the current Timeline containing the rendered stream.

final int

Returns the track type that the renderer handles.

final boolean

Returns whether the renderer has read the current SampleStream to the end.

final void
init(int index, PlayerId playerId, Clock clock)

Initializes the renderer for playback with a player.

final boolean

Returns whether the current SampleStream will be the final one supplied before the renderer is next disabled or reset.

final boolean

Returns whether the upstream source is ready.

final void

Throws an error that's preventing the renderer from reading from its SampleStream.


Called when the renderer is initialized.

final void

Called when the renderer capabilities are changed.


Called when a new timeline is set.

final int
    FormatHolder formatHolder,
    DecoderInputBuffer buffer,
    @SampleStream.ReadFlags int readFlags

Reads from the enabled upstream source.

final void

Releases the renderer.

final void
    Format[] formats,
    SampleStream stream,
    long startPositionUs,
    long offsetUs,
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Replaces the SampleStream from which samples will be consumed.

final void

Forces the renderer to give up any resources (e.g. media decoders) that it may be holding.

final void
resetPosition(long positionUs)

Signals to the renderer that a position discontinuity has occurred.

final void

Signals to the renderer that the current SampleStream will be the final one supplied before it is next disabled or reset.

final void

Sets the Listener.

final void

Sets the timeline that is currently being played.

skipSource(long positionUs)

Attempts to skip to the keyframe before the specified position, or to the end of the stream if positionUs is beyond it.

final void

Starts the renderer, meaning that calls to render will cause media to be rendered.

final void

Stops the renderer, transitioning it to the STATE_ENABLED state.

    Throwable cause,
    @Nullable MediaCodecInfo codecInfo

Enables the renderer to invoke onProcessedStreamChange on the first stream.

final boolean

Flushes the codec.


Flushes the codec.

final @Nullable MediaCodecAdapter

Returns the flags that should be set on queueInputBuffer or queueSecureInputBuffer for this buffer.

final @Nullable MediaCodecInfo

Returns whether the codec needs the renderer to propagate the end-of-stream signal directly, rather than by using an end-of-stream buffer queued to the codec.


Returns the operating rate used by the current codec

final @Nullable MediaFormat
final long
getDurationToProgressUs(long positionUs, long elapsedRealtimeUs)

Returns minimum amount of playback clock time that must pass in order for the render call to make progress.


Returns the presentation time of the last buffer in the stream.

final long

Returns the offset that should be subtracted from bufferPresentationTimeUs in processOutputBuffer to get the playback position with respect to the media.

final long

Returns the start position of the current output stream in microseconds.


Returns the current playback speed, as set by setPlaybackSpeed.

final @Nullable Renderer.WakeupListener

Returns listener used to signal that render should be called.

final boolean

Returns whether bypass is enabled by the renderer.

final boolean

Returns whether buffers in the input format can be processed without a codec.

final void

Initializes the processing pipeline, if needed by the implementation.

onProcessedOutputBuffer(long presentationTimeUs)

Called when an output buffer is successfully processed.


Called immediately before an input buffer is queued into the codec.

    Format[] formats,
    long startPositionUs,
    long offsetUs,
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Called when the renderer's stream has changed.


Called when a WakeupListener is set.

render(long positionUs, long elapsedRealtimeUs)

Incrementally renders the SampleStream.


Resets the renderer internal state after a codec flush.


Resets the renderer internal state after a codec release.

final void

Notifies the renderer that output end of stream is pending and should be handled on the next render.

final void

Sets an exception to be re-thrown by render.

setPlaybackSpeed(float currentPlaybackSpeed, float targetPlaybackSpeed)

Indicates the playback speed to this renderer.

setRenderTimeLimitMs(long renderTimeLimitMs)

Sets a limit on the time a single render call can spend draining and filling the decoder.


Returns whether the input buffer should be discarded before decoding.


Returns whether the renderer needs to re-initialize the codec, possibly as a result of a change in device capabilities.


Returns whether the input buffer should be skipped before the decoder.

final int

Returns the extent to which the Renderer supports a given format.

static boolean

Returns whether this renderer supports the given Format's DRM scheme.

final int

Returns the extent to which the Renderer supports adapting between supported formats that have different MIME types.

final boolean

Updates the codec operating rate, or triggers codec release and re-initialization if a previously set operating rate needs to be cleared.

final void
updateOutputFormatForTime(long presentationTimeUs)

Updates the output formats for the specified output buffer timestamp, calling onOutputFormatChanged if a change has occurred.

abstract void
    RendererConfiguration configuration,
    Format[] formats,
    SampleStream stream,
    long positionUs,
    boolean joining,
    boolean mayRenderStartOfStream,
    long startPositionUs,
    long offsetUs,
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Enables the renderer to consume from the specified SampleStream.


Enables this renderer to render the start of the stream even if the state is not STATE_STARTED yet.

abstract void
    Format[] formats,
    SampleStream stream,
    long startPositionUs,
    long offsetUs,
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Replaces the SampleStream from which samples will be consumed.

static int

Returns Capabilities for the given C.FormatSupport.

static int
    @C.FormatSupport int formatSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.AdaptiveSupport int adaptiveSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.TunnelingSupport int tunnelingSupport

Returns Capabilities combining the given C.FormatSupport, and TunnelingSupport.

static int
    @C.FormatSupport int formatSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.AdaptiveSupport int adaptiveSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.TunnelingSupport int tunnelingSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.AudioOffloadSupport int audioOffloadSupport

Returns Capabilities combining the given C.FormatSupport, , TunnelingSupport, and AudioOffloadSupport.

static int
    @C.FormatSupport int formatSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.AdaptiveSupport int adaptiveSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.TunnelingSupport int tunnelingSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.HardwareAccelerationSupport int hardwareAccelerationSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.DecoderSupport int decoderSupport

Returns Capabilities combining the given C.FormatSupport, , TunnelingSupport, HardwareAccelerationSupport, and .

static int
    @C.FormatSupport int formatSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.AdaptiveSupport int adaptiveSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.TunnelingSupport int tunnelingSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.HardwareAccelerationSupport int hardwareAccelerationSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.DecoderSupport int decoderSupport,
    @RendererCapabilities.AudioOffloadSupport int audioOffloadSupport

Returns Capabilities combining the given C.FormatSupport, , TunnelingSupport, HardwareAccelerationSupport, and AudioOffloadSupport.

static int

Returns the AdaptiveSupport from the combined Capabilities.

static int

Returns the AudioOffloadSupport from the combined Capabilities.

static int

Returns the DecoderSupport from the combined Capabilities.

static int

Returns the C.FormatSupport from the combined Capabilities.

static int

Returns the HardwareAccelerationSupport from the combined Capabilities.

static int

Returns the TunnelingSupport from the combined Capabilities.

static boolean
    @RendererCapabilities.Capabilities int supportFlags,
    boolean allowExceedsCapabilities

Returns whether the C.FormatSupport from the combined Capabilities indicates the format is supported.


Sets the Listener.

Public constructors


public MediaCodecAudioRenderer(
    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector
Context context

A context.

MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector

A decoder selector.


public MediaCodecAudioRenderer(
    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener
Context context

A context.

MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector

A decoder selector.

@Nullable Handler eventHandler

A handler to use when delivering events to eventListener. May be null if delivery of events is not required.

@Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener

A listener of events. May be null if delivery of events is not required.


public MediaCodecAudioRenderer(
    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioSink audioSink
Context context

A context.

MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector

A decoder selector.

@Nullable Handler eventHandler

A handler to use when delivering events to eventListener. May be null if delivery of events is not required.

@Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener

A listener of events. May be null if delivery of events is not required.

AudioSink audioSink

The sink to which audio will be output.


public MediaCodecAudioRenderer(
    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    boolean enableDecoderFallback,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioSink audioSink
Context context

A context.

MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector

A decoder selector.

boolean enableDecoderFallback

Whether to enable fallback to lower-priority decoders if decoder initialization fails. This may result in using a decoder that is slower/less efficient than the primary decoder.

@Nullable Handler eventHandler

A handler to use when delivering events to eventListener. May be null if delivery of events is not required.

@Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener

A listener of events. May be null if delivery of events is not required.

AudioSink audioSink

The sink to which audio will be output.


public MediaCodecAudioRenderer(
    Context context,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioCapabilities audioCapabilities,
    AudioProcessor[] audioProcessors


public MediaCodecAudioRenderer(
    Context context,
    MediaCodecAdapter.Factory codecAdapterFactory,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    boolean enableDecoderFallback,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioSink audioSink

Creates a new instance.

Context context

A context.

MediaCodecAdapter.Factory codecAdapterFactory

The MediaCodecAdapter.Factory used to create instances.

MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector

A decoder selector.

boolean enableDecoderFallback

Whether to enable fallback to lower-priority decoders if decoder initialization fails. This may result in using a decoder that is slower/less efficient than the primary decoder.

@Nullable Handler eventHandler

A handler to use when delivering events to eventListener. May be null if delivery of events is not required.

@Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener

A listener of events. May be null if delivery of events is not required.

AudioSink audioSink

The sink to which audio will be output.


public MediaCodecAudioRenderer(
    Context context,
    MediaCodecAdapter.Factory codecAdapterFactory,
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    boolean enableDecoderFallback,
    @Nullable Handler eventHandler,
    @Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener,
    AudioSink audioSink,
    @Nullable LoudnessCodecController loudnessCodecController

Creates a new instance.

Context context

A context.

MediaCodecAdapter.Factory codecAdapterFactory

The MediaCodecAdapter.Factory used to create instances.

MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector

A decoder selector.

boolean enableDecoderFallback

Whether to enable fallback to lower-priority decoders if decoder initialization fails. This may result in using a decoder that is slower/less efficient than the primary decoder.

@Nullable Handler eventHandler

A handler to use when delivering events to eventListener. May be null if delivery of events is not required.

@Nullable AudioRendererEventListener eventListener

A listener of events. May be null if delivery of events is not required.

AudioSink audioSink

The sink to which audio will be output.

@Nullable LoudnessCodecController loudnessCodecController

The LoudnessCodecController, or null to not control loudness.

Public methods


public @Nullable MediaClock getMediaClock()

If the renderer advances its own playback position then this method returns a corresponding MediaClock. If provided, the player will use the returned MediaClock as its source of time during playback. A player may have at most one renderer that returns a from this method.

@Nullable MediaClock

The MediaClock tracking the playback position of the renderer, or null.


public String getName()

Returns the name of this renderer, for logging and debugging purposes. Should typically be the renderer's (un-obfuscated) class name.


The name of this renderer.


public PlaybackParameters getPlaybackParameters()

Returns the active playback parameters.


public long getPositionUs()

Returns the current media position in microseconds.


public void handleMessage(
    @Renderer.MessageType int messageType,
    @Nullable Object message

Handles a message delivered to the target.

@Renderer.MessageType int messageType

The message type.

@Nullable Object message

The message payload.


If an error occurred whilst handling the message. Should only be thrown by targets that handle messages on the playback thread.


public boolean hasSkippedSilenceSinceLastCall()

Returns whether there is a skipped silence since the last call to this method.


public boolean isEnded()

Whether the renderer is ready for the ExoPlayer instance to transition to STATE_ENDED. The player will make this transition as soon as true is returned by all of its renderers.

This method may be called when the renderer is in the following states: STATE_ENABLED, STATE_STARTED.


Whether the renderer is ready for the player to transition to the ended state.


public boolean isReady()

Whether the renderer is able to immediately render media from the current position.

If the renderer is in the STATE_STARTED state then returning true indicates that the renderer has everything that it needs to continue playback. Returning false indicates that the player should pause until the renderer is ready.

If the renderer is in the STATE_ENABLED state then returning true indicates that the renderer is ready for playback to be started. Returning false indicates that it is not.

This method may be called when the renderer is in the following states: STATE_ENABLED, STATE_STARTED.


Whether the renderer is ready to render media.


public void setPlaybackParameters(PlaybackParameters playbackParameters)

Attempts to set the playback parameters. The media clock may override the speed if changing the playback parameters is not supported.

PlaybackParameters playbackParameters

The playback parameters to attempt to set.

Protected methods


protected DecoderReuseEvaluation canReuseCodec(
    MediaCodecInfo codecInfo,
    Format oldFormat,
    Format newFormat

Evaluates whether the existing MediaCodec can be kept for a new Format, and if it can whether it requires reconfiguration.

The default implementation does not allow decoder reuse.

MediaCodecInfo codecInfo

A MediaCodecInfo describing the decoder.

Format oldFormat

The Format for which the existing instance is configured.

Format newFormat

The new Format.


The result of the evaluation.


protected int getCodecMaxInputSize(
    MediaCodecInfo codecInfo,
    Format format,
    Format[] streamFormats

Returns a maximum input size suitable for configuring a codec for format in a way that will allow possible adaptation to other compatible formats in streamFormats.

MediaCodecInfo codecInfo

A MediaCodecInfo describing the decoder.

Format format

The Format for which the codec is being configured.

Format[] streamFormats

The possible stream formats.


A suitable maximum input size.


protected float getCodecOperatingRateV23(
    float targetPlaybackSpeed,
    Format format,
    Format[] streamFormats

Returns the KEY_OPERATING_RATE value for a given playback speed, current Format and set of possible stream formats.

The default implementation returns CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET.

float targetPlaybackSpeed

The target factor by which playback should be sped up. This may be different from the current playback speed, for example, if the speed is temporarily adjusted for live playback.

Format format

The Format for which the codec is being configured.

Format[] streamFormats

The possible stream formats.


The codec operating rate, or CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET if no codec operating rate should be set.


protected List<MediaCodecInfogetDecoderInfos(
    MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector,
    Format format,
    boolean requiresSecureDecoder

Returns a list of decoders that can decode media in the specified format, in priority order.

MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector

The decoder selector.

Format format

The Format for which a decoder is required.

boolean requiresSecureDecoder

Whether a secure decoder is required.


A list of MediaCodecInfos corresponding to decoders. May be empty.


Thrown if there was an error querying decoders.


protected long getDurationToProgressUs(
    long positionUs,
    long elapsedRealtimeUs,
    boolean isOnBufferAvailableListenerRegistered

Returns minimum time playback must advance in order for the render call to make progress.

If the Renderer has a registered , then the Renderer will be notified when decoder input and output buffers become available. These callbacks may affect the calculated minimum time playback must advance before a render call can make progress.

long positionUs

The current media time in microseconds, measured at the start of the current iteration of the rendering loop.

long elapsedRealtimeUs

elapsedRealtime in microseconds, measured at the start of the current iteration of the rendering loop.

boolean isOnBufferAvailableListenerRegistered

Whether the Renderer is using a with successfully registered OnBufferAvailableListener.


minimum time playback must advance before renderer is able to make progress.


protected MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration getMediaCodecConfiguration(
    MediaCodecInfo codecInfo,
    Format format,
    @Nullable MediaCrypto crypto,
    float codecOperatingRate

Returns the MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration that will be used to create and configure a MediaCodec to decode the given Format for a playback.

MediaCodecInfo codecInfo

Information about the MediaCodec being configured.

Format format

The Format for which the codec is being configured.

@Nullable MediaCrypto crypto

For drm protected playbacks, a MediaCrypto to use for decryption.

float codecOperatingRate

The codec operating rate, or CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET if no codec operating rate should be set.


The parameters needed to call configure.


protected MediaFormat getMediaFormat(
    Format format,
    String codecMimeType,
    int codecMaxInputSize,
    float codecOperatingRate

Returns the framework MediaFormat that can be used to configure a MediaCodec for decoding the given Format for playback.

Format format

The Format of the media.

String codecMimeType

The MIME type handled by the codec.

int codecMaxInputSize

The maximum input size supported by the codec.

float codecOperatingRate

The codec operating rate, or CODEC_OPERATING_RATE_UNSET if no codec operating rate should be set.


The framework MediaFormat.


protected void handleInputBufferSupplementalData(DecoderInputBuffer buffer)

Handles supplemental data associated with an input buffer.

The default implementation is a no-op.

DecoderInputBuffer buffer

The input buffer that is about to be queued.


Thrown if an error occurs handling supplemental data.


protected void onCodecError(Exception codecError)

Called when a codec error has occurred.

The default implementation is a no-op.

Exception codecError

The error.


protected void onCodecInitialized(
    String name,
    MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration configuration,
    long initializedTimestampMs,
    long initializationDurationMs

Called when a MediaCodec has been created and configured.

The default implementation is a no-op.

String name

The name of the codec that was initialized.

MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration configuration

The MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration used to configure the codec.

long initializedTimestampMs

elapsedRealtime when initialization finished.

long initializationDurationMs

The time taken to initialize the codec in milliseconds.


protected void onCodecReleased(String name)

Called when a MediaCodec has been released.

The default implementation is a no-op.

String name

The name of the codec that was released.


protected void onDisabled()

Called when the renderer is disabled.

The default implementation is a no-op.


protected void onEnabled(boolean joining, boolean mayRenderStartOfStream)

Called when the renderer is enabled.

The default implementation is a no-op.

boolean joining

Whether this renderer is being enabled to join an ongoing playback.

boolean mayRenderStartOfStream

Whether this renderer is allowed to render the start of the stream even if the state is not STATE_STARTED yet.


protected @Nullable DecoderReuseEvaluation onInputFormatChanged(FormatHolder formatHolder)

Called when a new Format is read from the upstream MediaPeriod.

FormatHolder formatHolder

A FormatHolder that holds the new Format.

@Nullable DecoderReuseEvaluation

The result of the evaluation to determine whether the existing decoder instance can be reused for the new format, or null if the renderer did not have a decoder.


If an error occurs re-initializing the MediaCodec.


protected void onOutputFormatChanged(Format format, @Nullable MediaFormat mediaFormat)

Called when one of the output formats changes.

The default implementation is a no-op.

Format format

The input Format to which future output now corresponds. If the renderer is in bypass mode, this is also the output format.

@Nullable MediaFormat mediaFormat

The codec output MediaFormat, or null if the renderer is in bypass mode.


Thrown if an error occurs configuring the output.


protected void onOutputStreamOffsetUsChanged(long outputStreamOffsetUs)

Called after the output stream offset changes.

The default implementation is a no-op.

long outputStreamOffsetUs

The output stream offset in microseconds.


protected void onPositionDiscontinuity()

See onPositionDiscontinuity.


protected void onPositionReset(long positionUs, boolean joining)

Called when the position is reset. This occurs when the renderer is enabled after onStreamChanged has been called, and also when a position discontinuity is encountered.

After a position reset, the renderer's SampleStream is guaranteed to provide samples starting from a key frame.

The default implementation is a no-op.

long positionUs

The new playback position in microseconds.

boolean joining

Whether this renderer is being enabled to join an ongoing playback.


protected void onProcessedStreamChange()

Called after the last output buffer before a stream change has been processed.


protected void onRelease()

Called when the renderer is released.

The default implementation is a no-op.


protected void onReset()

Called when the renderer is reset.

The default implementation is a no-op.


protected void onStarted()

Called when the renderer is started.

The default implementation is a no-op.


protected void onStopped()

Called when the renderer is stopped.

The default implementation is a no-op.


protected boolean processOutputBuffer(
    long positionUs,
    long elapsedRealtimeUs,
    @Nullable MediaCodecAdapter codec,
    @Nullable ByteBuffer buffer,
    int bufferIndex,
    int bufferFlags,
    int sampleCount,
    long bufferPresentationTimeUs,
    boolean isDecodeOnlyBuffer,
    boolean isLastBuffer,
    Format format

Processes an output media buffer.

When a new ByteBuffer is passed to this method its position and limit delineate the data to be processed. The return value indicates whether the buffer was processed in full. If true is returned then the next call to this method will receive a new buffer to be processed. If false is returned then the same buffer will be passed to the next call. An implementation of this method is free to modify the buffer and can assume that the buffer will not be externally modified between successive calls. Hence an implementation can, for example, modify the buffer's position to keep track of how much of the data it has processed.

Note that the first call to this method following a call to onPositionReset will always receive a new ByteBuffer to be processed.

long positionUs

The current media time in microseconds, measured at the start of the current iteration of the rendering loop.

long elapsedRealtimeUs

elapsedRealtime in microseconds, measured at the start of the current iteration of the rendering loop.

@Nullable MediaCodecAdapter codec

The MediaCodecAdapter instance, or null in bypass mode were no codec is used.

@Nullable ByteBuffer buffer

The output buffer to process, or null if the buffer data is not made available to the application layer (see getOutputBuffer). This buffer can only be null for video data. Note that the buffer data can still be rendered in this case by using the bufferIndex.

int bufferIndex

The index of the output buffer.

int bufferFlags

The flags attached to the output buffer.

int sampleCount

The number of samples extracted from the sample queue in the buffer. This allows handling multiple samples as a batch for efficiency.

long bufferPresentationTimeUs

The presentation time of the output buffer in microseconds.

boolean isDecodeOnlyBuffer

Whether the buffer timestamp is less than the intended playback start position.

boolean isLastBuffer

Whether the buffer is known to contain the last sample of the current stream. This flag is set on a best effort basis, and any logic relying on it should degrade gracefully to handle cases where it's not set.

Format format

The Format associated with the buffer.


Whether the output buffer was fully processed (for example, rendered or skipped).


If an error occurs processing the output buffer.


protected void renderToEndOfStream()

Incrementally renders any remaining output.

The default implementation is a no-op.


Thrown if an error occurs rendering remaining output.


protected boolean shouldUseBypass(Format format)

Returns whether buffers in the input format can be processed without a codec.

This method is only called if the content is not DRM protected, because if the content is DRM protected use of bypass is never possible.

Format format

The input Format.


Whether playback bypassing MediaCodec is supported.


protected int supportsFormat(MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector, Format format)

Returns the Capabilities for the given Format.

MediaCodecSelector mediaCodecSelector

The decoder selector.

Format format

The Format.


The Capabilities for this Format.


If there was an error querying decoders.