
public final class LayoutElementBuilders.ArcSpacer.Builder

Builder for ArcSpacer.


Public constructors

Creates an instance of Builder.

Public methods

@NonNull LayoutElementBuilders.ArcSpacer

Builds an instance from accumulated values.

@NonNull LayoutElementBuilders.ArcSpacer.Builder

Sets the length of this spacer, in degrees.

@NonNull LayoutElementBuilders.ArcSpacer.Builder

Sets androidx.wear.protolayout.ModifiersBuilders.Modifiers for this element.

@NonNull LayoutElementBuilders.ArcSpacer.Builder
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
setThickness(@NonNull DimensionBuilders.DpProp thickness)

Sets the thickness of this spacer, in DP.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
public Builder()

Creates an instance of Builder.

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public @NonNull LayoutElementBuilders.ArcSpacer build()

Builds an instance from accumulated values.


Added in 1.0.0
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
public @NonNull LayoutElementBuilders.ArcSpacer.Builder setLength(@NonNull DimensionBuilders.DegreesProp length)

Sets the length of this spacer, in degrees. If not defined, defaults to 0.

Note that this field only supports static values.


Added in 1.0.0
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
public @NonNull LayoutElementBuilders.ArcSpacer.Builder setThickness(@NonNull DimensionBuilders.DpProp thickness)

Sets the thickness of this spacer, in DP. If not defined, defaults to 0.

Note that this field only supports static values.