
public final class LoopingMediaSource extends WrappingMediaSource

Loops a MediaSource a specified number of times.


Public constructors

Loops the provided source indefinitely.

LoopingMediaSource(MediaSource childSource, int loopCount)

Loops the provided source a specified number of times.

Public methods

    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId id,
    Allocator allocator,
    long startPositionUs

Creates the requested MediaPeriod.

@Nullable Timeline

Returns the initial placeholder timeline that is returned immediately when the real timeline is not yet known, or null to let the player create an initial timeline.


Returns true if the media source is guaranteed to never have zero or more than one window.


Releases a MediaPeriod.

Protected methods

@Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId

Returns the MediaPeriodId in the wrapping source corresponding to the specified in a child source.


Called when the child source info has been refreshed.

Inherited methods

final void
    Handler handler,
    DrmSessionEventListener eventListener

Adds a DrmSessionEventListener to the list of listeners which are notified of DRM events for this media source.

final void
    Handler handler,
    MediaSourceEventListener eventListener

Adds a MediaSourceEventListener to the list of listeners which are notified of media source events.

final DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher

Returns a DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher which dispatches all events to the registered listeners with the specified MediaPeriodId

final DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher
    int windowIndex,
    @Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Returns a DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher which dispatches all events to the registered listeners with the specified window index and MediaPeriodId.

final MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher

Returns a MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher which dispatches all events to the registered listeners with the specified MediaPeriodId.

final MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId,
    long mediaTimeOffsetMs

This method is deprecated.

Use createEventDispatcher instead.

final MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher
    int windowIndex,
    @Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Returns a MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher which dispatches all events to the registered listeners with the specified window index and MediaPeriodId.

final MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher
    int windowIndex,
    @Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId,
    long mediaTimeOffsetMs

This method is deprecated.

Use createEventDispatcher instead.

final void

Disables the source for the creation of MediaPeriods.

final void

Enables the source for the creation of MediaPeriods.

final PlayerId

Returns the PlayerId of the player using this media source.

final boolean

Returns whether the source is enabled.

final void
    MediaSource.MediaSourceCaller caller,
    @Nullable TransferListener mediaTransferListener

This method is deprecated.

Implement prepareSource instead.

final void
    MediaSource.MediaSourceCaller caller,
    @Nullable TransferListener mediaTransferListener,
    PlayerId playerId

Registers a MediaSourceCaller.

final boolean

Returns whether the source has prepareSource called.

final void

Updates timeline and manifest and notifies all listeners of the update.

final void

Unregisters a caller, and disables and releases the source if no longer required.

final void

Removes a DrmSessionEventListener from the list of listeners which are notified of DRM events for this media source.

final void

Removes a MediaSourceEventListener from the list of listeners which are notified of media source events.

final void

Sets the PlayerId of the player using this media source.

final void

Disables a child source.


Disables the source, see disable.

final void

Enables a child source.


Enables the source, see enable.

@Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId
    @UnknownNull T childSourceId,
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Returns the MediaPeriodId in the composite source corresponding to the specified in a child source.

    @UnknownNull T childSourceId,
    long mediaTimeMs,
    @Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Returns the media time in the MediaPeriod of the composite source corresponding to the specified media time in the MediaPeriod of the child source.

    @UnknownNull T childSourceId,
    int windowIndex

Returns the window index in the composite source corresponding to the specified window index in a child source.


Throws any pending error encountered while loading or refreshing source information.

abstract void
    @UnknownNull T childSourceId,
    MediaSource mediaSource,
    Timeline newTimeline

Called when the source info of a child source has been refreshed.

final void

Prepares a child source.

final void

Releases a child source.


Releases the source, see releaseSource.


Returns whether the for this source can be updated with the provided item.

final void

Disables the child source.

final void

Enables the child source.


Returns the whose media is provided by the source.

final @Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId
    Void childSourceId,
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Returns the MediaPeriodId in the composite source corresponding to the specified in a child source.

    long mediaTimeMs,
    @Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Returns the media time in the MediaPeriod of the wrapping source corresponding to the specified media time in the MediaPeriod of the child source.

final long
    Void childSourceId,
    long mediaTimeMs,
    @Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Returns the media time in the MediaPeriod of the composite source corresponding to the specified media time in the MediaPeriod of the child source.


Returns the window index in the wrapping source corresponding to the specified window index in a child source.

final int
getWindowIndexForChildWindowIndex(Void childSourceId, int windowIndex)

Returns the window index in the composite source corresponding to the specified window index in a child source.

final void
    Void childSourceId,
    MediaSource mediaSource,
    Timeline newTimeline

Called when the source info of a child source has been refreshed.

final void

Prepares the wrapped child source.


Starts source preparation and enables the source, see prepareSource.

final void

Starts source preparation and enables the source, see prepareSource.

final void

Releases the child source.


Updates the for this source.

Public constructors


public LoopingMediaSource(MediaSource childSource)

Loops the provided source indefinitely. Note that it is usually better to use setRepeatMode.

MediaSource childSource

The MediaSource to loop.


public LoopingMediaSource(MediaSource childSource, int loopCount)

Loops the provided source a specified number of times.

MediaSource childSource

The MediaSource to loop.

int loopCount

The desired number of loops. Must be strictly positive.

Public methods


public MediaPeriod createPeriod(
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId id,
    Allocator allocator,
    long startPositionUs

Creates the requested MediaPeriod.

This method typically forwards to the wrapped media source and optionally wraps the returned MediaPeriod.

See also


public @Nullable Timeline getInitialTimeline()

Returns the initial placeholder timeline that is returned immediately when the real timeline is not yet known, or null to let the player create an initial timeline.

Should not be called directly from application code.

The initial timeline must use the same uids for windows and periods that the real timeline will use. It also must provide windows which are marked as dynamic to indicate that the window is expected to change when the real timeline arrives.

Any media source which has multiple windows should typically provide such an initial timeline to make sure the player reports the correct number of windows immediately.

This method must be called on the application thread.


public boolean isSingleWindow()

Returns true if the media source is guaranteed to never have zero or more than one window.

Should not be called directly from application code.

The default implementation returns true.

This method must be called on the application thread.


true if the source has exactly one window.


public void releasePeriod(MediaPeriod mediaPeriod)

Releases a MediaPeriod.

This method typically forwards to the wrapped media source and optionally unwraps the provided MediaPeriod.

See also

Protected methods


protected @Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId getMediaPeriodIdForChildMediaPeriodId(
    MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

Returns the MediaPeriodId in the wrapping source corresponding to the specified in a child source. The default implementation does not change the media period id.

MediaSource.MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId

A MediaPeriodId of the child source.

@Nullable MediaSource.MediaPeriodId

The corresponding MediaPeriodId in the wrapping source. Null if no corresponding media period id can be determined.


protected void onChildSourceInfoRefreshed(Timeline newTimeline)

Called when the child source info has been refreshed.

This Timeline can be amended if needed, for example using . The Timeline for the wrapping source needs to be published with refreshSourceInfo.

Timeline newTimeline

The timeline of the child source.