
public interface CallExtensions


This class defines the Jetpack InCallService with the additional ability of defining a LifecycleOwner

Provides the capability for a remote surface (automotive, watch, etc...) to connect to extensions provided by calling applications.

Extensions allow a calling application to support additional optional features beyond the Android platform provided features defined in Call. When a new Call has been created, this interface allows the remote surface to also define which extensions that it supports in its UI. If the calling application providing the Call also supports the extension, the extension will be marked as supported. At that point, the remote surface can receive state updates and send action requests to the calling application to change state.


Public methods

abstract void

Connects extensions to the provided call, allowing the call to support additional optional behaviors beyond the traditional call state management provided by Call.

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0-beta01
@RequiresApi(value = 26)
abstract void connectExtensions(
    @NonNull Call call,
    @ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull CallExtensionScopeUnit> init

Connects extensions to the provided call, allowing the call to support additional optional behaviors beyond the traditional call state management provided by Call.

@NonNull Call call

The Call to connect extensions on.

@ExtensionFunctionType @NonNull Function1<@NonNull CallExtensionScopeUnit> init

The scope used to initialize and manage extensions in the scope of the Call.