
public class UserStyleSetting.ListUserStyleSetting extends UserStyleSetting

A ListUserStyleSetting represents a setting with options selected from a List.


Nested types

A Builder for ListUserStyleSetting.

Represents choice within a ListUserStyleSetting, these must be enumerated up front.

A Builder for ListOption.

Public constructors

    @NonNull UserStyleSetting.Id id,
    @NonNull Resources resources,
    @StringRes int displayNameResourceId,
    @StringRes int descriptionResourceId,
    Icon icon,
    @NonNull List<@NonNull UserStyleSetting.ListUserStyleSetting.ListOption> options,
    @NonNull Collection<@NonNull WatchFaceLayer> affectsWatchFaceLayers,
    @NonNull UserStyleSetting.ListUserStyleSetting.ListOption defaultOption,
    UserStyleSetting.WatchFaceEditorData watchFaceEditorData

This method is deprecated. Use the Builder instead

Inherited methods

equals(Object other)
final @NonNull Collection<@NonNull WatchFaceLayer>

Used by the style configuration UI.

final @NonNull UserStyleSetting.Option

Returns the default for when the user hasn't selected an option.

final int

The default option index, used if nothing has been selected within the options list.

final @NonNull CharSequence

Localized description string displayed under the displayName.

final @NonNull CharSequence

Localized human readable name for the element, used in the userStyle selection UI.

final Icon

Icon for use in the companion editor style selection UI.

final @NonNull UserStyleSetting.Id

Identifier for the element, must be unique.

@NonNull UserStyleSetting.Option

Translates an option name into an option.

final @NonNull List<@NonNull UserStyleSetting.Option>

List of options for this UserStyleSetting.

final UserStyleSetting.WatchFaceEditorData

Optional data for an on watch face editor, this will not be sent to the companion and its contents may be used in preference to other fields by an on watch face editor.

@NonNull String

Public constructors


public ListUserStyleSetting(
    @NonNull UserStyleSetting.Id id,
    @NonNull Resources resources,
    @StringRes int displayNameResourceId,
    @StringRes int descriptionResourceId,
    Icon icon,
    @NonNull List<@NonNull UserStyleSetting.ListUserStyleSetting.ListOption> options,
    @NonNull Collection<@NonNull WatchFaceLayer> affectsWatchFaceLayers,
    @NonNull UserStyleSetting.ListUserStyleSetting.ListOption defaultOption,
    UserStyleSetting.WatchFaceEditorData watchFaceEditorData

Constructs a ListUserStyleSetting where ListUserStyleSetting.displayName and ListUserStyleSetting.description are specified as resources.

@NonNull UserStyleSetting.Id id

Id for the element, must be unique.

@NonNull Resources resources

The Resources from which displayNameResourceId and descriptionResourceId are loaded.

@StringRes int displayNameResourceId

String resource id for a human readable name for the element, used in the userStyle selection UI.

@StringRes int descriptionResourceId

String resource id for a human readable description string displayed under the displayName.

Icon icon

Icon for use in the companion userStyle selection UI. This gets sent to the companion over bluetooth and should be small (ideally a few kb in size).

@NonNull List<@NonNull UserStyleSetting.ListUserStyleSetting.ListOption> options

List of all options for this ListUserStyleSetting.

@NonNull Collection<@NonNull WatchFaceLayer> affectsWatchFaceLayers

Used by the style configuration UI. Describes which watch face rendering layers this style affects.

@NonNull UserStyleSetting.ListUserStyleSetting.ListOption defaultOption

The default option, used when data isn't persisted.

UserStyleSetting.WatchFaceEditorData watchFaceEditorData

Optional data for an on watch face editor, this will not be sent to the companion and its contents may be used in preference to other fields by an on watch face editor.