
public class PlaybackException extends Exception


Thrown when a non locally recoverable playback failure occurs.

Thrown when a non locally recoverable playback failure occurs.


Nested types

@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
@Target(value = )
@IntDef(open = true, value = )
public annotation PlaybackException.ErrorCode

Codes that identify causes of player errors.


static final int

Player implementations that want to surface custom errors can use error codes greater than this value, so as to avoid collision with other error codes defined in this class.

static final int

Caused by an AudioTrack initialization failure.

static final int

Caused by an AudioTrack init operation failure in offload mode.

static final int

Caused by an AudioTrack write operation failure in offload mode.

static final int

Caused by an AudioTrack write operation failure.

static final int

Caused by expired authentication.

static final int

Caused by an argument that is illegal.

static final int

Caused by the loading position falling behind the sliding window of available live content.

static final int

Caused by too many concurrent streams.

static final int

Caused by a request for content that was already playing.

static final int

Caused by a decoder initialization failure.

static final int

Caused by a decoder query failure.

static final int

Caused by a failure while trying to decode media samples.

static final int

Caused by trying to decode content whose format exceeds the capabilities of the device.

static final int

Caused by trying to decode content whose format is not supported.

static final int

Caused by higher priority task reclaiming resources needed for decoding.

static final int

Caused by a disconnected component.

static final int

Caused by attempting to play incompatible DRM-protected content.

static final int

Caused by the device having revoked DRM privileges.

static final int

Caused by an operation being disallowed by a license policy.

static final int

Caused by a failure while trying to obtain a license.

static final int

Caused by an expired DRM license being loaded into an open DRM session.

static final int

Caused by a failure while provisioning the device.

static final int

Caused by a chosen DRM protection scheme not being supported by the device.

static final int

Caused by an error in the DRM system.

static final int

Caused by an unspecified error related to DRM protection.

static final int

Caused by navigation that failed because the playlist was exhausted.

static final int

Caused by a failed runtime check.

static final int

Caused by a command that cannot be completed because the current state is not valid.

static final int

Caused by an HTTP server returning an unexpected HTTP response status code.

static final int

Caused by the player trying to access cleartext HTTP traffic (meaning http:// rather than https://) when the app's Network Security Configuration does not permit it.

static final int

Caused by a non-existent file.

static final int

Caused by a server returning a resource with an invalid "Content-Type" HTTP header value.

static final int

Caused by a network connection failure.

static final int

Caused by a network timeout, meaning the server is taking too long to fulfill a request.

static final int

Caused by lack of permission to perform an IO operation.

static final int

Caused by reading data out of the data bound.

static final int

Caused by an Input/Output error which could not be identified.

static final int

Caused by the content being blocked due to being regionally unavailable.

static final int

Caused by a command that is not supported.

static final int

Caused by the content being blocked due to parental controls.

static final int

Caused by a parsing error associated with a media container format bitstream.

static final int

Caused by attempting to extract a file with an unsupported media container format, or an unsupported media container feature.

static final int

Caused by a parsing error associated with a media manifest.

static final int

Caused by an unsupported feature in a media manifest.

static final int

Caused by a command that is not allowed.

static final int

Caused by a premium account that is required but the user is not subscribed.

static final int

Caused by an unidentified error in a remote Player, which is a Player that runs on a different host or process.

static final int

Caused by playback that needs manual user intervention.

static final int

Caused by the skip limit that is exhausted.

static final int

Caused by a generic timeout.

static final int

Caused by an error whose cause could not be identified.

static final int

Caused by a failure when processing a video frame.

static final int

Caused by a failure when initializing a VideoFrameProcessor.

static final int

Defines a minimum field ID value for subclasses to use when implementing toBundle and delegating to PlaybackException.

Public fields

final int

An error code which identifies the cause of the playback failure.

final Bundle

An extras Bundle.

final long

The value of elapsedRealtime when this exception was created.

Public constructors

    @Nullable String message,
    @Nullable Throwable cause,
    @PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode

Creates an instance.

    @Nullable String message,
    @Nullable Throwable cause,
    @PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode,
    Bundle extras

Creates an instance.

Protected constructors

Creates a new instance using the fields obtained from the given Bundle.

    @Nullable String message,
    @Nullable Throwable cause,
    @PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode,
    Bundle extras,
    long timestampMs

Creates a new instance using the given values.

Public methods


Returns whether the error data associated to this exception equals the error data associated to other.

static PlaybackException

Restores a PlaybackException from a Bundle.

final String

Equivalent to PlaybackException.getErrorCodeName(this.errorCode).

static String

Returns the name of a given errorCode.


Returns a Bundle representing the information stored in this exception.

Inherited methods

synchronized final void
synchronized Throwable
synchronized Throwable
synchronized final Throwable[]
synchronized Throwable
setStackTrace(StackTraceElement[] stackTrace)



public static final int CUSTOM_ERROR_CODE_BASE = 1000000

Player implementations that want to surface custom errors can use error codes greater than this value, so as to avoid collision with other error codes defined in this class.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_AUDIO_TRACK_INIT_FAILED = 5001

Caused by an AudioTrack initialization failure.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_AUDIO_TRACK_OFFLOAD_INIT_FAILED = 5004

Caused by an AudioTrack init operation failure in offload mode.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_AUDIO_TRACK_OFFLOAD_WRITE_FAILED = 5003

Caused by an AudioTrack write operation failure in offload mode.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_AUDIO_TRACK_WRITE_FAILED = 5002

Caused by an AudioTrack write operation failure.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_AUTHENTICATION_EXPIRED = -102

Caused by expired authentication.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_BAD_VALUE = -3

Caused by an argument that is illegal.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_BEHIND_LIVE_WINDOW = 1002

Caused by the loading position falling behind the sliding window of available live content.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_CONCURRENT_STREAM_LIMIT = -104

Caused by too many concurrent streams.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_CONTENT_ALREADY_PLAYING = -110

Caused by a request for content that was already playing.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DECODER_INIT_FAILED = 4001

Caused by a decoder initialization failure.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DECODER_QUERY_FAILED = 4002

Caused by a decoder query failure.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DECODING_FAILED = 4003

Caused by a failure while trying to decode media samples.



Caused by trying to decode content whose format exceeds the capabilities of the device.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DECODING_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED = 4005

Caused by trying to decode content whose format is not supported.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DECODING_RESOURCES_RECLAIMED = 4006

Caused by higher priority task reclaiming resources needed for decoding.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DISCONNECTED = -100

Caused by a disconnected component.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DRM_CONTENT_ERROR = 6003

Caused by attempting to play incompatible DRM-protected content.

For example, this can happen when attempting to play a DRM protected stream using a scheme (like Widevine) for which there is no corresponding license acquisition data (like a pssh box).


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DRM_DEVICE_REVOKED = 6007

Caused by the device having revoked DRM privileges.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DRM_DISALLOWED_OPERATION = 6005

Caused by an operation being disallowed by a license policy.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DRM_LICENSE_ACQUISITION_FAILED = 6004

Caused by a failure while trying to obtain a license.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DRM_LICENSE_EXPIRED = 6008

Caused by an expired DRM license being loaded into an open DRM session.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DRM_PROVISIONING_FAILED = 6002

Caused by a failure while provisioning the device.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DRM_SCHEME_UNSUPPORTED = 6001

Caused by a chosen DRM protection scheme not being supported by the device. Examples of DRM protection schemes are ClearKey and Widevine.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DRM_SYSTEM_ERROR = 6006

Caused by an error in the DRM system.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_DRM_UNSPECIFIED = 6000

Caused by an unspecified error related to DRM protection.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_END_OF_PLAYLIST = -109

Caused by navigation that failed because the playlist was exhausted.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_FAILED_RUNTIME_CHECK = 1004

Caused by a failed runtime check.

This can happen when the application fails to comply with the player's API requirements (for example, by passing invalid arguments), or when the player reaches an invalid state.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_INVALID_STATE = -2

Caused by a command that cannot be completed because the current state is not valid.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_IO_BAD_HTTP_STATUS = 2004

Caused by an HTTP server returning an unexpected HTTP response status code.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_IO_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED = 2007

Caused by the player trying to access cleartext HTTP traffic (meaning http:// rather than https://) when the app's Network Security Configuration does not permit it.

See this corresponding troubleshooting topic.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_IO_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2005

Caused by a non-existent file.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_IO_INVALID_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE = 2003

Caused by a server returning a resource with an invalid "Content-Type" HTTP header value.

For example, this can happen when the player is expecting a piece of media, but the server returns a paywall HTML page, with content type "text/html".


public static final int ERROR_CODE_IO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_FAILED = 2001

Caused by a network connection failure.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of possible reasons:

  • There is no network connectivity (you can check this by querying getActiveNetwork).
  • The URL's domain is misspelled or does not exist.
  • The target host is unreachable.
  • The server unexpectedly closes the connection.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_IO_NETWORK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 2002

Caused by a network timeout, meaning the server is taking too long to fulfill a request.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_IO_NO_PERMISSION = 2006

Caused by lack of permission to perform an IO operation. For example, lack of permission to access internet or external storage.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_IO_READ_POSITION_OUT_OF_RANGE = 2008

Caused by reading data out of the data bound.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_IO_UNSPECIFIED = 2000

Caused by an Input/Output error which could not be identified.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_NOT_AVAILABLE_IN_REGION = -106

Caused by the content being blocked due to being regionally unavailable.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -6

Caused by a command that is not supported.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_PARENTAL_CONTROL_RESTRICTED = -105

Caused by the content being blocked due to parental controls.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_PARSING_CONTAINER_MALFORMED = 3001

Caused by a parsing error associated with a media container format bitstream.



Caused by attempting to extract a file with an unsupported media container format, or an unsupported media container feature.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_PARSING_MANIFEST_MALFORMED = 3002

Caused by a parsing error associated with a media manifest. Examples of a media manifest are a DASH or a SmoothStreaming manifest, or an HLS playlist.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_PARSING_MANIFEST_UNSUPPORTED = 3004

Caused by an unsupported feature in a media manifest. Examples of a media manifest are a DASH or a SmoothStreaming manifest, or an HLS playlist.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_PERMISSION_DENIED = -4

Caused by a command that is not allowed.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED = -103

Caused by a premium account that is required but the user is not subscribed.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_REMOTE_ERROR = 1001

Caused by an unidentified error in a remote Player, which is a Player that runs on a different host or process.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_SETUP_REQUIRED = -108

Caused by playback that needs manual user intervention.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_SKIP_LIMIT_REACHED = -107

Caused by the skip limit that is exhausted.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT = 1003

Caused by a generic timeout.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_UNSPECIFIED = 1000

Caused by an error whose cause could not be identified.


public static final int ERROR_CODE_VIDEO_FRAME_PROCESSING_FAILED = 7001

Caused by a failure when processing a video frame.



Caused by a failure when initializing a VideoFrameProcessor.


protected static final int FIELD_CUSTOM_ID_BASE = 1000

Defines a minimum field ID value for subclasses to use when implementing toBundle and delegating to PlaybackException.

Subclasses should obtain their Bundle's field keys by applying a non-negative offset on this constant and passing the result to intToStringMaxRadix.

Public fields


public final int errorCode

An error code which identifies the cause of the playback failure.


public final Bundle extras

An extras Bundle.


public final long timestampMs

The value of elapsedRealtime when this exception was created.

Public constructors


public PlaybackException(
    @Nullable String message,
    @Nullable Throwable cause,
    @PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode

Creates an instance.

@Nullable String message

See getMessage.

@Nullable Throwable cause

See getCause.

@PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode

A number which identifies the cause of the error. May be one of the ErrorCodes.


public PlaybackException(
    @Nullable String message,
    @Nullable Throwable cause,
    @PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode,
    Bundle extras

Creates an instance.

@Nullable String message

See getMessage.

@Nullable Throwable cause

See getCause.

@PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode

A number which identifies the cause of the error. May be one of the ErrorCodes.

Bundle extras

An optional Bundle.

Protected constructors


protected PlaybackException(Bundle bundle)

Creates a new instance using the fields obtained from the given Bundle.


protected PlaybackException(
    @Nullable String message,
    @Nullable Throwable cause,
    @PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode,
    Bundle extras,
    long timestampMs

Creates a new instance using the given values.

Public methods


public boolean errorInfoEquals(@Nullable PlaybackException other)

Returns whether the error data associated to this exception equals the error data associated to other.

Note that this method does not compare the exceptions' stacktraces.


public static PlaybackException fromBundle(Bundle bundle)

Restores a PlaybackException from a Bundle.


public final String getErrorCodeName()

Equivalent to PlaybackException.getErrorCodeName(this.errorCode).


public static String getErrorCodeName(@PlaybackException.ErrorCode int errorCode)

Returns the name of a given errorCode.


public Bundle toBundle()

Returns a Bundle representing the information stored in this exception.