Added in API level 26


class Named
   ↳ kotlin.Enum<>

List of common, named color spaces. A corresponding instance of ColorSpace can be obtained by calling ColorSpace.get(Named):

ColorSpace cs = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.DCI_P3);

The properties of each color space are described below (see sRGB for instance). When applicable, the color gamut of each color space is compared to the color gamut of sRGB using a CIE 1931 xy chromaticity diagram. This diagram shows the location of the color space's primaries and white point.


Enum values

RGB color space ACES standardized as SMPTE ST 2065-1:2012.

RGB color space ACEScg standardized as Academy S-2014-004.

RGB color space Adobe RGB (1998).

RGB color space BT.

RGB color space BT.

RGB color space BT.

RGB color space BT.

Lab color space CIE L*a*b*.

XYZ color space CIE XYZ.

RGB color space DCI-P3 standardized as SMPTE RP 431-2-2007.

RGB color space Display P3 based on SMPTE RP 431-2-2007 and IEC 61966-2.

RGB color space scRGB-nl standardized as IEC 61966-2-2:2003.

RGB color space scRGB standardized as IEC 61966-2-2:2003.

RGB color space sRGB standardized as IEC 61966-2.

RGB color space NTSC, 1953 standard.


RGB color space ProPhoto RGB standardized as ROMM RGB ISO 22028-2:2013.

RGB color space SMPTE C.

RGB color space sRGB standardized as IEC 61966-2.

Enum values


Added in API level 26
enum val ACES : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space ACES standardized as SMPTE ST 2065-1:2012.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.73470 0.00000 0.00010 0.32168
y 0.26530 1.00000 -0.07700 0.33767
Property Value
Name SMPTE ST 2065-1:2012 ACES
CIE standard illuminant D60
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(C_{ACES} = C_{linear}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(C_{linear} = C_{ACES}\)
Range \([-65504.0, 65504.0]\)

ACES (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 26
enum val ACESCG : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space ACEScg standardized as Academy S-2014-004.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.713 0.165 0.128 0.32168
y 0.293 0.830 0.044 0.33767
Property Value
Name Academy S-2014-004 ACEScg
CIE standard illuminant D60
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(C_{ACEScg} = C_{linear}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(C_{linear} = C_{ACEScg}\)
Range \([-65504.0, 65504.0]\)

ACEScg (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 26
enum val ADOBE_RGB : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space Adobe RGB (1998).

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.64 0.21 0.15 0.3127
y 0.33 0.71 0.06 0.3290
Property Value
Name Adobe RGB (1998)
CIE standard illuminant D65
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(C_{RGB} = C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{2.2}}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(C_{linear} = C_{RGB}^{2.2}\)
Range \([0..1]\)

Adobe RGB (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 26
enum val BT2020 : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space BT.2020 standardized as Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-1.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.708 0.170 0.131 0.3127
y 0.292 0.797 0.046 0.3290
Property Value
Name Rec. ITU-R BT.2020-1
CIE standard illuminant D65
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(\begin{equation} C_{BT2020} = \begin{cases} 4.5 \times C_{linear} & C_{linear} \lt 0.0181 \\\ 1.0993 \times C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{2.2}} - 0.0993 & C_{linear} \ge 0.0181 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(\begin{equation} C_{linear} = \begin{cases}\frac{C_{BT2020}}{4.5} & C_{BT2020} \lt 0.08145 \\\ \left( \frac{C_{BT2020} + 0.0993}{1.0993} \right) ^{2.2} & C_{BT2020} \ge 0.08145 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Range \([0..1]\)

BT.2020 (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 34
enum val BT2020_HLG : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space BT.2100 standardized as Hybrid Log Gamma encoding.

Property Value
Name Hybrid Log Gamma encoding
CIE standard illuminant D65
Range \([0..1]\)


Added in API level 34
enum val BT2020_PQ : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space BT.2100 standardized as Perceptual Quantizer encoding.

Property Value
Name Perceptual Quantizer encoding
CIE standard illuminant D65
Range \([0..1]\)


Added in API level 26
enum val BT709 : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space BT.709 standardized as Rec. ITU-R BT.709-5.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.640 0.300 0.150 0.3127
y 0.330 0.600 0.060 0.3290
Property Value
Name Rec. ITU-R BT.709-5
CIE standard illuminant D65
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(\begin{equation} C_{BT709} = \begin{cases} 4.5 \times C_{linear} & C_{linear} \lt 0.018 \\\ 1.099 \times C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{2.2}} - 0.099 & C_{linear} \ge 0.018 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(\begin{equation} C_{linear} = \begin{cases}\frac{C_{BT709}}{4.5} & C_{BT709} \lt 0.081 \\\ \left( \frac{C_{BT709} + 0.099}{1.099} \right) ^{2.2} & C_{BT709} \ge 0.081 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Range \([0..1]\)



Added in API level 26
enum val CIE_LAB : ColorSpace.Named

Lab color space CIE L*a*b*. This color space uses CIE XYZ D50 as a profile conversion space.

Property Value
Name Generic L*a*b*
CIE standard illuminant D50
Range \(L: [0.0, 100.0], a: [-128, 128], b: [-128, 128]\)


Added in API level 26
enum val CIE_XYZ : ColorSpace.Named

XYZ color space CIE XYZ. This color space assumes standard illuminant D50 as its white point.

Property Value
Name Generic XYZ
CIE standard illuminant D50
Range \([-2.0, 2.0]\)


Added in API level 26
enum val DCI_P3 : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space DCI-P3 standardized as SMPTE RP 431-2-2007.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.680 0.265 0.150 0.314
y 0.320 0.690 0.060 0.351
Property Value
Name SMPTE RP 431-2-2007 DCI (P3)
CIE standard illuminant N/A
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(C_{P3} = C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{2.6}}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(C_{linear} = C_{P3}^{2.6}\)
Range \([0..1]\)

DCI-P3 (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 26
enum val DISPLAY_P3 : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space Display P3 based on SMPTE RP 431-2-2007 and IEC 61966-2.1:1999.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.680 0.265 0.150 0.3127
y 0.320 0.690 0.060 0.3290
Property Value
Name Display P3
CIE standard illuminant D65
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(\begin{equation} C_{DisplayP3} = \begin{cases} 12.92 \times C_{linear} & C_{linear} \lt 0.0030186 \\\ 1.055 \times C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{2.4}} - 0.055 & C_{linear} \ge 0.0030186 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(\begin{equation} C_{linear} = \begin{cases}\frac{C_{DisplayP3}}{12.92} & C_{sRGB} \lt 0.04045 \\\ \left( \frac{C_{DisplayP3} + 0.055}{1.055} \right) ^{2.4} & C_{sRGB} \ge 0.04045 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Range \([0..1]\)

Display P3 (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 26
enum val EXTENDED_SRGB : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space scRGB-nl standardized as IEC 61966-2-2:2003.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.640 0.300 0.150 0.3127
y 0.330 0.600 0.060 0.3290
Property Value
Name scRGB-nl IEC 61966-2-2:2003
CIE standard illuminant D65
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(\begin{equation} C_{scRGB} = \begin{cases} sign(C_{linear}) 12.92 \times \left| C_{linear} \right| & \left| C_{linear} \right| \lt 0.0031308 \\\ sign(C_{linear}) 1.055 \times \left| C_{linear} \right| ^{\frac{1}{2.4}} - 0.055 & \left| C_{linear} \right| \ge 0.0031308 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(\begin{equation} C_{linear} = \begin{cases}sign(C_{scRGB}) \frac{\left| C_{scRGB} \right|}{12.92} & \left| C_{scRGB} \right| \lt 0.04045 \\\ sign(C_{scRGB}) \left( \frac{\left| C_{scRGB} \right| + 0.055}{1.055} \right) ^{2.4} & \left| C_{scRGB} \right| \ge 0.04045 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Range \([-0.799..2.399[\)

Extended sRGB (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 26
enum val LINEAR_EXTENDED_SRGB : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space scRGB standardized as IEC 61966-2-2:2003.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.640 0.300 0.150 0.3127
y 0.330 0.600 0.060 0.3290
Property Value
Name scRGB IEC 61966-2-2:2003
CIE standard illuminant D65
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(C_{scRGB} = C_{linear}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(C_{linear} = C_{scRGB}\)
Range \([-0.5..7.499[\)

Extended sRGB (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 26
enum val LINEAR_SRGB : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space sRGB standardized as IEC 61966-2.1:1999.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.640 0.300 0.150 0.3127
y 0.330 0.600 0.060 0.3290
Property Value
Name sRGB IEC61966-2.1 (Linear)
CIE standard illuminant D65
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(C_{sRGB} = C_{linear}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(C_{linear} = C_{sRGB}\)
Range \([0..1]\)



Added in API level 26
enum val NTSC_1953 : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space NTSC, 1953 standard.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.67 0.21 0.14 0.310
y 0.33 0.71 0.08 0.316
Property Value
Name NTSC (1953)
CIE standard illuminant C
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(\begin{equation} C_{BT709} = \begin{cases} 4.5 \times C_{linear} & C_{linear} \lt 0.018 \\\ 1.099 \times C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{2.2}} - 0.099 & C_{linear} \ge 0.018 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(\begin{equation} C_{linear} = \begin{cases}\frac{C_{BT709}}{4.5} & C_{BT709} \lt 0.081 \\\ \left( \frac{C_{BT709} + 0.099}{1.099} \right) ^{2.2} & C_{BT709} \ge 0.081 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Range \([0..1]\)

NTSC 1953 (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 36
enum val OK_LAB : ColorSpace.Named color space OkLab standardized as OkLab

Property Value
Name Oklab
CIE standard illuminant D65
Range \(L: `[0.0, 1.0]`, a: `[-2, 2]`, b: `[-2, 2]`\)


Added in API level 26
enum val PRO_PHOTO_RGB : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space ProPhoto RGB standardized as ROMM RGB ISO 22028-2:2013.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.7347 0.1596 0.0366 0.3457
y 0.2653 0.8404 0.0001 0.3585
Property Value
Name ROMM RGB ISO 22028-2:2013
CIE standard illuminant D50
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(\begin{equation} C_{ROMM} = \begin{cases} 16 \times C_{linear} & C_{linear} \lt 0.001953 \\\ C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{1.8}} & C_{linear} \ge 0.001953 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(\begin{equation} C_{linear} = \begin{cases}\frac{C_{ROMM}}{16} & C_{ROMM} \lt 0.031248 \\\ C_{ROMM}^{1.8} & C_{ROMM} \ge 0.031248 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Range \([0..1]\)

ProPhoto RGB (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 26
enum val SMPTE_C : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space SMPTE C.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.630 0.310 0.155 0.3127
y 0.340 0.595 0.070 0.3290
Property Value
CIE standard illuminant D65
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(\begin{equation} C_{BT709} = \begin{cases} 4.5 \times C_{linear} & C_{linear} \lt 0.018 \\\ 1.099 \times C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{2.2}} - 0.099 & C_{linear} \ge 0.018 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(\begin{equation} C_{linear} = \begin{cases}\frac{C_{BT709}}{4.5} & C_{BT709} \lt 0.081 \\\ \left( \frac{C_{BT709} + 0.099}{1.099} \right) ^{2.2} & C_{BT709} \ge 0.081 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Range \([0..1]\)

SMPTE-C (orange) vs sRGB (white)


Added in API level 26
enum val SRGB : ColorSpace.Named

RGB color space sRGB standardized as IEC 61966-2.1:1999.

Chromaticity Red Green Blue White point
x 0.640 0.300 0.150 0.3127
y 0.330 0.600 0.060 0.3290
Property Value
Name sRGB IEC61966-2.1
CIE standard illuminant D65
Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) \(\begin{equation} C_{sRGB} = \begin{cases} 12.92 \times C_{linear} & C_{linear} \lt 0.0031308 \\\ 1.055 \times C_{linear}^{\frac{1}{2.4}} - 0.055 & C_{linear} \ge 0.0031308 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) \(\begin{equation} C_{linear} = \begin{cases}\frac{C_{sRGB}}{12.92} & C_{sRGB} \lt 0.04045 \\\ \left( \frac{C_{sRGB} + 0.055}{1.055} \right) ^{2.4} & C_{sRGB} \ge 0.04045 \end{cases} \end{equation}\)
Range \([0..1]\)