Added in API level 28


open class WrappedKeyEntry : KeyStore.Entry

An Entry that holds a wrapped key. Wrapped keys contain encrypted key data and description information that can be used to securely import key material into a hardware-backed Keystore.

The wrapped key is in DER-encoded ASN.1 format, specified by the following schema:

KeyDescription ::= SEQUENCE(
          keyFormat INTEGER,                   # Values from KeyFormat enum.
          keyParams AuthorizationList,
      SecureKeyWrapper ::= SEQUENCE(
          version INTEGER,                     # Contains value 0
          encryptedTransportKey OCTET_STRING,
          initializationVector OCTET_STRING,
          keyDescription KeyDescription,
          encryptedKey OCTET_STRING,
          tag OCTET_STRING
  • keyFormat is an integer from the KeyFormat enum, defining the format of the plaintext key material.
  • keyParams is the characteristics of the key to be imported (as with generateKey or importKey). If the secure import is successful, these characteristics must be associated with the key exactly as if the key material had been insecurely imported with importKey. See Key Attestation for the AuthorizationList format.
  • encryptedTransportKey is a 256-bit AES key, XORed with a masking key and then encrypted in RSA-OAEP mode (SHA-256 digest, SHA-1 MGF1 digest) with the wrapping key specified by wrappingKeyBlob.
  • keyDescription is a KeyDescription, above.
  • encryptedKey is the key material of the key to be imported, in format keyFormat, and encrypted with encryptedEphemeralKey in AES-GCM mode, with the DER-encoded representation of keyDescription provided as additional authenticated data.
  • tag is the tag produced by the AES-GCM encryption of encryptedKey.

Imported wrapped keys will have KeymasterDefs.KM_ORIGIN_SECURELY_IMPORTED


Public constructors
WrappedKeyEntry(wrappedKeyBytes: ByteArray!, wrappingKeyAlias: String!, transformation: String!, algorithmParameterSpec: AlgorithmParameterSpec!)

Constructs a WrappedKeyEntry with a binary wrapped key.

Inherited functions
MutableSet<KeyStore.Entry.Attribute!>! getAttributes()

Retrieves the attributes associated with an entry.

Public constructors


Added in API level 28
    wrappedKeyBytes: ByteArray!,
    wrappingKeyAlias: String!,
    transformation: String!,
    algorithmParameterSpec: AlgorithmParameterSpec!)

Constructs a WrappedKeyEntry with a binary wrapped key.

wrappedKeyBytes ByteArray!: ASN.1 DER encoded wrapped key
wrappingKeyAlias String!: identifies the private key that can unwrap the wrapped key
transformation String!: used to unwrap the key. ex: "RSA/ECB/OAEPPadding"
algorithmParameterSpec AlgorithmParameterSpec!: spec for the private key used to unwrap the wrapped key

Public methods


Added in API level 28
open fun getAlgorithmParameterSpec(): AlgorithmParameterSpec!


Added in API level 28
open fun getTransformation(): String!


Added in API level 28
open fun getWrappedKeyBytes(): ByteArray!


Added in API level 28
open fun getWrappingKeyAlias(): String!