Added in API level 21


class TvContract

The contract between the TV provider and applications. Contains definitions for the supported URIs and columns.


TvContract defines a basic database of TV content metadata such as channel and program information. The information is stored in Channels and Programs tables.

  • A row in the Channels table represents information about a TV channel. The data format can vary greatly from standard to standard or according to service provider, thus the columns here are mostly comprised of basic entities that are usually seen to users regardless of standard such as channel number and name.
  • A row in the Programs table represents a set of data describing a TV program such as program title and start time.


Nested classes

Common base for the tables of TV channels/programs.

Column definitions for the TV channels table.

Column definitions for the preview TV programs table.

Column definitions for the TV programs table.

Column definitions for the recorded TV programs table.

Column definitions for the "watch next" TV programs table.

static String

Broadcast Action: sent to the target TV input after it is first installed to notify the input to initialize its channels and programs to the system content provider.

static String

Broadcast Action: sent by the system to tell the target TV input that one of its existing preview programs is added to the watch next programs table by user.

static String

Broadcast Action: sent by the system to tell the target TV input that one of its preview program's browsable state is disabled, i.

static String

Activity Action: sent by an application telling the system to make the given channel browsable with user interaction.

static String

Broadcast Action: sent by the system to tell the target TV input that one of its "watch next" program's browsable state is disabled, i.

static String

The authority for the TV provider.

static String

The key for a bundle parameter containing a channel ID as a long integer

static String

The key for a bundle parameter containing a program ID as a long integer.

static String

The key for a bundle parameter containing a watch next program ID as a long integer.

Public methods
static Uri!
buildChannelLogoUri(channelUri: Uri!)

Builds a URI that points to a channel logo.

static Uri!

Builds a URI that points to a channel logo.

static Uri!
buildChannelUri(channelId: Long)

Builds a URI that points to a specific channel.

static Uri!

Build a special channel URI intended to be used with pass-through inputs.

static Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all channels from a given TV input.

static String!

Builds an ID that uniquely identifies a TV input service.

static Uri!
buildPreviewProgramUri(previewProgramId: Long)

Builds a URI that points to a specific preview program.

static Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all preview programs on a given channel.

static Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all preview programs on a given channel.

static Uri!
buildProgramUri(programId: Long)

Builds a URI that points to a specific program.

static Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all programs on a given channel.

static Uri!
buildProgramsUriForChannel(channelUri: Uri!, startTime: Long, endTime: Long)

Builds a URI that points to programs on a specific channel whose schedules overlap with the given time frame.

static Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all programs on a given channel.

static Uri!
buildProgramsUriForChannel(channelId: Long, startTime: Long, endTime: Long)

Builds a URI that points to programs on a specific channel whose schedules overlap with the given time frame.

static Uri!
buildRecordedProgramUri(recordedProgramId: Long)

Builds a URI that points to a specific recorded program.

static Uri!
buildWatchNextProgramUri(watchNextProgramId: Long)

Builds a URI that points to a specific watch next program.

static Boolean

static Boolean

static Boolean

static Boolean

static Boolean

static Unit
requestChannelBrowsable(context: Context!, channelId: Long)

Requests to make a channel browsable.



Added in API level 26

Broadcast Action: sent to the target TV input after it is first installed to notify the input to initialize its channels and programs to the system content provider.

Note that this intent is sent only on devices with enabled. Besides that, in order to receive this intent, the target TV input must:

  • Declare a broadcast receiver for this intent in its AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Declare appropriate permissions to write channel and program data in its AndroidManifest.xml.
Value: ""


Added in API level 26

Broadcast Action: sent by the system to tell the target TV input that one of its existing preview programs is added to the watch next programs table by user.

The intent must contain the following bundle parameters:

Value: ""


Added in API level 26

Broadcast Action: sent by the system to tell the target TV input that one of its preview program's browsable state is disabled, i.e., it will no longer be shown to users, which, for example, might be a result of users' interaction with UI. The input is expected to delete the preview program from the content provider.

The intent must contain the following bundle parameter:

Value: ""


Added in API level 26

Activity Action: sent by an application telling the system to make the given channel browsable with user interaction. The system may show UI to ask user to approve the channel. This is only relevant to channels with Channels.TYPE_PREVIEW type. Use to get the result of the request.

The intent must contain the following bundle parameters:

Value: ""


Added in API level 26

Broadcast Action: sent by the system to tell the target TV input that one of its "watch next" program's browsable state is disabled, i.e., it will no longer be shown to users, which, for example, might be a result of users' interaction with UI. The input is expected to delete the "watch next" program from the content provider.

The intent must contain the following bundle parameter:

Value: ""


Added in API level 21
static val AUTHORITY: String

The authority for the TV provider.

Value: ""


Added in API level 26
static val EXTRA_CHANNEL_ID: String

The key for a bundle parameter containing a channel ID as a long integer

Value: ""


Added in API level 26

The key for a bundle parameter containing a program ID as a long integer.

Value: ""


Added in API level 26

The key for a bundle parameter containing a watch next program ID as a long integer.

Value: ""

Public methods


Added in API level 21
static fun buildChannelLogoUri(channelUri: Uri!): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to a channel logo. See Channels.Logo.

channelUri Uri!: The URI of the channel whose logo is pointed to.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildChannelLogoUri(channelId: Long): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to a channel logo. See Channels.Logo.

channelId Long: The ID of the channel whose logo is pointed to.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildChannelUri(channelId: Long): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to a specific channel.

channelId Long: The ID of the channel to point to.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildChannelUriForPassthroughInput(inputId: String!): Uri!

Build a special channel URI intended to be used with pass-through inputs. (e.g. HDMI)

inputId String!: The ID of the pass-through input to build a channels URI for.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildChannelsUriForInput(inputId: String?): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all channels from a given TV input.

inputId String?: The ID of the TV input to build a channels URI for. If null, builds a URI for all the TV inputs.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildInputId(name: ComponentName!): String!

Builds an ID that uniquely identifies a TV input service.

name ComponentName!: The ComponentName of the TV input service to build ID for.
String! the ID for the given TV input service.


Added in API level 26
static fun buildPreviewProgramUri(previewProgramId: Long): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to a specific preview program.

previewProgramId Long: The ID of the preview program to point to.


Added in API level 26
static fun buildPreviewProgramsUriForChannel(channelUri: Uri!): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all preview programs on a given channel.

channelUri Uri!: The URI of the channel to return preview programs for.


Added in API level 26
static fun buildPreviewProgramsUriForChannel(channelId: Long): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all preview programs on a given channel.

channelId Long: The ID of the channel to return preview programs for.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildProgramUri(programId: Long): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to a specific program.

programId Long: The ID of the program to point to.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildProgramsUriForChannel(channelUri: Uri!): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all programs on a given channel.

channelUri Uri!: The URI of the channel to return programs for.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildProgramsUriForChannel(
    channelUri: Uri!,
    startTime: Long,
    endTime: Long
): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to programs on a specific channel whose schedules overlap with the given time frame.

channelUri Uri!: The URI of the channel to return programs for.
startTime Long: The start time used to filter programs. The returned programs should have Programs.COLUMN_END_TIME_UTC_MILLIS that is greater than this time.
endTime Long: The end time used to filter programs. The returned programs should have Programs.COLUMN_START_TIME_UTC_MILLIS that is less than this time.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildProgramsUriForChannel(channelId: Long): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to all programs on a given channel.

channelId Long: The ID of the channel to return programs for.


Added in API level 21
static fun buildProgramsUriForChannel(
    channelId: Long,
    startTime: Long,
    endTime: Long
): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to programs on a specific channel whose schedules overlap with the given time frame.

channelId Long: The ID of the channel to return programs for.
startTime Long: The start time used to filter programs. The returned programs will have a Programs.COLUMN_END_TIME_UTC_MILLIS that is greater than or equal to startTime.
endTime Long: The end time used to filter programs. The returned programs will have Programs.COLUMN_START_TIME_UTC_MILLIS that is less than or equal to endTime.


Added in API level 24
static fun buildRecordedProgramUri(recordedProgramId: Long): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to a specific recorded program.

recordedProgramId Long: The ID of the recorded program to point to.


Added in API level 26
static fun buildWatchNextProgramUri(watchNextProgramId: Long): Uri!

Builds a URI that points to a specific watch next program.

watchNextProgramId Long: The ID of the watch next program to point to.


Added in API level 24
static fun isChannelUri(uri: Uri): Boolean
uri Uri: This value cannot be null.
Boolean true if uri is a channel URI.


Added in API level 24
static fun isChannelUriForPassthroughInput(uri: Uri): Boolean
uri Uri: This value cannot be null.
Boolean true if uri is a channel URI for a pass-through input.


Added in API level 24
static fun isChannelUriForTunerInput(uri: Uri): Boolean
uri Uri: This value cannot be null.
Boolean true if uri is a channel URI for a tuner input.


Added in API level 24
static fun isProgramUri(uri: Uri): Boolean
uri Uri: This value cannot be null.
Boolean true if uri is a program URI.


Added in API level 27
static fun isRecordedProgramUri(uri: Uri): Boolean
uri Uri: This value cannot be null.
Boolean true if uri is a recorded program URI.


Added in API level 26
static fun requestChannelBrowsable(
    context: Context!,
    channelId: Long
): Unit

Requests to make a channel browsable.

Once called, the system will review the request and make the channel browsable based on its policy. The first request from a package is guaranteed to be approved. This is only relevant to channels with Channels.TYPE_PREVIEW type.

context Context!: The context for accessing content provider.
channelId Long: The channel ID to be browsable.