open class PackageInstaller
Offers the ability to install, upgrade, and remove applications on the device. This includes support for apps packaged either as a single "monolithic" APK, or apps packaged as multiple "split" APKs.
An app is delivered for installation through a PackageInstaller.Session
, which any app can create. Once the session is created, the installer can stream one or more APKs into place until it decides to either commit or destroy the session. Committing may require user intervention to complete the installation, unless the caller falls into one of the following categories, in which case the installation will complete automatically.
- the device owner
- the affiliated profile owner
Sessions can install brand new apps, upgrade existing apps, or add new splits into an existing app.
Apps packaged as multiple split APKs always consist of a single "base" APK (with a null
split name) and zero or more "split" APKs (with unique split names). Any subset of these APKs can be installed together, as long as the following constraints are met:
- All APKs must have the exact same package name, version code, and signing certificates.
- All APKs must have unique split names.
- All installations must contain a single base APK.
The ApiDemos project contains examples of using this API: ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/content/InstallApk*.java
Nested classes | |
A class to encapsulate constraints for installation. |
The callback result of |
Details for requesting the pre-commit install approval. |
open |
An installation that is being actively staged. |
abstract |
Events for observing session lifecycle. |
open |
Details for an active install session. |
open |
Parameters for creating a new |
Used to communicate the unarchival state in |
Constants | |
static String |
Broadcast Action: Explicit broadcast sent to the last known default launcher when a session for a new install is committed. |
static String |
Activity Action: Show details about a particular install session. |
static String |
Broadcast Action: Send information about a staged install session when its state is updated. |
static String |
The |
static String |
The |
static String |
Another package name relevant to a status. |
static String |
Package name that an operation is working with. |
static String |
Indicate if the status is for a pre-approval request. |
static String |
static String |
An integer session ID that an operation is working with. |
static String |
Current status of an operation. |
static String |
Detailed string representation of the status, including raw details that are useful for debugging. |
static String |
Storage path relevant to a status. |
static String |
If true, the requestor of the unarchival has specified that the app should be unarchived for all users. |
static String |
Extra field for the unarchive ID. |
static String |
Extra field for the package name of a package that is requested to be unarchived. |
static String |
Current status of an unarchive operation. |
static Int |
Code indicating that the package being installed comes from a file that was downloaded to the device by the user. |
static Int |
Code indicating that the package being installed comes from a local file on the device. |
static Int |
Code indicating that the package being installed is from a source not reflected by any other package source constant. |
static Int |
Code indicating that the package being installed is from a store. |
static Int |
The installer did not call |
static Int |
The operation failed in a generic way. |
static Int |
The operation failed because it was actively aborted. |
static Int |
The operation failed because it was blocked. |
static Int |
The operation failed because it conflicts (or is inconsistent with) with another package already installed on the device. |
static Int |
The operation failed because it is fundamentally incompatible with this device. |
static Int |
The operation failed because one or more of the APKs was invalid. |
static Int |
The operation failed because of storage issues. |
static Int |
The operation failed because it didn't complete within the specified timeout. |
static Int |
User action is currently required to proceed. |
static Int |
The operation succeeded. |
static Int |
The installer responsible for the unarchival is disabled. |
static Int |
The installer responsible for the unarchival has been uninstalled |
static Int |
Not enough storage to unarchive the application. |
static Int |
The device is not connected to the internet |
static Int |
The user needs to interact with the installer to enable the installation. |
static Int |
Generic error: The app cannot be unarchived. |
static Int |
The unarchival is possible and will commence. |
Public methods | |
open Unit |
abandonSession(sessionId: Int) Completely abandon the given session, destroying all staged data and rendering it invalid. |
open Unit |
checkInstallConstraints(packageNames: MutableList<String!>, constraints: PackageInstaller.InstallConstraints, executor: Executor, callback: Consumer<PackageInstaller.InstallConstraintsResult!>) Check if install constraints are satisfied for the given packages. |
open Unit |
commitSessionAfterInstallConstraintsAreMet(sessionId: Int, statusReceiver: IntentSender, constraints: PackageInstaller.InstallConstraints, timeoutMillis: Long) Commit the session when all constraints are satisfied. |
open Int |
Create a new session using the given parameters, returning a unique ID that represents the session. |
open PackageInstaller.SessionInfo? |
Returns first active staged session, or |
open MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!> |
Returns list of active staged sessions. |
open MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!> |
Return list of all known install sessions, regardless of the installer. |
open MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!> |
Return list of all known install sessions owned by the calling app. |
open PackageInstaller.SessionInfo? |
getSessionInfo(sessionId: Int) Return details for a specific session. |
open MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!> |
Return list of all staged install sessions. |
open Unit |
installExistingPackage(packageName: String, installReason: Int, statusReceiver: IntentSender?) Install the given package, which already exists on the device, for the user for which this installer was created. |
open Unit |
installPackageArchived(archivedPackageInfo: ArchivedPackageInfo, sessionParams: PackageInstaller.SessionParams, statusReceiver: IntentSender) Install package in an archived state. |
open PackageInstaller.Session |
openSession(sessionId: Int) Open an existing session to actively perform work. |
open Unit |
Register to watch for session lifecycle events. |
open Unit |
registerSessionCallback(callback: PackageInstaller.SessionCallback, handler: Handler) Register to watch for session lifecycle events. |
open Unit |
reportUnarchivalState(unarchivalState: PackageInstaller.UnarchivalState) Reports the state of an unarchival to the system. |
open Unit |
reportUnarchivalStatus(unarchiveId: Int, status: Int, requiredStorageBytes: Long, userActionIntent: PendingIntent?) Reports the status of an unarchival to the system. |
open Unit |
requestArchive(packageName: String, statusReceiver: IntentSender) Requests to archive a package which is currently installed. |
open Unit |
requestUnarchive(packageName: String, statusReceiver: IntentSender) Requests to unarchive a currently archived package. |
open Unit |
uninstall(versionedPackage: VersionedPackage, statusReceiver: IntentSender) Uninstall the given package with a specific version code, removing it completely from the device. |
open Unit |
uninstall(versionedPackage: VersionedPackage, flags: Int, statusReceiver: IntentSender) Uninstall the given package with a specific version code, removing it completely from the device. |
open Unit |
uninstall(packageName: String, statusReceiver: IntentSender) Uninstall the given package, removing it completely from the device. |
open Unit |
uninstallExistingPackage(packageName: String, statusReceiver: IntentSender?) Uninstall the given package for the user for which this installer was created if the package will still exist for other users on the device. |
open Unit |
Unregister a previously registered callback. |
open Unit |
updateSessionAppIcon(sessionId: Int, appIcon: Bitmap?) Update the icon representing the app being installed in a specific session. |
open Unit |
updateSessionAppLabel(sessionId: Int, appLabel: CharSequence?) Update the label representing the app being installed in a specific session. |
open Unit |
waitForInstallConstraints(packageNames: MutableList<String!>, constraints: PackageInstaller.InstallConstraints, callback: IntentSender, timeoutMillis: Long) Similar to |
Broadcast Action: Explicit broadcast sent to the last known default launcher when a session for a new install is committed. For managed profile, this is sent to the default launcher of the primary profile. For user-profiles that have items restricted on home screen, this broadcast is sent to the default launcher of the primary profile, only if it has either Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES_FULL or Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission.
The associated session is defined in EXTRA_SESSION
and the user for which this session was created in Intent.EXTRA_USER
Value: ""
Activity Action: Show details about a particular install session. This may surface actions such as pause, resume, or cancel.
This should always be scoped to the installer package that owns the session. Clients should use SessionInfo.createDetailsIntent()
to build this intent correctly.
In some cases, a matching Activity may not exist, so ensure you safeguard against this.
The session to show details for is defined in EXTRA_SESSION_ID
Value: ""
Broadcast Action: Send information about a staged install session when its state is updated.
The associated session information is defined in EXTRA_SESSION
Value: ""
The InstallConstraints
Value: ""
The InstallConstraintsResult
Value: ""
Another package name relevant to a status. This is typically the package responsible for causing an operation failure.
Value: ""
static val EXTRA_PACKAGE_NAME: String
Package name that an operation is working with.
Value: ""
static val EXTRA_PRE_APPROVAL: String
Indicate if the status is for a pre-approval request. If callers use the same IntentSender
for both Session.requestUserPreapproval(PreapprovalDetails, IntentSender)
and Session.commit(IntentSender)
, they can use this to differentiate between them.
Value: ""
static val EXTRA_SESSION: String
that an operation is working with.
Value: ""
static val EXTRA_SESSION_ID: String
An integer session ID that an operation is working with.
Value: ""
static val EXTRA_STATUS: String
Current status of an operation. Will be one of STATUS_PENDING_USER_ACTION
More information about a status may be available through additional extras; see the individual status documentation for details.
Value: ""
static val EXTRA_STATUS_MESSAGE: String
Detailed string representation of the status, including raw details that are useful for debugging.
Value: ""
static val EXTRA_STORAGE_PATH: String
Storage path relevant to a status.
Value: ""
If true, the requestor of the unarchival has specified that the app should be unarchived for all users. Sent as part of the android.content.Intent#ACTION_UNARCHIVE_PACKAGE
Value: ""
static val EXTRA_UNARCHIVE_ID: String
Extra field for the unarchive ID. Sent as part of the android.content.Intent#ACTION_UNARCHIVE_PACKAGE
Value: ""
Extra field for the package name of a package that is requested to be unarchived. Sent as part of the android.content.Intent#ACTION_UNARCHIVE_PACKAGE
Value: ""
Current status of an unarchive operation. Will be one of UNARCHIVAL_OK
If the status is not UNARCHIVAL_OK
, then Intent.EXTRA_INTENT
will be set with an intent for a corresponding follow-up action (e.g. storage clearing dialog) or a failure dialog.
Used as part of requestUnarchive
to return the status of the unarchival through the IntentSender
Value: ""
See Also
Code indicating that the package being installed comes from a file that was downloaded to the device by the user. For use in place of PACKAGE_SOURCE_LOCAL_FILE
when the installer knows the package was downloaded.
Value: 4
Code indicating that the package being installed comes from a local file on the device. A file manager that is facilitating the installation of an APK file would use this.
Value: 3
Code indicating that the package being installed is from a source not reflected by any other package source constant.
Value: 1
Code indicating that the package being installed is from a store. An app store that installs an app for the user would use this.
Value: 2
The installer did not call PackageInstaller.SessionParams.setPackageSource(int)
to specify the package source.
Value: 0
static val STATUS_FAILURE: Int
The operation failed in a generic way. The system will always try to provide a more specific failure reason, but in some rare cases this may be delivered.
Value: 1
See Also
The operation failed because it was actively aborted. For example, the user actively declined requested permissions, or the session was abandoned.
Value: 3
See Also
The operation failed because it was blocked. For example, a device policy may be blocking the operation, a package verifier may have blocked the operation, or the app may be required for core system operation.
The result may also contain EXTRA_OTHER_PACKAGE_NAME
with the specific package blocking the install.
Value: 2
The operation failed because it conflicts (or is inconsistent with) with another package already installed on the device. For example, an existing permission, incompatible certificates, etc. The user may be able to uninstall another app to fix the issue.
The result may also contain EXTRA_OTHER_PACKAGE_NAME
with the specific package identified as the cause of the conflict.
Value: 5
The operation failed because it is fundamentally incompatible with this device. For example, the app may require a hardware feature that doesn't exist, it may be missing native code for the ABIs supported by the device, or it requires a newer SDK version, etc. Starting in Build.VERSION_CODES.UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE
, an app with only 32-bit native code can still be installed on a device that supports both 64-bit and 32-bit ABIs. However, a warning dialog will be displayed when the app is launched.
Value: 7
See Also
The operation failed because one or more of the APKs was invalid. For example, they might be malformed, corrupt, incorrectly signed, mismatched, etc.
Value: 4
See Also
The operation failed because of storage issues. For example, the device may be running low on space, or external media may be unavailable. The user may be able to help free space or insert different external media.
The result may also contain EXTRA_STORAGE_PATH
with the path to the storage device that caused the failure.
Value: 6
See Also
The operation failed because it didn't complete within the specified timeout.
Value: 8
See Also
User action is currently required to proceed. You can launch the intent activity described by Intent.EXTRA_INTENT
to involve the user and continue.
You may choose to immediately launch the intent if the user is actively using your app. Otherwise, you should use a notification to guide the user back into your app before launching.
Value: -1
static val STATUS_SUCCESS: Int
The operation succeeded.
Value: 0
The installer responsible for the unarchival is disabled.
The system will return this status if appropriate. Installers do not need to verify for this error.
Value: 4
The installer responsible for the unarchival has been uninstalled
The system will return this status if appropriate. Installers do not need to verify for this error.
Value: 5
Not enough storage to unarchive the application.
The installer can optionally provide a userActionIntent
for a space-clearing dialog. If no action is provided, then a generic intent
is started instead.
Value: 2
The device is not connected to the internet
Value: 3
The user needs to interact with the installer to enable the installation.
An example use case for this could be that the user needs to login to allow the download for a paid app.
Value: 1
Generic error: The app cannot be unarchived.
Value: 100
static val UNARCHIVAL_OK: Int
The unarchival is possible and will commence.
Note that this does not mean that the unarchival has completed. This status should be sent before any longer asynchronous action (e.g. app download) is started.
Value: 0
Public methods
open fun abandonSession(sessionId: Int): Unit
Completely abandon the given session, destroying all staged data and rendering it invalid. Abandoned sessions will be reported to SessionCallback
listeners as failures. This is equivalent to opening the session and calling Session.abandon()
Exceptions | |
java.lang.SecurityException |
when the caller does not own the session, or the session is invalid. |
open fun checkInstallConstraints(
packageNames: MutableList<String!>,
constraints: PackageInstaller.InstallConstraints,
executor: Executor,
callback: Consumer<PackageInstaller.InstallConstraintsResult!>
): Unit
Check if install constraints are satisfied for the given packages. Note this query result is just a hint and subject to race because system states could change anytime in-between this query and committing the session. The result is returned by a callback because some constraints might take a long time to evaluate.
Parameters | |
packageNames |
MutableList<String!>: a list of package names to check the constraints for installation This value cannot be null . |
constraints |
PackageInstaller.InstallConstraints: the constraints for installation. This value cannot be null . |
executor |
Executor: the Executor on which to invoke the callback This value cannot be null . Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor , providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor() . Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread. |
callback |
Consumer<PackageInstaller.InstallConstraintsResult!>: called when the InstallConstraintsResult is ready This value cannot be null . |
Exceptions | |
java.lang.SecurityException |
if the given packages' installer of record doesn't match the caller's own package name or the installerPackageName set by the caller doesn't match the caller's own package name. |
open fun commitSessionAfterInstallConstraintsAreMet(
sessionId: Int,
statusReceiver: IntentSender,
constraints: PackageInstaller.InstallConstraints,
timeoutMillis: Long
): Unit
Commit the session when all constraints are satisfied. This is a convenient method to combine waitForInstallConstraints(java.util.List,,android.content.IntentSender,long)
and Session.commit(IntentSender)
Once this method is called, the session is sealed and no additional mutations may be performed on the session. In the case of timeout, you may commit the session again using this method or Session.commit(IntentSender)
for retries.
Parameters | |
sessionId |
Int: the session ID to commit when all constraints are satisfied. |
statusReceiver |
IntentSender: Called when the state of the session changes. Intents sent to this receiver contain EXTRA_STATUS . Refer to the individual status codes on how to handle them. This value cannot be null . |
constraints |
PackageInstaller.InstallConstraints: The requirements to satisfy before committing the session. This value cannot be null . |
timeoutMillis |
Long: The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds until the constraints are satisfied. The caller will be notified via statusReceiver if timeout happens before commit. Value is a non-negative duration in milliseconds. |
Exceptions | |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException |
if the statusReceiver from an immutable when caller has a target SDK of API 35 or above. |
open fun createSession(params: PackageInstaller.SessionParams): Int
Create a new session using the given parameters, returning a unique ID that represents the session. Once created, the session can be opened multiple times across multiple device boots.
The system may automatically destroy sessions that have not been finalized (either committed or abandoned) within a reasonable period of time, typically on the order of a day.
Parameters | |
params |
PackageInstaller.SessionParams: This value cannot be null . |
Return | |
Int |
positive, non-zero unique ID that represents the created session. This ID remains consistent across device reboots until the session is finalized. IDs are not reused during a given boot. |
Exceptions | |
---|---| |
if parameters were unsatisfiable, such as lack of disk space or unavailable media. |
java.lang.SecurityException |
when installation services are unavailable, such as when called from a restricted user. |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException |
when SessionParams is invalid. |
open fungetActiveStagedSession(): PackageInstaller.SessionInfo?
Deprecated: Use getActiveStagedSessions
as there can be more than one active staged session
Returns first active staged session, or null
if there is none.
For more information on what sessions are considered active see SessionInfo.isStagedSessionActive()
open fun getActiveStagedSessions(): MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!>
Returns list of active staged sessions. Returns empty list if there is none.
For more information on what sessions are considered active see * SessionInfo.isStagedSessionActive()
Return | |
MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!> |
This value cannot be null . |
open fun getAllSessions(): MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!>
Return list of all known install sessions, regardless of the installer. Callers need to either declare <queries> element with the specific package name in the app's manifest, have the android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES, or be the session owner to retrieve these details.
Return | |
MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!> |
This value cannot be null . |
open fun getMySessions(): MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!>
Return list of all known install sessions owned by the calling app.
Return | |
MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!> |
This value cannot be null . |
open fun getSessionInfo(sessionId: Int): PackageInstaller.SessionInfo?
Return details for a specific session. Callers need to either declare <queries> element with the specific package name in the app's manifest, have the android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES, or be the session owner to retrieve these details.
Return | |
PackageInstaller.SessionInfo? |
details for the requested session, or null if the session does not exist. |
open fun getStagedSessions(): MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!>
Return list of all staged install sessions. Callers need to either declare <queries> element with the specific package name in the app's manifest, have the android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES, or be the session owner to retrieve these details.
Return | |
MutableList<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo!> |
This value cannot be null . |
open fun installExistingPackage(
packageName: String,
installReason: Int,
statusReceiver: IntentSender?
): Unit
Install the given package, which already exists on the device, for the user for which this installer was created.
This will all restricted permissions
Requires android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES
and android.Manifest.permission.INSTALL_EXISTING_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
packageName |
String: The package to install. This value cannot be null . |
installReason |
Int: Reason for install. Value is , , , , , or |
statusReceiver |
IntentSender?: Where to deliver the result of the operation indicated by the extra EXTRA_STATUS . Refer to the individual status codes on how to handle them. This value may be null . |
open fun installPackageArchived(
archivedPackageInfo: ArchivedPackageInfo,
sessionParams: PackageInstaller.SessionParams,
statusReceiver: IntentSender
): Unit
Install package in an archived state.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
archivedPackageInfo |
ArchivedPackageInfo: archived package data such as package name, signature etc. This value cannot be null . |
sessionParams |
PackageInstaller.SessionParams: used to create an underlying installation session This value cannot be null . |
statusReceiver |
IntentSender: Called when the state of the session changes. Intents sent to this receiver contain EXTRA_STATUS . Refer to the individual status codes on how to handle them. This value cannot be null . |
open fun openSession(sessionId: Int): PackageInstaller.Session
Open an existing session to actively perform work. To succeed, the caller must be the owner of the install session.
Return | |
PackageInstaller.Session |
This value cannot be null . |
Exceptions | |
---|---| |
if parameters were unsatisfiable, such as lack of disk space or unavailable media. |
java.lang.SecurityException |
when the caller does not own the session, or the session is invalid. |
open fun registerSessionCallback(callback: PackageInstaller.SessionCallback): Unit
Register to watch for session lifecycle events. The callers need to be the session owner or have the android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES to watch for these events.
Parameters | |
callback |
PackageInstaller.SessionCallback: This value cannot be null . |
open fun registerSessionCallback(
callback: PackageInstaller.SessionCallback,
handler: Handler
): Unit
Register to watch for session lifecycle events. No special permissions are required to watch for these events.
Parameters | |
handler |
Handler: to dispatch callback events through, otherwise uses calling thread. This value cannot be null . |
callback |
PackageInstaller.SessionCallback: This value cannot be null . |
open fun reportUnarchivalState(unarchivalState: PackageInstaller.UnarchivalState): Unit
Reports the state of an unarchival to the system.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES
or android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
unarchivalState |
PackageInstaller.UnarchivalState: This value cannot be null . |
Exceptions | |
---|---| |
if no unarchival with unarchiveId exists |
open fun reportUnarchivalStatus(
unarchiveId: Int,
status: Int,
requiredStorageBytes: Long,
userActionIntent: PendingIntent?
): Unit
Reports the status of an unarchival to the system.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES
or android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
unarchiveId |
Int: the ID provided by the system as part of the intent.action.UNARCHIVE broadcast with EXTRA_UNARCHIVE_ID. |
status |
Int: is used for the system to provide the user with necessary follow-up steps or errors. Value is, , , , , , , or |
requiredStorageBytes |
Long: If the error is UNARCHIVAL_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE this field should be set to specify how many additional bytes of storage are required to unarchive the app. |
userActionIntent |
PendingIntent?: Optional intent to start a follow up action required to facilitate the unarchival flow (e.g. user needs to log in). This value may be null . |
Exceptions | |
---|---| |
if no unarchival with unarchiveId exists |
open fun requestArchive(
packageName: String,
statusReceiver: IntentSender
): Unit
Requests to archive a package which is currently installed.
During the archival process, the apps APKs and cache are removed from the device while the user data is kept. Through the requestUnarchive
call, apps can be restored again through their responsible installer.
Archived apps are returned as displayable apps through the LauncherApps
APIs and will be displayed to users with UI treatment to highlight that said apps are archived. If a user taps on an archived app, the app will be unarchived and the restoration process is communicated.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#DELETE_PACKAGES
or android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
statusReceiver |
IntentSender: Callback used to notify when the operation is completed. This value cannot be null . |
packageName |
String: This value cannot be null . |
Exceptions | |
---|---| |
If packageName isn't found or not available to the caller or isn't archived. |
open fun requestUnarchive(
packageName: String,
statusReceiver: IntentSender
): Unit
Requests to unarchive a currently archived package.
Sends a request to unarchive an app to the responsible installer. The installer is determined by InstallSourceInfo.getUpdateOwnerPackageName()
, or InstallSourceInfo.getInstallingPackageName()
if the former value is null.
The installation will happen asynchronously and can be observed through android.content.Intent#ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED
Requires android.Manifest.permission#INSTALL_PACKAGES
or android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
statusReceiver |
IntentSender: Callback used to notify whether the installer has accepted the unarchival request or an error has occurred. The status update will be sent though EXTRA_UNARCHIVE_STATUS . Only one status will be sent. This value cannot be null . |
packageName |
String: This value cannot be null . |
Exceptions | |
---|---| |
If packageName isn't found or not visible to the caller or if the package has no installer on the device anymore to unarchive it. | |
If parameters were unsatisfiable, such as lack of disk space. |
open fun uninstall(
versionedPackage: VersionedPackage,
statusReceiver: IntentSender
): Unit
Uninstall the given package with a specific version code, removing it completely from the device. If the version code of the package does not match the one passed in the versioned package argument this method is a no-op. Use PackageManager.VERSION_CODE_HIGHEST
to uninstall the latest version of the package.
This method is available to:
- the current "installer of record" for the package
- the device owner
- the affiliated profile owner
or android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
versionedPackage |
VersionedPackage: The versioned package to uninstall. This value cannot be null . |
statusReceiver |
IntentSender: Where to deliver the result of the operation indicated by the extra EXTRA_STATUS . Refer to the individual status codes on how to handle them. This value cannot be null . |
open fun uninstall(
versionedPackage: VersionedPackage,
flags: Int,
statusReceiver: IntentSender
): Unit
Uninstall the given package with a specific version code, removing it completely from the device. This method is only available to the current "installer of record" for the package. If the version code of the package does not match the one passed in the versioned package argument this method is a no-op. Use PackageManager.VERSION_CODE_HIGHEST
to uninstall the latest version of the package.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#DELETE_PACKAGES
or android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
versionedPackage |
VersionedPackage: The versioned package to uninstall. This value cannot be null . |
flags |
Int: Flags for uninstall. Value is either 0 or a combination of,,,, and |
statusReceiver |
IntentSender: Where to deliver the result of the operation indicated by the extra EXTRA_STATUS . Refer to the individual status codes on how to handle them. This value cannot be null . |
open fun uninstall(
packageName: String,
statusReceiver: IntentSender
): Unit
Uninstall the given package, removing it completely from the device. This method is available to:
- the current "installer of record" for the package
- the device owner
- the affiliated profile owner
or android.Manifest.permission#REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
packageName |
String: The package to uninstall. This value cannot be null . |
statusReceiver |
IntentSender: Where to deliver the result of the operation indicated by the extra EXTRA_STATUS . Refer to the individual status codes on how to handle them. This value cannot be null . |
open fun uninstallExistingPackage(
packageName: String,
statusReceiver: IntentSender?
): Unit
Uninstall the given package for the user for which this installer was created if the package will still exist for other users on the device.
Requires android.Manifest.permission#DELETE_PACKAGES
Parameters | |
packageName |
String: The package to uninstall. This value cannot be null . |
statusReceiver |
IntentSender?: Where to deliver the result of the operation indicated by the extra EXTRA_STATUS . Refer to the individual status codes on how to handle them. This value may be null . |
open fun unregisterSessionCallback(callback: PackageInstaller.SessionCallback): Unit
Unregister a previously registered callback.
Parameters | |
callback |
PackageInstaller.SessionCallback: This value cannot be null . |
open fun updateSessionAppIcon(
sessionId: Int,
appIcon: Bitmap?
): Unit
Update the icon representing the app being installed in a specific session. This should be roughly ActivityManager.getLauncherLargeIconSize()
in both dimensions.
Parameters | |
appIcon |
Bitmap?: This value may be null . |
Exceptions | |
java.lang.SecurityException |
when the caller does not own the session, or the session is invalid. |
open fun updateSessionAppLabel(
sessionId: Int,
appLabel: CharSequence?
): Unit
Update the label representing the app being installed in a specific session.
Parameters | |
appLabel |
CharSequence?: This value may be null . |
Exceptions | |
java.lang.SecurityException |
when the caller does not own the session, or the session is invalid. |
open fun waitForInstallConstraints(
packageNames: MutableList<String!>,
constraints: PackageInstaller.InstallConstraints,
callback: IntentSender,
timeoutMillis: Long
): Unit
Similar to checkInstallConstraints(java.util.List,,java.util.concurrent.Executor,java.util.function.Consumer)
, but the callback is invoked only when the constraints are satisfied or after timeout.
Note: the device idle constraint might take a long time to evaluate. The system will ensure the constraint is evaluated completely before handling timeout.
Parameters | |
packageNames |
MutableList<String!>: a list of package names to check the constraints for installation This value cannot be null . |
constraints |
PackageInstaller.InstallConstraints: the constraints for installation. This value cannot be null . |
callback |
IntentSender: Called when the constraints are satisfied or after timeout. Intents sent to this callback contain: Intent.EXTRA_PACKAGES for the input package names, EXTRA_INSTALL_CONSTRAINTS for the input constraints, EXTRA_INSTALL_CONSTRAINTS_RESULT for the result. This value cannot be null . |
timeoutMillis |
Long: The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds until the constraints are satisfied. Valid range is from 0 to one week. 0 means the callback will be invoked immediately no matter constraints are satisfied or not. Value is a non-negative duration in milliseconds. |
Exceptions | |
java.lang.SecurityException |
if the given packages' installer of record doesn't match the caller's own package name or the installerPackageName set by the caller doesn't match the caller's own package name. |