Added in API level 24


open class DateIntervalInfo : Cloneable, Freezable<DateIntervalInfo!>, Serializable

DateIntervalInfo is a public class for encapsulating localizable date time interval patterns. It is used by DateIntervalFormat.

For most users, ordinary use of DateIntervalFormat does not need to create DateIntervalInfo object directly. DateIntervalFormat will take care of it when creating a date interval formatter when user pass in skeleton and locale.

For power users, who want to create their own date interval patterns, or want to re-set date interval patterns, they could do so by directly creating DateIntervalInfo and manipulating it.

Logically, the interval patterns are mappings from (skeleton, the_largest_different_calendar_field) to (date_interval_pattern).

A skeleton

  1. only keeps the field pattern letter and ignores all other parts in a pattern, such as space, punctuations, and string literals.
  2. hides the order of fields.
  3. might hide a field's pattern letter length. For those non-digit calendar fields, the pattern letter length is important, such as MMM, MMMM, and MMMMM; EEE and EEEE, and the field's pattern letter length is honored. For the digit calendar fields, such as M or MM, d or dd, yy or yyyy, the field pattern length is ignored and the best match, which is defined in date time patterns, will be returned without honor the field pattern letter length in skeleton.

The calendar fields we support for interval formatting are: year, month, date, day-of-week, am-pm, hour, hour-of-day, minute, and second (though we do not currently have specific intervalFormat data for skeletons with seconds). Those calendar fields can be defined in the following order: year > month > date > am-pm > hour > minute > second The largest different calendar fields between 2 calendars is the first different calendar field in above order. For example: the largest different calendar fields between "Jan 10, 2007" and "Feb 20, 2008" is year.

There is a set of pre-defined static skeleton strings. There are pre-defined interval patterns for those pre-defined skeletons in locales' resource files. For example, for a skeleton YEAR_ABBR_MONTH_DAY, which is "yMMMd", in en_US, if the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is "year", the date interval pattern is "MMM d, yyyy - MMM d, yyyy", such as "Jan 10, 2007 - Jan 10, 2008". If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is "month", the date interval pattern is "MMM d - MMM d, yyyy", such as "Jan 10 - Feb 10, 2007". If the largest different calendar field between date1 and date2 is "day", the date interval pattern is ""MMM d-d, yyyy", such as "Jan 10-20, 2007". For date skeleton, the interval patterns when year, or month, or date is different are defined in resource files. For time skeleton, the interval patterns when am/pm, or hour, or minute is different are defined in resource files.

There are 2 dates in interval pattern. For most locales, the first date in an interval pattern is the earlier date. There might be a locale in which the first date in an interval pattern is the later date. We use fallback format for the default order for the locale. For example, if the fallback format is "{0} - {1}", it means the first date in the interval pattern for this locale is earlier date. If the fallback format is "{1} - {0}", it means the first date is the later date. For a particular interval pattern, the default order can be overridden by prefixing "latestFirst:" or "earliestFirst:" to the interval pattern. For example, if the fallback format is "{0}-{1}", but for skeleton "yMMMd", the interval pattern when day is different is "latestFirst:d-d MMM yy", it means by default, the first date in interval pattern is the earlier date. But for skeleton "yMMMd", when day is different, the first date in "d-d MMM yy" is the later date.

The recommended way to create a DateIntervalFormat object is to pass in the locale. By using a Locale parameter, the DateIntervalFormat object is initialized with the pre-defined interval patterns for a given or default locale.

Users can also create DateIntervalFormat object by supplying their own interval patterns. It provides flexibility for power usage.

After a DateIntervalInfo object is created, clients may modify the interval patterns using setIntervalPattern function as so desired. Currently, users can only set interval patterns when the following calendar fields are different: ERA, YEAR, MONTH, DATE, DAY_OF_MONTH, DAY_OF_WEEK, AM_PM, HOUR, HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, and MILLISECOND. Interval patterns when other calendar fields are different is not supported.

DateIntervalInfo objects are cloneable. When clients obtain a DateIntervalInfo object, they can feel free to modify it as necessary.

DateIntervalInfo are not expected to be subclassed. Data for a calendar is loaded out of resource bundles. Through ICU 4.4, date interval patterns are only supported in the Gregorian calendar; non-Gregorian calendars are supported from ICU 4.4.1.


Nested classes

PatternInfo class saves the first and second part of interval pattern, and whether the interval pattern is earlier date first.

Public constructors

Construct DateIntervalInfo for the given locale,

Construct DateIntervalInfo for the given java.util.Locale.

Public methods
open Any

Clone this object.

open DateIntervalInfo!

Provides for the clone operation.

open Boolean
equals(other: Any?)

Override equals

open DateIntervalInfo!

Freezes the object.

open Boolean

Get default order -- whether the first date in pattern is later date or not.

open String!

Get the fallback interval pattern.

open DateIntervalInfo.PatternInfo!
getIntervalPattern(skeleton: String!, field: Int)

Get the interval pattern given the largest different calendar field.

open Int

Override hashcode

open Boolean

Determines whether the object has been frozen or not.

open Unit

Re-set the fallback interval pattern.

open Unit
setIntervalPattern(skeleton: String!, lrgDiffCalUnit: Int, intervalPattern: String!)

Provides a way for client to build interval patterns.

Public constructors


Added in API level 24
DateIntervalInfo(locale: ULocale!)

Construct DateIntervalInfo for the given locale,

locale ULocale!: the interval patterns are loaded from the appropriate calendar data (specified calendar or default calendar) in this locale.


Added in API level 24
DateIntervalInfo(locale: Locale!)

Construct DateIntervalInfo for the given java.util.Locale.

locale Locale!: the interval patterns are loaded from the appropriate calendar data (specified calendar or default calendar) in this locale.

Public methods


Added in API level 24
open fun clone(): Any

Clone this object.

Any a copy of the object
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException if the object's class does not support the Cloneable interface. Subclasses that override the clone method can also throw this exception to indicate that an instance cannot be cloned.


Added in API level 24
open fun cloneAsThawed(): DateIntervalInfo!

Provides for the clone operation. Any clone is initially unfrozen.


Added in API level 24
open fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Override equals

obj the reference object with which to compare.
Boolean true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise.


Added in API level 24
open fun freeze(): DateIntervalInfo!

Freezes the object.

DateIntervalInfo! the object itself.


Added in API level 24
open fun getDefaultOrder(): Boolean

Get default order -- whether the first date in pattern is later date or not. return default date ordering in interval pattern. true if the first date in pattern is later date, false otherwise.


Added in API level 24
open fun getFallbackIntervalPattern(): String!

Get the fallback interval pattern.

String! fallback interval pattern


Added in API level 24
open fun getIntervalPattern(
    skeleton: String!,
    field: Int
): DateIntervalInfo.PatternInfo!

Get the interval pattern given the largest different calendar field.

skeleton String!: the skeleton
field Int: the largest different calendar field
DateIntervalInfo.PatternInfo! interval pattern return null if interval pattern is not found.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if getting interval pattern on a calendar field that is smaller than the MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_CALENDAR_FIELD


Added in API level 24
open fun hashCode(): Int

Override hashcode

Int a hash code value for this object.


Added in API level 24
open fun isFrozen(): Boolean

Determines whether the object has been frozen or not.


Added in API level 24
open fun setFallbackIntervalPattern(fallbackPattern: String!): Unit

Re-set the fallback interval pattern. In construction, default fallback pattern is set as "{0} - {1}". And constructor taking locale as parameter will set the fallback pattern as what defined in the locale resource file. This method provides a way for user to replace the fallback pattern.

fallbackPattern String!: fall-back interval pattern.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the object is frozen
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if there is no pattern {0} or pattern {1} in fallbakckPattern


Added in API level 24
open fun setIntervalPattern(
    skeleton: String!,
    lrgDiffCalUnit: Int,
    intervalPattern: String!
): Unit

Provides a way for client to build interval patterns. User could construct DateIntervalInfo by providing a list of skeletons and their patterns.

For example:

DateIntervalInfo dIntervalInfo = new DateIntervalInfo();
  dIntervalInfo.setIntervalPattern("yMd", Calendar.YEAR, "'from' yyyy-M-d 'to' yyyy-M-d");
  dIntervalInfo.setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", Calendar.MONTH, "'from' yyyy MMM d 'to' MMM d");
  dIntervalInfo.setIntervalPattern("yMMMd", Calendar.DAY, "yyyy MMM d-d");
  dIntervalInfo.setFallbackIntervalPattern("{0} ~ {1}");
Restriction: Currently, users can only set interval patterns when the following calendar fields are different: ERA, YEAR, MONTH, DATE, DAY_OF_MONTH, DAY_OF_WEEK, AM_PM, HOUR, HOUR_OF_DAY, MINUTE, SECOND, and MILLISECOND. Interval patterns when other calendar fields are different are not supported.
skeleton String!: the skeleton on which interval pattern based
lrgDiffCalUnit Int: the largest different calendar unit.
intervalPattern String!: the interval pattern on the largest different calendar unit. For example, if lrgDiffCalUnit is "year", the interval pattern for en_US when year is different could be "'from' yyyy 'to' yyyy".
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if setting interval pattern on a calendar field that is smaller than the MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_CALENDAR_FIELD
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the object is frozen