
class Page : AutoCloseable

This class represents a PDF document page for rendering.


Public methods

Applies a FormEditRecord to the PDF.


Closes this page.

getFormWidgetInfoAtIndex(annotationIndex: Int)

Returns information about the widget with annotationIndex.


Returns information about the widget at the given point.


Returns information about all form widgets on the page, or an empty list if there are no form widgets on the page.


Returns information about all form widgets of the specified types on the page, or an empty list if there are no form widgets of the specified types on the page.


Gets bookmarks and goto links present on the page of a pdf document.


Returns the height of the given Page object in points (1/72").


Return list of PdfPageImageContent found on the page, ordered left to right and top to bottom.


Gets the page index.


Get the bounds and URLs of all the links on the given page.


Return list of PdfPageTextContent found on the page, ordered left to right and top to bottom.


Returns the width of the given Page object in points (1/72").

render(destination: Bitmap, destClip: Rect?, transform: Matrix?, params: RenderParams)

Renders a page to a bitmap.


Search for the given string on the page and returns the bounds of all the matches.


Return a PageSelection which represents the selected content that spans between the two boundaries.

Protected methods

Public methods


fun applyEdit(editRecord: FormEditRecord): MutableList<Rect!>

Applies a FormEditRecord to the PDF.

Apps must call render(,,, to render new bitmaps for the corresponding areas of the page.

For click type FormEditRecords, performs a click on

For set text type FormEditRecords, sets the text value of the form widget.

For set indices type FormEditRecords, sets the as selected and all others as unselected for the form widget indicated by the record.

editRecord FormEditRecord: the FormEditRecord to be applied This value cannot be null.
MutableList<Rect!> Rectangular areas of the page bitmap that have been invalidated by this action. This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the provided FormEditRecord cannot be applied to the widget indicated by the index, or if the index does not correspond to a widget on the page.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the page is already closed.


Added in API level 35
fun close(): Unit

Closes this page.

java.lang.Exception if this resource cannot be closed


fun getFormWidgetInfoAtIndex(annotationIndex: Int): FormWidgetInfo

Returns information about the widget with annotationIndex.

annotationIndex Int: the index of the widget within the page's "Annot" array in the PDF document, available on results of previous calls to getFormWidgetInfos(int[]) or getFormWidgetInfoAtPosition(int,int) via FormWidgetInfo.getWidgetIndex(). Value is 0 or greater
FormWidgetInfo This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if there is no form widget at the provided index.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the page is already closed.


fun getFormWidgetInfoAtPosition(
    x: Int,
    y: Int
): FormWidgetInfo

Returns information about the widget at the given point.

x Int: the x position of the widget on the page, in points
y Int: the y position of the widget on the page, in points
FormWidgetInfo This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if there is no form widget at the provided position.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the page is already closed.


fun getFormWidgetInfos(): MutableList<FormWidgetInfo!>

Returns information about all form widgets on the page, or an empty list if there are no form widgets on the page.

MutableList<FormWidgetInfo!> This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the page is already closed.


fun getFormWidgetInfos(types: IntArray): MutableList<FormWidgetInfo!>

Returns information about all form widgets of the specified types on the page, or an empty list if there are no form widgets of the specified types on the page.

MutableList<FormWidgetInfo!> This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the page is already closed.
fun getGotoLinks(): MutableList<PdfPageGotoLinkContent!>

Gets bookmarks and goto links present on the page of a pdf document. Goto Links are the internal navigation links which directs the user to different location within the same document.

MutableList<PdfPageGotoLinkContent!> list of all goto links PdfPageGotoLinkContent on a page, ordered left to right and top to bottom. This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the document/page is closed before invocation.


fun getHeight(): Int

Returns the height of the given Page object in points (1/72"). It is not guaranteed that all pages will have the same height and the viewport should be resized to the given page height.

Int height of the given page Value is 0 or greater
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the document/page is closed before invocation.


fun getImageContents(): MutableList<PdfPageImageContent!>

Return list of PdfPageImageContent found on the page, ordered left to right and top to bottom. It contains all the content associated with images found on the page including alt text. The list will be empty if there are no results found. Currently, localisation does not have any impact on the order in which PdfPageImageContent is returned.

MutableList<PdfPageImageContent!> list of image content found on the page. This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the document/page is closed before invocation.


fun getIndex(): Int

Gets the page index.

Int The index. Value is 0 or greater


fun getLinkContents(): MutableList<PdfPageLinkContent!>

Get the bounds and URLs of all the links on the given page.

MutableList<PdfPageLinkContent!> list of all links on the page. This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the document/page is closed before invocation.


fun getTextContents(): MutableList<PdfPageTextContent!>

Return list of PdfPageTextContent found on the page, ordered left to right and top to bottom. It contains all the content associated with text found on the page. The list will be empty if there are no results found. Currently, localisation does not have any impact on the order in which PdfPageTextContent is returned.

MutableList<PdfPageTextContent!> list of text content found on the page. This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the document/page is closed before invocation.


fun getWidth(): Int

Returns the width of the given Page object in points (1/72"). It is not guaranteed that all pages will have the same width and the viewport should be resized to the given page width.

Int width of the given page Value is 0 or greater
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the document/page is closed before invocation.


fun render(
    destination: Bitmap,
    destClip: Rect?,
    transform: Matrix?,
    params: RenderParams
): Unit

Renders a page to a bitmap. In case of default zoom, the Bitmap dimensions will be equal to the page dimensions. In this case, Rect parameter can be null.

In case of zoom, the Rect parameter needs to be specified which represents the offset from top and left for tile generation purposes. In this case, the Bitmap dimensions should be equal to the tile dimensions.

Note: The method will take care of closing the bitmap. Should be invoked on the android.annotation.WorkerThread as it is long-running task.

destination Bitmap: Destination bitmap to write to. This value cannot be null.
destClip Rect?: If null, default zoom is applied. In case the value is non-null, the value specifies the top top-left corner of the tile.
transform Matrix?: Applied to scale the bitmap up/down from default 1/72 points. This value may be null.
params RenderParams: Render params for the changing display mode and/or annotations. This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the document/page is closed before invocation.


fun searchText(query: String): MutableList<PageMatchBounds!>

Search for the given string on the page and returns the bounds of all the matches. The list will be empty if there are no matches on the given page. If this function was invoked previously for any page, it will wait for that operation to complete before this operation is started.

Note: Should be invoked on the android.annotation.WorkerThread as it is long-running task.

query String: plain search string for querying the document This value cannot be null.
MutableList<PageMatchBounds!> List of PageMatchBounds representing the bounds of each match on the page. This value cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the document/page is closed before invocation.


fun selectContent(
    start: SelectionBoundary,
    stop: SelectionBoundary
): PageSelection?

Return a PageSelection which represents the selected content that spans between the two boundaries. The boundaries can be either exactly defined with text indexes, or approximately defined with points on the page. The resulting selection will also be exactly defined with both indexes and points. If the start and stop boundary are both at the same point, selects the word at that point. In case the selection from the given boundaries result in an empty space, then the method returns null. The start and stop SelectionBoundary in PageSelection resolves to the "nearest" index when returned.

Note: Should be invoked on a android.annotation.WorkerThread as it is long-running task.

start SelectionBoundary: boundary where the selection starts (inclusive) This value cannot be null.
stop SelectionBoundary: boundary where the selection stops (exclusive) This value cannot be null.
PageSelection? collection of the selected content for text, images, etc.
java.lang.IllegalStateException If the document/page is closed before invocation.

Protected methods


Added in API level 35
protected fun finalize(): Unit
java.lang.Throwable the Exception raised by this method