Added in API level 30


open class ResourcesProvider : AutoCloseable, Closeable

Provides methods to load resources data from APKs (.apk) and resources tables (eg. resources.arsc) for use with ResourcesLoader(s).


Public methods
open Unit

Frees internal data structures.

open static ResourcesProvider
empty(assetsProvider: AssetsProvider)

Creates an empty ResourcesProvider with no resource data.

open static ResourcesProvider

Creates a ResourcesProvider from an APK (.apk) file descriptor.

open static ResourcesProvider
loadFromApk(fileDescriptor: ParcelFileDescriptor, assetsProvider: AssetsProvider?)

Creates a ResourcesProvider from an APK (.apk) file descriptor.

open static ResourcesProvider
loadFromDirectory(path: String, assetsProvider: AssetsProvider?)

Creates a ResourcesProvider from a directory path.

open static ResourcesProvider
loadFromSplit(context: Context, splitName: String)

Read from a split installed alongside the application, which may not have been loaded initially because the application requested isolated split loading.

open static ResourcesProvider
loadFromTable(fileDescriptor: ParcelFileDescriptor, assetsProvider: AssetsProvider?)

Creates a ResourcesProvider from a resources table (.arsc) file descriptor.

open static ResourcesProvider
loadOverlay(overlayInfo: OverlayInfo)

Creates a ResourcesProvider instance from the specified overlay information.

Protected methods
open Unit

Public methods


Added in API level 30
open fun close(): Unit

Frees internal data structures. Closed providers can no longer be added to ResourcesLoader(s).

java.lang.Exception if this resource cannot be closed if an I/O error occurs
java.lang.IllegalStateException if provider is currently used by a ResourcesLoader


Added in API level 30
open static fun empty(assetsProvider: AssetsProvider): ResourcesProvider

Creates an empty ResourcesProvider with no resource data. This is useful for loading file-based assets not associated with resource identifiers.

assetsProvider AssetsProvider: the assets provider that implements the loading of file-based resources This value cannot be null.
ResourcesProvider This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 30
open static fun loadFromApk(fileDescriptor: ParcelFileDescriptor): ResourcesProvider

Creates a ResourcesProvider from an APK (.apk) file descriptor.

The file descriptor is duplicated and the original may be closed by the application at any time without affecting the ResourcesProvider.

fileDescriptor ParcelFileDescriptor: the file descriptor of the APK to load This value cannot be null.
ResourcesProvider This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 30
open static fun loadFromApk(
    fileDescriptor: ParcelFileDescriptor,
    assetsProvider: AssetsProvider?
): ResourcesProvider

Creates a ResourcesProvider from an APK (.apk) file descriptor.

The file descriptor is duplicated and the original may be closed by the application at any time without affecting the ResourcesProvider.

The assets provider can override the loading of files within the APK and can provide entirely new files that do not exist in the APK.

fileDescriptor ParcelFileDescriptor: the file descriptor of the APK to load This value cannot be null.
assetsProvider AssetsProvider?: the assets provider that overrides the loading of file-based resources This value may be null.
ResourcesProvider This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 30
open static fun loadFromDirectory(
    path: String,
    assetsProvider: AssetsProvider?
): ResourcesProvider

Creates a ResourcesProvider from a directory path. File-based resources will be resolved within the directory as if the directory is an APK.

path String: the path of the directory to treat as an APK This value cannot be null.
assetsProvider AssetsProvider?: the assets provider that overrides the loading of file-based resources This value may be null.
ResourcesProvider This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 30
open static fun loadFromSplit(
    context: Context,
    splitName: String
): ResourcesProvider

Read from a split installed alongside the application, which may not have been loaded initially because the application requested isolated split loading.

context Context: a context of the package that contains the split This value cannot be null.
splitName String: the name of the split to load This value cannot be null.
ResourcesProvider This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 30
open static fun loadFromTable(
    fileDescriptor: ParcelFileDescriptor,
    assetsProvider: AssetsProvider?
): ResourcesProvider

Creates a ResourcesProvider from a resources table (.arsc) file descriptor.

The file descriptor is duplicated and the original may be closed by the application at any time without affecting the ResourcesProvider.

The resources table format is not an archive format and therefore cannot asset files within itself. The assets provider can instead provide files that are potentially referenced by path in the resources table.

fileDescriptor ParcelFileDescriptor: the file descriptor of the resources table to load This value cannot be null.
assetsProvider AssetsProvider?: the assets provider that implements the loading of file-based resources This value may be null.
ResourcesProvider This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 34
open static fun loadOverlay(overlayInfo: OverlayInfo): ResourcesProvider

Creates a ResourcesProvider instance from the specified overlay information.

In order to enable the registered overlays, an application can create a ResourcesProvider instance according to the specified OverlayInfo instance and put them into a ResourcesLoader instance. The application calls android.content.res.Resources#addLoaders(ResourcesLoader...) to load the overlays.

overlayInfo OverlayInfo: is the information about the specified overlay This value cannot be null.
ResourcesProvider the resources provider instance for the overlayInfo This value cannot be null.
Exceptions when the files can't be loaded.

Protected methods


Added in API level 30
protected open fun finalize(): Unit
java.lang.Throwable the Exception raised by this method