Added in API level 24


open class CertificateRevokedException : CertificateException

An exception that indicates an X.509 certificate is revoked. A CertificateRevokedException contains additional information about the revoked certificate, such as the date on which the certificate was revoked and the reason it was revoked.


Public constructors
CertificateRevokedException(revocationDate: Date!, reason: CRLReason!, authority: X500Principal!, extensions: MutableMap<String!, Extension!>!)

Constructs a CertificateRevokedException with the specified revocation date, reason code, authority name, and map of extensions.

Public methods
open X500Principal!

Returns the name of the authority that signed the certificate's revocation status information.

open MutableMap<String!, Extension!>!

Returns a map of X.

open Date!

Returns the invalidity date, as specified in the Invalidity Date extension of this CertificateRevokedException.

open Date!

Returns the date on which the certificate was revoked.

open CRLReason!

Returns the reason the certificate was revoked.

open String?

Public constructors


Added in API level 24
    revocationDate: Date!,
    reason: CRLReason!,
    authority: X500Principal!,
    extensions: MutableMap<String!, Extension!>!)

Constructs a CertificateRevokedException with the specified revocation date, reason code, authority name, and map of extensions.

revocationDate Date!: the date on which the certificate was revoked. The date is copied to protect against subsequent modification.
reason CRLReason!: the revocation reason
extensions MutableMap<String!, Extension!>!: a map of X.509 Extensions. Each key is an OID String that maps to the corresponding Extension. The map is copied to prevent subsequent modification.
authority X500Principal!: the X500Principal that represents the name of the authority that signed the certificate's revocation status information
java.lang.NullPointerException if revocationDate, reason, authority, or extensions is null

Public methods


Added in API level 24
open fun getAuthorityName(): X500Principal!

Returns the name of the authority that signed the certificate's revocation status information.

X500Principal! the X500Principal that represents the name of the authority that signed the certificate's revocation status information


Added in API level 24
open fun getExtensions(): MutableMap<String!, Extension!>!

Returns a map of X.509 extensions containing additional information about the revoked certificate, such as the Invalidity Date Extension. Each key is an OID String that maps to the corresponding Extension.

MutableMap<String!, Extension!>! an unmodifiable map of X.509 extensions, or an empty map if there are no extensions


Added in API level 24
open fun getInvalidityDate(): Date!

Returns the invalidity date, as specified in the Invalidity Date extension of this CertificateRevokedException. The invalidity date is the date on which it is known or suspected that the private key was compromised or that the certificate otherwise became invalid. This implementation calls getExtensions() and checks the returned map for an entry for the Invalidity Date extension OID (""). If found, it returns the invalidity date in the extension; otherwise null. A new Date object is returned each time the method is invoked to protect against subsequent modification.

Date! the invalidity date, or null if not specified


Added in API level 24
open fun getRevocationDate(): Date!

Returns the date on which the certificate was revoked. A new copy is returned each time the method is invoked to protect against subsequent modification.

Date! the revocation date


Added in API level 24
open fun getRevocationReason(): CRLReason!

Returns the reason the certificate was revoked.

CRLReason! the revocation reason



Added in API level 24
open val message: String?
String? the detail message string of this Throwable instance (which may be null).