Added in API level 14


class Voicemails : BaseColumns, OpenableColumns

Defines fields exposed through the /voicemail path of this content provider.


static String

Flag to indicate the voicemail was marked as archived.

static String

Flag to indicate the voicemail was backed up.

static String

The date the voicemail was sent, in milliseconds since the epoch

static String

Flag used to indicate that the voicemail was deleted but not synced to the server.

static String

Flag used to indicate that local, unsynced changes are present.

static Int

Value of DIRTY when updating to indicate that the value should not be updated during this operation.

static String

The MIME type for a collection of voicemails.

static String

The duration of the voicemail in seconds.

static String

Whether the media content for this voicemail is available for consumption.

static String

Flag to indicate the voicemail is a OMTP voicemail handled by the .

static String

Whether this item has been read or otherwise consumed by the user.

static String

The MIME type for a single voicemail.

static String

The date the row is last inserted, updated, or marked as deleted, in milliseconds since the epoch.

static String

MIME type of the media content for the voicemail.

static String

Whether or not the voicemail has been acknowledged (notification sent to the user).

static String

Phone number of the voicemail sender.

static String

The ComponentName of the PhoneAccount in string form.

static String

The identifier of a PhoneAccount that is unique to a specified ComponentName.

static String

Flag to indicate the voicemail was restored from a backup.

static String

Application-specific data available to the source application that inserted the voicemail.

static String

Package name of the source application that inserted the voicemail.

static String

The transcription of the voicemail entry.

Inherited constants

The human-friendly name of file. If this is not provided then the name should default to the the last segment of the file's URI.

String SIZE

The number of bytes in the file identified by the openable URI. Null if unknown.

String _COUNT

The count of rows in a directory.


String _ID

The unique ID for a row.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Public methods
static Uri!
buildSourceUri(packageName: String!)

A convenience method to build voicemail URI specific to a source package by appending VoicemailContract.PARAM_KEY_SOURCE_PACKAGE param to the base URI.

static Uri!

URI to insert/retrieve voicemails.



Added in API level 26
static val ARCHIVED: String

Flag to indicate the voicemail was marked as archived. Archived voicemail should not be deleted even if it no longer exist on the server. The value will be 1 if archived true, 0 if not.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Value: "archived"


Added in API level 26
static val BACKED_UP: String

Flag to indicate the voicemail was backed up. The value will be 1 if backed up, 0 if not.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Value: "backed_up"


Added in API level 14
static val DATE: String

The date the voicemail was sent, in milliseconds since the epoch

Type: INTEGER (long)

Value: "date"


Added in API level 23
static val DELETED: String

Flag used to indicate that the voicemail was deleted but not synced to the server. A deleted row should be ignored. The value will be 1 if deleted is true, 0 if false.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Value: "deleted"


Added in API level 23
static val DIRTY: String

Flag used to indicate that local, unsynced changes are present. Currently, this is used to indicate that the voicemail was read or deleted. The value will be 1 if dirty is true, 0 if false.

When a caller updates a voicemail row (either with android.content.ContentResolver#update or ContentResolver.applyBatch), and if the ContentValues doesn't contain this column, the voicemail provider implicitly sets it to 0 if the calling package is the SOURCE_PACKAGE or to 1 otherwise. To prevent this behavior, explicitly set DIRTY_RETAIN to DIRTY in the ContentValues.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Value: "dirty"

See Also


Added in API level 28
static val DIRTY_RETAIN: Int

Value of DIRTY when updating to indicate that the value should not be updated during this operation.

Value: -1


Added in API level 14
static val DIR_TYPE: String

The MIME type for a collection of voicemails.

Value: ""


Added in API level 14
static val DURATION: String

The duration of the voicemail in seconds.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Value: "duration"


Added in API level 14
static val HAS_CONTENT: String

Whether the media content for this voicemail is available for consumption.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Value: "has_content"


Added in API level 26
static val IS_OMTP_VOICEMAIL: String

Flag to indicate the voicemail is a OMTP voicemail handled by the . The UI should only show OMTP voicemails from the current visual voicemail package. For example, the selection could be WHERE (IS_OMTP_VOICEMAIL == 0) OR ( IS_OMTP_VOICEMAIL == 1 AND SOURCE_PACKAGE == "current.vvm.package")

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Value: "is_omtp_voicemail"


Added in API level 14
static val IS_READ: String

Whether this item has been read or otherwise consumed by the user.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Value: "is_read"


Added in API level 14
static val ITEM_TYPE: String

The MIME type for a single voicemail.

Value: ""


Added in API level 24
static val LAST_MODIFIED: String

The date the row is last inserted, updated, or marked as deleted, in milliseconds since the epoch. Read only.

Type: INTEGER (long)

Value: "last_modified"


Added in API level 14
static val MIME_TYPE: String

MIME type of the media content for the voicemail.

Type: TEXT

Value: "mime_type"


Added in API level 28
static val NEW: String

Whether or not the voicemail has been acknowledged (notification sent to the user).

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Value: "new"


Added in API level 14
static val NUMBER: String

Phone number of the voicemail sender.

Type: TEXT

Value: "number"


Added in API level 23

The ComponentName of the PhoneAccount in string form. The PhoneAccount of the voicemail is used to differentiate voicemails from different sources.

Type: TEXT

Value: "subscription_component_name"


Added in API level 23
static val PHONE_ACCOUNT_ID: String

The identifier of a PhoneAccount that is unique to a specified ComponentName. The PhoneAccount of the voicemail is used to differentiate voicemails from different sources.

Type: TEXT

Value: "subscription_id"


Added in API level 26
static val RESTORED: String

Flag to indicate the voicemail was restored from a backup. The value will be 1 if restored, 0 if not.

Type: INTEGER (boolean)

Value: "restored"


Added in API level 14
static val SOURCE_DATA: String

Application-specific data available to the source application that inserted the voicemail. This is typically used to store the source specific message id to identify this voicemail on the remote voicemail server.

Type: TEXT

Note that this is NOT the voicemail media content data.

Value: "source_data"


Added in API level 14
static val SOURCE_PACKAGE: String

Package name of the source application that inserted the voicemail.

Type: TEXT

Value: "source_package"


Added in API level 21
static val TRANSCRIPTION: String

The transcription of the voicemail entry. This will only be populated if the voicemail entry has a valid transcription.

Type: TEXT

Value: "transcription"

Public methods


Added in API level 14
static fun buildSourceUri(packageName: String!): Uri!

A convenience method to build voicemail URI specific to a source package by appending VoicemailContract.PARAM_KEY_SOURCE_PACKAGE param to the base URI.



Added in API level 14
static val CONTENT_URI: Uri!

URI to insert/retrieve voicemails.