Added in API level 1


interface Cursor : Closeable

A cross process cursor is an extension of a Cursor that also supports usage from remote processes.


Wrapper class for Cursor that delegates all calls to the actual cursor object.


A mock android.database.Cursor class that isolates the test code from real Cursor implementation.


This is an abstract cursor class that handles a lot of the common code that all cursors need to deal with and is provided for convenience reasons.


A base class for Cursors that store their data in CursorWindows.


Cursor wrapper that implements CrossProcessCursor.


Cursor wrapper that implements CrossProcessCursor.


A mutable cursor implementation backed by an array of Objects.


A convenience class that lets you present an array of Cursors as a single linear Cursor.


A Cursor implementation that exposes results from a query on a SQLiteDatabase.

This interface provides random read-write access to the result set returned by a database query.

Cursor implementations are not required to be synchronized so code using a Cursor from multiple threads should perform its own synchronization when using the Cursor.

Implementations should subclass AbstractCursor.


static Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column type is blob

static Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column type is float

static Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column type is integer

static Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column is null

static Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column type is string

Public methods
abstract Unit

Closes the Cursor, releasing all of its resources and making it completely invalid.

abstract Unit
copyStringToBuffer(columnIndex: Int, buffer: CharArrayBuffer!)

Retrieves the requested column text and stores it in the buffer provided.

abstract Unit

Deactivates the Cursor, making all calls on it fail until requery is called.

abstract ByteArray!
getBlob(columnIndex: Int)

Returns the value of the requested column as a byte array.

abstract Int

Return total number of columns

abstract Int
getColumnIndex(columnName: String!)

Returns the zero-based index for the given column name, or -1 if the column doesn't exist.

abstract Int

Returns the zero-based index for the given column name, or throws IllegalArgumentException if the column doesn't exist.

abstract String!
getColumnName(columnIndex: Int)

Returns the column name at the given zero-based column index.

abstract Array<String!>!

Returns a string array holding the names of all of the columns in the result set in the order in which they were listed in the result.

abstract Int

Returns the numbers of rows in the cursor.

abstract Double
getDouble(columnIndex: Int)

Returns the value of the requested column as a double.

abstract Bundle!

Returns a bundle of extra values.

abstract Float
getFloat(columnIndex: Int)

Returns the value of the requested column as a float.

abstract Int
getInt(columnIndex: Int)

Returns the value of the requested column as an int.

abstract Long
getLong(columnIndex: Int)

Returns the value of the requested column as a long.

abstract Uri!

Return the URI at which notifications of changes in this Cursor's data will be delivered, as previously set by setNotificationUri.

open MutableList<Uri!>?

Return the URIs at which notifications of changes in this Cursor's data will be delivered, as previously set by setNotificationUris.

abstract Int

Returns the current position of the cursor in the row set.

abstract Short
getShort(columnIndex: Int)

Returns the value of the requested column as a short.

abstract String!
getString(columnIndex: Int)

Returns the value of the requested column as a String.

abstract Int
getType(columnIndex: Int)

Returns data type of the given column's value.

abstract Boolean

onMove() will only be called across processes if this method returns true.

abstract Boolean

Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the position after the last row.

abstract Boolean

Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the position before the first row.

abstract Boolean

return true if the cursor is closed

abstract Boolean

Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the first row.

abstract Boolean

Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the last row.

abstract Boolean
isNull(columnIndex: Int)

Returns true if the value in the indicated column is null.

abstract Boolean
move(offset: Int)

Move the cursor by a relative amount, forward or backward, from the current position.

abstract Boolean

Move the cursor to the first row.

abstract Boolean

Move the cursor to the last row.

abstract Boolean

Move the cursor to the next row.

abstract Boolean
moveToPosition(position: Int)

Move the cursor to an absolute position.

abstract Boolean

Move the cursor to the previous row.

abstract Unit

Register an observer that is called when changes happen to the content backing this cursor.

abstract Unit

Register an observer that is called when changes happen to the contents of the this cursors data set, for example, when the data set is changed via requery(), deactivate(), or #close().

abstract Boolean

Performs the query that created the cursor again, refreshing its contents.

abstract Bundle!
respond(extras: Bundle!)

This is an out-of-band way for the user of a cursor to communicate with the cursor.

abstract Unit
setExtras(extras: Bundle!)

Sets a Bundle that will be returned by getExtras().

abstract Unit

Register to watch a content URI for changes.

open Unit

Similar to setNotificationUri(android.content.ContentResolver,, except this version allows to watch multiple content URIs for changes.

abstract Unit

Unregister an observer that has previously been registered with this cursor via registerContentObserver.

abstract Unit

Unregister an observer that has previously been registered with this cursor via registerContentObserver.



Added in API level 11
static val FIELD_TYPE_BLOB: Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column type is blob

Value: 4


Added in API level 11
static val FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT: Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column type is float

Value: 2


Added in API level 11
static val FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER: Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column type is integer

Value: 1


Added in API level 11
static val FIELD_TYPE_NULL: Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column is null

Value: 0


Added in API level 11
static val FIELD_TYPE_STRING: Int

Value returned by getType(int) if the specified column type is string

Value: 3

Public methods


Added in API level 1
abstract fun close(): Unit

Closes the Cursor, releasing all of its resources and making it completely invalid. Unlike deactivate() a call to requery() will not make the Cursor valid again.

java.lang.Exception if this resource cannot be closed if an I/O error occurs


Added in API level 1
abstract fun copyStringToBuffer(
    columnIndex: Int,
    buffer: CharArrayBuffer!
): Unit

Retrieves the requested column text and stores it in the buffer provided. If the buffer size is not sufficient, a new char buffer will be allocated and assigned to

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. if the target column is null, return buffer Value is 0 or greater
buffer CharArrayBuffer!: the buffer to copy the text into.


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 16
abstract fun deactivate(): Unit

Deprecated: Since requery() is deprecated, so too is this.

Deactivates the Cursor, making all calls on it fail until requery is called. Inactive Cursors use fewer resources than active Cursors. Calling requery will make the cursor active again.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getBlob(columnIndex: Int): ByteArray!

Returns the value of the requested column as a byte array.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null or the column type is not a blob type is implementation-defined.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater
ByteArray! the value of that column as a byte array.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getColumnCount(): Int

Return total number of columns

Int number of columns Value is 0 or greater


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getColumnIndex(columnName: String!): Int

Returns the zero-based index for the given column name, or -1 if the column doesn't exist. If you expect the column to exist use getColumnIndexOrThrow(java.lang.String) instead, which will make the error more clear.

columnName String!: the name of the target column.
Int the zero-based column index for the given column name, or -1 if the column name does not exist. Value is -1 or greater


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getColumnIndexOrThrow(columnName: String!): Int

Returns the zero-based index for the given column name, or throws IllegalArgumentException if the column doesn't exist. If you're not sure if a column will exist or not use getColumnIndex(java.lang.String) and check for -1, which is more efficient than catching the exceptions.

columnName String!: the name of the target column.
Int the zero-based column index for the given column name Value is 0 or greater
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if the column does not exist


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getColumnName(columnIndex: Int): String!

Returns the column name at the given zero-based column index.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater
String! the column name for the given column index.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getColumnNames(): Array<String!>!

Returns a string array holding the names of all of the columns in the result set in the order in which they were listed in the result.

Array<String!>! the names of the columns returned in this query.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getCount(): Int

Returns the numbers of rows in the cursor.

Int the number of rows in the cursor. Value is 0 or greater


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getDouble(columnIndex: Int): Double

Returns the value of the requested column as a double.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not a floating-point type, or the floating-point value is not representable as a double value is implementation-defined.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater
Double the value of that column as a double.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getExtras(): Bundle!

Returns a bundle of extra values. This is an optional way for cursors to provide out-of-band metadata to their users. One use of this is for reporting on the progress of network requests that are required to fetch data for the cursor.

These values may only change when requery is called.

Bundle! cursor-defined values, or Bundle.EMPTY if there are no values. Never null.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getFloat(columnIndex: Int): Float

Returns the value of the requested column as a float.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not a floating-point type, or the floating-point value is not representable as a float value is implementation-defined.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater
Float the value of that column as a float.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getInt(columnIndex: Int): Int

Returns the value of the requested column as an int.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the integer value is outside the range [Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE] is implementation-defined.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater
Int the value of that column as an int.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getLong(columnIndex: Int): Long

Returns the value of the requested column as a long.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the integer value is outside the range [Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE] is implementation-defined.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater
Long the value of that column as a long.


Added in API level 19
abstract fun getNotificationUri(): Uri!

Return the URI at which notifications of changes in this Cursor's data will be delivered, as previously set by setNotificationUri.

Uri! Returns a URI that can be used with ContentResolver.registerContentObserver to find out about changes to this Cursor's data. May be null if no notification URI has been set.


Added in API level 29
open fun getNotificationUris(): MutableList<Uri!>?

Return the URIs at which notifications of changes in this Cursor's data will be delivered, as previously set by setNotificationUris.

If this is not implemented, this is equivalent to calling getNotificationUri().

MutableList<Uri!>? Returns URIs that can be used with ContentResolver.registerContentObserver to find out about changes to this Cursor's data. May be null if no notification URI has been set.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getPosition(): Int

Returns the current position of the cursor in the row set. The value is zero-based. When the row set is first returned the cursor will be at positon -1, which is before the first row. After the last row is returned another call to next() will leave the cursor past the last entry, at a position of count().

Int the current cursor position. Value is -1 or greater


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getShort(columnIndex: Int): Short

Returns the value of the requested column as a short.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null, the column type is not an integral type, or the integer value is outside the range [Short.MIN_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE] is implementation-defined.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater
Short the value of that column as a short.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getString(columnIndex: Int): String!

Returns the value of the requested column as a String.

The result and whether this method throws an exception when the column value is null or the column type is not a string type is implementation-defined.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater
String! the value of that column as a String.


Added in API level 11
abstract fun getType(columnIndex: Int): Int

Returns data type of the given column's value. The preferred type of the column is returned but the data may be converted to other types as documented in the get-type methods such as getInt(int), getFloat(int) etc.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater


Added in API level 1
abstract fun getWantsAllOnMoveCalls(): Boolean

onMove() will only be called across processes if this method returns true.

Boolean whether all cursor movement should result in a call to onMove().


Added in API level 1
abstract fun isAfterLast(): Boolean

Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the position after the last row.

Boolean whether the cursor is after the last result.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun isBeforeFirst(): Boolean

Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the position before the first row.

Boolean whether the cursor is before the first result.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun isClosed(): Boolean

return true if the cursor is closed

Boolean true if the cursor is closed.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun isFirst(): Boolean

Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the first row.

Boolean whether the cursor is pointing at the first entry.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun isLast(): Boolean

Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the last row.

Boolean whether the cursor is pointing at the last entry.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun isNull(columnIndex: Int): Boolean

Returns true if the value in the indicated column is null.

columnIndex Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater
Boolean whether the column value is null.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun move(offset: Int): Boolean

Move the cursor by a relative amount, forward or backward, from the current position. Positive offsets move forwards, negative offsets move backwards. If the final position is outside of the bounds of the result set then the resultant position will be pinned to -1 or count() depending on whether the value is off the front or end of the set, respectively.

This method will return true if the requested destination was reachable, otherwise, it returns false. For example, if the cursor is at currently on the second entry in the result set and move(-5) is called, the position will be pinned at -1, and false will be returned.

offset Int: the offset to be applied from the current position.
Boolean whether the requested move fully succeeded.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun moveToFirst(): Boolean

Move the cursor to the first row.

This method will return false if the cursor is empty.

Boolean whether the move succeeded.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun moveToLast(): Boolean

Move the cursor to the last row.

This method will return false if the cursor is empty.

Boolean whether the move succeeded.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun moveToNext(): Boolean

Move the cursor to the next row.

This method will return false if the cursor is already past the last entry in the result set.

Boolean whether the move succeeded.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun moveToPosition(position: Int): Boolean

Move the cursor to an absolute position. The valid range of values is -1 <= position <= count.

This method will return true if the request destination was reachable, otherwise, it returns false.

position Int: the zero-based position to move to. Value is -1 or greater
Boolean whether the requested move fully succeeded.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun moveToPrevious(): Boolean

Move the cursor to the previous row.

This method will return false if the cursor is already before the first entry in the result set.

Boolean whether the move succeeded.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun registerContentObserver(observer: ContentObserver!): Unit

Register an observer that is called when changes happen to the content backing this cursor. Typically the data set won't change until requery() is called.

observer ContentObserver!: the object that gets notified when the content backing the cursor changes.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun registerDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver!): Unit

Register an observer that is called when changes happen to the contents of the this cursors data set, for example, when the data set is changed via requery(), deactivate(), or #close().

observer DataSetObserver!: the object that gets notified when the cursors data set changes.


Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 15
abstract fun requery(): Boolean

Deprecated: Don't use this. Just request a new cursor, so you can do this asynchronously and update your list view once the new cursor comes back.

Performs the query that created the cursor again, refreshing its contents. This may be done at any time, including after a call to deactivate. Since this method could execute a query on the database and potentially take a while, it could cause ANR if it is called on Main (UI) thread. A warning is printed if this method is being executed on Main thread.

Boolean true if the requery succeeded, false if not, in which case the cursor becomes invalid.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun respond(extras: Bundle!): Bundle!

This is an out-of-band way for the user of a cursor to communicate with the cursor. The structure of each bundle is entirely defined by the cursor.

One use of this is to tell a cursor that it should retry its network request after it reported an error.

extras Bundle!: extra values, or Bundle.EMPTY. Never null.
Bundle! extra values, or Bundle.EMPTY. Never null.


Added in API level 23
abstract fun setExtras(extras: Bundle!): Unit

Sets a Bundle that will be returned by getExtras().

extras Bundle!: Bundle to set, or null to set an empty bundle.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun setNotificationUri(
    cr: ContentResolver!,
    uri: Uri!
): Unit

Register to watch a content URI for changes. This can be the URI of a specific data row (for example, "content://my_provider_type/23"), or a a generic URI for a content type.

Calling this overrides any previous call to setNotificationUris(android.content.ContentResolver,java.util.List).

cr ContentResolver!: The content resolver from the caller's context. The listener attached to this resolver will be notified.
uri Uri!: The content URI to watch.


Added in API level 29
open fun setNotificationUris(
    cr: ContentResolver,
    uris: MutableList<Uri!>
): Unit

Similar to setNotificationUri(android.content.ContentResolver,, except this version allows to watch multiple content URIs for changes.

If this is not implemented, this is equivalent to calling setNotificationUri(android.content.ContentResolver, with the first URI in uris.

Calling this overrides any previous call to setNotificationUri(android.content.ContentResolver,

cr ContentResolver: The content resolver from the caller's context. The listener attached to this resolver will be notified. This value cannot be null.
uris MutableList<Uri!>: The content URIs to watch. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun unregisterContentObserver(observer: ContentObserver!): Unit

Unregister an observer that has previously been registered with this cursor via registerContentObserver.

observer ContentObserver!: the object to unregister.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun unregisterDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver!): Unit

Unregister an observer that has previously been registered with this cursor via registerContentObserver.

observer DataSetObserver!: the object to unregister.