
open class ReportEventRequest

Request object wrapping the required arguments needed to report an ad event.


Nested classes

Builder for ReportEventRequest objects.

static Int

This is used to represent buyer as the destination for report event API.

static Int

This is used to represent seller as the destination for report event API

Public methods
open Long

Returns the adSelectionId, the primary identifier of an ad selection process.

open String

Returns the ad event data.

open InputEvent?

Returns the input event associated with the user interaction.

open String

Returns the event key, the type of ad event to be reported.

open Int

Returns the bitfield of reporting destinations to report to (buyer, seller, component seller or any of the combination of them).




This is used to represent buyer as the destination for report event API.

Value: 2



This is used to represent seller as the destination for report event API

Value: 1

Public methods


open fun getAdSelectionId(): Long

Returns the adSelectionId, the primary identifier of an ad selection process.


open fun getData(): String

Returns the ad event data.

After ad selection, this data is generated by the caller. The caller can then call android.adservices.adselection.AdSelectionManager#reportEvent. This data will be attached in a POST request to the reportingUri registered in registerAdBeacon.

The size of String.getBytes() in UTF-8 format should be below 64KB.

String This value cannot be null.


open fun getInputEvent(): InputEvent?

Returns the input event associated with the user interaction.

This field is either null, representing a view event, or has an InputEvent object, representing a click event.


open fun getKey(): String

Returns the event key, the type of ad event to be reported.

This field will be used to fetch the reportingUri associated with the eventKey registered in registerAdBeacon after ad selection.

This field should be an exact match to the eventKey registered in registerAdBeacon. Specific details about registerAdBeacon can be found at the documentation of AdSelectionManager.reportImpression

The event key (when inspecting its byte array with String.getBytes()) in UTF-8 format should not exceed 40 bytes. Any key exceeding this limit will not be registered during the registerAdBeacon call.

String This value cannot be null.


open fun getReportingDestinations(): Int

Returns the bitfield of reporting destinations to report to (buyer, seller, component seller or any of the combination of them).

To create this bitfield, place an | bitwise operator between each reportingDestination to be reported to. For example to only report to buyer, set the reportingDestinations field to FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_BUYER To only report to seller, set the reportingDestinations field to FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_SELLER To report to buyers and sellers, set the reportingDestinations field to FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_BUYER | FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_SELLER. To report to buyer, seller and component seller, set the reportingDestinations field to FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_BUYER | FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_SELLER | #FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_COMPONENT_SELLER.

Int Value is either 0 or a combination of android.adservices.adselection.ReportEventRequest#FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_SELLER, android.adservices.adselection.ReportEventRequest#FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_BUYER, and android.adservices.adselection.ReportEventRequest.FLAG_REPORTING_DESTINATION_COMPONENT_SELLER