open class MockCursor : Cursor
A mock android.database.Cursor
class that isolates the test code from real Cursor implementation.
All methods including ones related to querying the state of the cursor are are non-functional and throw java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Inherited constants |
From class Cursor
Public constructors
Public methods
open fun close(): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Exceptions |
java.lang.Exception |
if this resource cannot be closed | |
if an I/O error occurs |
open fun copyStringToBuffer(
columnIndex: Int,
buffer: CharArrayBuffer!
): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. if the target column is null, return buffer Value is 0 or greater |
buffer |
CharArrayBuffer!: the buffer to copy the text into. |
open fun deactivate(): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
open fun getBlob(columnIndex: Int): ByteArray!
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
ByteArray! |
the value of that column as a byte array. |
open fun getColumnCount(): Int
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Int |
number of columns Value is 0 or greater |
open fun getColumnIndex(columnName: String!): Int
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnName |
String!: the name of the target column. |
Return |
Int |
the zero-based column index for the given column name, or -1 if the column name does not exist. Value is -1 or greater |
open fun getColumnIndexOrThrow(columnName: String!): Int
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnName |
String!: the name of the target column. |
Return |
Int |
the zero-based column index for the given column name Value is 0 or greater |
Exceptions |
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException |
if the column does not exist |
open fun getColumnName(columnIndex: Int): String!
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
String! |
the column name for the given column index. |
open fun getColumnNames(): Array<String!>!
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Array<String!>! |
the names of the columns returned in this query. |
open fun getCount(): Int
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Int |
the number of rows in the cursor. Value is 0 or greater |
open fun getDouble(columnIndex: Int): Double
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Double |
the value of that column as a double. |
open fun getExtras(): Bundle!
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
open fun getFloat(columnIndex: Int): Float
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Float |
the value of that column as a float. |
open fun getInt(columnIndex: Int): Int
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Int |
the value of that column as an int. |
open fun getLong(columnIndex: Int): Long
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Long |
the value of that column as a long. |
open fun getNotificationUri(): Uri!
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
open fun getNotificationUris(): MutableList<Uri!>?
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
open fun getPosition(): Int
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Int |
the current cursor position. Value is -1 or greater |
open fun getShort(columnIndex: Int): Short
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Short |
the value of that column as a short. |
open fun getString(columnIndex: Int): String!
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
String! |
the value of that column as a String. |
open fun getType(columnIndex: Int): Int
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
open fun getWantsAllOnMoveCalls(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
whether all cursor movement should result in a call to onMove(). |
open fun isAfterLast(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
whether the cursor is after the last result. |
open fun isBeforeFirst(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
whether the cursor is before the first result. |
open fun isClosed(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
true if the cursor is closed. |
open fun isFirst(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
whether the cursor is pointing at the first entry. |
open fun isLast(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
whether the cursor is pointing at the last entry. |
open fun isNull(columnIndex: Int): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
columnIndex |
Int: the zero-based index of the target column. Value is 0 or greater |
Return |
Boolean |
whether the column value is null. |
open fun move(offset: Int): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
offset |
Int: the offset to be applied from the current position. |
Return |
Boolean |
whether the requested move fully succeeded. |
open fun moveToFirst(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
whether the move succeeded. |
open fun moveToLast(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
whether the move succeeded. |
open fun moveToNext(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
whether the move succeeded. |
open fun moveToPosition(position: Int): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
position |
Int: the zero-based position to move to. Value is -1 or greater |
Return |
Boolean |
whether the requested move fully succeeded. |
open fun moveToPrevious(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
whether the move succeeded. |
open fun registerContentObserver(observer: ContentObserver!): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
observer |
ContentObserver!: the object that gets notified when the content backing the cursor changes. |
open fun registerDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver!): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
observer |
DataSetObserver!: the object that gets notified when the cursors data set changes. |
open fun requery(): Boolean
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Return |
Boolean |
true if the requery succeeded, false if not, in which case the cursor becomes invalid. |
open fun respond(extras: Bundle!): Bundle!
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
open fun setExtras(extras: Bundle!): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
extras |
Bundle!: Bundle to set, or null to set an empty bundle. |
open fun setNotificationUri(
cr: ContentResolver!,
uri: Uri!
): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
cr |
ContentResolver!: The content resolver from the caller's context. The listener attached to this resolver will be notified. |
uri |
Uri!: The content URI to watch. |
open fun setNotificationUris(
cr: ContentResolver,
uris: MutableList<Uri!>
): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
Parameters |
cr |
ContentResolver: The content resolver from the caller's context. The listener attached to this resolver will be notified. This value cannot be null . |
uris |
MutableList<Uri!>: The content URIs to watch. This value cannot be null . |
open fun unregisterContentObserver(observer: ContentObserver!): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.
open fun unregisterDataSetObserver(observer: DataSetObserver!): Unit
Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.