Added in API level 1


class State

Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock.


Thread state for a thread which has not yet started.


Thread state for a runnable thread.


Thread state for a terminated thread.


Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time.


Thread state for a waiting thread.

A thread state. A thread can be in one of the following states:

  • NEW
    A thread that has not yet started is in this state.
    A thread executing in the Java virtual machine is in this state.
    A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in this state.
    A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform a particular action is in this state.
    A thread that is waiting for another thread to perform an action for up to a specified waiting time is in this state.
    A thread that has exited is in this state.

A thread can be in only one state at a given point in time. These states are virtual machine states which do not reflect any operating system thread states.


Enum values

Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock.

Thread state for a thread which has not yet started.

Thread state for a runnable thread.

Thread state for a terminated thread.

Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time.

Thread state for a waiting thread.

Enum values


Added in API level 1
enum val BLOCKED : Thread.State

Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock. A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock to enter a synchronized block/method or reenter a synchronized block/method after calling Object.wait.


Added in API level 1
enum val NEW : Thread.State

Thread state for a thread which has not yet started.


Added in API level 1
enum val RUNNABLE : Thread.State

Thread state for a runnable thread. A thread in the runnable state is executing in the Java virtual machine but it may be waiting for other resources from the operating system such as processor.


Added in API level 1
enum val TERMINATED : Thread.State

Thread state for a terminated thread. The thread has completed execution.


Added in API level 1
enum val TIMED_WAITING : Thread.State

Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time. A thread is in the timed waiting state due to calling one of the following methods with a specified positive waiting time:

  • sleep
  • Object.wait with timeout
  • Thread.join with timeout
  • java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport#parkNanos
  • java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport#parkUntil


Added in API level 1
enum val WAITING : Thread.State

Thread state for a waiting thread. A thread is in the waiting state due to calling one of the following methods:

A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to perform a particular action. For example, a thread that has called Object.wait() on an object is waiting for another thread to call Object.notify() or Object.notifyAll() on that object. A thread that has called Thread.join() is waiting for a specified thread to terminate.