Added in API level 8


open class ThumbnailUtils

Utilities for generating visual thumbnails from files.


static Int

Constant used to indicate we should recycle the input in extractThumbnail(,int,int,int) unless the output is the input.

Public constructors

Public methods
open static Bitmap

Create a thumbnail for given audio file.

open static Bitmap?
createAudioThumbnail(filePath: String, kind: Int)

Create a thumbnail for given audio file.

open static Bitmap

Create a thumbnail for given image file.

open static Bitmap?
createImageThumbnail(filePath: String, kind: Int)

Create a thumbnail for given image file.

open static Bitmap

Create a thumbnail for given video file.

open static Bitmap?
createVideoThumbnail(filePath: String, kind: Int)

Create a thumbnail for given video file.

open static Bitmap!
extractThumbnail(source: Bitmap!, width: Int, height: Int)

Creates a centered bitmap of the desired size.

open static Bitmap!
extractThumbnail(source: Bitmap!, width: Int, height: Int, options: Int)

Creates a centered bitmap of the desired size.



Added in API level 8

Constant used to indicate we should recycle the input in extractThumbnail(,int,int,int) unless the output is the input.

Value: 2

Public constructors



Public methods


Added in API level 29
open static fun createAudioThumbnail(
    file: File,
    size: Size,
    signal: CancellationSignal?
): Bitmap

Create a thumbnail for given audio file.

This method should only be used for files that you have direct access to; if you'd like to work with media hosted outside your app, consider using ContentResolver.loadThumbnail(Uri, Size, CancellationSignal) which enables remote providers to efficiently cache and invalidate thumbnails.

file File: The audio file. This value cannot be null.
size Size: The desired thumbnail size. This value cannot be null.
signal CancellationSignal?: This value may be null.
Bitmap This value cannot be null.
Exceptions If any trouble was encountered while generating or loading the thumbnail, or if CancellationSignal.cancel() was invoked.


Added in API level 29
Deprecated in API level 29
open static fun createAudioThumbnail(
    filePath: String,
    kind: Int
): Bitmap?

Deprecated: Callers should migrate to using createAudioThumbnail(,android.util.Size,android.os.CancellationSignal), as it offers more control over resizing and cancellation.

Create a thumbnail for given audio file.

filePath String: The audio file. This value cannot be null.
kind Int: The desired thumbnail kind, such as android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails#MINI_KIND.
Bitmap? This value may be null.


Added in API level 29
open static fun createImageThumbnail(
    file: File,
    size: Size,
    signal: CancellationSignal?
): Bitmap

Create a thumbnail for given image file.

This method should only be used for files that you have direct access to; if you'd like to work with media hosted outside your app, consider using ContentResolver.loadThumbnail(Uri, Size, CancellationSignal) which enables remote providers to efficiently cache and invalidate thumbnails.

file File: The image file. This value cannot be null.
size Size: The desired thumbnail size. This value cannot be null.
signal CancellationSignal?: This value may be null.
Bitmap This value cannot be null.
Exceptions If any trouble was encountered while generating or loading the thumbnail, or if CancellationSignal.cancel() was invoked.


Added in API level 29
Deprecated in API level 29
open static fun createImageThumbnail(
    filePath: String,
    kind: Int
): Bitmap?

Deprecated: Callers should migrate to using createImageThumbnail(,android.util.Size,android.os.CancellationSignal), as it offers more control over resizing and cancellation.

Create a thumbnail for given image file.

filePath String: The image file. This value cannot be null.
kind Int: The desired thumbnail kind, such as android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails#MINI_KIND.
Bitmap? This value may be null.


Added in API level 29
open static fun createVideoThumbnail(
    file: File,
    size: Size,
    signal: CancellationSignal?
): Bitmap

Create a thumbnail for given video file.

This method should only be used for files that you have direct access to; if you'd like to work with media hosted outside your app, consider using ContentResolver.loadThumbnail(Uri, Size, CancellationSignal) which enables remote providers to efficiently cache and invalidate thumbnails.

file File: The video file. This value cannot be null.
size Size: The desired thumbnail size. This value cannot be null.
signal CancellationSignal?: This value may be null.
Bitmap This value cannot be null.
Exceptions If any trouble was encountered while generating or loading the thumbnail, or if CancellationSignal.cancel() was invoked.


Added in API level 8
Deprecated in API level 29
open static fun createVideoThumbnail(
    filePath: String,
    kind: Int
): Bitmap?

Deprecated: Callers should migrate to using createVideoThumbnail(,android.util.Size,android.os.CancellationSignal), as it offers more control over resizing and cancellation.

Create a thumbnail for given video file.

filePath String: The video file. This value cannot be null.
kind Int: The desired thumbnail kind, such as android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails#MINI_KIND.
Bitmap? This value may be null.


Added in API level 8
open static fun extractThumbnail(
    source: Bitmap!,
    width: Int,
    height: Int
): Bitmap!

Creates a centered bitmap of the desired size.

source Bitmap!: original bitmap source
width Int: targeted width
height Int: targeted height


Added in API level 8
open static fun extractThumbnail(
    source: Bitmap!,
    width: Int,
    height: Int,
    options: Int
): Bitmap!

Creates a centered bitmap of the desired size.

source Bitmap!: original bitmap source
width Int: targeted width
height Int: targeted height
options Int: options used during thumbnail extraction