Added in API level 24


open class DecoratedCustomViewStyle : Notification.Style

Notification style for custom views that are decorated by the system

Instead of providing a notification that is completely custom, a developer can set this style and still obtain system decorations like the notification header with the expand affordance and actions.

Use, and to set the corresponding custom views to display. To use this style with your Notification, feed it to Notification.Builder.setStyle( like so:

Notification noti = new Notification.Builder()
      .setStyle(<b>new Notification.DecoratedCustomViewStyle()</b>)


Public constructors

Inherited functions
Notification! build()

Calls on the Builder this Style is attached to.

Note: Calling build() multiple times returns the same Notification instance, so reusing a builder to create multiple Notifications is discouraged.

Unit checkBuilder()

RemoteViews! getStandardView(layoutId: Int)

Unit internalSetBigContentTitle(title: CharSequence!)

Overrides ContentTitle in the expanded form of the template. This defaults to the value passed to setContentTitle().

Unit internalSetSummaryText(cs: CharSequence!)

Set the first line of text after the detail section in the expanded form of the template.

Unit setBuilder(builder: Notification.Builder!)

Inherited properties

Public constructors


Added in API level 24