Added in API level 28


class BandBase

Class for Equalizer Bands Equalizer bands have three controllable parameters: enabled/disabled, cutoffFrequency and gain


Class for Multi-Band compressor bands MBC bands have multiple controllable parameters: enabled/disabled, cutoffFrequency, attackTime, releaseTime, ratio, threshold, kneeWidth, noiseGateThreshold, expanderRatio, preGain and postGain.

Base class for bands


Public constructors
BandBase(enabled: Boolean, cutoffFrequency: Float)

Class constructor for BandBase

Public methods
open Float

gets cutoffFrequency for this band in Hertz (Hz)

open Boolean

returns enabled state of the band

open Unit

sets topmost frequency number (in Hz) this band will process.

open Unit
setEnabled(enabled: Boolean)

sets enabled state of the band

open String

Public constructors


Added in API level 28
    enabled: Boolean,
    cutoffFrequency: Float)

Class constructor for BandBase

enabled Boolean: true if this band is currently used to process sound. When false, the band is effectively muted and sound set to zero.
cutoffFrequency Float: topmost frequency number (in Hz) this band will process. The effective bandwidth for the band is then computed using this and the previous band topmost frequency (or 0 Hz for band number 0). Frequencies are expected to increase with band number, thus band 0 cutoffFrequency <= band 1 cutoffFrequency, and so on.

Public methods


Added in API level 28
open fun getCutoffFrequency(): Float

gets cutoffFrequency for this band in Hertz (Hz)

Float cutoffFrequency for this band in Hertz (Hz)


Added in API level 28
open fun isEnabled(): Boolean

returns enabled state of the band

Boolean true if bands is enabled for processing, false otherwise


Added in API level 28
open fun setCutoffFrequency(frequency: Float): Unit

sets topmost frequency number (in Hz) this band will process. The effective bandwidth for the band is then computed using this and the previous band topmost frequency (or 0 Hz for band number 0). Frequencies are expected to increase with band number, thus band 0 cutoffFrequency <= band 1 cutoffFrequency, and so on.

frequency Float:


Added in API level 28
open fun setEnabled(enabled: Boolean): Unit

sets enabled state of the band

enabled Boolean: true for enabled, false otherwise


Added in API level 28
open fun toString(): String
String a string representation of the object.