Added in API level 3


open class IndexedPropertyChangeEvent : PropertyChangeEvent

An "IndexedPropertyChange" event gets delivered whenever a component that conforms to the JavaBeans™ specification (a "bean") changes a bound indexed property. This class is an extension of PropertyChangeEvent but contains the index of the property that has changed.

Null values may be provided for the old and the new values if their true values are not known.

An event source may send a null object as the name to indicate that an arbitrary set of if its properties have changed. In this case the old and new values should also be null.


Public constructors
IndexedPropertyChangeEvent(source: Any!, propertyName: String!, oldValue: Any!, newValue: Any!, index: Int)

Constructs a new IndexedPropertyChangeEvent object.

Public methods
open Int

Gets the index of the property that was changed.

Inherited functions
Any! getNewValue()

Gets the new value for the property, expressed as an Object.

Any! getOldValue()

Gets the old value for the property, expressed as an Object.

Any! getPropagationId()

The "propagationId" field is reserved for future use. In Beans 1.0 the sole requirement is that if a listener catches a PropertyChangeEvent and then fires a PropertyChangeEvent of its own, then it should make sure that it propagates the propagationId field from its incoming event to its outgoing event.

String! getPropertyName()

Gets the programmatic name of the property that was changed.

Unit setPropagationId(propagationId: Any!)

Sets the propagationId object for the event.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

Any! getSource()

The object on which the Event initially occurred.

Inherited properties
Any! source

The object on which the Event initially occurred.

Public constructors


Added in API level 3
    source: Any!,
    propertyName: String!,
    oldValue: Any!,
    newValue: Any!,
    index: Int)

Constructs a new IndexedPropertyChangeEvent object.

source Any!: The bean that fired the event.
propertyName String!: The programmatic name of the property that was changed.
oldValue Any!: The old value of the property.
newValue Any!: The new value of the property.
index Int: index of the property element that was changed.

Public methods


Added in API level 3
open fun getIndex(): Int

Gets the index of the property that was changed.

Int The index specifying the property element that was changed.