Added in API level 8


open class DeviceAdminReceiver : BroadcastReceiver

Base class for implementing a device administration component. This class provides a convenience for interpreting the raw intent actions that are sent by the system.

The callback methods, like the base BroadcastReceiver.onReceive() method, happen on the main thread of the process. Thus long running operations must be done on another thread. Note that because a receiver is done once returning from its receive function, such long-running operations should probably be done in a Service.

When publishing your DeviceAdmin subclass as a receiver, it must handle ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_ENABLED and require the android.Manifest.permission#BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission. A typical manifest entry would look like:

The meta-data referenced here provides addition information specific to the device administrator, as parsed by the DeviceAdminInfo class. A typical file would be:


static String

Broadcast action: notify that some app is attempting to choose a KeyChain key.

static String

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has disabled it.

static String

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has requested to disable it, but before this has actually been done.

static String

This is the primary action that a device administrator must implement to be allowed to manage a device.

static String

Action sent to a device administrator to notify that the device is entering lock task mode.

static String

Action sent to a device administrator to notify that the device is exiting lock task mode.

static String

Broadcast action: notify that a new batch of network logs is ready to be collected.

static String

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has changed the password of their device or profile challenge.

static String

Action periodically sent to a device administrator when the device or profile challenge password is expiring.

static String

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has entered an incorrect device or profile challenge password.

static String

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has successfully entered their device or profile challenge password, after failing one or more times.

static String

Broadcast Action: This broadcast is sent to indicate that provisioning of a managed profile or managed device has completed successfully.

static String

Broadcast action: notify that a new batch of security logs is ready to be collected.

static Int

Bugreport completion process failed.

static Int

Bugreport has been created, but is no longer available for collection.

static String

Name under which a DevicePolicy component publishes information about itself.

static String

A CharSequence that can be shown to the user informing them of the impact of disabling your admin.

static String

A string containing the name of the package entering lock task mode.

static String

A android.os.Parcelable extra of type android.os.PersistableBundle that allows a mobile device management application to pass data to the management application instance after owner transfer.

Public constructors

Public methods
open DevicePolicyManager
getManager(context: Context)

Retrieve the DevicePolicyManager interface for this administrator to work with the system.

open ComponentName
getWho(context: Context)

Retrieve the ComponentName describing who this device administrator is, for use in DevicePolicyManager APIs that require the administrator to identify itself.

open Unit
onBugreportFailed(context: Context, intent: Intent, failureCode: Int)

Called when the bugreport collection flow has failed.

open Unit
onBugreportShared(context: Context, intent: Intent, bugreportHash: String)

Called when the bugreport has been shared with the device administrator app.

open Unit

Called when sharing a bugreport has been cancelled by the user of the device.

open String?
onChoosePrivateKeyAlias(context: Context, intent: Intent, uid: Int, uri: Uri?, alias: String?)

Allows this receiver to select the alias for a private key and certificate pair for authentication.

open Unit

Called to notify a profile owner of an organization-owned device that it needs to acknowledge device compliance to allow the user to turn the profile off if needed according to the maximum profile time off policy.

open CharSequence?
onDisableRequested(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Called when the user has asked to disable the administrator, as a result of receiving ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_DISABLE_REQUESTED, giving you a chance to present a warning message to them.

open Unit
onDisabled(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Called prior to the administrator being disabled, as a result of receiving ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_DISABLED.

open Unit
onEnabled(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Called after the administrator is first enabled, as a result of receiving ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_ENABLED.

open Unit
onLockTaskModeEntering(context: Context, intent: Intent, pkg: String)

Called when a device is entering lock task mode.

open Unit
onLockTaskModeExiting(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Called when a device is exiting lock task mode.

open Unit
onNetworkLogsAvailable(context: Context, intent: Intent, batchToken: Long, networkLogsCount: Int)

Called each time a new batch of network logs can be retrieved.

open Unit
onOperationSafetyStateChanged(context: Context, reason: Int, isSafe: Boolean)

Called to notify the state of operations that can be unsafe to execute has changed.

open Unit
onPasswordChanged(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Called after the user has changed their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_CHANGED.

open Unit
onPasswordChanged(context: Context, intent: Intent, user: UserHandle)

Called after the user has changed their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_CHANGED.

open Unit
onPasswordExpiring(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Called periodically when the device or profile challenge password is about to expire or has expired.

open Unit
onPasswordExpiring(context: Context, intent: Intent, user: UserHandle)

Called periodically when the device or profile challenge password is about to expire or has expired.

open Unit
onPasswordFailed(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Called after the user has failed at entering their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_FAILED.

open Unit
onPasswordFailed(context: Context, intent: Intent, user: UserHandle)

Called after the user has failed at entering their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_FAILED.

open Unit
onPasswordSucceeded(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Called after the user has succeeded at entering their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_SUCCEEDED.

open Unit
onPasswordSucceeded(context: Context, intent: Intent, user: UserHandle)

Called after the user has succeeded at entering their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_SUCCEEDED.

open Unit

Called when provisioning of a managed profile or managed device has completed successfully.

open Unit

Called during provisioning of a managed device to allow the device initializer to perform user setup steps.

open Unit
onReceive(context: Context, intent: Intent)

Intercept standard device administrator broadcasts.

open Unit

Called when a new batch of security logs can be retrieved.

open Unit
onSystemUpdatePending(context: Context, intent: Intent, receivedTime: Long)

Called when the information about a pending system update is available.

open Unit

Called on the device owner when the ownership of one of its affiliated profiles is transferred.

open Unit

Called on the newly assigned owner (either device owner or profile owner) when the ownership transfer has completed successfully.

open Unit
onUserAdded(context: Context, intent: Intent, addedUser: UserHandle)

Called when a user or profile is created.

open Unit
onUserRemoved(context: Context, intent: Intent, removedUser: UserHandle)

Called when a user or profile is removed.

open Unit
onUserStarted(context: Context, intent: Intent, startedUser: UserHandle)

Called when a user or profile is started.

open Unit
onUserStopped(context: Context, intent: Intent, stoppedUser: UserHandle)

Called when a user or profile is stopped.

open Unit
onUserSwitched(context: Context, intent: Intent, switchedUser: UserHandle)

Called when a user or profile is switched to.

Inherited functions
Unit abortBroadcast()

Sets the flag indicating that this receiver should abort the current broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. This will prevent any other broadcast receivers from receiving the broadcast. It will still call onReceive of the BroadcastReceiver that the caller of Context.sendOrderedBroadcast passed in.

This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast

Unit clearAbortBroadcast()

Clears the flag indicating that this receiver should abort the current broadcast.

Boolean getAbortBroadcast()

Returns the flag indicating whether or not this receiver should abort the current broadcast.

Boolean getDebugUnregister()

Return the last value given to setDebugUnregister.

Int getResultCode()

Retrieve the current result code, as set by the previous receiver.

String! getResultData()

Retrieve the current result data, as set by the previous receiver. Often this is null.

Bundle! getResultExtras(makeMap: Boolean)

Retrieve the current result extra data, as set by the previous receiver. Any changes you make to the returned Map will be propagated to the next receiver.

String? getSentFromPackage()

Returns the package name of the app that initially sent this broadcast.

Int getSentFromUid()

Returns the uid of the app that initially sent this broadcast.

BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult! goAsync()

This can be called by an application in onReceive to allow it to keep the broadcast active after returning from that function. This does not change the expectation of being relatively responsive to the broadcast, but does allow the implementation to move work related to it over to another thread to avoid glitching the main UI thread due to disk IO.

As a general rule, broadcast receivers are allowed to run for up to 10 seconds before the system will consider them non-responsive and ANR the app. Since these usually execute on the app's main thread, they are already bound by the ~5 second time limit of various operations that can happen there (not to mention just avoiding UI jank), so the receive limit is generally not of concern. However, once you use goAsync, though able to be off the main thread, the broadcast execution limit still applies, and that includes the time spent between calling this method and ultimately PendingResult.finish().

If you are taking advantage of this method to have more time to execute, it is useful to know that the available time can be longer in certain situations. In particular, if the broadcast you are receiving is not a foreground broadcast (that is, the sender has not used Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND), then more time is allowed for the receivers to run, allowing them to execute for 30 seconds or even a bit more. This is something that receivers should rarely take advantage of (long work should be punted to another system facility such as,, or see especially, but can be useful in certain rare cases where it is necessary to do some work as soon as the broadcast is delivered. Keep in mind that the work you do here will block further broadcasts until it completes, so taking advantage of this at all excessively can be counter-productive and cause later events to be received more slowly.

Boolean isInitialStickyBroadcast()

Returns true if the receiver is currently processing the initial value of a sticky broadcast -- that is, the value that was last broadcast and is currently held in the sticky cache, so this is not directly the result of a broadcast right now.

Boolean isOrderedBroadcast()

Returns true if the receiver is currently processing an ordered broadcast.

IBinder! peekService(myContext: Context!, service: Intent!)

Provide a binder to an already-bound service. This method is synchronous and will not start the target service if it is not present, so it is safe to call from onReceive. For peekService() to return a non null android.os.IBinder interface the service must have published it before. In other words some component must have called android.content.Context#bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection, int) on it.

Unit setDebugUnregister(debug: Boolean)

Control inclusion of debugging help for mismatched calls to Context.registerReceiver(). If called with true, before given to registerReceiver(), then the callstack of the following Context.unregisterReceiver() call is retained, to be printed if a later incorrect unregister call is made. Note that doing this requires retaining information about the BroadcastReceiver for the lifetime of the app, resulting in a leak -- this should only be used for debugging.

Unit setOrderedHint(isOrdered: Boolean)

For internal use, sets the hint about whether this BroadcastReceiver is running in ordered mode.

Unit setResult(code: Int, data: String!, extras: Bundle!)

Change all of the result data returned from this broadcasts; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. All current result data is replaced by the value given to this method.

This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast

Unit setResultCode(code: Int)

Change the current result code of this broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. Often uses the Activity and constants, though the actual meaning of this value is ultimately up to the broadcaster.

This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast

Unit setResultData(data: String!)

Change the current result data of this broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. This is an arbitrary string whose interpretation is up to the broadcaster.

This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast

Unit setResultExtras(extras: Bundle!)

Change the current result extras of this broadcast; only works with broadcasts sent through Context.sendOrderedBroadcast. This is a Bundle holding arbitrary data, whose interpretation is up to the broadcaster. Can be set to null. Calling this method completely replaces the current map (if any).

This method does not work with non-ordered broadcasts such as those sent with Context.sendBroadcast



Added in API level 29

Broadcast action: notify that some app is attempting to choose a KeyChain key.

Value: ""


Added in API level 8

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has disabled it. Upon return, the application no longer has access to the protected device policy manager APIs. You will generally handle this in DeviceAdminReceiver.onDisabled(Context, Intent). Note that this action will be sent the receiver regardless of whether it is explicitly listed in its intent filter.

Value: ""


Added in API level 8

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has requested to disable it, but before this has actually been done. This gives you a chance to supply a message to the user about the impact of disabling your admin, by setting the extra field EXTRA_DISABLE_WARNING in the result Intent. If not set, no warning will be displayed. If set, the given text will be shown to the user before they disable your admin.

Value: ""


Added in API level 8

This is the primary action that a device administrator must implement to be allowed to manage a device. This will be set to the receiver when the user enables it for administration. You will generally handle this in DeviceAdminReceiver.onEnabled(Context, Intent). To be supported, the receiver must also require the android.Manifest.permission#BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission so that other applications can not abuse it.

Value: ""


Added in API level 21

Action sent to a device administrator to notify that the device is entering lock task mode. The extra EXTRA_LOCK_TASK_PACKAGE will describe the package using lock task mode.

The calling device admin must be the device owner or profile owner to receive this broadcast.

Value: ""


Added in API level 21

Action sent to a device administrator to notify that the device is exiting lock task mode.

The calling device admin must be the device owner or profile owner to receive this broadcast.

Value: ""


Added in API level 29

Broadcast action: notify that a new batch of network logs is ready to be collected.

Value: ""


Added in API level 8

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has changed the password of their device or profile challenge. You can at this point check the characteristics of the new password with DevicePolicyManager.isActivePasswordSufficient(). You will generally handle this in DeviceAdminReceiver.onPasswordChanged(Context, Intent, UserHandle).

The calling device admin must have requested DeviceAdminInfo.USES_POLICY_LIMIT_PASSWORD to receive this broadcast.

Value: ""


Added in API level 11

Action periodically sent to a device administrator when the device or profile challenge password is expiring. You will generally handle this in DeviceAdminReceiver.onPasswordExpiring(Context, Intent, UserHandle).

The calling device admin must have requested DeviceAdminInfo.USES_POLICY_EXPIRE_PASSWORD to receive this broadcast.

Value: ""


Added in API level 8

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has entered an incorrect device or profile challenge password. You can at this point check the number of failed password attempts there have been with DevicePolicyManager.getCurrentFailedPasswordAttempts(). You will generally handle this in DeviceAdminReceiver.onPasswordFailed(Context, Intent, UserHandle).

The calling device admin must have requested DeviceAdminInfo.USES_POLICY_WATCH_LOGIN to receive this broadcast.

Value: ""


Added in API level 8

Action sent to a device administrator when the user has successfully entered their device or profile challenge password, after failing one or more times. You will generally handle this in DeviceAdminReceiver.onPasswordSucceeded(Context, Intent, UserHandle).

The calling device admin must have requested DeviceAdminInfo.USES_POLICY_WATCH_LOGIN to receive this broadcast.

Value: ""


Added in API level 21

Broadcast Action: This broadcast is sent to indicate that provisioning of a managed profile or managed device has completed successfully.

The broadcast is limited to the profile that will be managed by the application that requested provisioning. In the device owner case the profile is the primary user. The broadcast will also be limited to the DeviceAdminReceiver component specified in the original intent or NFC bump that started the provisioning process (see DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_PROVISION_MANAGED_PROFILE).

A device admin application which listens to this intent can find out if the device was provisioned for the device owner or profile owner case by calling respectively and You will generally handle this in DeviceAdminReceiver.onProfileProvisioningComplete.

The intent for this action may include the following extras:

Value: ""


Added in API level 31

Broadcast action: notify that a new batch of security logs is ready to be collected.

Value: ""


Added in API level 24

Bugreport completion process failed.

If this error code is received, the requesting of bugreport can be retried.

Value: 0


Added in API level 24

Bugreport has been created, but is no longer available for collection.

This error likely occurs because the user of the device hasn't consented to share the bugreport for a long period after its creation.

If this error code is received, the requesting of bugreport can be retried.

Value: 1


Added in API level 8
static val DEVICE_ADMIN_META_DATA: String

Name under which a DevicePolicy component publishes information about itself. This meta-data must reference an XML resource containing a device-admin tag.

Value: ""


Added in API level 8
static val EXTRA_DISABLE_WARNING: String

A CharSequence that can be shown to the user informing them of the impact of disabling your admin.

Value: ""


Added in API level 21
static val EXTRA_LOCK_TASK_PACKAGE: String

A string containing the name of the package entering lock task mode.

Value: ""


Added in API level 28

A android.os.Parcelable extra of type android.os.PersistableBundle that allows a mobile device management application to pass data to the management application instance after owner transfer.

If the transfer is successful, the new owner receives the data in DeviceAdminReceiver.onTransferOwnershipComplete(Context, PersistableBundle). The bundle is not changed during the ownership transfer.

Value: ""

Public constructors



Public methods


Added in API level 8
open fun getManager(context: Context): DevicePolicyManager

Retrieve the DevicePolicyManager interface for this administrator to work with the system.

context Context: This value cannot be null.
DevicePolicyManager This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 8
open fun getWho(context: Context): ComponentName

Retrieve the ComponentName describing who this device administrator is, for use in DevicePolicyManager APIs that require the administrator to identify itself.

context Context: This value cannot be null.
ComponentName This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 24
open fun onBugreportFailed(
    context: Context,
    intent: Intent,
    failureCode: Int
): Unit

Called when the bugreport collection flow has failed.

This callback is only applicable to device owners.

context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
failureCode Int: int containing failure code. One of BUGREPORT_FAILURE_FAILED_COMPLETING or BUGREPORT_FAILURE_FILE_NO_LONGER_AVAILABLE Value is, or


Added in API level 24
open fun onBugreportShared(
    context: Context,
    intent: Intent,
    bugreportHash: String
): Unit

Called when the bugreport has been shared with the device administrator app.

This callback is only applicable to device owners.

context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. Contains the URI of the bugreport file (with MIME type "application/"), that can be accessed by calling Intent.getData() This value cannot be null.
bugreportHash String: SHA-256 hash of the bugreport file. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 24
open fun onBugreportSharingDeclined(
    context: Context,
    intent: Intent
): Unit

Called when sharing a bugreport has been cancelled by the user of the device.

This callback is only applicable to device owners.

context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 23
open fun onChoosePrivateKeyAlias(
    context: Context,
    intent: Intent,
    uid: Int,
    uri: Uri?,
    alias: String?
): String?

Allows this receiver to select the alias for a private key and certificate pair for authentication. If this method returns null, the default will be shown that lets the user pick a private key and certificate pair. If this method returns KeyChain.KEY_ALIAS_SELECTION_DENIED, the default will not be shown and the user will not be allowed to pick anything. And the app, that called, will receive null back.

context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
uid Int: The uid of the app asking for the private key and certificate pair.
uri Uri?: The URI to authenticate, may be null.
alias String?: The alias preselected by the client, or null.
String? The private key alias to return and grant access to.

See Also


    Added in API level 31
    open fun onComplianceAcknowledgementRequired(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Called to notify a profile owner of an organization-owned device that it needs to acknowledge device compliance to allow the user to turn the profile off if needed according to the maximum profile time off policy. Default implementation acknowledges compliance immediately. DPC may prefer to override this implementation to delay acknowledgement until a successful policy sync. Until compliance is acknowledged the user is still free to turn the profile off, but the timer won't be reset, so personal apps will be suspended sooner. This callback is delivered using a foreground broadcast and should be handled quickly.

    context Context: the running context as per onReceive This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 8
    open fun onDisableRequested(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): CharSequence?

    Called when the user has asked to disable the administrator, as a result of receiving ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_DISABLE_REQUESTED, giving you a chance to present a warning message to them. The message is returned as the result; if null is returned (the default implementation), no message will be displayed.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    CharSequence? Return the warning message to display to the user before being disabled; if null is returned, no message is displayed.


    Added in API level 8
    open fun onDisabled(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Called prior to the administrator being disabled, as a result of receiving ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_DISABLED. Upon return, you can no longer use the protected parts of the DevicePolicyManager API.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 8
    open fun onEnabled(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Called after the administrator is first enabled, as a result of receiving ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_ENABLED. At this point you can use DevicePolicyManager to set your desired policies.

    If the admin is activated by a device owner, then the intent may contain private extras that are relevant to user setup. {@see DevicePolicyManager#createAndManageUser(ComponentName, String, ComponentName, * PersistableBundle, int)}

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 21
    open fun onLockTaskModeEntering(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        pkg: String
    ): Unit

    Called when a device is entering lock task mode.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    pkg String: The authorized package using lock task mode. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 21
    open fun onLockTaskModeExiting(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Called when a device is exiting lock task mode.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 26
    open fun onNetworkLogsAvailable(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        batchToken: Long,
        networkLogsCount: Int
    ): Unit

    Called each time a new batch of network logs can be retrieved. This callback method will only ever be called when network logging is enabled. The logs can only be retrieved while network logging is enabled.

    If a secondary user or profile is created, this callback won't be received until all users become affiliated again (even if network logging is enabled). It will also no longer be possible to retrieve the network logs batch with the most recent batchToken provided by this callback. See DevicePolicyManager.setAffiliationIds.

    This callback is only applicable to device owners and profile owners.

    This callback is triggered by a foreground broadcast and the app should ensure that any long-running work is not executed synchronously inside the callback.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    batchToken Long: The token representing the current batch of network logs.
    networkLogsCount Int: The total count of events in the current batch of network logs. Value is 1 or greater


    Added in API level 31
    open fun onOperationSafetyStateChanged(
        context: Context,
        reason: Int,
        isSafe: Boolean
    ): Unit

    Called to notify the state of operations that can be unsafe to execute has changed.

    Note: notice that the operation safety state might change between the time this callback is received and the operation's method on DevicePolicyManager is called, so calls to the latter could still throw a UnsafeStateException even when this method is called with isSafe as true

    context Context: the running context as per onReceive This value cannot be null.
    reason Int: the reason an operation could be unsafe. Value is, or
    isSafe Boolean: whether the operation is safe to be executed.


    Added in API level 8
    Deprecated in API level 26
    open fun onPasswordChanged(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Deprecated: From android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#O, use onPasswordChanged(android.content.Context,android.content.Intent,android.os.UserHandle) instead.

    Called after the user has changed their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_CHANGED. At this point you can use DevicePolicyManager.getPasswordQuality(android.content.ComponentName) to retrieve the active password characteristics.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 26
    open fun onPasswordChanged(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        user: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called after the user has changed their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_CHANGED. At this point you can use DevicePolicyManager.getPasswordQuality(android.content.ComponentName) to retrieve the active password characteristics.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    user UserHandle: The user or profile for whom the password changed. To see whether this user is the current profile or a parent user, check for equality with Process.myUserHandle. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 11
    Deprecated in API level 26
    open fun onPasswordExpiring(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Deprecated: From android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#O, use onPasswordExpiring(android.content.Context,android.content.Intent,android.os.UserHandle) instead.

    Called periodically when the device or profile challenge password is about to expire or has expired. It will typically be called at these times: on device boot, once per day before the password expires, and at the time when the password expires.

    If the password is not updated by the user, this method will continue to be called once per day until the password is changed or the device admin disables password expiration.

    The admin will typically post a notification requesting the user to change their password in response to this call. The actual password expiration time can be obtained by calling DevicePolicyManager.getPasswordExpiration(ComponentName)

    The admin should be sure to take down any notifications it posted in response to this call when it receives DeviceAdminReceiver.onPasswordChanged(Context, Intent).

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 26
    open fun onPasswordExpiring(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        user: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called periodically when the device or profile challenge password is about to expire or has expired. It will typically be called at these times: on device boot, once per day before the password expires, and at the time when the password expires.

    If the password is not updated by the user, this method will continue to be called once per day until the password is changed or the device admin disables password expiration.

    The admin will typically post a notification requesting the user to change their password in response to this call. The actual password expiration time can be obtained by calling DevicePolicyManager.getPasswordExpiration(ComponentName)

    The admin should be sure to take down any notifications it posted in response to this call when it receives DeviceAdminReceiver.onPasswordChanged(Context, Intent, UserHandle).

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    user UserHandle: The user or profile for whom the password is expiring. To see whether this user is the current profile or a parent user, check for equality with Process.myUserHandle. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 8
    Deprecated in API level 26
    open fun onPasswordFailed(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Deprecated: From android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#O, use onPasswordFailed(android.content.Context,android.content.Intent,android.os.UserHandle) instead.

    Called after the user has failed at entering their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_FAILED. At this point you can use DevicePolicyManager.getCurrentFailedPasswordAttempts() to retrieve the number of failed password attempts.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 26
    open fun onPasswordFailed(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        user: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called after the user has failed at entering their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_FAILED. At this point you can use DevicePolicyManager.getCurrentFailedPasswordAttempts() to retrieve the number of failed password attempts.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    user UserHandle: The user or profile for whom the password check failed. To see whether this user is the current profile or a parent user, check for equality with Process.myUserHandle. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 8
    Deprecated in API level 26
    open fun onPasswordSucceeded(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Deprecated: From android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#O, use onPasswordSucceeded(android.content.Context,android.content.Intent,android.os.UserHandle) instead.

    Called after the user has succeeded at entering their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_SUCCEEDED. This will only be received the first time they succeed after having previously failed.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 26
    open fun onPasswordSucceeded(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        user: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called after the user has succeeded at entering their device or profile challenge password, as a result of receiving ACTION_PASSWORD_SUCCEEDED. This will only be received the first time they succeed after having previously failed.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    user UserHandle: The user of profile for whom the password check succeeded. To see whether this user is the current profile or a parent user, check for equality with Process.myUserHandle. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 21
    open fun onProfileProvisioningComplete(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Called when provisioning of a managed profile or managed device has completed successfully.

    As a prerequisite for the execution of this callback the DeviceAdminReceiver has to declare an intent filter for ACTION_PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE. Its component must also be specified in the DevicePolicyManager.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADMIN of the DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_PROVISION_MANAGED_PROFILE intent that started the managed provisioning.

    When provisioning of a managed profile is complete, the managed profile is hidden until the profile owner calls DevicePolicyManager.setProfileEnabled(ComponentName admin). Typically a profile owner will enable the profile when it has finished any additional setup such as adding an account by using the AccountManager and calling APIs to bring the profile into the desired state.

    Note that provisioning completes without waiting for any server interactions, so the profile owner needs to wait for data to be available if required (e.g. Android device IDs or other data that is set as a result of server interactions).

    From version android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#O, when managed provisioning has completed, along with this callback the activity intent DevicePolicyManager.ACTION_PROVISIONING_SUCCESSFUL will also be sent to the same application.

    The Intent may include any of the extras specified for ACTION_PROFILE_PROVISIONING_COMPLETE.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 23
    Deprecated in API level 24
    open fun onReadyForUserInitialization(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Deprecated: Do not use

    Called during provisioning of a managed device to allow the device initializer to perform user setup steps.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 8
    open fun onReceive(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Intercept standard device administrator broadcasts. Implementations should not override this method; it is better to implement the convenience callbacks for each action.

    context Context: This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 24
    open fun onSecurityLogsAvailable(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent
    ): Unit

    Called when a new batch of security logs can be retrieved.

    If a secondary user or profile is created, this callback won't be received until all users become affiliated again (even if security logging is enabled). See DevicePolicyManager.setAffiliationIds

    This callback will be re-triggered if the logs are not retrieved.

    This callback is only applicable to device owners and profile owners of organization-owned managed profiles.

    This callback is triggered by a foreground broadcast and the app should ensure that any long-running work is not executed synchronously inside the callback.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 23
    open fun onSystemUpdatePending(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        receivedTime: Long
    ): Unit

    Called when the information about a pending system update is available.

    Allows the receiver to be notified when information about a pending system update is available from the system update service. The same pending system update can trigger multiple calls to this method, so it is necessary to examine the incoming parameters for details about the update.

    This callback is only applicable to device owners and profile owners.

    To get further information about a pending system update (for example, whether or not the update is a security patch), the device owner or profile owner can call DevicePolicyManager.getPendingSystemUpdate.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    receivedTime Long: The time as given by System.currentTimeMillis() indicating when the current pending update was first available. -1 if no pending update is available.


    Added in API level 28
    open fun onTransferAffiliatedProfileOwnershipComplete(
        context: Context,
        user: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called on the device owner when the ownership of one of its affiliated profiles is transferred.

    This can be used when transferring both device and profile ownership when using work profile on a fully managed device. The process would look like this:

    1. Transfer profile ownership
    2. The device owner gets notified with this callback
    3. Transfer device ownership
    4. Both profile and device ownerships have been transferred
    context Context: the running context as per onReceive This value cannot be null.
    user UserHandle: the UserHandle of the affiliated user This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 28
    open fun onTransferOwnershipComplete(
        context: Context,
        bundle: PersistableBundle?
    ): Unit

    Called on the newly assigned owner (either device owner or profile owner) when the ownership transfer has completed successfully.

    The bundle parameter allows the original owner to pass data to the new one.

    context Context: the running context as per onReceive This value cannot be null.
    bundle PersistableBundle?: the data to be passed to the new owner This value may be null.


    Added in API level 26
    open fun onUserAdded(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        addedUser: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called when a user or profile is created.

    This callback is only applicable to device owners.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    addedUser UserHandle: The UserHandle of the user that has just been added. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 26
    open fun onUserRemoved(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        removedUser: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called when a user or profile is removed.

    This callback is only applicable to device owners.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    removedUser UserHandle: The UserHandle of the user that has just been removed. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 28
    open fun onUserStarted(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        startedUser: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called when a user or profile is started.

    This callback is only applicable to device owners.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    startedUser UserHandle: The UserHandle of the user that has just been started. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 28
    open fun onUserStopped(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        stoppedUser: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called when a user or profile is stopped.

    This callback is only applicable to device owners.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    stoppedUser UserHandle: The UserHandle of the user that has just been stopped. This value cannot be null.


    Added in API level 28
    open fun onUserSwitched(
        context: Context,
        intent: Intent,
        switchedUser: UserHandle
    ): Unit

    Called when a user or profile is switched to.

    This callback is only applicable to device owners.

    context Context: The running context as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    intent Intent: The received intent as per onReceive. This value cannot be null.
    switchedUser UserHandle: The UserHandle of the user that has just been switched to. This value cannot be null.